This has me EXTREMELY excited to play DBD on my PS5 on Nov 12th!

Bro you got a ps5. Nice
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I was very fortunate and lucky here in Australia. I was up in the early hours of the morning watching the live streamed PS5 showcase. I was about to go back to sleep within about 30 minutes of the showcase ending, when I got an email from EB Games (known as GameStop elsewhere) that preorders had gone live. I didn’t hesitate to put a deposit down. Couldn’t go back to sleep after that. A little over 3 hours later get another email from them that first day launch shipment had been sold out nationally and any further orders were for 2021 shipments. Lol, and even THOSE sold out by the end of the day.
I was very lucky to have been awake already, and that I didn’t hesitate.
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Damn Bro you did get lucky. I plan on waiting till next year to try and grab one with a cool design. I was able to pick up the god of war ps5 and imo it looks pretty cool.
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Man you have no idea.. I can’t wait either. I reallyyyy hope most frame drops will be a thing of the past but It’s might just be wishful thinking.. we’ll see. Everything is going to look pretty on it though and backwards compatibility deserves a chefs kiss lol.
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I hate to be devil's advocate but I expect you will be disappointed. Just from the fact this was a PC game and the console port was an after thought for more money. I don't think a next gen console will make that much of a difference with the spaghetti code. I know games on steam that are 10 years old and they still run like crap because the frame rate is capped.
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But they will probably increase the FR cap if all participants are on PC or 5th gen consoles, no?
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Be aware that they said next Gen DBD will not release until Holiday 2020 which means it won't be available right away once the PS5 releases. Most likely will release in December.
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With BHVR over the years I have learned a few things. One of them is what they "say" and what they "do" are usually two different things. If they raise it great. If not I won't be surprised because it's "pretty good job so far".
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Consoles are getting kinda boring tbh.
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Wish you wouldn't have to get a 500$ console just to be able to play this game with consistent 30 FPS :/
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Even if they would do that,it would take years to do so because not every player will be able to get a ps5 right away
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The framerate on consoles isn't capped at 30fps. Devs already confirmed both the new Xbox & PlayStation will be 60fps @ 4k
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What are you talking about?!
I already get periods during some matches where the game runs at 60fps on regular PS4. If it jumps up to a consistent 60fps, that’s all I care about.
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I am by no means an expert but for the majority of my games it feels like something between 30 and 45 FPS.
My point is it's extremely frustrating how inconsistent FPS on console is.Sometimes they are really great and sometimes they are absolutely awful.
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Yeah,i kinda knew that.
It just feels like it is capped at 30 FPS sometimes
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I can't wait until I have better internet. Not sure how long it'll take to upgrade, but it should be within 75 days.
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I'm hoping they don't pull an Activision and make it two versions for the sake of reselling the same game. The jump to next gen is basically just flipping the graphics from medium to high on a PC.
There shouldn't be a huge architectural jump like from PS3 to 4 since PS3 was doing its own thing for who knows why and everyone hated them for it.
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I'm sure at times it does get that low. I wont deny that
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I just heavily upgraded my PC and... Honestly didn't see much improvent except in that I now have less frame stuttering. I don't think it's the hardware that's holding back consoles. I think it's the port itself.
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Can’t wait to not have my face bashed in by a fat FPS spike every time I hit bloodlust or I use dead hard. Gonna be sick