so many Mori's

every game tonight the killers are bringin ebony mori and tunneling people right off the hook
and on these forums I keep seeing killers say "we dont bring mori's if you dont bring maps and keys"
yet there has been 0 keys/maps in any lobby I joined and yall still out here with the ebony yall be toxic af so dont complain about survivors teabagging at the exit cause u cant mori them we can be just as toxic
"mainly console killers" This wasn't needed and could and probably would start conflict. Don't make it a PC v Console post. Also you do realize not everyone who plays killer is on the forums right? Like jeez the generalizations here are obnoxious. And when did using offerings become toxic? I thought toxicity came from the intent of the player not the tools they use. For example if i beat someone with a phone, does that mean all phones are bad? No, its the intent (or person in this case) who makes the object a weapon of toxicity. Tea bagging at the gates because the killer is using a mori is toxic because of your intent behind it. However tea bagging or clicking to get their attention isn't. Do you see what I mean? And you may bring up the fact they were tunneling as well, same reasoning i put as why tea bagging isn't toxic 24/7 is the same i use for moris and tunneling. Now you CAN say its boring, because its a fact that their playstyle ruined your fun, which isn't toxic but boring. So in this case the survivors would be the toxic ones if they were tea bagging because of the mori.
So to end it all, the ol' and true
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on12 -
I have played like 20 games today and have only seen 1 mori. Now, if you want to talk about tunneling and camping Killers, that would be a different story.
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This is the us-vs-them mindset that causes these problems in the first place, my friend.
You don't know what those poor Killers had to endure the match before you. Maybe they got stomped and just want a win. Maybe someone has a toxic outfit, such as Toxic Nea or Bunny Feng, and they're expecting bullcrap. Or maybe they don't yet understand how unfun it is to play against.
You don't know their lives.
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You can wait at the exit then. Blood warden will keep you there.
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If there are a ton of moris it's probably because the stupid amount of keys that have been being played lately. Nearly every single game, I'm not even exaggerating, almost every single match I have played the last few weeks it's been a key in nearly every lobby, sometimes more than one.
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how is an outfit toxic? that baffles me what if people just like the outfit and wanna wear it cause its their style? that makes them a target for a mori now cause of the outfit choice? killers are a bunch of babies who say everything is toxic
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blood warden never goes off if the downed person is moried :p
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As a ps4 player, I can say it is mainly ps4 players that bring moris. Its true.
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The reason the "Toxic Nea" outfit is toxic is because the vast majority of people who use it ARE toxic when playing. They T-Bag, they clickyclicky, they DS into Head-On into a random pallet stun somehow, and they go "GG EZ" in endgame chat.
The stereotype only exists because it's so prevalent. It isn't a case of Killers being "a bunch of babies who say everything is toxic". It's the fault of the toxic Survivors who use that outfit to stand out like a sore thumb and actively piss the Killer off.
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So you ignore the entire rest of my point and only focus on the one thing you can prove thats only true in your case? Without evidence? Mkay
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Who said anything about killing off the player. I like to hook at the final countdown of the egc.
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I was just pointing out that ive seen the most moris from ps4 players. Thats all.
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What about literally every other point I made that you happened to ignore? Anyway I'm gonna take your statement as anecdotal (no evidence) so it can't really be used for an argument
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Im not trying to get into an argument. I was commenting on that part of your post and nothing else.
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Wait,you mean you posted in a discussion channel, but don't want to discuss anything?
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Dude. Chill. I was pointing out that as a console player, I see more moris from console. No I dont want to argue about that, because I dont have solid proof.
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I am chill and to your second point Understandable Have A Great Night/Day
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i cant comment on which console the mori's are mostly from I'm pc and everytime I see a tunneling ebony mori the killer is crossplay
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I am a pc player, and i bring an ebony mori every game when i play killer. Why? Because the devs said they will look into them. Experience shows, that you should use them up now as long as they do anything at all. Same goes for keys, i bring them every game i play as survivor at the moment. I got enough of both since i never used them before.
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I have faced so many tunneling and camping killers today. No moris but i agree with some of your point.
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Toxic outfit??? Lol 🙄
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Why is it always like that if Killers do something bad it is like "Oh, you dont know what they had to endure before you" or "You dont know what the Survivors did"? Why do people always feel the need to justify Killer BS?
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Probably because they are getting nerfed to ######### here soon!
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That must mean you... I'm ps4 and I don't see any discrepancy between moris or keys or maps... Even though I don't see a pattern I'm not going to say "I can confirm its not ps4 players". Just because YOU use a ps4 please don't assume the rest of us are ok with YOU speaking for us. Thanks.
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Said the one who said moris are toxic. You are the only baby here.
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Been playing swf all day, with multiple legacy skins nonetheless. we only got morid one time.
Played killer to farm, five keys so far in the last three hours.
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why is it always like that if survivors do something bad like tbagging etc its like ,,oh you dont know how i got tunneled and camped before, also its just to ''dIstRACt" the killer so we can win this game".
Why do survivors always feel the need to justify Survivor BS?
Using perks or offerings doesnt make anyone toxic and theres nothing bad about killers who use moris.
Same goes for survivors whonuse DS etc.
As long as they dont do it to ruin the experience of others, there is nothing wrong with it.
Stop this stupid ,,us vs them"!
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I bring a Mori if there are legacy Meg's, Nea in the blue vest and gas mask, neon hair with flashlights sometimes ad these are ques of toxic team. This doesn't mean I kill everyone after 1 hook... If I was wrong, I'll usually mori 1 person rather than put them on death hook. Kill others by hooking three times.
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"Mostly console killers"
When are people gonna stop talking ######### about console players? Like I can't even come on the forums without someone saying that I'm bad at the game just cause of what platform I play the game on.
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So many people just think that all console players are bad. It's such an ignorant stereotype.
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The Mori (all types) are things Killers earn on their Blood Web. They don't have to justify why they bring one, anymore than you have to explain why you brought an Insta-Heal add-on or put in an Ormond Map Offering. In my experience, most Killers bring the Mori if they have a challenge they are trying to work, or they think they are facing a SWF. But regardless of the reason, they are entitled to it.
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"Mostly console killers"
^ lmao, let people play on whatever they want and don't pretend like PC players are not doing the same thing. I never owned nor never will own a console, I am used to PC too much, and I prefer it, but I'd never consider myself better because of it.
Also I've stumbled upon only 1 mori (in this whole week lmao), so I think you might have just a bad luck or I have a really good luck. When it comes to campers/tunnelers it's a whole different story, but I think everyone deals with them when they play at least once a day.
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So you are complaining because survivors cant use whatever they want but then proceed to complain because killers also bring whatever they want?
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Cross play doesn't tell you what console others are on so you must be on PS4 as well. people bring moris because the have them, what are you supposed to do with them just hold on to them forever.
I don't mind them as long as they're used sparingly. If I'm on death hook and I get hit with one I don't care because I'd be dead anyway. It's when I get unhooked recklessly and get hit with one in the first 3 mins that I get annoyed by them.
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Maybe because their so easy to get?
I've maxed out P3 with all perks on these three characters and I have so many Ebony Mori's I don't know what to do with them all lol
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It's called double standards and hypocrisy, PC killer players are still worse than console ones I think.
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Because sometimes it's true.
Maybe the Killer in question WAS just a dickwad being a dickwad, but have you seen the level of douchebaggery Survivors regularly put Killers through? There's a reason the term "Survivor Main" has such a negative connotation compared to "Killer Main", though neither are positive.
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It's true, though. Believe it or not, there is a DISTURBING connotation between Survivors wearing specific outfits and playing in toxic ways. And no, I'm not talking about just being good at looping or whatever. I'm talking about going out of your way to aggravate and enrage the Killer, just for kicks.
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Really? "Every" game?
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I am on ps4. I rarely see moris from people who arent on ps4, and without crossplay, its a mori around 66% of the time.