Dead By Daylight Concept Chapter

GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416
edited October 2020 in Creations

This is a long one, buckle up. I hope you like this concept chapter.



The name of this killer is unknown. His origins can be traced back to a small town in Britain. He was an executioner. He'd kill those who dared oppose the ruler of the town publicly, for all to see. He was a presence of evil, and yet a hero to the people. He showed no emotion in killing. If anything, he seemed to take pleasure in it. He'd take the heads of those he killed and decorate his chamber with them. He'd use them in every way he could. He would bash in the skull and put candles in them. He'd use them to hang his cloak and hood. But when the town revolted, he was the one in a guillotine. His head was taken and kept by the leader of the revolution. The entity saw his potential and fused his head to his body. It came at the cost of serving the entity. While he enjoyed killing, he didn't want to kill for another. It took some convincing from the alchemist, but he eventually decided to kill for the entity.

I think it's cool to have a killer who actually had another interaction with another killer. Basically the blight gave him some drugs, which was torturous enough for him that he killed for the entity.

Weapon: The Axe: An executioner's axe speckled in pestula serum

Appearance: Fully covered in a black hood and cloak, to cover his blighted body.

Height: Tall

Speed: 115%

Tr: 32 meters



Using the power button, The Headsman can set a CHAIN as a trap for any door or window. He has 8 of these. when he places a ninth one, the one that was placed the least recently gets replaced. Survivors can take 1.5 seconds to disarm a chain. A chain is also destroyed when a vault location is blocked.

When a survivor triggers a CHAIN, they suffer the HINDERED status effect for 8 seconds. This stacks for every other chain triggered within 30 seconds for a speed reduction of up to 24% at a time. When a survivor moves through a chain, it gets attached. For each attached chain, the survivor's action speed is reduced by 7% for all actions. This multiplies for every chain the survivor has attached. There are two ways to remove chains:

  • Getting put into the dying state
  • Getting the chains removed by another survivor

Survivors with 3 or more chains start suffering from the new TORTURED status effect, exclusive to the headsman. They begin suffering from the effect after 10 seconds. This effect causes survivors to lose a health state when using an exhaustion perk, skill check success zones are reduced, and failed skill checks reveal your aura to the killer for 3 seconds. Tortured survivors take 200% longer to unhook and will scream on occasion. Survivors in 3 or more chains also suffer from the MANGLED status effect.

Alternate ability: Brutal Chain

Press the ACTIVE ABILITY button to throw a chain that lassos survivors and slowly pulls them toward you. There are three outcomes that this can produce:

  • An ENTITY PORTAL opens. These are portals only survivors can go through. They can be used by the killer to send survivors to undesirable locations. This portal will put the survivor as far as possible from an uncompleted generator. If no generators are completed, the survivor is teleported to the basement. Portals stay on the map for 10 seconds after a survivor is teleported. Injured survivors are put into the DYING state after going through a portal. Injured survivors are transported as far away as possible from other survivors. You see the aura of survivors for 10 seconds after they exit a portal, and if they get put into the dying state their aura is revealed until they are picked up. Any survivor that enters a 12 meter radius of a downed survivor gets teleported away.
  • If the survivor is on death hook, they can be EXECUTED. This takes 15 seconds to complete and the survivor can be freed by another survivor, stunning the killer.
  • You can cancel chain prematurely to stun the survivor momentarily. You suffer a short fatigue period when doing this.

You do not start the match with CHAIN. You cannot cancel CHAIN or kill with it when lassoing an injured survivor. CHAIN has a cooldown of 30 seconds.



Withered hood- an old hood belonging to The Headsman. Worn during his mortal years.

  • SLIGHTLY REDUCES time to set a chain trap.

Blood Vial- A vial full of blood from an execution victim. Fills the beholder with confidence.

  • BRUTAL CHAIN pulls survivors in at a SLIGHTLY FASTER rate.

Rusted chains- Iron chains covered in rust. Poor for restraint, but fantastic for inflicting some extra pain.

  • Survivors can break out of chains by themselves.
  • Gain 100% more bloodpoints for deviousness.

Wooden plank- A scrap of wood taken from a guillotine. Reminds The Headsman of a past life

  • SLIGHTLY INCREASES time needed to escape brutal chain.

Woman's molded head- A decapitated head crawling with maggots and insects.

  • Brutal chain pulls in survivors at a SLIGHTLY SLOWER rate.
  • Killing survivors with brutal chain takes SLIGHTLY less time.

Bloodstained rope- A red tinted rope used to tie down the decapitated.

  • Survivors get teleported by entity portals at a SLIGHTLY SLOWER RATE, giving you more time to intercept them.

Heavy Chains- Used to tie down prisoners who like to fight.

  • Survivors take SLIGHTLY LONGER to break out of their chains.

Head basket- The basket that dismembered heads fell into at the executions

  • Time to pull survivors in with brutal chain is MODERATELY REDUCED.


Man's eyeball- an eye yanked out of a dead man's head as a trophy.

  • Time to pull in INJURED survivors is MODERATELY INCREASED.

Barbed Chain- A chain with bloody barbs attached. Inflicts extreme pain.

  • SLIGHTLY INCREASES the chain's action speed debuff.
  • MODERATELY REDUCES time for TORTURED status effect to activate.

Rusted Axe- an axe that once belonged to The Headsman. Fills him with determination.

  • Entity Portals no longer stay around after a survivor is teleported.

Disgusting Chains- Chains covered in blood and guts.

  • Tortured survivors Scream more frequently.


Slippery chains- Chains greased in an unknown material.

  • Survivors suffer no stun when you cancel brutal chain.
  • Fatigue penalty for brutal chain is CONSIDERABLY DECREASED
  • gain a 3% speed boost after existing brutal chain.

Hot chains- Chains that give off a strange, intense heat.

  • Survivors scream when triggering a chain trap.
  • Survivors suffer from the EXHAUSTED status effect for 30 seconds once they trip a trap.

Man's bloodied head- A decapitated head with its skull bashed in. So bloodied that facial features are almost unrecognizable.

  • CONSIDERABLY REDUCES time needed to pull in survivors with brutal chain.
  • CONSIDERABLY INCREASES time taken for entity portals to transport survivors.

Guillotine Blade- A blade used in a guillotine. Vibrates as if a soul still resides within.

  • Survivors instantly suffer from the TORTURED status effect once 3 traps are triggered
  • MODERATELY INCREASES time taken to set chain traps

Pestula Syringe- The syringe used to inject pestula serum into The Headsman. FIlls the beholder with burning anger.

  • Time to kill with brutal chain is CONSIDERABLY DECREASED
  • Chain traps can be broken if survivors fast vault the window


Iridescent Chains- Glass like chains molded from the fog itself. Oddly warm to the touch.

  • Windows and doorways are automatically trapped as they enter your terror radius.
  • Disables the ability to set traps by yourself.
  • Traps are removed from windows and doors after they exit your terror radius.

Perfect Head- A decapitated head in immaculate condition. Its expression seems almost alive.

  • Entity portals now send survivors to an alternate version of the map. They can't see objectives, the killer, or other survivors. They can interact with pallets and chain traps, although they aren't able to actually see either.
  • The entity portal can be reopened to free all trapped survivors. This takes 10 seconds.
  • you only have 3 entity portals.
  • Chains no longer attach to survivors when traps are triggered.

I will do perks and the survivor later, this alone took me way too long to do.

Post edited by GhostyyBoi on


  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832
    edited October 2020

    Not gonna lie

    This is pretty good

    But you could've worded the lore way better and there are a lot of weak add ons

  • Milkasa
    Milkasa Member Posts: 76

    Ayyy, thanks for giving me some feedback on my own British killer. Honestly, the chains sound horribly weak, and the portals even weaker. Though Irri Chain sounds overpowered as hell. Plus, the execution is useless. Hooking is always the better option in that situation

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416

    My plan was for the chains to be kinda add on reliant but that didn't pan out. I may edit that.

    I agree that the execution is bad. In fact, it's just a weaker version of Phead's. The main purpose of it is to provide an easier way to kill the survivor. It's niche as hell, and it doesn't even really have a good use case. But it's not the main purpose of brutal chain.

    Reading over this again, the portals really don't do what I think they should. I really like the concept but I might dramatically change it.

    If you have any suggestions as to how to change these things, please tell me.

  • Milkasa
    Milkasa Member Posts: 76

    He should really have a limited amount of chains, but with more drastic effects.

    The portals are a good idea, teleporting survivors far away, but from what I read you don't down them. You don't get any pressure for it. I think that maybe they could be used to either

    A: Teleport downed survivors as far away from other non downed survs as possible, and as hes an executioner he should be able to find the aura

    B: The portal could be used as a mechanic to store downed survivors, hiding their aura from other survs but emitting massive amounts of light and sound. Maybe even requiring the portal to be destroyed, but you only get a couple each game.

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416

    changes I made:

    Did as you suggested with chains and portals

    Repurposed the Perfect Head add on

  • Milkasa
    Milkasa Member Posts: 76
    edited October 2020

    And some perk ideas

    Hex: Blood On Your Hands

    You can grab healthy survivors off windows, pallets, or hook sabos.

    Don't Interupt:

    While a survivor is on your shoulder, all other survivors suffer from the exposed status effect

    Fatal Positioning:

    While in a chase, if the survivor you're chasing has not vaulted a window or pallet, or dropped a pallet in 10 seconds they gain the exposed status effect

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416

    Hex: blood on your hands makes no sense.

    I really like the other two tho

  • Milkasa
    Milkasa Member Posts: 76

    Try it out. When you're doing those actions you can only be grabbed if you're injured. This hex changes it

  • Milkasa
    Milkasa Member Posts: 76
    edited October 2020

    I'm trying to lure people into judging my Boogeyman killer, because no matter what I do people just don't comment. Wanna help? Also, the power where if they get too close too a downed survivor they get teleported away, is really damn op. I think that just showing the auras of other survs in a 12-16 meter radius would work better