Theory : The psychologist Entity

Lyxfex Member Posts: 8

First, I just want to point at 2 things.
1. My English is poor, and you will find errors in my text
2. this is a theory. I could be wrong and I could be right, I just want to point that out

So as the title suggests this is what I think.
The very first question I ask when entering in the lore of this game is the power of the entity. Why does the entity do that.
Like the lore suggest, if everything was correct according to the lore,the entity feed on hope. Also the entity can bring people in his realm through extreme violence. But why does the entity do that. Why does the entity just don't use extreme violence in war like world wars instead of focusing on 1 specific killer ?
If the entity can bring people with extreme violence, he could just go on a world war and take as many survivors and killer and he could and then he would have so many people that the entity would be the most powerful creature in this lore. And in a matter of second, but he didn't do it ?
I mean, maybe the entity wants to hide is presence, but even then, if he was the most powerful creature would that matter. Would the entity be scared of humanity because of some reason. I doubt it.

That got me thinking too. So if the entity doesn't focus on the really major act of violence. Why do he focused on 1 specific killer and wait for the survivor to come where they commit their action to bring them to.
Just for noticing, the entity seems to always take killer whit major problem. A doctor who gone mad with his job. A huntress that can't kill little girls, but can kill every other thing alive. A nurse that also got mad because of her job.
It really seems the entity always take killer with huge problem for his little game.

But I hear you say : but yeah of course you need an act of extreme violence to make them come in the first place so of course they need to have a problem.
That its a valid point and with only a few characters at the beginning i also thought that. But thing changes. Especial whit the arrival of Bill, Kate, Huntress and Adam Francis. Mostly Kate

Let's start with huntress. The lore of the Huntress proves that the entity could take killer from the past and maybe the future. In all said, the Entity can either
A) Time travel
B) it exists since the creation of humanity.
Either way the entity had access to major wars. First, you might think : well the entity it just stupid old, but i think the entity can time travel through bill story

Bill is simple. He comes from an alternative universe where earth is invaded by hordes of zombie. The end.
Let's remember that bill isn't that old. In fact, when the horde of zombie starts to appear on the earth from bill story, it as the same technologies as Dwight or Claudette.
So it can't be because Bill story is in the future because if that would be the case. All the other character would be under horde of zombie but they do not. That is the Key point.

Not killer has been taken when Bill dies. Bill did a heroic act by reactivating a generator. Where he dies, no killer has been taken. So the Entity took him. Not only the entity took bill whiteout the need of '' extreme violence. But the Entity took a veteran of wars to fight monster. The kind of Veterans that NEVER GIVE UP.

Maybe that's just a coincidence. But Kate Story proves otherwise. Kate is a singer that quote << he only wanted an outlet, a way to touch people's lives. To make them forget the worries of the world and just enjoy themselves, if only for a while.>>
and to continue the quote section. Here is how Kate got into the entity realm (skip to the end of the quote to have a summary of this quote.)

<<It was home where she found most of her inspiration as well. She had always loved to take long walks in the woods around her town, exploring off the beaten track, finding a quiet spot to play and write her songs. She had a favourite location she returned to time and time again, a natural hollow, encircled by trees, that looked almost as if it had been blasted out of the rocks thousands of years ago.

Here she felt a strong connection to nature, and to the Earth itself. She let her mind be enveloped by the forest and it rewarded her with constant inspiration.

She picked up her guitar and played, her fingers dancing across the fretboard. The music that she made this time was unlike her usual uplifting tunes, being much more melancholy, even dark. Still, something compelled her to continue, to finish the song.

Around her, the leaves vibrated in unison with the guitar strings and the boughs of the trees lengthened, coalescing into a living form. Spider-like legs descended from the canopy above, grasping for her. Regaining her senses, she grabbed a rock and tried to beat them back, but their skin was hard as iron and the rock simply bounced off and skittered away.

The legs coiled like tendrils around her limbs and lifted her towards the darkness overhead. Fog rolled across the clearing, obscuring both Kate and the creature of nightmares that drew her up towards itself.

When the fog cleared, there was no sign of any struggle, or of life. Just an acoustic guitar, the scratch plate engraved with flowers; as well as the initials KD, inlaid in mother of pearl. >>

Kate loves to walk into the forest to make some music. She has favorite spot to compose those musics. The entity gives her constant inspiration and then the entity took her.

Here we can see some really big : The Entity can definitely take person as he wishes. The proof ? Kate had a favorite spot that she returns time to time. Kate did go to the spot she got taken many times before.
One random day the entity just took her. But is it truly random?

In Adam new story. The way he was taken by the Entity was quite strange. He had a train crash and he wanted to protect a little girl but instead he felt nothing. He felt and quote << He squinted one eye open and he saw nothing but darkness. A heavy Fog had taken over the train. Ice seemed to flow through his body, reaching his lips first, then the tip of his fingers before spreading to his legs. Lulled by the warm hum of the dark whisper, he closed his eyes, drifting.>>

The entity makes him cold and he was brought by a strange Hum. Like if the Entity Wanted him to come.

So after all of this text, Their a major question that i need to ask.

Why The Entity always takes killer whit big mental problem and always take survivors that are willing to help others. Every survivors wants to help like Dwight that would do anything to survive or Feng min that will do anything to be the best of the best. The entity takes doctor, Leader, survivor ,teacher and most of all people that truly want to make the world a better place.

The only answer I can find is that, well The entity actually wants to help the killer. That's why he put survivors and the killer in an arena over and over again because he wants to brute force his way to actually help them. Because the entity with all of his power, he doesn’t know how to help human kind.

Another thing is that the entity must feed on hope to tell a message to the survivors. It said: Hey, i can take your hope, but you can have it back if you do one simple thing.

Because let’s be real if the entity feed on hope why don't the entity take all the hope of a survivors and when the survivors don't have any he just replace him.

Like the devs said : The survivors can become a killer. So the killer can become a survivors to!

But hey that's just a theory. Tell me about of what you think and maybe you could prove me wrong.

Until someone changes my mind. Have a wonderful Days.


  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    Your theory have some weakpoints.
    1) Not every survivor really willing to help others and desires to make a world better place.
    David King just a guy who lives for adrenaline rush. The thing he desires - good fight. That's all. He don't really care about others, besides a few his friends.
    Or Jake. Guy, who literally ESCAPED FROM SOCIETY IN WOODS. Cuz, nature rullz, people=#########.
    Or Ace. I bet, money and rich life the only thing he interested in.
    2) Not every killer have mental problems. Like, Michael Myers is JUST EVIL. He kills cause he can. Same with Krueger.
    3) Some killers were forced to kill, despite the fact they didn't really wanted it. According to lore from devs, the more tortured killer looks like (Trapper with metal bars in his shoulder, Doctor with metal things inside his mouth and eyes, Nurse who was choked with pillow) the more likely Entity forced them to kill survivors.
    4) How do you even suppose to help guy with chainsaw who looks like monster and hate people from childhood? I mean, even if you were supposed to help him, why give him chainsaw and sledgehammer in first place?

  • Lyxfex
    Lyxfex Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2018

    You kinda right about the survivor ill give you that but that doesn't change the fact the entity take the most difficult prey to fight the killer and that doesn't make sense since the entity feed on hope and they take people with the least chance to loose some

    As from micheal and freddy even tho is not a mental problem it is still a big problem. Like their no joker from batman they don't kill for the sake of killing. Freddy kruguer wants revenge upon Quentin because he fail to kill him in the first place

    The killer weren't force to kill. They just kinda lost it. They mental break and they went on a savage road because they had been torture in some way like nurse or doctor

    The last question, i don't know and the entity surely don't know. In my theory at least is like if the entity want to help the killer but not with therapy the entity want to help them by brute force is way to achieve this goal

    But ill give you the first one and your actually right for Laurie and David but like i said : even if they don't help people why would the entity take people with thte least amout of chance to loose hope in the first place

  • Lyxfex
    Lyxfex Member Posts: 8

    After watching the lore panel ( ) It did answer some question.

    So first the devs confirmed that escaping the entity real is in theory possible.
    Second, the devs confirm that a killer can become a survivors.

    Also the devs said that the entity doesn't think like us so its pointing out that the entity ,in theory, can't
    philosophize and that is why he doing all of this thing. That is why the entity don't know how to actually help the survivors and killer

    Most important thing is that the devs point out that the entity doesn't actually favor any killer whatsoever. He even let killer have emotion, humanity in them. So the entity actually wants to keep the killer human in order to not sent them to the '' Void ''. Then entity feed on strong emotion rather than hope so that suggest that really strong emotion about curing people could be a key to become even stronger.

    Another thing is that the entity actually have cultist. And Benedict baker knew about the entity. So the entity isn't afraid to be found. So that confirm my theory that if the entity wanted to talk as many people as he want in a major wars, he could do it but he doesn't. also to prove furthermore this knowledge the devs said that the entity was really old but the entity could travel threw parallel universe. proving that he can take as many killer and survivor as he want in matter of second.

    Now a major thing about my theory is that the devs said that the entity was biological, so it isn't a god and. So he still have some flaw. And the game of the entity is located in a core were the match happen. Thus he feed on every emotion it have. Now the entity don't watch the match. Not only their to many of them but he just don't watch. Also now, since the entity can feed on strong emotion rather than hope. Maybe he want to cure mentally killer so he could feed on that process to become human again, since humanity is really important to him.

    So now that we know the entity need to feed on humanity,their a big question that ill need to answer is : Does the entity care about does core or the entity don't care about them.

    Because he the entity actually care. That mean the entity want to help people but not for the sake of helping them but rather have a strong source of energies. Because then the entity don't know how to achieve that and at the moment he just tried to arrive their by brute force is way to victory.

    On the other hand, if the entity doesn't care about those core, that mean the entity is ALREADY strong so he have other plan.

    The world may never know