Describe your most stressful killer match you’ve ever experienced.

I would like to read some stories you guys have. I’ve had multiple but the ones that are annoying to me are 4 blendettes on swamp.
There was a match where I won barely because of blood warden with oni.
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I played against a booli squad on Ormond playing Demo. 1 was a baby and died fast. I ate 2 unbreakables and then 2 of the survs bled out on the floor since Ormond loops literally allow you to loop a killer for that long ez pz. Finally got the guy and he stroked his dick a bit about how he "looped me forever" on the most piss easy surv map in the game. Post game was just general nastiness and overall I just didn't have any fun.
Another time was by a competent booli squad on Mothers Dwelling. All of them had DS,Unbreakable,SB,BT. Playing as Demo once again, it was a complete slug fest and back and forth of them getting up again and getting downed again. Tough match but it was fun. I really wish I could see the post game chat but my monitor conveniently unplugged and I couldn't get it back on for a bit.
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I hate survivors that brag about their looping skills on on ormand like if it’s not a broken map.
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Probably my first hundred matches as Nurse.
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Any. Playing killer is abysmal and unfun.
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Try practicing the hag within the first 10 games of unlocking her only to run into a 4 man swf with 1 OoO, 2 sabo, 2 unbreakables, 2 flashlights, and all 4 having DS plus they used an ornmand map offering.
They were even trying to talk down to me telling me how to play killer(While having no idea how to play hag at all) while they are going full "Wannabee Comp Squad".
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i have played way too many matches to remember the most stressful one but there have been a few matches were gens were spread and i kept stopping the last gen from being done with pgtw when it was at around 90%.
however i can say that hag is the most stressful killer to play as because she has to manage so much when it comes to her power.
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I went back to playing hag and I got a bully SWF with 3 OoO and 2 flashlights, both of them loved to click and destroy my traps. I stopped hooking them after I figured they all had unbreakable and DS and just slugged them and let bleed out. It wasn't fun for me, so I made it unfun for them.
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It is not the most stressful match because i had more then enough matches where is just tilted. But one of the most stressing combos is gen kick freddy against gen rush squad. Tinkerer + pop allows you to stall the game quite a lot. Imagine 4 gens almost done and keep them almost done for more then 10-15 minutes while still 4 survivors left. I DID THAT. On multiple occasions even. It's extremely stressing and not worth it. But freddy is the best for this job and i can't let him fail. Teleporting back and forth, downing a survivor. No time for the hook, teleport back, then walk back and hook, then make it in the last second again back to the gen. Next gen is about to pop. Just like this non stop until the first one dies and then the second. Finally, match is almost won. Challange of endurance.
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Dude that was awesome. Great Mikey comeback.
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About two months ago, had a match against a sweaty 4 man as Legion, who I was using for one of the rift challenges. The one about getting four hits in Feral Frenzy in one go or something. Match actually made me consider uninstalling.
Took place on Shelter Woods. They were excellent loopers. No keys or maps, just two medkits, a toolbox, and flashlight. There was ALWAYS somebody around when I was able to get a down. Was flashlight blinded twice, even though they weren't in FOV. Broke three, maybe four, hooks I needed, allowing two to wiggle off (three oak offerings and one white ward). Unbreakable made the few times I was able to slug pointless. BT into DS into BT a few times when I simply tried to focus down the flashlight Nea. By the time four gens had popped, they were simply rotating hooks and changing loop locations with BT. I could keep them injured with Feral Frenzy, but it never seemed to be enough. They just moved to the next jungle gym during the four seconds, and when I was going to get a down, somebody came in for the body block.
Ended in, maybe, ten minutes? Twelve at most. Gens were done in around eight or nine, and I know I spent two minutes keeping one slugged and one hooked at shack. Issue was the gate was right there as well, so I was rotating around trying to keep that door shut, but again, that was only about two minutes as they chipped away at it. I almost had one kill , as their timer on hook was nearly zip, when boop. Soul Guard on the slugged Feng, into BT on the hooked Nea, who then was body blocked by the David and Bill. Teabagged out the door.
I was 'this' close to hitting that uninstall button.
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It's not too long ago, probably a few months, went against 4 man SWF that switched at the last second their characters and items, I played as Plag, can't remember but probably on one of the Macmillan maps.
One of them had OoO and all of them the small pp build.
Flashlight clicking every second, I managed to kill one or two of them, but it was really stressful.
On the bright side, probably a week ago I went as the Blight against epic console Ace trio, I took mori because I knew what will happen, I wanted to mori them on the last hook if they would be nice, but they weren't...
So I killed them all on the first or second hook and let the only solo gamer that did gens get the hatch, she was pretty nice.
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I had an awesome pig match where I hooked one survivor and they died, then during endgame 2 of them tried to run out the exit gate with active bear traps thinking they were home free. I just watched them go off. so a 1K turned into a 3K at the last second. Still stressful as hell up till the last second
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Four Nea's all with toolboxes, all dressed the same.
They were pretty damn good, saboing hooks, body blocking, switching midchase so I was suddenly chasing a Full Health Nea, constantly rotating back to gennys. I ended up with 1k, and that was because I tunneled the one Nea at the end because I at least knew that one was on death hook.
Tough game, but these are the games that make me play survivor. I want to be this good.
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It was before they fixed the infinites on Torment Creek (farm map with red barn, right?), and a Dwight kept looping me through there. Unfortunately, Bamboozle wasn't a thing until next patch, and I was on my rank 1 grind for Pig; this is the age of pre-nerf BNPs, flashlights, and Exhaustion, too. This was literally the hardest and most frustrating time to be a killer the game ever saw. The worst part was that TWO of the survivors knew these infinites, where there was 2 pallets, but Bloodlust could never activate because of the line of sight and endless distance.
Ultimately, I had to pursue other people and camp a couple of generators, before NOED finally let me get 2 kills and end with a black pip, at least. I never de-ranked in a single match after rank 9 during that, but there was a handful of black pip games. I really feel like NOED and Ruin were required back then.
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Remember the challenge to 4k all survivors in the basement?
Got it after 20+ trys with Demo. I got lucky and could play the match around the basement.The whole game was like "Please don't dc or suicide on a hook outside of the basement".
Honorable mention: My first matches as I started to learn Nurse.
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Every match since I hit Red Ranks playing nothing but SWF Seal Team-6? :) Just maintaining, let alone earning a Pip, at this level is hard as heck. You get to being grateful just to see Brutal Killer appear at the end, even when you got a 3K. :)
Post edited by Moundshroud on1 -
I've had too many.
One that stands out is a bunch of people that were clearly an SWF. They gen rushed. I hear that term thrown around a lot, but 3 gens popped within 30 seconds of each other. You tell me what that is. I had 1 kill by endgame. Then I used my gamer skill and hooked one. The SWF came to help, but they came one at a time so I won.
It was one of my first games as killer, and, uh...
I had NOED. (Don't read this part)
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I still remember when Brand New Parts instantly repaired generators. :) I was new to DbD at the time and it was my third ever match. I had taken a liking to Huntress, because I loved her humming and thought her perks were good. (😂😂😂)
I had fun up until my match against a SWF that consisted of a Claud, Feng, Quentin and Meg. All prestige 3 and bloodied out. I had just started walking around and a gen pops. That fast?! Yes. Then another had popped... then another seconds after that. 3 gens done before I even made it halfway through the map.
I finally found the Quentin and began my first chase of the match. Not even ten seconds later, another gen pops. I didn't understand how they were doing gens so fast and I was actually getting tilted. I caught Quentin at last after a minute or so (it took too long. I was that bad). And then of course before I can pick him up... Adrenaline. And he's gone in a flash.
Downed him again, only for his buddies to start blocking for him. One of them had found a spare toolbox in a chest and sabotaged all the hooks to 99%. Every hook I approached got broken.
I didn't DC, though. I just played to the end, clinging to false hope for a comeback. Didn't happen.
They all got to the exit gates and they all teabagged me to death. Sure, I was tilted, but I just wanted the match to end. I started tossing hatches to get them to leave.
After that, I was added to group on PS messages and they, of course, all start spamming the same thing.
Needless to say... I took a pretty hefty break after that match. Came back when my friends asked me to, and they're pretty much the only reason I've stuck with DbD for almost 3 years.
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The players who derank to bully new killers are the scum of the earth
also who's the baby if they're so scared of losing that they bring 4 BNPs?
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Mine was three green toolboxes with BNPs with two Prove Thyself and four Resilience.
They couldn’t loop and I was chewing through them with eight stacks of STBFL, but it didn’t matter nothing could stops those gens.
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Two words: Two Keys.
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i remember back in like 2017 i was new to killer and the game in general and it was my first time versing a swf and i got ######### on so bad, got like two downs before they got 5 gens
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Maybe around back in June, I was playing a match as Hag against either a four man SWF or two pairs of two SWF. Two tool boxes, one flashlight, one medkit.
Team was well coordinated and each member was decent at looping. Lost a gen early on in the game while chasing one of the tool boxes, but began to snowball into more hits until I had two downed and two injured with Sloppy Butcher and Thanataphobia.
MedKit guy healed up while I chased a tool box, picked one up, used For the People to pick up second when I came to try and stop them.
Match ended with 0k as they all managed to heal up at some point and finish gens. No ill will, had tons of fun with this group and got a everyone but the MedKit guy to death hook.
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A 4-man SWF with 4 keys as Blight that I didn't realise they brought until the last minute. Looking back, it was pretty funny, but at the time it wasn't! It was my first match with him on release, so I was absolute garbage. It was all PC players with me on PS4. I managed to 1 hook everyone and noticed one was holding a key so I started to panic a little because gens were dropping like flies around me and at this point, didn't realise everyone else had a key. Got to the final gen and exits activate. So I find one sitting on hatch and knew they were going to use it. So they escape and I close it. Panic over in my mind, now to go to the gates. Neither was touched so I was questioning why. Saw someone running toward hatch so I chased after them, and boom, hatch opens again and I reclose it. Just as I turn, a survivor has just turned up and reopens hatch and escapes. So at this point, I was kind of foaming and slammed the hatch closed once more. I walk away and see the survivor standing watching me and notice the 4th key. At this point, I just let them get the hatch because I was screwed. I didn't hold it against them because it was funny how it all happened, and my own fault for not seeing the keys. My lesson was don't wander away from the TV when in a lobby!
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a few months ago I went up against a swf “hit squad” all of them had flashlights,the same nea cosmetic and they all switched at the last second I should have just DC but I didn’t wanna be punished
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Probably not my most stressful, but was the most stressful game I recorded. It's kinda embarassing looking back it at it though. I played really, really badly, but it also represented my feelings about the direction of the game at the time.