

Which Survivor Tactic is no fun to play against?

Member Posts: 3,742

Let's be real:

The main argument people bring up against some killers, calling for massive nerfs etc is 'they're no fun to play against'.

Which usually translates to

'This killer requires me to drop the tactic I'm trying to use against ALL other killers, and their ability doesn't let me'.

So, I think it's just fair to ask killer and survivor mains alike which survivor tactic they find most 'boring' to go against/witness others do.

Which Survivor Tactic is no fun to play against? 61 votes

Survivors genrushing while one tries to engage the Killer in endless chases.
7 votes
Survivors stealthing and trying to force a DC
26 votes
Survivors behaving badly and trying to force a DC
8 votes
5 votes
Multiple of the above
15 votes

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  • Member Posts: 1,878

    If we're sincerely talking about "boring," as opposed to "hurtful" or "frustrating," I think it's the survivors who have the map memorized and run from pallet to pallet, camping each one, then throwing it, then running to the next one without trying to play around the pallet at all. If you get a whole team that plays that way, the chases are no fun.

  • Member Posts: 293
    Survivors stealthing and trying to force a DC

    Once i had a match as Legion that was almost 2 hours long because the last 2 survivors were just hiding and throwing pebbles around the map. I couldn't find them until i saw one of the two and stabbed them then the other one disconnected. Reported them both for holding the game hostage don't know if they got banned though.

  • Member Posts: 517
    Survivors stealthing and trying to force a DC

    I generally am always trying not to actively tunnel or run moris or OP add-ons unless for a rift challenge, and I'll give hatch to the last survivor if they didn't BM

    But if the last 2 survivors are going to hide forever, I will take the time to find them and make sure they bleed out on the floor after that. There really needs to be some crows that become active if the survivor has not done totems or gens within a few minutes. Most obnoxious thing in the game right now

  • Member Posts: 331

    two hours instead of searching I ran to the sound))) Genius

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    SWF using Object of Obsession. Nothing else Survivors could do surpasses this in the anti-fun category.

  • Member Posts: 331

    If it is elementary to look for survivors, they are, and if you stand and wait, the only thing that remains is to write here that the survivors themselves do not run out on the killer. It should be a shame. You have to try to play a little bit. Play without skills and offerings for a while it's very sobering to look at the game. There will be no desire to complain about hiding.

    I suggest that in response to suggestions to highlight the survivors of crows highlight the aura of the killer, slow down, and so on, so that if the maniac went to drink tea, the survivors were protected from his sudden return when they also moved away from the game at the same time. And when the survivors waited for the return of the maniac it was clear that the game continues and the maniac began to play. Before entering the goal timer into the game, I caught the moment when the killer walked 10 meters between the gates for half an hour to control the opening of the gate, and I saw him from the house opposite. Half an hour later, he decided to go to the nearest house or maybe saw me in the window, and I did not expect that he would start playing and was caught with an injury. But it's good that the killer won't have to wait for a while, bafnuli game for the killer and now the timer grants him a complete victory, and in my opinion, death from a calapse should at least take the emblem, since the entity had to complete the business itself. Example: make the boss do the work for you, I think it will affect you negatively relative to the moment before such work. So it should be with the killer, for the second and third emblems limit the maximum silver if 1 survivor was absorbed by the entity on their own, 2 or more absorbed grant no more than bronze for the second and third emblems. Slow down the timer during the chase and hold it until the maniac wants to run after the survivors or keep them at death

  • Member Posts: 52
    Survivors behaving badly and trying to force a DC

    body-blocking sends me off even tho i do it too every now and then💔

  • Member Posts: 18

    >Survivors genrushing while one tries to engage the Killer in endless chases.

    Isn't that how you're supposed to play a game? I mean no hate, just survivors are trying to win, doing gens is the only main task (apart from surviving lmao) and if a killer is sticking to one survivor it's his fault that gens are done quickly. Instead of committing to one surv that you have troubles catching just go for another one. Killer should patrol gens.

    And before I am gonna hear anything - I main killer and surv equally.

  • Member Posts: 3,742
    Multiple of the above

    In the start, yes. But since then so many killers and elements have been added that to play like that leads to frustration on both sides. And seeing how 'fun' is one of the main arguments people bring up against things in the game...

  • Member Posts: 9,713
    Survivors stealthing and trying to force a DC

    I don’t mind survivors hiding, it’s a good strategy sometimes. But it can be annoying when there are two survivors left and neither is willing to work on gens and they are both just actively crouching around hiding hoping I find the other one first. It can lead to an occasional stalemate that can last a fairly long time depending on my perks and how good they are at avoiding me. Fortunately it’s pretty uncommon, but I do kind of wish the game had a sudden death timer where if no player scores any points for five minutes then the endgame collapse starts.

  • Member Posts: 784

    Survivors with DS immediately jumping in lockers, meaning you either have to leave and give them a free minute on gens, wait outside the locker and give their teammates a free minute on gens, or eat the DS and get teabagged.

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