PS4 goodbye

So I'm done with playstation for good this time,this a change I've always wanted to do but could never commit to because of my game history. I started on that account in 2009 but I stop playing for a while and started playing back in 2016 which I didn't even think about the account and created a new one in 2016 ,also started playing xbox in 2016 but my brother claimed he would get a playstation only so,I switched back and got a ps4 he never got a ps4 my brother that stays with me doesn't have the same taste in gaming we've played some things together which is fun but with crossplay I don't have to be tied to playstation any longer because, I really prefer xbox over playstation.I want be playing DBD for a month or so now which sucks because I'm also starting over ,also people stole my name on xbox so now I have to pick a new name this also sucks trolls am I right.
Does not mean I abandoning the Silent Hill franchise but most of my xbox consist of stealth games and avp alien Iso. Which means a change in character sort to speak I had to,it feel wierd to be naughtyboy they and something else some where else so their's that. Which is great because when on playstation I offen sneak off and play Predator Hunting Grounds don't tell the boss ok,I know I may scream out about other characters to be in this game but Predator would be my top pick. I also want them to add Alien in the case they ever add 2 v 8 then we could do some Alien vs Predator things or Freddy vs Jason themes with that being said goodbye playstation.I hope you're servers burn burn burn I hate playstation .
I actually hung in there all the way to the end and wow at the last sentence. Isn't that a little over the top?
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A little but it sounds funny in my head you don't agree?
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It sounds crazy!
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lmao omg that's funny
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To be fair ps5 has more attractive exclusives.
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What's also surprising is the PS5 just seems like an updated version of the Xbox One,they also completely lied they said we would be able to play our PS1,PS2,PS3 games but this week they released a statement saying PS5 will on be backwards compatible only for top PS4 games which wasn't any great games to begin with.
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The Xbox One X was more powerful than the PS4 Pro, but it didn't matter because Sony had the better exclusives. At the end of the day it's all about the games, not the hardware.
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Idk, Until Dawn, The Last of Us, and Spider Man were pretty ######### good.
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Yeah,They were I must agree with you on that.
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actually they never said what would be able to play on the older platforms, it was people making those assumptions with minimal information
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I thought the ps5 was confirmed stronger? What i miss?
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true they never said that would be a thing, people just wanted it so bad they started to believe it. sounds to me like someone is trying to find an excuse to cause fights in the wrong place.
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No I remember them saying that, but it would appear that statement has changed in recent interviews,I could have misunderstood much as the general public tends to do but ,if I heard something I've heard it.Im never mistaken most of the time.
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when it first came out they said the console would be "backwards compatible" but they never said the specific games/platforms it would be compatible with, the media and people started saying it's going all the way back to ps1 but they never said it. the statements recently are there to be clarifying what it is now that they have all the relevant information that they didn't have back at the initial announcement.
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I could never and will never give up my PlayStation solely because of The Last of Us and Uncharted. For me, they are the best gaming franchises of all time and I can’t see them ever being topped by any other platform exclusives.
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Come on it's like a presidency candidate electoral they made a bunch of promises when PS5 was announced, I don't even listen to the youtubers because thier info is never 100 % but I telling you back at E3 2018 they said we we're going to revisit classic games including ps1,ps2 and ps3 one of the e3 2018 and 2019. This isn't the only complaint about the system. I have personal beliefs also so I'm done with playstation.
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I just recently dumped my ps4 as well. When the game came to stadia i decided to give it a try. It is amazing how nice playing killer is at 60fps. It sucks to throw away 3 years of time in a game and start over but I just can't go back to the ps4 after seeing the difference.
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Yeah it will be rough for awhile,but I feel like I'm making the right choice in the end ,there's features I already miss but the end result should be great I hope.
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and you think that what THEY originally wanted might not have been able to be done so they've had to change? things like that DO happen. I have seen a company that got 1.4 million dollars, then took 5 years to say they can't complete the project and they aren't giving fair value back and no one can do anything about it. THINGS CHANGE. i'm sorry if your experience is bad because of that but life changes. I never expect that a release 2.5 years after the announcement to have exactly what they said 2.5 years ago
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Both franchises have gone down the drain. The Spiderman franchise is awesome though.
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So you saying I should keep my playstation 4 and or buy playstation 5?
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I'm keeping my ps4, i don't know if i'll but a 5 till later myself. so I am not telling you what would be best for you.
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PS4 games will still work on 5 so depending on your level of investment, it could be a good deal.
But they just lost Bethesda so if you like RPG games, you won't see theirs.
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actually there is no information if bethesda will or will not make games for the ps4/5. Microsoft now owns zenimax which owns the other studios ID, Bethesda etc. it may or may not make their products exclusive, but we do not know what they will do.
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I could see them playing the long game of making game sales on other platforms than their own. It's win win. They've been doing something similar with PC and Xbox right?
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I hope they do.. personally I hate these exclusive games it's crap.... let it release to what platforms you make it for not well 1 year later you'll put it on ps etc...
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Exclusives move hardware. Nintendo still have their first-party titles and the others are no different.
Though if anything good is to come out of this gen is that the new focus on digital sales will finally put Gamestop in its grave.
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making a game specifically for a console is the descision of the company, not for a contract from the console to make it exclusive. leave the choice to the company. i've been screwed over by exclusivitiy. game called pheonix point was going to be released steam and GOG. I backed it for GoG... DRM free baby! then suddenly they came in and said it's a great thing we're going to be going exclusive to the EPIC game store for 1 year! basically epic threw lots of money at them and they took it. I have had to wait a YEAR for this game past it's original release date because I refuse to use epic out of principle.
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Enjoy that expensive xbox gold that they just raised the price on.
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I made it almost to the end of this incoherent rant. Props to you. I didn't have the resolve.
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Uncharted 4 and The Last of Us Part 2 are two of the best games I’ve ever played. So I couldn’t disagree more.