Killers You Want in DBD

Feel free to drop who you want and chat about it!
For me I'd like to see a Mirai Nikki chapter. I think there's a lot that could be done with it and it'd explore an area DBD hasn't gone to yet. I'd like to see Slenderman as well if that's even possible.
Pumpkinhead and Springtrap. Also a werewolf killer of some sort.
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I’d be down for a Medusa killer who causes negative effects on survivors that look at her. Something like
- While a survivor is looking at Medusa a Horrifying Visage bar builds up charges at the rate of one per second. While not looking at Medusa the bar begins regressing at a rate of one charge per two seconds after a two second delay.
- If there is any energy on the bar the survivor is Hindered
- If the bar has at least 1 charge then the survivor is Blind
- If the bar has at least 2 charges then the survivor is Oblivious
- If the bar has at least 3 charges then the survivor is Exposed
- If the bar has at least 4 charges then the survivor is Broken
- If the bar has at least 5 charges the survivor is Immobile
- The bar can hold up to 6 total charges
So basically the survivors want to avoid being able to see the Medusa as much as possible while of course evading her in chases. The specific conditions and numbers I gave above are just spitballing it to show the concept.
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Right now I want a raptor. No bells or whistles here. Just a good ol' raptor.
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Samurai sword girl from Kill Bill.
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I would like to see what the developers do with the idea of a "Failed" entity made artificial killer/survivor chapter.
What kinds of monstrosities would the entity try to make for both and what kinds of perks would they have.
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Hisako. I want hisako. My favourite fighting game character of all time.
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O Ren Ishi, Elle Driver, or Beatrix Kiddo?
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Uma Thurman.
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Only if her chase theme is "Death Rides a Horse"
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The Killer Instinct character?
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No, the good the bad and the ugly title sequence should be her chase music.
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I’m more curious about whether we’ll ever see another AoE effect killer, with an ability tied to TR like Doc. I find TR a fascinating and under-utilised game mechanic, other than changes in size, and the only 4 TR perks killers have access to.
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Scissor Man from the Clocktower series and have "Don't Cry Jennifer" be the chase theme.
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I also thought of a “don’t look at the killer” killer, and wonder if The Blair Witch would be a good fit for DBD.
Only problem would be coming to a consensus on she is supposed to look like for the game, because she’s never been shown/seen.
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Repo Man, pin head, voldemort, ring wraith, springtrap, candy Man, chucky, and the nun
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There was an action figure done by Todd Macfarlane
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Also slender man and dracula
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Oh my word, that is friggin cool.
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Dracula might be...too cheesy
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Unless in order to reduce the “cheese” he was referred to in game as “The Dragon” or “The Impaler”.
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I haven't a clue how I remembered that or where I've seen it before, but I was itching for an excuse to talk about it for ages now. She'd be pretty horrifying. I'd love a stage with the trinkets in it and the creepy house they stumbled into at the end. Any one of the missing students could be the survivors. Hell they're practically tailor made for DBD lol
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Perhaps the one from the Francis Coppola film from the 90's? Though I prefer Lucy. They could also use Dracula from Castlevania.
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I was thinking Dracula from either castlevania, or fate/apocrypha. In fate, he isn't intended to be a vampire and instead can create spikes as "the impailer"
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Is Fate good? My friend's into it but I don't even know where to start. lol
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Home lander from the boys
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I think its a pretty cool anime. You would wanna start with fate/zero, then fate/stay-night, then fate/SN:unlimited bladeworks, then fate/extra. fate/apocrypha is good, but its not sequitur to the others.
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Sorry, replace fate/extra with fate/SN:heavens-feel. Fate extra... Kinda sucks if I remember correctly cause it was a spin off that was all in a VR world and I didn't like it. I haven't seen heavens feel yet
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Jacket from Hotline Miami 1. It'd be cool to have a killer that was (technically) the good guy from their original media, and has some interesting ways to interact with the environment.
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Actually, that would be great
Pinhead is more desired for me still
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Personally? Some original content killers. Maybe a killer inspired by the Future Predators or the Quiet Place aliens. Although they are practically the same thing.
It'd just be nice to have an anti-stealth stealth killer, something that could know where you were if you made the slightest sound but you had to pay attention to see coming.
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I’d love some more original killers like a Scarecrow, Siren and something that’s related to the snow / ice. It could be cool having a killer that could freeze generators / pallets. Maybe Krampus / a Yeti?
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Scarecrow would be cool.
Imagine a PH cage type power where the survivor you downed was turned into a scarecrow on a pole somewhere.
There could be 5 dummy scarecrows on the map, and the survivor becomes one of them.
Other survivors would see the auras of all 5 scarecrows, and would only be able to know which one is the actual survivor by visuals/audio. Like it will be very obvious if one is the survivor or not, but only when you have LOS.
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I'd love a werewolf of some sort.
Thinking it would be a rather mobile killer, able to climb and jump obstacles (trees, walls, pallets etc).
It could also infect survivors with lycanthropy. As the disease spreads the survivors lash out against their nearby fellow teammates in a fit of beastial fury, damaging them for one healthstate and spreading the infection further.
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Obscura from Evil Within 2.
I would love to have a ceiling climbing killer and just be caught off guard from a strike. I really the video game/movie aesthetic of monsters made out of vintage items and this monster is just a cool concept.
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The one I want the most would definitely be Pinhead. I'd be happy with one of the other 3 cenobites though like butterball, chatterer and female. Maybe all 4 could be introduced in some way. Maybe like the legion. Call it the order of gash.
Krampus would make for a fantastic Christmas themed killer. I'd love to see the design from that 2015 movie because that's my personal favourite design of the Christmas devil.
I see some mentions of Dracula but not of the best depiction of him. Count Orlok from Nosferatu would make an excellent addition to the game. He'd be the best vampire to choose imo.
Candyman I think is a bit of an obvious one.
Springtrap I think could make for some fun and interesting gameplay. Say what you will about the franchise but you can't deny that he would be fun to play and a unique addition.
"IT" would be a real treat to see. ITs gameplay would be a ton of fun I'd reckon.
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I want Sam (Samhain) from Trick 'R Treat, and Mr. Kreeg as the complimentary Survivor. I think a 2-3 Block neighborhood filled with houses decorated for Halloween and clearly late night after the Trick or Treaters are all gone would be perfect.
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this guy with scissors from clock tower, Sprintrap, some sort of parkour or knight killer, hakcerman killer, candy man, one of this creeps from Little nightmares. ######### from blair witch project, more camouflage killers or range power killers
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The Nun
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I want The Thing in the game. My favorite horror movie and I was always surprised not a lot of people consider it in the game.
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There are a couple of neat options that were mentioned here. Personally, the only Killer I truly WANT for DBD is Jason Vorhees, anything else is pretty secondary. Hope the DEVs don´t forget about him once he´s free to join our ensemble.
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They could use the actual vlad the impaler.
His weapon could be a spear. Turn into a bat for mobility. Gain power as he hits people somehow. Maybe movement speed or something that resets on hook.
His mori could actually be to impale someone on a spear and for the rest of the game the dead person can be seen upright on the spear for the rest of the trial.
The map could be a cemetary with a gothic castle in the background.
Could be really really creepy
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Springtrap, Richard Trager, Candyman, and Jason
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I'm assuming we're talking licensed.
Alien is still at the top of my list.
While not really licensed I still really want to see The Boogeyman.
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Nemesis (Resident Evil 3) and the Rat King (The Last of Us Part II).
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Warrior form Xenomorph, maybe even a Praetorian skin for it. Definitely not a Queen form.
Dunno about power, but probably a movement/stealth option.
Mori would use the toothed "tongue" to burst open Survivor's heads, just like in the movies.
You could even get Amanda Ripley as the Survivor, have it be the Alien: Isolation chapter, on board the space ship.
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Alien would make for a cool chapter for sure! Doesn´t even need to be Sevastopol station, the Nostromo would to, too.
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ME.... LOL
On topic... I really want to see what the devs create before they bring in another licence
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Xenomorph (and Space Station map with a unique type of Exit)
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Maybe the colony from Aliens. Half indoor, half outdoor. Around the Dropship even. No Newt as the survivor though. Kids and all that.