Survivors disconnecting is getting pretty old BHVR

Every few games this happens and it's a total waste of my time. Down someone early? DC. Down a survivor while another is on a hook? DC.
Can we have some meaningful DC penalties please? I've played 5 games tonight and 3 of them had ragequitters in the first minute.
Yeah it is pretty ridiculous. There's been so many it's been hard to keep track of them all today, but here were a few memorable ones.
- I merely walked by a guy as Deathslinger on a farm map and he instantly disconnected and then his SWF buddy followed suit and d/ced. The other two guys gave themselves up and I just hooked them immediately. They both d/ced then expressed displeasure at me not farming in the chat. Dudes, I just want to move on to the next game, I don't want to farm.
- Downed a survivor and all four immediately disconnected when I was playing as Freddy on a MacMillan map
- I was playing normal build Nurse on HAWKINS. I got my first down and while I was carrying them to a hook, someone cleansed a totem giving me Hex: Retribution aura information. I saw someone going into a locker from the reading. I pulled them out right after hooking and they rage quit... against Nurse... on PS4... on HAWKINS (i don't have crossplay enabled)
- Playing white nit comb/dull bracelet Nurse on PS4. Find the first guy and down him, rage quit
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Yep, it just feels like if you get a good start as killer, survivors won't play out the game. They're only interested in landslide wins.
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1. It's your fault for playing deathslinger. He's too strong and unfun.
2. It's your fault for playing Freddy. He's too strong and unfun.
3,4. It's your fault for playing nurse. She's too strong and unfun.
You should have played no addon no perk clown. Oh, and they'll still DC.
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*Questions in Pig and Legion*
Da fuq you talking about?
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Clown is a fun killer!!!!
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Ah, yes, it is BHVR's fault that players are selecting the "Leave Match" button on their own free will.
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This is actually the first post I've seen not blaming bhvr. Doesn't matter if they're pro rage quit or anti-rage quit. They all blame bhvr.
Logic of pro-rage quitters: they wouldn't be rage quitting if BHVR fixed their problems.
Logic of anti-rage quitters: BHVR do something to discourage ppl from quitting. DC penalties and removing the ability to suicide on hook.
Honorable mention: game is trash/buggy with disconnects and glitches that require disconnecting.
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Same that's why we need the disconnection penalties.
That prevented salty survivors from dcing/ragequitting just because they get outplayed.
And then replace the disconnected survivors with disconnection bots. If the Killer dc's the killer gets a dc penalty and gets replaced with a Killer bot that's designed to 4k.
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I don't DC from games on either side of the field. the only time I've DC'd is because it locked up or some kicked me out of a game, and I still loose the pip and any items I had. part of it is game error. If only the game could tell the difference and act accordingly. but it's a computer not a person so.
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I see a lot of killers here, but I am a main survivor and it is unbearable from my side too.
It does not let very much chances to escape when another survivor DC from the start because he was so bad that he let himself being hooked 30s after the game started u_u
Half of the games are punctuated by DCs...
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Behavior does have the power to discourage people from wanting to DC. They could also implement a system that DCers would only be matched with other DCers when they join a queue.
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Ban system like CS:GO no resets, less dcs.
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the bots thing I been for but disconnection penalties never did anything survivors will just throw them self at the killer kill them self on first hook,when killer dc you get keep all your point and start new game your not stuck so why punish them maybe they getting tried being bully.
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Instead of punish, I would reward players for not dc'ing.
Add a stackable bp bonus for every completed game.
For example, it can be 5% for every game.
Players who dont dc for 20 game get double bp.
If they rage - they go back to normal 100% bp gain and they have to play 20 games again to get to double bp.
Also, add to the leave button a warning that they will lose their bp bonus. :^)
Edit: both suicide on hook (letting go the struggle) and leaving would reset bp bonus.
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I like it but the suicide on hook think. I think it should be a button to suicide rather than spam to stay alive, i didnt press quite hard enough on time while spamming and died from it. I get the intent, to make it feel like you are in life or death but j feel its a weird mechanic
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Not only are disconnects a problem but so is the sheer amount of people who justify their reasons for doing it -.-
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Dc’s are a huge quality of life issue with the bans disabled. There were definitely fewer disconnects when we had automatic bans. I’m sure figuring out a way to reenable them without letting hackers get other players banned is still a high priority for them, but my guess is at this point they’re still not sure how to do it. I’d even say reenabling manual ingame tickets for early disconnects could be worth the extra customer service workload except I suspect that if hackers could fool the automated system into thinking a killer disconnected then they could also fool the endgame screen so it would still suffer the same exploit.
Fingers crossed Behaviour figures it out though, ragequitters are the worst.
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There will always be problems with dc and penalties
So let’s make dc’s entertaining.
Make them them explode or something equally gruesome
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When you have four years of continuous nerfing to one side and continuing buffing to the other side, you are going to have some feeling disgusted on one side. Survivors used to never DC or kill themselves, but it has escalated within the past year and thats a warning sign to BHVR.
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Survivors used to never DC or kill themselves,
I'm sorry, what? Survivors quite famously DCd and suicided at the slightest inconvenience.
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I be for this anyway to get more bloodpoints still waiting for another double bloodpoints event this hollow blight event may not cut it.
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But it is gradually getting worse as killer becomes more and more unbearable to play against. People play to have a fair chance at winning.
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It only got worse after the DC penalty was removed, so survivors could once again DC without any consequence. However, most killers have not been changed since then. This is just people who can't handle losing, nothing more. They need to be banned.
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No, they want a 'fair' chance at winning and if you have massive slugger with infectious freight with undying with 5 gens still up, then that is a miserable experience.
The DC penalty will just cause people to kill themselves on hook. Not fun.
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They could also just try to learn from their mistakes. Yes, losing to someone who overwhelms you is a miserable experience, that's normal, but you can either DC or you can try to analyze what went wrong. Maybe ask around on the forum or read some guides.
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Boohoo. Maybe just once suck it up and get better at the game, will ya? Stomps happen in all pvp games, diffrence is people here quit for every slight inconvenience there is.
Also everybody has a fair chance at winning.
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Downed early? Hell, I can give someone their first down with 2 gens to go and they'll DC. Moody little things. I've stopped using good BP offerings because of it. It's gotten worse than before the DC penalty existed, it's like they've taken the removal of punishment as permission.
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Mending bar appears? DC.
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I watched some of the 2020 video, that was some good survivor gameplay but it doesn't mean anything. It isn't representative of what normally happens. I could tell the way the killers moved that they were noobs. He didn't pressure gens and probably didn't use perks that allowed him to chase someone for so long. It is just a very bad example to look at and say the game is survivor sided when it is not.
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What if I played burger King Myers, will they have fun?
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Then don't play the game if you are going to DC
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If a restaurant had that attitude then their business would certainly falter.
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Exactly, if you've been to a restaurant once and hated the food, why would you go back there?
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I'd support this if the game didn't lag me and my Xbox friends on outta the game with the "No Internet Connection" error, which of course is treated like a dc. Wish they could be tracked separately...
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If my Indian restaurant doesn't attract customers who don't like Indian food, it's not on me to change the menu just because they keep coming and complaining about the food, it's on them to find a new restaurant that actually serves what they're looking for.
Games cannot appeal to everyone, that's just a simple fact of life.
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Turn off cross play and just face PC players. some will still disconnect, but a LOT less PC players quit games. I'm not trying to say console players are not any good at this game, but they quit faster then anyone
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All DC's are getting boring. From survivors rage quitting when they get downed to killers rage quitting when one gen is popped. Worst part is it doesn't matter if point offerings are used or not.
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I just had three survivors DC rather than let me win.
The first DC’d on the hook.
The other two DC’d after I downed them both seconds apart, which was a pretty impressive play for me. Only one player bothered to stay on the hook.
There is dc penalty though. I got a “quitter” bonus for every player that left and the quitter’s got zero points.
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You can't force someone to play a game they don't want to play. You think removing the "Leave" button or whatever will stop them? NEWSFLASH it's called Alt + f4 or suicides. DC penalties? People will literally quit. You need 4 survivors for 1 match. The more people quit the longer queues will get etc...
The thing is to address the issue that causes people to DC.
I personally HATE the killers you mentioned they literally nullify everything a survivor has to get ahead (Pallets and windows) you take that away the survivor might as well hand themselves over on sight.
And it's not a surprise the people don't like indoor maps I don't either.
I don't DC instantly but if I see that my other teammates don't know ######### they are doing then I'm getting myself out of there to get to the next match whether I have to suicide or DC. Sitting there playing a poor match is just a waste of time. Also I've had killers that DC because they see stacked bps so they think we're a toxic swf (Pre game chat exists), or they DC cause they don't like the map.
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If they remove suiciding on hook then people will just go afk. There is no real way to stop people who don't want to play out a match.
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For every survivor that disconnects you should get 25% towards a pip. Meaning that if two people DC, you should be guaranteed a safety pip. Throwing in even more blood points wouldn't hurt either.
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Well, I dont suggest punishments for dc. Im up only for rewards for those who can stay to motivate players to stay.
Hopefully, devs will check this topic and take a note of it. More bp wouldnt hurt. Those who stay deserve it. :^)
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Agreed. Plus the grind is real.
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Other online games do punish for dcs from ranked games, nobody cares whether snowflakes stay in the game or not, to me they can all gtfo and stop ruining games for 4 other people because they do not like the way the match is going. Match quality would be overall improved for the community because the majority doesn't quit as soon as something is not going their way. They should probably play CoD, FIFA or something maybe hello kitty online? I dont care.
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Idk what you want bhvr to do about it. They can add more harsh punishments but they can't stop people from leaving the game. It doesn't matter what the consequences are, if people want to disconnect so badly, they're going to.
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Okay, here's the thing:
The Devs are actually working on fixing this now. The problem, however, was that people were cheesing the system to get people banned in really stupid ways for upwards of 72 hours at a time.
BHVR fixed it, but the hackers found a way to do it AGAIN.
So now they're going through and fixing things the manual-samuel way. Meanwhile, you must remain patient, young Padawans. DC penalties shall return someday.
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It's not surprising anymore really! There will always be a way for survivor's to forfeit themselves! Even if they revamp the DC peanlty their will always be away for them to forfeit, but killer's have to endure it though!