I thought the goal of killer was to kill



  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    The emblem system sucks for certain killers like instadown killers and Plague. Until they make the system tailored to certain killers, this is going to continue to happen. Hell, I pulled a guy off the hook without BT and he got downed so it was considered an unsafe unhook. He was able to escape because of DS. I depipped that game because of the safe unhook even though I made the right play.

  • MissKylaKy
    MissKylaKy Member Posts: 2

    I've never felt a pip is always a win. Even as Survivor, you can escape and de-pip, if you didn't do enough in each category. I've always thought of it as a matchmaking thing. Even as Killer if you end up with 4 dead but not enough effort put into all the categories, you don't pip. So a pip is not necessarily a win. It most definitely can be, but there are instances where that is definitely not the measurement.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    So, kills are what is classed as your "Ultimate objective", in the same way that escaping is the ultimate objective of a Survivor.

    It is a goal to work towards but it is not the only one for you to achieve.

    Your four goals as killer are as follows:

    - Stop generators and exit gates from powering. This is arguably the most important one.

    - HOOK Survivors and kill them.

    - Hit survivors and inflict pain.

    - Start and win chases.

    This is why the act of slugging one person is so effective for the emblem system. You have won a chase, inflicted pain and now at least one survivor is not on a generator with another one possibly having to come and get them up. 3/4 objectives done.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    If you killrush, the entity is displeased. You didn't play properly. Survivors are supposed to have some hope.

  • mee
    mee Member Posts: 12

    Don't worry so much about leveling. Just have fun. Do your thing. If you kill them all, you kill them all. If not, enjoy that you completed the rituals, and had fun. I play as doc mainly, and hardly kill all the survivors. I just have a blast shocking the map and listening to them scream. All I need in life.

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    Hard disagree. Both can win, because there is no winning in a game that never ends. When you escape you are just put back in. That's the beauty of this system that everyone misses. You can die and still "win." Escaping isn't a win and neither is an instant 4k. Pips absolutely correlate to wins. They tell you how well you did in the match and doing well IS winning in this game. You shared you're OPINION about what a win is. Just because you have your opinion doesn't make it correct. Sorry guy.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Gaining and losing a pip has a weaker correlation to how well you did than endgame score and kills have because pips are also significantly impacted by your current rank. You can have two games that are exactly the same and lose a pip if you are currently high rank or gain a pip if you are low rank. Your performance and your opponents’ performance are identical in the two games but in one you lose a pip and the other you gain one.

    Also, doing “well” is not the same as “winning” because if your opponents also do well then you can still lose. Winning and losing are relative measurements between the opposing sides in a competitive game, if both sides play well there is still a winner and loser in the match, it’s just going to be a closer result than if one side plays well and the other doesn’t.

    In contrast score or kills are both objective measurements of performance during a match that only rely on events within the match for their results. So the best measurements of who won the match involve some combination of one or both of those factors, not pips.

    And finally just because I have an opinion doesn’t make me wrong, I’m basing my opinion on an relatively objective analysis of the differences between what pips measure, score measures and kills measure and certain assumptions like that any reasonable system which determines a winning or losing side in a match should have results which are consistent if the same match is replayed but just swapping player identities. I shouldn’t care who the players are behind the scenes when I watch a game replay to determine who won. You are certainly entitled to your own opinion but I would say you are basing it on faulty assumptions. Sorry guy.