Any chance grabs are going to be fixed?

Any chance grabs are going to be fixed, it's been over a year since they stopped working most of the time.
Devs said they will be looking to make grabs more consistent. It's a difficult issue to fix without hurting one side or the other.
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They aren't perfect, but they are fine. I'd rather have a lot of other things addressed tbh
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Survivors shouldn't be able to abort the grab animation at all. At least not on gens. Windows work. On hooks, it is broken but i would keep it this way so facecamping doesn't become too easy. Gen grabbing is the big issue for me. You grab - Survivors sprint bursts away - You are stuck in animation and the game is over.
Even when this is not happening, survivors shouldn't be allowed to greed gens in front of the killer and get away with it because of broken animations.
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The thing is they are not aborting. They are no longer doing a gen when you are trying to grab them... So technically you are at fault by doing invalid action. If you just hit them you wouldnt have a problem.
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It's latency, it has nothing to do with survivors "aborting" grabs.
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This latency issue does not happen on window or pallet vaults and it does not happen when grabbing a survivor with Myers. But it does happen on gens. "My fault"? Yeah, sure. Devs need to fix this issue.
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Wait killers can hit instead of doing a gen grab? I always assumed that the killer auto grabbed every time a survivor was on a gen.
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You have to lunge, otherwise yeah, it auto grabs.
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They currently have lots of bugs. Maybe they can now atleast give you the hit and come back to the matter later.
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The network issues with grabs are being worked on by the team. It's not fixed yet and they're working on it to get it fixed as soon as they can.
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Who said it was your fault??
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This Jejune figure. He said it is my fault for doing "invalid actions". As if i had any control on that lol
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Maybe in another 2 years
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I mean, why does an invalid grab not count as a hit? If you sent the grab event the server should check the grab, if it decided it couldn't be a grab but would have been a valid hit, just make it a hit.
As is a grab is encouraged by the way things are SUPPOSED to work, but punished by the way things actually work.
I often avoid letting the game try for a grab because if it cancels from latency I get stuck in an animation for a moment AND don't get a hit.
Seems like the simple answer to at least count this as a hit.
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Personally I would be for having the killer do a basic attack hit on a retracted grab. After all, the only reason the grab animation starts in the first place is because the survivor was within basic attack range of the killer when they hit the attack button. If the issue is the survivor was still in range but no longer on a gen then the retroactive result should be a hit, not nothing happening.
On the other hand if the issue is the survivor not actually being at the generator at all due to extreme latency then the grab missing is reasonable. However that much lag seems to be pretty rare, my guess is it’s more of the former situation.
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Back in the day of peer-to-peer invalid grabs actually resulted in hits. They just need to bring that back.