Is Surveillance better than TT or BBQ?

I'm leveling up pig now because I want to try it, and I need a perk that helps me keep track of gen pressure but I don't know which one to pick! Maybe add discordance in there too?


  • Lucas96
    Lucas96 Member Posts: 40

    On my Pig I use PGTW, Surveillance, BBQ and Nurses.

    I prefer Surveillance to TT, but I wouldn’t choose it over BBQ. If possible, run both of them. As BBQ is great for locating survivors and Surveillance is great for tracking which gens are being worked on. It’s also something not many survivors are wary of as you rarely see killers using it.

  • ringwinning
    ringwinning Member Posts: 552

    Interesting. I main Spirit, do you think it would be a good perk on her? I was thinking of replacing corrupt intervention for it.

  • Lucas96
    Lucas96 Member Posts: 40

    Honestly, it’s great for every killer. Well, maybe not Doctor, but for everybody else lol. I have it a lot, where I know somebody is still near the generator, but I can’t waste time trying to find them. So I’ll leave and keep checking the generators aura, as soon as it changes, I’ll head back.

    It should be strong on Spirit because of how fast she can travel back and forth.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Depends on what you're running with it

    Surge, Ruin, Pop

    Also the extra 8m of repair sounds are good and all but to get full advantage of it is to have a plan

    If the devs increased base regression, Surveillance would be better

  • ringwinning
    ringwinning Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2020

    I really like surge or pop; I don't like relying on ruin and with surge I don't have to walk up to the generator and do the thing.

    EDIT: Describe 'a plan'?

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    If you’re running it with surge or pop it’s decent. Judging the perks solely on their own merit I’d say it ranks lower than both TT and BBQ. I’m biased to TT though.

  • BaschFonRonsenburg
    BaschFonRonsenburg Member Posts: 311

    surge/surveillance on the right character can be great! Even undying ruin surveillance surge can work well

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Surveillance is a decent tracking perk but relies on synergy to do well against good Survivors. I'd try to have something like BBQ, Ruin, or Pop alongside it. I have BBQ, Pop, and Surveillance on four out of six Killers that I play (Doctor, Freddy, PH, and Plague).

    I think Thrilling is only worth it on high mobility Killers or Killers with an AoE ability so you can either get to the gen that isn't blocked or force Survivors off a gen so you can block it with Thrilling. I only really use Thrilling on Freddy because of his teleport. The only reason I don't use it on Doctor is because of Distressing for a bigger Static Blast.

    Discordance is more for gen tracking and works best with Killers that can capitalize on that information (high mobility Killers and AoE Killers) so you can quickly get to the gen or use your AoE ability.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    If you don't want to use Ruin then a plan is not relying on kicking gens for the aura but to use the extra 8m of repair sounds

    Honestly the same can be said for pop and overcharge...

    Also Surge breaks gens within 32m of you downing a survivor with a basic attack

  • ringwinning
    ringwinning Member Posts: 552

    See that's the thing I like about Surge. The less I have to keep track of and do so that I can focus on the survivors, the better. But pop gives you more regression obviously.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    I love Ruin+Surveillance on Spirit with prayer beads. It tells you if survivors are still on a gen and allows you grabs. Takes a bit of practive and you may not always phase to the yellow gens because they get used to it. Great baiting when you just hit someone near a yellow gen, they expect that you follow the injured guy and feel safe on the gen. Can be a fun build

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Yea... Regression rates need to be adjusted to match the current game

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Surveillance is a great tracking perks, especially if you run Ruin with it. Even without Ruin, as long as you are kicking gens you want to keep track of it's still a great way to track when someone starts working on it again. If you don't have or want to use Ruin then try replacing that with perks that triggers when you kick a gen like Pop Goes the Weasel or Trail of Torment or Dragon's Grip. That way you get more out of kicking the gen then just the kind of feeble base regression of 1/4 survivor progress speed.

    BBQ and Chili has ok tracking but honestly if you don't need the bloodpoint bonus I think you're better off using something else.

    Thrilling Tremors is kind of a hybrid, it's an ok tracking perk combined with a bit of gen slowdown. I do like it better than BBQ though (again, mainly because I don't care about the BBQ bloodpoint bonus since it doesn't add to your endgame score.)

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    I think Surveillance is kind of mediocre on its own, but makes for an excellent combo piece with any perk that will result in gen regression (Ruin, Surge, Pop, etc). Though it's probably not worth doubling up with other gen-info perks like Discordance, Overcharge, or Dragon's Grip; you'll just get too much of something that only one perk needs to handle.

    I'd say Discordance is probably the most splashable of the gen-info perks and works in most builds. Obviously not useful if the survivors don't pair up much (or don't touch gens at all for whatever reason), but it also doesn't require you to do anything to get info from it (it's basically a more focused, but less consistent version of Whispers). If you're experimenting with different perks in this vein, you should definitely give Discordance a try.

    Surveillance is stronger than Discordance, but requires more effort to use effectively. As I said earlier, it really wants to be partnered with other perks that synergize with it. If you're running those perks (or want to run them), then go for it.

    Thrilling Tremors is an even stronger version of Surveillance's effect that is more situational due to its activation requirement (picking up a survivor) and its long cooldown. I'm personally not fond of perks that have long down periods between uses, so I tend to skip on this perk in favor of other options.

    BBQ & Chili is a pleasant perk to have, but it's fine to drop it in favor of other tracking perks if your killer doesn't have the mobility/range to properly act on the info it provides (or if you don't care about its BP bonus).

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I love Surveillance and I reckon that it's one of the most underrated perks in the game as no survivors expect it.

    Thing is though that you need to be kicking generators if Ruin goes down, or even more than usual if you're running Pop. Not necessarily a bad thing if the survivors don't recognise what's going on.

    Better than Discordance in my opinion!

  • MrSmashem
    MrSmashem Member Posts: 161

    Personally, Id go with TT or BBQ.

    Surveillance and Ruin is an amazing combo(if you can keep Ruin up), because the Gens auto-regress, which gives you loads of info without slowing you down. By itself though, Surveillance takes too much work to be effective, especially in early game where there are loads of Gens and they're all spread out. If you aren't careful, you can spend half of the game running around, kicking Gens so you have intel, meanwhile the Survivors are back on them before youve kicked them all and you start losing objectives. You can also become hyper-vigilant and try to stop every Gen that's getting worked on, which can also backfire, because you spend way too much time running back and forth, chasing Survivors off Gens.

    TT is alright, the cooldown kind of hurts it, though. When it activates, it tells you all you need to know and gives you a little bit of a buffer on empty Gens, for your hook. The downside is, if you get downs in quick succession, you'll get limited use out of it.

    BBQ is by far, the best of the 3, imo. It will not only show you Gens that are being currently worked on(through the Survivor aura), but it shows you everything the Survivors are doing, unless they're in a Locker. You know where they're at, where they're heading(unless they're clever and juke), if they're mid-action(repair, search, heal, etc.), if they're clumped together, etc. Plus, you get that sweet, sweet BP bonus. Its better all-around.

  • BestGame
    BestGame Member Posts: 69

    surveillance + overcharge+ dragon grip with doctor = Beast !!!

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Surveillance on its own isn't better than BBQ and TT, but if you combine it with surge, holy #########, it's amazing. You get so much information, it's insane, same with surveillance and ruin.

    Not to mention, it allows you to hear gen sounds from a further distance, which is an underrated nuance the perk has.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    edited October 2020

    Uno reverse card.

    Comeon, you are Bjork and nas, two great lyricists, I expect an amazing comeback.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    you asked for a good comeback and got one are you not satisfied

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    No. It used to be decent, but the Devs nerfed it because it's usefulness was an unintended bug.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    Surveillance is good when paired with Ruin. However, what you have to keep in mind is that once Ruin is gone, you are basically forced to kick Generators to have any value from Surveillance. And kicking Generators is not really worth it, unless you have PGTW, because most of the time you generate more pressure by trying to get into a new chase quickly instead of kicking a Gen (except the Gen is far away from other Gens like a 99% Gen to prevent a 3-Gen or you know for sure that no Survivor will be there for a longer period of time).

    BBQ and Thrilling are better for Tracking since they work on their own.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Surveilince real power comes from how it synergizes with other perks like ruin and surge. Bassicly anything that removes the kicking gen part or gives more vallue to the kicking gen part

    On it's own it's allright. Probably not better then thrilling as you have to waste a lot of time kicking for it be good.

    BBQ imo is overrated as a tracking perk. It's good vs new players but quickly falls of when players keep it in mind.

    The bloodpoints are the real reason and you know it.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Still though... 8m more of repair sounds isn't to be slept on

    Play it right and you'll hear a gen being worked on and be able to interrupt the progress sooner

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    The recent shadow nerf made it not worth it for me anymore.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    It was decent enough to be worth considering over those other 2 for certain builds/killers. However they "fixed" the bug to where it goes off once the gen regresses to 0 which was actually a massive nerf to an already under used perk. Now I don't think it's worth considering over the other 2 anymore. Maybe with how much stronger Ruin is now with Undying it makes up for the nerf, but that's a maybe.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I'd say better than TT but not better than BBQ.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Surveillance is definitely a great perk, but I think you hit the nail on the head as to why some people don't run it. Personally I prefer discordance over surveillance simply because like you said, I have to be kicking generators in order to activate it. And if I approach a generator that a survivor runs away from, I would prefer to chase after the survivor because kicking the gens just gives more time to the survivors to escape.

  • Artemis_LH
    Artemis_LH Member Posts: 113
    edited October 2020





    Yes, you WILL get hatemail for this, but it's SO damn fun!

  • hurryingok
    hurryingok Member Posts: 49

    It's good with ruin too. All you have to do is run the survivors off the gen, and then you immediately get feedback about what the survivors did next.

  • Creepa99
    Creepa99 Member Posts: 80

    Don't have Hag leveled up enough but does Hex: Ruin work with Surveillance? If so BBQ, Surv, Ruin, and Undying will have to be my new load out for Demogorgon and Oni.