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All these hackers

About every 4th match the killer is a hacker and excels in doing antiques or is testing his new superpower.

Then he starts a duel against the Survivor who insta recover health states.

Finally everyone is going AFK.

Problem is that this gets boring the more you play.

If everyone would play serious, it would be much more fun.


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  • Member Posts: 54
    edited October 2020

    I've only encountered two clear hackers in the last few hundred matches I've played, one was a survivor and the other was a combination of survivor and killer. Neither hacks I care to mention here. Either you are just really unlucky or you're mistaking the way some people play as some sort of hack. Also I play on ps4, but I do have cross play on so, maybe the hackers you come across play pc only?

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    I have yet to be able to clearly identify a cheating killer. Only the brazen survivors are noticeable, but I’ve watched hacking survivors that the killer never noticed.

  • Member Posts: 615

    I've been playing since March, and I have yet to see any of these shenanigans. You're lucky you get action like this.

  • Member Posts: 231

    I saw 3 hackers so far. 2 survivors with speed hack and a bubba with wallhack.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    I faced only one and I been playing for almost 4 years.

  • That's really strange.

    The 'normal' hackers with wallhack only are very common for me.

    They mostly use no perks, tools or offerings. They always see where everyone is and are going straight towards them.

    There are even some who don't get what happened if you hide in a red locker. Especially if everyone is hiding in a red locker at the same time, maximum confusion is incoming ^^

    Well I guess it is a country based thing for me then.

    I didn't count them as hackers, but also a very common hack used is the one who let you play together with your friend/killer as survivor.

    I often see them farming XP together. The killer is friendly.

    Or could it be that this isn't a hack? Because I can't find an option to play with your friend/killer as survivor.

    It's really hard to communicate with them because you only got that short summary at the end of the match and I only understand German and English but not Russian. And like 80% of them only write Russian in chat.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    I've had the game for a little over 3 years and I have only seen 2 people that were certainly hacking. There were a few that were questionable but not enough evidence to submit a report.

    An obvious hacker was 1 Dwight I was facing during the Hallowed Blight event was ALWAYS sprinting. It was clear he was hacking.

    Other times where it looked suspicious but could have been luck was some killers knew where everyone was despite having no perks to explain it. A Nurse that always blinked in the direction of another survivor after hooking someone despite having no BBQ. A trapper that had zero trouble finding people. A bit shady but no proof.

    I think the problem is there are so many people who scream hacking when it could be an in game mechanic. I've had people accuse me of hacking until I told them how Whispers worked. Sometimes when the killer finds you it can be down to blind luck.

  • Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,073

    If you suspect someone is using hacks, please do report them.

    Keep in mind to record your match, report in game and open a ticket on the support website (, attaching the video proof you collected and all the offender's information.

    If you need any more information about it, you can find it here:

  • Member Posts: 1,364

    I went up against a speed hacking legion yesterday lol at first I thought it was bloodlust but when he hit me and kept the speed (the whole match) and didn’t have any speed perks I knew it was a hacker ..I play on console

  • Member Posts: 773

    Record them on the video (OBS is nice). Then send proof to the support. The more hackers you report - the less of them will be in the game.

    Though, for the last half a year I personally run into hackers, like, 2 or 3 times. So I wouldn't say that this problem is as frequent as you describe it. Are you sure that they aren't simply outplaying you fairly?

  • Member Posts: 486
    edited October 2020

    I love when hackers respawn dozens of Kates in the exit gates so the other survs cannot escape lol

  • I record with Windows 10 DVR. Works just fine.

    Yeah I am sure they are hacking. A few even told me in the lobby before the match.

    But that doesn't help with all the wallhackers.

    How should one report them?

    There is no 100% proof that someone is wallhacking, even when it is more than obvious.

    This game needs an option to rewatch the match after it is over. Just like CS GO does.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    If you suspect someone is hacking and your on separate platforms is it even possible to report them? If I'm on PC and the hacker is console how do you report that?

  • Member Posts: 1,596

    I can really see an increase in hacking in the recent time in my matches. In the last two months I encountered three survivors clearly hacking, two as a killer and one as survivor. Before that, I never recognized one since starting the game some years ago (joined a few weeks before old freddy was added).

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    I think here lately some new way to hack has been discovered because I've played since day one on pc and I've never seen as many hackers as I have the past month but they're mainly survivors that can run faster than the killer, finish a gen in 10 seconds, and insta heal with no medkit etc... It's been the same hack I've seen over and over lately , on the killer side the only one I've seen in the last year was a Myers with a tombstone that could insta pop tier 3 every time he was in a chase and I'm talking the match started and the man went straight to tier three skipping tier 2 and tombstone a survivor like 5 seconds into the match which is impossible without hacking

  • Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2020

    Yeah, I played a match a hour ago and reported two survivors of another platform who instantly escaped through the hatch and left the last survivor alone.

    But reporting is a bit laborious.

    I had to cut down my vid to 20 MB because else an error occured and said the upload took longer than expected.

    I wrote the hackers names and #numbers in the ticket because there is no other information about them. I hope that is enough.

    The last question in the ticket is 'Did you create an in-game report?'

    I choosed 'No'. But what exactly does that mean?

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    That's the thing. I don't think you can report them if your on separate systems. If your both on pc you can bring up their steam profile and submit it there. It doesnt let you do that if your on pc and they are on console.

  • I got an answer from the DbD support staff:



    Thank you for your report - we appreciate your assistance in making our game more enjoyable for everyone!

    We won't be able to disclose the results of our investigation, but rest assured relevant action will be taken if it is required.

    In addition, there is no further action needed from you, so you don't have to respond to this message.

    Again we are truly grateful for your co-operation, and we appreciate your dedication in helping us make the game a more fair and enjoyable experience for all!


    But reporting only the obvious hackers isn't a proper solution to this problem in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 9

    He's probably just bad and calls hacks in every game if he's getting rekt.

  • Member Posts: 18

    I have more than 1000h played and only stumbled upon 1 hacker lmao, I guess you're either probably just bad and call everyone a hacker if you're getting killed or just bad luck.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    @Rizzo90 not everyone can record their matches, and not every match is a hacker. Behavior needs to step up, and get the data from the DEDICATED servers which has everything that is happening, and stop relying and demanding recordings from people that 1) don't know how to record their matches, 2) don't have the pc capable of playing the game and recording, 3) don't have the programs it takes to record their matches. Before dedicated servers Behavior had access to very limited bits of information as it was point to point, but with dedicated servers they have access to all the information they need.

    I agree they should be reported and when a report is issued, the server should transmit the match data to Behavior for analysis and review for the report. if the data is not needed it can be deleted at that point. HOWEVER I do agree that if someone can offer video evidence of the "hack" or actions this should be taken into consideration as well. I keep telling behavior this same bit of information when i report someone, I can't just start my obs up and click record to record a single time that I see a hack or issue in the game that will be over by the time I get obs up.

    This along with responses to those that do report, it would go far to get people to accept that behavior takes reports seriously instead of just ignoring them. No information should be given about the results but that action or appropriate action has been taken. this simple email to those that take the time to fill out a report ticket and even sometimes submit videos for them would go a long way to start repairing the idea that behavior ignores all reports unless you're a fog whisperer.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    I too have only seen one person who actually hacked and then i've seen a couple more i've suspected but could not verify a hack due to possible issues with bugs etc.

  • Member Posts: 427

    This is such a stupid method! In CS/LOL/DOTA/HOTS/etc. there are overwatch replays a few kbs that have +40 min of gameplay in them! I dont record my matches, I dont have AND dont use a software that allowes me to record the matches either! Why are WE supposed to do that huge amount of work so you can finaly do what is expected of you?

    Put in a overwatch / replay mechanic that records the match in numbers and can be generated again afterwards! This would solve SOOOO much problems!

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    it would be good to have the petitioner's view point I agree but I agree with you not everyone will be able to record their matches for various reasons. your reason is a valid reason as well.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    I have found a total of 1 cheater since Crossplay released, ya'll are just unlucky

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    This. I play PS4, and encountered a Survivor hacking while I was survivor myself. I can record via the PS4 share option, but beyond that, I can't just upload the video to BHVR's site since it's on my console with no way for me to get it from there. I could use a memory stick or something, but I shouldn't have to go through a ton of hoops just to be able to report. Not only that, but this survivor was also on another platform, PC most likely, and I can't access their Steam account to get their ID or anything else. And in-game reporting doesn't seem to prove if anything happens. There needs to me more measures in place for this kind of this, especially after 4 years.

  • Member Posts: 617

    Just so you know, RE: Your "wall hacking" killers being common, there's been a bug out for a while now where the end game screen doesn't actually display the killer's perks. So those wall hackers with no perks are likely 99% using aura reading perks and your endgame screen got bugged.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    and i agree before when dedicated servers did not exist i can understand why but now it's redundant.

  • No, because even all aura reading perks together are BS against a wallhack.

    Wallhackers usually don't hang people on hooks just kill them and the whole match is very short.

    If they follow a survivor and you get close to a downed survivor they get back.

    And they never look/go in a direction where no survivor is.

    I meant obvious hackers. Crazy outstanding hacks. These i see about every 4th round.

    All the others are either without hacks or i can't tell for sure if someone used hacks.

    But not all the hackers are bad or give you a disadvantage. I guess many of them are just bored frome the game.

    The real problem the hackers cause is that you joined an match and know that this isn't even worth to play.

    So you wait a long time to find a match and if you finally found one it's no real match and you play or start searching for a new match again.

    It's very time consuming from about UTC 7 PM - 0 AM.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    I disagree that what many call "WALL HACKS" is always a hack but there are times that people have the perks they need to know where people are. Also there are lots of things that tell a person where a survivor is if you are attentive. sometimes people get lucky and yes it can be more than once in a game and actually even all in one game.

    1) strydor increases the breathing sounds of survivors, skilled killers are good at spotting survivors with this.

    2) injured survivors ARE LOUD combined with #1 it's easy to find. Iron will 3 is not 100% quiet but very but #1 reduces that by 1/2.

    3) bbq gives people a way to go and then combine with whispers that gives a location if you are listening.

    4) object of obsession, that's EASY to find.....

    5) Rancor.

    6) plague's iri add on that shows aura every time a survivor pukes....

    need i go on? there is lots of information to be held here.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    When you report in the post game lobby. The standard report where you click the thumbs downs on the endgame screen.

    You’re meant to do that and then report on the support site as well

  • Member Posts: 2,529
    edited October 2020

    Its been a very long time since I ran into a hacker.

    However I do occassionally run into lagswitching survivors from time to time. Maybe once or twice a months. They will usually have a good ping, but the moment I want to hook them, their ping will skyrocket to somethig crazy like 2526ms or more, so the game wont let me hook or drop them on the ground. Conveniently they also always run No Mither so you can't slug them either ...

  • I played against a few rank 1 killers who had some of the skills you mentioned.

    They were really good. Especially also in chasing you. If I played with randoms, we lost the match quickly.

    But the special thing about all these rank 1 killers was, if their aura was revealed to me or my friends, there were moments where they didn't look and go directly to a survivor.

    The in my opinion wallhacking rank 10-20 killers were miles better in finding you, but much worse at chasing.

    Mostly without perks or bad perks.

    You also get notifications as survivor about perks or totems the killer activated and typlical wallhackers never do anything like that.

    So i would say either some players in this game use hacks or all the perks are overrated and the rank tells nothing about how good a player is.

    Also, because I see so many survivors who use hacks, I don't believe it's much different for killers.

    The problem for sure is, I can't watch them playing like survivors after I died. So all hacking killers got a green card for using hacks.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    I just got sent back to rank 17 killer and survivor. why? because of rank reset I am a fair killer not the best by far, not great but ok to good really. I have done well against purple ranks, I've hooked and sac'd/killed red ranks as well. I don't use wall hacks and I can find people failry easily since I know many of the maps pretty well and I can use that knowledge plus where the gens are and my perks help me know where people are.... i can sometimes even find survivors who quietly get into lockers too.

  • Member Posts: 231

    I THINK i faced a speed hack yesterday. I have seen a few hackers over the past months but not half as many as some post here suggest. 4 or 5 maybe in a couple hundred matches. One WH Bubba, the others where survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2,055
    edited October 2020

    I think the entire time I have ever played DBD, I have only ran into one hacker.

  • Oh k i didn't know that. I started playing 3 weeks ago. Got to survivor rank 8 and after the reset I am 9 now. Also my map knowledge isn't really existent.

    I know it's not as easy for killers to hack because most hacks I've seen so far are triggering actions that wouldn't be triggered by the game itself at this moment and the only actions a killer can trigger are closing the hatch or attacking generators. Survivors got more opitons there.

    But it doesn't matter. Hacking survivors are just as bad as hacking killers.

    That DbD is coded in Unreal Engine also doesn't make it better.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    I'll agree with you that anyone hacking this game is bad period. it's a pita when it does happen but it's not as rampant as many will have you agree. there are so many times i've heard "he's hacking! he got me from a mile away!" when it was lag that caused it. Lag switching is harder to do now. but many times people just don't take into account what could cause something including how the hit boxes are etc but it's all hacking. no worries about just starting, you'll learn and I hope you still enjoy things! please don't let the toxcicity here in the forums and some in the games make you want to quit. take breaks, play your way and enjoy. you might not or might have the same opinion i have on something but I will never say you are bad for having it. :)

  • Don't worry. I got enough experience with bad internet connections and bad hitboxes in games :)

    I am the last one who could claim someone is lag switching, for reasons...

    Well, to be honest there was one survivor who was unhooking me the whole first and half second phase, so no other survivor could unhook me and the killer came. He finsihed unhooking and the killer killed me again. But this could also be a hack that let you redo an action without finishing the actual one first.

    Also I don't think the game is toxic because you can barely communicate with someone ^^

    Some killers even carried me to the exit gate and let me go.

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