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What's your top 3 hated killer list?



  • Member Posts: 391

    The fact that I didn't even come across any Hags before Otz's tier list hits different.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    For some killers, the chase is their only means of pressure.

    I’m a Clown main. I HAVE to be able to find survivors fast and get into chases quick. I HAVE to down them quick by using gas at loops to make it impossible for a survivor to reach a vault or pallet before they take a hit.

    Clown needs that. Because he doesn’t have anything else.

  • Member Posts: 96



    3:pyramid head

  • Member Posts: 703

    Oni, just oni, hes not enjoyable to me in any way

  • Member Posts: 1,327
    1. Trapper: I like playing him but I really hate playing against him. It’s not very fun to just immediately go down because the killer happened to set up at the tile you are looping at. Plus, in my experience, Trappers often camp and tunnel because his play style encourages very territorial gameplay. Same reasons I dislike Hag
    2. Plauge: I like using off meta builds, especially builds dedicated to altruism and healing so Plauge hard countering my entire build by simply existing is very frustrating lol.
    3. Ghostface and to an extent myers but mainly Gf because being downed due to them 99’ing their stalk isn’t very fun in my opinion. Plus, you know, you can literally stare directly at a ghostface in the open with nothing covering him and still not reveal him but I think someone already mentioned that lol. Also, for some reason, almost every Ghostface I come across loves to tunnel. Not really a problem with the character, just a weird thing I noticed.

    dishonourable mentions: Pp head because you can easily tunnel with zero consequence if the survivor is tormented. Freddy because if they stack a crap ton of slowdown then it can take a millennia just to do one gen which is very very boring. Spirit for obvious reasons lol.

  • Member Posts: 563

    I know it's only 3 but I have 4





  • Member Posts: 1,138

    1. Hag


    3. Hag

    I hate playing against killers that require me to have an attention span longer than a fly's.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Hrm. Hate might be too strong a word, but I suppose it would be these three that throw me for a loop the most often:

    1. Pig
    2. Ghostface
    3. Wraith

    And yes, I have noticed they are all Stealth Killers. :)

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    Good see everyone still loving the perfect killer Ghostface ☺️

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Huntress and Pyramid Head.

    9/10 of them tunnel/camp

  • Member Posts: 1,721
    edited October 2020

    Freddy - the overtuned boring bastard can go back to burning in hell.

    Doc - Much less I hate facing him, more like I hate facing him with solo-teammates. They always, always, ALWAYS go, "How did he fi-AAAAAAAHHH me!"

    Clown - He gives me headaches that's to that damn gas.

  • Member Posts: 10,390

    Meyers, Ghost Face, and Spirit.

    I don't like stealth killers, especially ones that instadown you just by staring at you, or in Meyer's case by staring at someone else. Spirit is annoying because you can't see her while she's phasing and she can fake it by standing still. Also, she's hard to see in just a regular chase because she phases in and out of reality for split seconds, making unmindgameable loops mindgameable just because of passive animations.

  • Member Posts: 40

    I don’t particularly hate any killer as I actually like the different gameplay you encounter with each. The only killer I sometimes roll my eyes at would be Plague, but that’s only because I often run healing builds and she denies it completely lol.

  • Member Posts: 6
    1. Bubba - Super unfun, insta down killers are super unfun to fight, except Oni.
    2. Freddy - Amazing if played well, and unfortunately, I've only fought good Freddy's
    3. Hag - Can get a 4k easy if your teammates run off the hook save, even if the killer isn't good they can win easy.
  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Well if it makes you feel any better, I play the Spooky Myers as often as I can and thus can't hit Tier-3. :)

  • 3 Death slinger 2freddy and 1 LEGOIN

  • Member Posts: 4,992
    1. Freddy
    2. Spirit
    3. Doctor

    All broken killers needing at least a slight nerf (Doctor), or a major rework (Freddy).

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    1: pyramid head- boring chase, and most of them tunnel if someone is tormented

    2: slinger- also boring chase, most of the time the match takes forever to end too so yeah

    3: clown- again, boring chase, and the blurred vision from bottles sometimes gives me headaches

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    For Survivor: 1: Hag

    2: Spirit,

    3: Freddy

    Fro killer: 1: Hillbilly

    2: Huntress

    3: Trapper

  • Member Posts: 1,528
  • Member Posts: 1,528

    Spirit. No need to explain. Slinger. No need to explain.

    Clown. His visual effects give me headaches to where I can't play for the rest of the day. He's the only killer i dc against for this reason.

  • Member Posts: 3,099
    edited October 2020

    How? All it seems he does is spam m2 and stop my from dropping pallets and vaulting windows.

  • Member Posts: 416
    edited October 2020

    To play against:

    1) Hag/Hag

    2) Legion/Hag

    3) Spirit/Hag

    To play as:

    1) Hag/Hag

    2) Legion/Hag

    3) Nurse/Hag

    I couldn't decide how many spots I wanted to put Hag in so I just put two in one spot.

  • Member Posts: 1,783

    Trapper- I'm a trap magnet and even a rank 20 first time trapper could destroy me with their trap setups. I also overthink every loop because I assume every trapper has 200IQ with their placement.

    Deathslinger- It's just feels like it's impossible to do anything against a really good one and it requires an actual team to win in those cases. If you're in solo and the Slinger is even a little good, you've probably lost if your team is messing around.

    Spirit- Same as the Slinger but even worse in almost every respect.

    Nurse gets out a shoutout as she's even worse then Spirit but I actually enjoy facing a good one as long as it's not multiple in a small time frame.

  • Member Posts: 1,289
    1. Deathslinger - I wouldn't mind his free zoning as much if I at least had some indication he was in my general vicinity before he's basically sniffing my hair.
    2. Spirit - It's time to play Guess that Phase! Is she behind me, or is she to my right? She's standing still! Isn't Stridor such an original perk on Spirit?
    3. Clown, with Freddy closely contending. - Drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop, drop pallet early, run to next loop... or they'll sometimes just Bloodlust with their slowdown. :)
  • Member Posts: 122

    I used to main Myers and he's HARD countered by good Survivors — they just deprive him of tiering up for as long as possible. If you can keep Myers in T1 for a couple gens you've basically won. He's really tall and sticks out on almost every map, just keep your head on a swivel and don't be that Survivor who feeds him early in the game. Kind of like Deathslinger, always keep objects between you and him to obscure his stalk.

  • Member Posts: 1,073

    Freddy: for many of the above listed reasons.

    Pyramid Head: Haven't faced new PH yet but he's most likely to have my teammates dead way too fast and make my matches kinda boring.

    Hag: the Killer most likely to get you killed by your teammates. Honestly I don't mind her. However the actions of my teammates in solo play make her unbearable to go against because the lemmings keep wanting to jump off the cliff...

  • Member Posts: 1,274
    edited October 2020

    Freddy: Too simple and straightforward for the insane amount of utility he gets. He's also lacking in the interesting interaction department which leaves him feeling really boring and sometimes frustrating to play against. Freddy is the only killer in DbD that leaves me feeling disappointed every time I play against him (regardless of match results). It's great that he is no longer hilariously weak, but he's still rather dull from a gameplay perspective.

    Ghost Face: I'll stop hating him when his Shroud/Reveal mechanics finally start consistently working as intended. I like Scream, I like Ghost Face, and I want to like him as he appears in DbD, but he always just feels broken in ways that randomly benefit or hurt him greatly. Kind of hoping he'll get a different power in the future instead of "Discount Evil Within".

    Plague: Removes a large portion of Altruism and Stealth opportunities from the survivors and seems to become bugged every other patch. I guess Corrupt Purge can lead to some neat shifts in play, but the rest of Plague's kit leaves a lot to be desired. She's just kind of lackluster in everything but appearance and (perhaps thankfully) doesn't seem to be played by many people.

  • Member Posts: 296
    1. Pyramid, you drop the pallet you get hit, you try to outplay and bait you get hit.
    2. Freddy, Bloodlust King with the snare, and most games are just boring (Ropes, dying light, tita, sloppy etc pretty much a M1 simulator on gens + POP and BBQ very fun.
    3. Deathslinger because of low TR or a stridor Spirit
  • Member Posts: 296

    Oh yeah.. i love self caring people against legion LMAO

    the best thing is when you repair the gen and the meg next to you want to heal you and point at you for 20 seconds instead of pressing M1 on the gen :)

  • Member Posts: 3,304

    Doctor - Being zapped all the time is annoying.

    Freddie - Usually toxic and campers and his map control is horrid to play against

    Hag - Annoying full stop

  • Member Posts: 3,487

    There are a couple I want to mention, but there are three killers I have to put on the list so Deathslinger and Pyramid Head this is your lucky day! I won't mention you this time.

    1. Doctor - I scream like my survivor does when I know it's this maniac
    2. Freddy - Dreamworld yes who likes that? No one ok.
    3. Legion - We love mending..? No we don't.
  • Member Posts: 550

    Trapper, hag, Freddy. Slinger and spirit are awful but at least you can sometimes guess and be right.

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