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General Discussions

i had a conversation with a killer..



  • Member Posts: 7,779

    What a cringy original post.

  • Member Posts: 2,870
  • Member Posts: 563

    Why is unbreakable meta it only counters slugging right?

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Sounds like you also bullied a new player.

    *claps slowly*

  • Member Posts: 56

    It only forces a lose lose situation if you decide to tunnel. Oddly enough, neither of these perks synergize if you get off me and go find someone else.

    So tired of hearing killer mains whine about the survivor meta, but you clearly brought it onto yourselves. Do you think I enjoy wasting 2 perk slots every game just to defend myself against scumbags? Hell no! I'd much rather be running something quirky like Desperate Measures, Solidarity, Botany and Empathy. But the second you take UB and DS off, the killers tunnel you like their very existence depends on it.

    So basically, sorry not sorry. Stop being rude and we can all get back to our respective, normal metas.

  • Member Posts: 30

    I'm a killer main myself, and I think it's important to point out that camping and tunneling are items in a tool kit. However, the tunneling that OP mentions is a bit further than what I'm talking about.

    That kind of stuff that the Legion did isn't to my taste. Tunneling isn't even fun as a killer.

    As for "ruining someone else's fun," I do think it's important for both sides to realize that it isn't your opponent's job to ensure that you have fun. That's your job. Sure, there are dick moves you can do, but you've got to be willing to take it back, which is really where I think this Legion didn't show class.

    TLDR: Quit disconnecting you babies.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    "Just go find someone else!"

    And what if I happen to find you working on a generator? You don't run off it, because you have invincibility time left. I'm not tunneling you, because you're working on a generator so you felt safe enough to do that.

    One minute is also an awful long time. I don't see why I should just ignore you for one minute, during which time you can complete roughly 75% of a generator. If you just came off the hook, that's one thing. But when you sit on a generator instead of going and healing up that's another.

  • Member Posts: 4

    Can't blame you for being pissed off that guy clearly only wants to play this game like a jerk i admit i have a bit of a double standard as well since I have tunneled before but I try not to without good reason and generally its to mori out of the game after first hook because I need to kill someone fast because I'm getting gen rushed by 4 toolboxes a key or your just toxic af to me but to be honest both sides ######### sweat there asses off regardless of what the killer is doing or the survivors are doing

  • Member Posts: 52

    i play both sides and personally prefer playing killer, and if i randomly get a baby into my match i go easy on them. i don't tunnel anyone and always go for the person who went to go for the rescue (mostly to farm right in front of me). i also often give the last person hatch. that is, if they aren't being completely cheeky and toxic. sure those players could make the match more interesting but if it's a 3 or 4 swf who play very coordinated it's just no fun. it's the same way if i play survivor and the killer facecamps or tunnels for no reason. i don't ever complain or try to mock other players in the endgame chat either, as i want everyone to have fun during the match as much as they allow it to be possible.

  • Member Posts: 5

    As a killer main I can see your point, but some times it's part of the strategy. If the match has been going for 5 minutes and all but 1 gen needs fixed, I'll tunnel someone. Not so much to get that kill but because I want to make sure they get the third hook when the gates open, I typically run blood Warden and noed.

  • Member Posts: 188

    Sounds like he was just as inexperienced as that meg. But oh well what can you do? I certainly don't think you should have had a pop back at him. Be the bigger person and that. But yeah there's survivors and killers like that in this game.

  • But then again, this can only happens when you tunnel .-. Though I agree that it's one of the best perks in the game, since many killers love tunneling (at least in my matches when I play survivor).

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    You clearly haven't played killer a lot or watched any streamer nor the recent tournament if you think that's true.

  • Member Posts: 56

    I understand the premise of your argument, but still say it stands on shaky ground. As a survivor main, I can say with certainty I'd much rather not use my DS. If I sit and work a gen, and DS you, 100% you'll be coming for me as I've pissed you off. Other scenario is you see me, push me off the gen (which yes, I will always leave when you're there), and go to apply pressure elsewhere for a bit. ****, kick the gen, refill your bottles, set some traps, but just get off my ***.

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    In my opinion you quit that discussion too early, see if he can actually realize the issue. And the thread is the usual, people do not even bother to read till the end at least that is what I assume from lots of posts. At least the usual found something new to blame on certain people, good for those i suppose.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    That's you.

    Other survivors want to use their DS and will sit on a generator with DS knowing they are safe. At which point I can't undo the generator they completed with DS. Had a game like that yesterday. Jane got unhooked, and went RIGHT TO THE GENERATOR without healing. I got back, they didn't get off the gen. I downed the Jane -- but could not pick her up because she had DS. In fact EVERYONE in the game except the Bill (who was left on his first hook to die, and I had completely forgotten he was there) had DS and Unbreakable. And of course she also had unbreakable (EVERYONE in that match did). What exactly am I supposed to do against that? There's just no counter play involved.

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