Pyramid can still fake power.

Long as you don't let the sword drag you can still fake it. I'm not one to ve super negative about balance changes right away but... It's almost pointless to even change it. You can start the animation and then cancel it with swing. You can let the animation start to play and swing to cancel before he actually starts dragging. That's just gonna be the new way it happens over what it was. The cool down needs to be as soon as the button is pressed. If not it's a pointless balance attempt because everyone will catch on to the new way to fake his power. Pyramid head and DS just need straight forward you touch m2 you get a cool down like huntress gets. In my opinion DS wouldn't need one as harsh just because he has to reload as well though still needs something to stop aim spam pressuring for free.
if your close enough to him where he can fake it out you deserve the injured state
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Faking out powers never was the problem, the problem was that he could be in a situation where he could use his power to zone you and guarantee on a range that even Deathslinger is jealous of. Quickscoping Deathslingers can already guarantee hits at 8 meters or less range, but PH could do it at 12 meters. Giving no room for counterplay on essentially 50% of the killer terror radius(cus almost all PH's use M&A) is just too much. Right now, PH cant really guarantee a hit unless you're within 8-10 meters range, which is fine. It leaves more than enough room to actually do things in chase without the killer downing you within 30 seconds.
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Wow it's almost like that's guaranteed to happen because killers move faster than survivors and it's game design for survivors to be caught.
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Nerf PH more he's too good of a low A tier
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"Long as you don't let the sword drag you can still fake it" if you get faked out by this your an idiot
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He would need to be in swing range for that to even matter lol, at that point he's risking losing his target , and slinger can't have a huntress wouldn't work for him ever without changing his core kit significantly ..hed be the worst killer in game, no exaggeration
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While he can do an M1 swing during the windup, he cannot do an M2 swing. So long as you get a fast vault during the first half of the fake out he can't catch it with an M2.
And depending on the exact distance, if you aren't close enough you can start to bait the window and then medium vault. Ideally you will catch him off guard and he will cancel the M2, and then you will have vaulted before he can do it again.
Obviously if he's right on top of you this won't work, but he can't chose the timing this matters at, since the timing for him to open up the bait in the first place is dependent on when you would reach the window. Too soon and he's forced to go through the cooldown and the medium vault is completely free, too late and you can fast vault before his M2 is ready.
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Well I don't think it should be as long as hers if he got one but who knows if they ever will do or say anything about it.
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Not sure how you think it makes you an idiot considering you'd still be watching and seeing he's about to do it so you'd react and then be punished because he still can cancel the animation
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If he gets one he needs to not be 110 at least..because that would remove any pallet play he has and a 110 without pallet play is doomed to fail
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Well when I play him I try to shoot me before they get close to drop or right as they would've been able to. Or try doing a moon walk to flick turn around and shoot to catch those who sit and pallets. Doesn't always work but it's funny. If they made him faster I'd want a terror radius side increase. Not sure if that'd truly be fair but I'm tired of all the monitor DS players. He gets close for free and has a ranged power.
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For Slinger it wouldn't work , as for ph..all I know this was a flat nerfcwithout adjusting the killer side of the ph problem
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A ranged power that is frankly almost more trouble than its worth though
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I play a lot of FPS so I guess it's just fun for me.
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It can be fun..its just so easy to make it a time waster
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Im still gonna hit y'all while you're locked in animations. They claim they fixed it but really they didnt. The only thing they addressed is him faking his power during those scenarios.
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That's what I've been saying it's still easy to get away with