Can't even play fun killers anymore

Im tired of having to play nurse or spirit if i want a chance against a coordinated team, swf is the worst thing to be added in this game hands down. I just wanted to play some plague or demo and its literally impossible to have fun, im not even trying to get a 4k i just want a fun game not 2 gens done before i find anyone on rotten fields on ormond, map issues are a problem in itself tho
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are u good with the weaker killers like demo that u have just said or plague becuase they take quite a bit of skill
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It's because gens usually take 80 seconds to finish with 1 person without prove thyself and toolboxes. I down one person one gen gets done
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It really depends what works for you. My main Killers are almost all bottom/meme tier (Myers, Clown, Trapper....) yet most matches are 3ks or 4ks simply because I´m rather experienced with them. The matches where I´m crushed to the floor by insane Survivors are few and far between. "Git gud" always sounds awful, but maybe check whether there are areas you can still improve on. Might be chase, gen management, or even your builds.
Also bear in mind that there are Survivor mains with 4k+ hours in Survivor only, people that play tournaments on the highest level. Given DBDs design they are next to impossible to catch with an "M1" Killer which of course is a shame, but this should influence your expectations.
What you say about maps holds true though. Ormond with a 4 man is basically a guaranteed loss unless the Survivors really suck.
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yeah thats the fault of the survivors (no its even the SWFs fault) if YOU cant find anyone before 2 gens pop. Its getting ridiculous again.
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yeah I can understand that. But are SWF groups in the wrong just because they want to play with their friends? (excluding the toxic "bully squads")
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Corrupt intervention is your best friend, im using that perk pretty much with every killer it will avoid to get gen rushed to fast and survivors spawn mostly near the gens who are blocked means they need to move their ass to find a gen and while running to gen you see some scratch marks.
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As the Dr. round these parts I prescribe OP and players who agree with his point to: git gud and pressure gens.
It’s the only way.
Vent on the forums if you need. We all like attention. Step away if you’re on a losing streak and taking it out on your family or pets. But playing Nurse and Spirit are hardly the only ways to win. Tournaments be smited.
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You forgot your customized prescription note:
Don´t dish out too many though as people might develop increasing reistances against this drug.
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that's right, at this time it is very easy with a lot of experience to make 4 kills. Playing as a killer, the imminent death of all the survivors was not very pleasant, but when I started playing as a survivor, I stopped liking it at all. I would ask for a balance, or rather 2 survivors in a match with a better game, but this can only be affected by changing the emblems to make them more difficult to get or increase the number of actions that could not be performed by killing survivors quickly. Now the rank of survivors in the match is on average 3-5 less than the rank of the killer, which gives even more advantages if you take into account only the ranks. Mostly it is not interesting to play alone with the killer as other survivors are used only as food for the killer, and for you not to lose the rank.
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Just run undying ruin tinkerer, and you always know where you need to be and get free gen regression for going there; sorted!
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group of survivors on the link the only chance to play with a more or less adequate maniac is not in -4
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Let's be honest.The amount of actual coordinated SWFs one can encounter is actually really low.
But i do understand that going against teams like these is really frustrating.
Most SWFs are in fact beatable if you play well enough
Just move on to the next match and focus on getting better at killer
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Well Demo and Plague aren't exactly the easiest killers to play. Maybe you just need to take a step back from the game for a bit because you've clearly had some bad matches and need to not continue getting worked up about it. It's not impossible to win with Demo or Plague, it's not impossible to consistently win with any killer but you need to learn from your mistakes and accept that you're gonna have off days sometimes if you want to do well with them.
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Lets do some math. If 2 people are working on separate gens, 2 gens can be done in 80 seconds. If 2 people work on each gen, that's 2 gens done in 46 seconds. It takes roughly 30 seconds to cross the map. That leaves 16 seconds to search for people working on gens, and if the survivors stealth around, you can't find anyone. It is perfectly plausible for two gens to be done before you find someone. Your sarcasm is flawed and your statement is subjective at best.
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it funny tho killer makes 1 mistake they boned but survivor can make many mistakes this get out and win.
I had match bet swf wasn't tunneling or camping everyone was on death hook by time egc started but still all got out.
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How many good teams do you actually play? Ever since crossplay, there's been an influx of inexperienced survivors in red ranks.
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I play with an experienced 4 man swf and we escape most games in red ranks. Most of the games we all die is against the top tier killers, but there are still games when we lose to lower tier killers because the person knows what they are doing. Plague and Demo are naturally weaker but if you use the right builds and add-ons then it changes everything. Look up some good builds or watch streamers and see what they do.
Also, it's easy to play Doc or Oni forever and destroy, then play one game of a weak killer and get wrecked. Obviously you have to play as them a lot before you're going to win with them.
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It can go both ways tho. Sometimes if 1 survivor makes a mistake or gets downed at the wrong time like for example if there are too many people that need saving and one survivor is responsible for them all since the 4th is in a chase. If they go down quickly, then it's game. Or if the killer is like Nurse or Billy: if a survivor or two goes down within the first 20 to 30 seconds (it does happen especially with Nurse), the round is basically already over because the killer already has so much pressure and the gens have barely been touched.
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If you see an Ormond offering in the loading screen, you already know what kind of game it's going to be. The sweatiest tryhard SWFs are always the ones that burn them. At least with Haddonfield, sometimes it's just a guy that wants to make sure he can use his balanced landing
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You are talking to a wall.
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You basically dont start the game 30s away from all survivors unless they use shrouds to spawn at the other side of the map. Also people doing gens together are already in your favor, cause theyre ineffective. Youre totally overexaggerating.
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I do think it happens with killer more but there are time it does happen with survivor.
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What’s your definition of a “fun game”? Fun and dbd aren’t really synonymous
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I don't think anyone who plays this game know what fun is.
most of the time only care about they fun no one else's.
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Every chapter and every change people throw this around. And every time they do, the people who have already gotten good just laugh. So haha
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Did you read my comment at all? Doing a gen with an other person shaves 40 seconds off.
Also, survivors do spawn on the other side of the map.
Oh, might I add, a 110 killer takes 45 seconds to cross the map.
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If survivors are together on a gen you should be happy as killer. Free time and pressure for you.
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I feel your pain, the medicine you need is CLown with exhaustion + pinky finger addonz
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Like I said, it removes 40 seconds off of a gen. And if you are a 110 killer, it takes 45 seconds to cross the map.
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Yeeee forgot about that
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I should prob turn crossplay on then, i just never wanted to play against console since i don't think it'd be fair as a mouse and keyboard user to verse controllers, but at this point i'll need it just for some relief