why is slugging so imbalanced?

Building against slugging as a survivor requires huge opportunity cost, as perks against it are generally single purpose and very situational. Unbreakable, Tenacity, etc. And ostensibly killers mirror that with Deerstalker. But there's not because they have BBQ and Chili, which has no opportunity cost whatsoever as it's immensely rewarding on multiple fronts. I have never once in the past I don't know how many months been in late stages of the game and not seen a slugged survivor used as helpless deadweight against a teammate, because devs have ensured slugging is the only smart thing to do for killers in a 2v1 situation, and ensured that there's no downside to it.

Even if there's a gen close enough to crawl to and hide in the silhouette of, the most a survivor can hope for is a) lie there helplessly while teammate dies b) lie there helplessly as camped bait for teammate or c) IN BEST CASE SCENARIO manage to hide and bleed out unless you've undertaken, again, the opportunity cost of using 1/4 perk slots for something like Adrenaline. Stripping any agency out of a player's hands in late stages of the game and making that the only logical conclusion of play is really dumb game design. ESPECIALLY when it's this one sided and there's no corresponding opportunity cost for the other side.

Some of my favourite matches have been when I died but had a fun, competitive time. Dying isn't the problem. Feeling like a useless deadweight with no meaningful ability to affect the outcome is.

Just today I had someone kill themselves on first hook, a second player hop windows back and forth until killer came and hooked them, then THEY killed themselves on first hook, and then the killer slugged a survivor and stealth camped their body and got almost max BP with final 4k. And that's just the most extreme 'wow that was a mess from start to finish' example, out of many in the past week alone. You've ensured it's a big ol' EZ button.


  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    Why is SWF so imbalanced? I really enjoy stacking gen perks so my game doesn’t last 4 mins.

    see how the whole perk argument goes both ways?

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Eh, slugging is pretty much essential to winning games at high ranks, as you simply don't have enough time to get 12 hooks.

  • Hazz1123
    Hazz1123 Member Posts: 42

    As a survivor main, I don't understand why other survivors think we should have more advantages when other survivors have died. If the killer has already killed two people, then of course he deserves to have a great advantage in the game, and of course he should want to get that 4k.

    Of course, it sucks when people give up straight away, I feel you on that one. I usually just go find the killer and wave the white flag to see if he will farm.

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446


    "Why does building for anti-slugging require me to not run my crutches to do so" ?

    Because slugging is a gamble you take on whether you want to be designed for anti-slugging or whether you need your crutches to perform well in other areas of the game.

    Because you aren't supposed to be able to counter all playstyles with just one perk loadout.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699