Balanced Landing is completely useless on Shelter Woods

As a survivor, we know that exhaustion perks are critical in our builds, whether it's sprint burst, lithe.... dead hard... **cough cough* worst exhaustion perk in my opinion, we know that having one in our build is almost a must. My standard setup is
- Balanced Landing
- Iron Will
- Adrenaline
- Decisive Strike
And as someone who has some experience with Balanced Landing, I can say that Balanced Landing WILL be completely useless on Shelter Woods, and here is why.
I did not download the PTB because it's a bunch of storage on your computer just sitting there, but my friend made a YouTube video on it. They were walking around Shelter Woods and tried to climb up the tree, and they had no luck in doing so. We BL users RELIE on that tree to carry us to victory, since we have no other place to use BL, except the basement but, how F will that help us in chase?
To make BL a viable perk, they need to make the shack on a hill, or make the tree on a hill. I understand that Shelter Woods is an iconically flat map, but I think this statement is fair.
For instance, the perk Slippery Meat used to affect the Trapper significantly. That same formula applies to Balanced Landing and Shelter Woods. Shelter woods affects Balanced Landing really, really badly and it's not really a perk worth running when you're at Shelter Woods.
Keep in mind that there are currently 35 maps, so you have a 1/35 chance to get Shelter Woods. If you bring the MacMillan offering, there is a 1/5 chance that you will get Shelter Woods.
I agree that they should add some hills or maybe buildings to Shelter Woods, with the new graphical update it is impossible to go up that tree...
Also I don't rely on exhaustion perks while playing as a Survivor.
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I swear they forget BL exists sometimes.
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I agree. I don't use Exhaustion perks for about a year now, but I was just like "What the #########!?" when I realized that I couldn't climb the tree anymore. There should be at least something.
I never understood why I should use BL out of all Exhaustion Perks since it is so map dependent, but hey.
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@LapisInfernalis The reason why I use BL is because it's a better sprint burst imo, and it gets rid of the fatigue when dropping so it helps a ton in chase. I value it vastly over DH because 9/10 times it doesn't work. For me at least. Here's a little list for a pro and con of each exhaustion perk
+Might cause the killer to miss a shot and you gain distance
-You have to walk around the map, takes forever
-You spend the entire trial walking basically. You spawn, wait 2 minutes or so until the killer finds you, SB away, spend more time walking and it's just a rinse and repeat
+Good when your on a T + L tile
-Can't loop the same thing with it
-You'll still git hit through the window, nothing makes it so you could possibly dodge a hit, unlike SB or BL
Dead Hard
+2/10 times one Dead Hard wins you the game. There are several games where having DH would have made the difference of me winning rather than being sacrificed
-Exhausted on the ground
-Killers expect it
-It just isn't reliable
Head On
+Good for the memes or even killer grasp escapes
-Takes 3 seconds to set up
-You NEED to FAST EXIT out, you have no idea how many times this has gotten me killed
-Killers can easily bait you into exiting, they land the hit, or even catch or grab
+Might cause the killer to miss a shot and you gain distance
+Mutes grunts by 100%
+Reduces stagger by 75%
-When dedicated servers gets the best out of you
-When the killer also has about 75% reduction to stagger
-1/20 times does not activate
I choose BL because out of all of the perks, I find it more reliable and easier to use in chase. I have firm experience with each of these perks, having 1,080+ hours in the game and this is just my opinion. I personally do not like DH or SB but you do you. But I will say, you should probably run an exhaustion perk. They are the strongest group of survivor perks in the game.
It's not too map dependent, some maps are better than others, the Asylum, Haddonfield and Midwich are all good maps but I can find value out of it on Rotten Fields because of the tractor. I wrote this forum because out of all 35 maps of DBD, Shelter Woods is the only one that does not work with BL. I hope this helps.
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I got over 3.2k hrs in dbd. I can see the benefit and difficulties of each Exhaustion Perk. It is only that I think BL is far too map dependent for my style. I like to think on my feet during a chase and not to plan ahead.
I used DH long tome ago before the implemention of dedicated servers. Since then, and a good Kindred buff later, I rather have the extra information than an Exhaustion Perk I might not activate at all or hinders more than it helps.
I try not to go with the meta, if it is not necessary. I.e. I would love not to use DS but that's all you have against notoric tunnelers or campers who are sadly not quite rare.
For me I would rather show my strength and skill without crutches than having an easier time with strong meta perks.
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there is one spot you can use it, fall into basement from the stairs and use it there
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Granted you're approaching the killer shack from the proper side. L E L.
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Let us climb tree again. Spoilsport devs...Edit:who also don't understand balance (or Balanced Landing ;D).