Anyone else notice an influx of, well, awful players?

For the past several days, both on Killer and Survivor, it feels like every game now I'm running into people who just hold W and don't even look behind them in a chase. Countless games now are immediately complete slaughters as they are often 2v1s or 1v1s, or on the flip side when i'm killer, I could be asleep and still 4k without a single gen being done.
I get rank doesn't mean much, and at the risk of sounding like I have an ego; but as someone who has been Red both sides for ages and is generally better than the average player, it seems like I'm getting more and more rank 15s in disguise, dunno how everyone else's games are going.
You know what day we're coming up to right? It's almost the 13th...
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rank reset ahhhhhhhhh
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Maybe not everybody plays all day and eats, sleeps, and breathes noob3, otzdarva, and aryun
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Most the Reds I get are decent.
Its the purple and greens that are getting tossed into the mix that are well less-than par. Understandable, but why (especially when playing as survivor) are there 2 purples and a green with a Rank 1-2 survivor and a Rank 1-2 killer. It usually amounts to a quick slaughter. Even after a decent chase, I see them walking around aimlessly, almost as if they feel they have 30min to finish the trial.
Anymore, I’m not sure what the “ranks don’t matter” argument’s percentages really are.
If they don’t matter, then I haven’t had it proven to me well enough, yet. Sure, there are tier’s to player’s loop skills, but what I see many survivors doing (or not doing) in matches is a bit concerning.
Everyone plays their own style, in whatever mood they’re currently in, I suppose
Also, how effective will MMR really be when it’s fully functional, because the last run was all over the place.
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When people say ranks don’t matter, what they (including myself) generally mean is that they are more so only a gauge of basic skill and time played.
when you see a Diamond in Siege or a Rank 1 PvPer in WoW, you know that for the most part, they are the top of the line players. With DBD, red ranks, especially close to reset, are so diluted with people who the system pushed up needlessly that it no longer has that degree of “prestige” for lack of a better word.
red rank only truly matters at rank 1-2 IMO as that shows consistency
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I've been playing killers I'm bad with for the purpose of deranking and also practicing those killers and in the last week I've gotten so many Adept achievements as killer in purple just under red ranks that it's been crazy. Hoping when reset hits I'll be able to get the last of the adepts I need so I can work on getting back up to Rank 1 with my mains again.
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you've already reached rank 1 why do you even care anymore. I mean if you want to go there that's great but If I ever hit rank 1(not damn likely) I wouldn't care what my rank was ever again.
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For the hell of it. I like the challenge and trying to maintain that rank as killer is actually kinda fun. I however don't care if I hit it again and drop down again because I know that I've done it before and can do it again.
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I was playing Survivor for Archive challenges and got a Rank 1 Deathslinger with good Tier 3 teachables (Hex: Undying, Hex: Ruin, BBQ, and M&A) that kept trying to mindgame a god pallet.
We spent two generators there before he broke it and he lost the final one after as he was hooking me.
He had a Mori and had hooked everyone else. He didn't camp me and couldn't catch the guy who did the last gen before he got out. Everyone Escaped.
He literally threw the game spending over 80 seconds trying to mindgame an obviously safe pallet. He had good aim. There was nothing else safe left in the area. It was a deadzone. I went down like 15 seconds after he broke it.
I just don't understand how or why.
It troubles me.
The sound of Dwight's moans, the ambient Injured music (because Deathslinger has literally no Terror Radius and chase ended because I spent most of the time standing still looking for his Red Light or Mending after he'd shoot me from across the pallet), and the sounds of Deathslinger M1'ing the same side of a pallet now haunt my dreams at night.
Why Rank 1 Deathslinger? Why?
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I played solo queue yesterday and had the same experience. I got hookfarmed, another surv looped near a hooked survivor giving us 0 Chance to unhook. And guess who did 1 1/2 gens alone? Stuff like that shouldn't happen in red ranks.
Killer got a 4k because of the basic mistakes not because he was good.
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I know the game was on sale recently across many platforms.
Newer players?
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Another issue with high ranks I find is they take credit for doing everything when they've done about the same as others or less.
had a game the other day where a rank 3 that claimed that the did nothing while they did 2 unhooks and 2 Gens, without realizing that the one gen they finished I got off of as soon as they came up to avoid discordance that I knew the Legion was running. They escaped with a key and I had to save someone on hook they were right next too but refused to move even when the killer wasn't there. They also didn't take to account that the rest of us were keeping the killer off of them. I baffles me sometimes.
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Replying to the title: Yes, personally I have. It's like a wave that happens during a certain time, every month, without being able to stop it. If you play during this certain time, you have a 71% chance of running into:
- A Toxic 4-man SWF.
- 4 Blendettes w/ Flashlights.
- Seal Team 'GenRuSHeRs' Six
- At Least 2 Megs
- Camping Stridor Spirit
- First Down T-bag Ghost Face
- Basement Bubba
- Speed Train Bubba
Typically, you know you're in this wave of the month if you get at least 2 Megs in your lobby. Then, you know it's about to go down.
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I got one for you.
- 3 Megs and a Bill All with medkits and one flashlight.