As a 600 hours killer why i have to go against SWF survivors with 3-4k hour each?

All the survivors with that many hours play swf and swf make up most of the lobbies.
Play solo survivor and you get lumped with the people with 100-300 hours.
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Because the game only has 20 ranks, so hitting max rank when you've only got a few hundred hours means the game considers you at the same skill level as someone with 6k hours in a SWF making a meme Youtube video of them stomping killers.
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@ClickyClicky False, I have 4k hours and I play solo 99% of the time lol
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For me it's the main reason why sometimes I just don't want to launch the game. Toxicity and unfair matchmaking. I have 950 hours. When I'm solo, my teammates are potatoes and run in the hands of a killer most of the time like they want to die. But it's the opposite when I have to face SWF every game as killer, and now
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Because the killers with that amount of hours have moved on or there weren't any available at the time. So the MM tossed you to the wolves so they could have a game.
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If you haven't figured the game out in 600 hours then I'm not sure what to tell you.
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number of hours does not equal skill level. I've had this game played (not just totally sat at the menu screen) and i'm certainly no expert at the game when in match. people with less hours than I can tear me up depending on what they are doing.
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I still notice some difference between a 100 hour survivor gameplay vs a 6000 hour survivor gameplay. Tell me if im wrong.
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I only figured out that Civilization is a good game to play!
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Probably because if they wouldn't allow those people to connect with people with 600 hours or lower, they'd get huge waiting times.
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Because hours played isn't taken into account in matchmaking, nor should it.
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So the unfairness is built in the matchmaking? What kind of matchmaking is this?
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What taken into account? Because rank doesnt matter too.... there are tons of matches where a green/yellow killer go against red survivors? How exactly this matchmaking works?
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I didn't say that someone with more hours will play better, but you can't say they are experts because they have those high hour games. some people actually run the game in the background and then that increases their hours. I dunno but no I will not say someone that has played a lot will generally play better than someone with less hours. The difference between 6K and 100 hours may not (or might be) that much different in their play capabilities.
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Matchmaking doesn't take played hours into account.
If it would, and if you like to play a lot, you could eventually no longer find anyone, or find the few who also played thousands of hours, who could be anywhere in the world, so ping would often be very high if you did find them.
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What would you rather get? Poor matchmaking that helps you improve, or long queues that decrease your skill MORE because you don't play enough?
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as a killer who doesn't make much effort to kill 4 survivors why should he be able to get a guaranteed 0 drop anyway?
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because red rank survivors purposefully group with rank 20's to get into lower ranked killer matches so they can have easy matches to the detriment of the health, well being and future of their own game.
It's not too bright I know but it's what they do.
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it's high time to raise the complexity of the game for the killers so that only the chosen ones can get to 5-7 ranks