"Entity Displeased" - Does that message just add a little extra salt to the wound?

Yes, I get it... all the gens popped in under 5 minutes and all I got to do was hook Dwight because he mixed up his teabag button with his pallot dropping button. I'm a terrible person.
"Entity Displeased" - thanks. I thought the match sucked too. Take the damn pip and STFU.
Can we get another message here? It's not like when a Survivor gets Moried three minutes in because someone without Borrowed Time says: "Hey, let's unhook in front of Insideous Bubba"... the game then says: "Match Result: Bad And You Should Feel Bad."
I guess you can get second place
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whispers No no that's too mean
Okay. Entity Displeased.
"Thirsty Predator"
"I think that only works with Freddy, he's the, you know..."
"Persevering Haunt."
"Well...okay. I guess."
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You Tried ☆
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I know the feels. It´s amplified by this insulting, almost mocking sound cue, too.
It gets worse once post game chat starts and the survivors tell the Killer that he sucks, EZ and he should kill himself this disappointed sound and message are still fresh.
Don´t know whether they should change it. If they don´t, you can work on your attitude towards it at least, it will lessen the frustration more than any change of message ever could.
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Or just, y'know, "Defeat"... like how Survivors get their result reported as a fact. "Dead"... "Sacrificed" or "Escaped".
Alternatively, if they wanna add something that demeans survivors when I make them depip, I could live with that. "Poor Offering" or "Unrespectable Showing" maybe?
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It's annoying af when someone d/cs in the lobby and you get a entity displeased notification but the survivors get a wholesome escaped notification
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The Entity isn't mad. Just disappointed.
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People tell me the post game chat can be closed, but I think it would do everyone a favor to just remove it entirely.
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Well it´s not so much a problem for me, people being mean on the internet really is the least of my concerns. There are people though that have a hard time coping with such things, it can really take a toll on them. I wouldn´t wanna miss the nice post game chats so I´ll always leave it open.
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I thought entity displeased was the nicest way they could've put it. What would be better?
Entity disappointed? You lose? Defeat? Mission failed, you'll get them next time? Mission failed successfully? Entity sad? Entity lonely? Entity happy you tried? Entity not pleased?
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Gets 1k "Entity Displeased", Gets 2k "Entity Displeased", Gets 3k "Entity Displeased", Gets 4k "Entity Displeased"
Entity wants you to suffer more than anyone.
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The post game chat doesn't bother me either, but it does make me feel a bit sad that the players just HAVE to commentate.
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For survivors it just states a fact "Sacrifised", "Escaped", so for killer it should read "4 survivors", "3 survivors", "2 survivors", "1 survivor", "NO SURVIVORS!".
Also they should change the notification when someone disconnects during the loading screen. Having the killer get the defeat notification, while survivors get the win notification reallly sends the wrong message. Is the killer responsible for the disconnect during the loading screen??
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This. It's really not rocket science. Match Result: X Survived is perfect.
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Why do people take everything so seriously? Next, are we going to get survivors checking their pulse to see if they're alive, because their TV clearly says they're dead?
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It's an irrelevant message. Stop paying attention to it.
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It does a little bit
Like clearly I had a bad match but the Entity doesn't care
ME: It was a bad match... I'm sorry
Entity: I am displeased that you didn't kill anyone at all... Why did I bring YOU here... I got a headache now, get outta here and get me survivors
ME: .... fine
ME: -leaves chat-
Entity: For my sake I hope he gets at least gets one next time... smh
Entity: -leaves chat-
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to me its just weird that survivors dont get the same stuff, they also have emblems to entertain the entity, merely crouching in a corner and escaping out the door should result in an entity displeased as well tbh.
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I found that a little too funny.
On Topic, I really don't think Entity Displeased is all that bad. It could certainly be much worse which I would actually prefer tbh.
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Chill, its just a message. They can also write "You lost", but this would be misleading for Killers who get a 3K despite playing really poorly.
They could also write "You deranked", but "Entity Displeased" serves the same purpose. If you get it too often, you should think about how to improve and not how unfair this message sounds to you.
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I am all for having a demeaning message for survivors too if they depipped.
*this is why you are here and not in heaven*
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Man screw the entity I sorta feel good when it's displeased. That's what you get for blocking perks in my bloodweb
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I actually think "Entity Sad" would be really funny. i would like that one.
I think the message they have is gentler than a lot of things they could have put, though I do agree that it's not on par with the survivor messaging. IIRC, survivors just get told whether their character lived or died, and it's not really related to their overall score, whereas the killers are implicitly being judged.
Since all of the other killer states are X killer -- like brutal killer, mercilous killer, etc -- maybe the de-pip state should be some kind of killer, too. Apprentice killer, maybe -- one who's still learning and isn't brutal yet.
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I wish Entity Displeased screen had killers running with there hands up protecting their heads while Entity's spider arms flail down from the heavens slapping them about the head. 😄
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I think if would be cool if the entity showed itself just to slap the killer and say:
”You fool!”
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Counterargument: The Survivors don't directly report to the Entity, so it makes sense that they don't get reprimanded by the Entity. Meanwhile, the Killer does, so it's as though you yourself failed the Entity.
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If you're going with a Lore-based argument, sure they do. The Entity chose both the survivors and killers. We're all here to amuse the Entity. A terrible survivor who dies fast and accomplishes nothing would likely 'displease' the entity as they wouldn't be a worthy sacrifice.
I'm all for either both sides getting a factual result screen, or both sides being demeaned after what the game views as a poor performance. Even outside of the post game salt I posted this OP, I still genuinely don't get why they decided to basically demean a poorly played killer, but not a poorly played survivor.
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After 1k hours you realize how broken the game is and you stop caring what the entity thinks
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The Entity didn't choose the Survivors as workers; it chose them as hostages.
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It could be worse:
Entity Amused
Get good
Promoted to survivor
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I don't even see the message anymore.
I mean i look straight at it, but i don't register the Entity's mood in my brain at all, i'm just waiting for the Perks to pop up cause i'm always curious as to what the others were using.
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..really.. feeling tilited and getting mad at a defeat screen? My god..are people now a days really this sensitive
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The game means to say "tunnel harder next time."
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I've legit said "piss off, entity," a few times after getting wrecked by MLG SWF hit squads.
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More like feeling tilted at a gen rush match and just getting a little extra salt after. I thought it was a miracle that I even pulled off 1 kill that match... but doesnt matter. Entity's a sourpuss.
Today, I'm not really salty, just more genuinely curious why the Devs stick to a factual defeat screen for Survivors, regardless of how bad a game they had... while they basically have a "Your Bad And Should Feel Bad" message to Killers who have the same bad game. Why treat players differently?
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FauxFalsetto on reddit had an idea for survivors to also get similar messages.
For Escape
Barely Escaped - Depip
Escaped -Safety
Efficient Escape - Pip
Graceful Escape - 2 Pip
For Sacrifices
Sacrificed - Depip (Note from me, "Senseless Sacrifice" could also work)
Hopeful Sacrifice -Safety
Honorable Sacrifice - Pip
Heroic Sacrifice - 2 pip
Useless Dead - depip (Dead Weight could work)
Ded - safety
Dutiful Dead - Pip
Dearly Departed - 2 pip
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No, but the sound it makes sure as hell does
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It's weird.
As a survivor you can die and get a Safety Pip, and it doesn't feel like you've failed.
As a killer, you can get Brutal Killer and somehow it feels like a major failure.
(Also for some reason when someone DC's at the start, we get the message "ENTITY DISPLEASED" as if we were supposed to kill everyone in the lobby before the match began or something)
Brutal Killer sounds like a compliment, but somehow it still feels like failure. Like you just didn't do enough. Ruthless Killer sounds good, and Merciless sounds great.
On the survivor side, you just get the message "Escaped" or "Dead". Doesn't matter if you safety pip, depip, or double pip.
So maybe we shouldn't have different levels of messages. "Entity Pleased" if you get enough for a safety pip or double pip and "Entity Displeased" if you depip. Then if someone disconnects before the match starts "Entity Pleased".
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i dont really know what you want to hear here, the match result screen provides you with the match results.
if you had a bad match, it will tell you so - its the same for survivors aswell.
its not there to boost your conficence with a message like "darn... well, we'll get em next time! :D", it merely displays how the match has went.
and if we're being honest, it has a lot more, much, much nicer messages than negative ones.
a loss will simply be "Entity Displeased" - a win literally compliments you (directed to you as a player) with "you are a "Ruthless Killer" / "Merciless Killer"", and even a draw still compliments you as "Brutal Killer".
imagine the loss message following the trend of the win messages and directly comment on you as the killer player. imagine having a really bad game like the one you described, just for the endscreen to say "Horrible Killer" or "Insufficient Killer".
it simply saying that the Entity isnt happy is a lot better imo...
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What I'd be interested in hearing is why they opted to comment on your performance as a killer, but not as a survivor.
As a Survivor, you don't actually get told you had a bad match - you just get "Dead" "Sacrificed" or "Escaped". Doesn't matter if you killed yourself on hook within a minute or got hooked securing the escape of 2 others in the final moments of end game collapse.
Meanwhile, as a Killer, you can actually have a 2-3 kill match and still get Entity Displeased. It's happened once or twice to me after having a NOED slugathon after getting my ass handed to me by better players for 5-10 minutes. I'm just genuinely curious at this point why they made the decision to do "Your Bad And Should Feel Bad" messages for killers, but not survivors. Or even why they compliment good killer games, but don't do the same for Survivors.
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Entity can do to me what you know I thinking. Survivors arent for entertaining it either.
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"En titties displeased". Brutal killer can be "En titties aroused" and so on and so forth. It will also encourage killers to do better.
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"Entity Displeased" is already such a tame way of it saying "You lost" you want it to be even less?
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"Entity Displeased" does not comment on you as the player though?
you literally only get commented on directly when you did well as killer.
its like when you did well the game compliments you for doing so "you are a "Ruthless Killer", keep it up!" (survivors done have that), but if you dont do well it just tells you the outcome (the outcome being that the entity wasnt pleased with the match. there is no commenting on your playstyle whatsoever, they actually removed that some time ago - you have heard of the "Disgraceful Defeat", im sure).
there are only two realistic changes you could ask for for this system:
1) the game always comments on your playstyle - this would ensure you (as killer or survivor) getting complimented just like you do now as killer, however when you do badly it would also directly call you a bad player. so something like "Disgraceful Defeat" would replace the current "Entity Displeased".
2) the game never comments on your playstyle and only gives you the match outcome - this would mean that it would do what it currently does with survivors for the killer aswell. so your match would be scaled from "Entity Displeased" to something like "Entity Astounded"
so whats your point, you want survivors to get nicer messages when they escape? "breathtaking escape" for example?
are you sure this entire complaint isnt just you being mad that you lost? you dont seem to dislike any of the compliments given to you, however you seem to take great offense the one time the game does not compliment you.
the game isnt "rubbing it in", the game is simplly not complimenting you for once - because there is simply nothing to compliment. thats the thing you hate, you know you did really bad and therefore you know the game is going to tell you that in the result screen (thats what its there for after all - it gives you the results)
its got nothing to do with the message itself, its all in your head. they could replace that message with ANY "you lost" message and you would feel the exact same way, wouldnt you?
you dont have a problem with the message, you have a problem with you losing. and thats nothing this message can be held responsible for.
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I'm not still mad after like 3 days, I can promise you that. :)
I am more genuinely interested in why "Entity Displeased" is a message for a bad killer game, which IMHO, is still basically "Your Bad And Should Feel Bad"... whereas for a Survivor, even if you run a chase for all of 6 seconds and kill urself on hook, you get the same message as if you'd carried your team and died saving 2 during the end game collapse.
And I totally acknowledge, Brutal Killer and Rutheless Killer are pretty complimentary. Why don't Survivors get a "kudos" type message when they played well, kinda like how someone proposed earlier.
It seems like a deliberate design choice they made.
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Again, the Killers work for the Entity, whereas the Survivors are merely hostages. Entity ain't gonna critique the Survivors' performance cuz they just food, pretty much.
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well, im glad to hear that xD
as for why "Entity Displeased" is the message you get, id say its because its the tamest way the Devs saw to tell you you lost. As I (and others) mentioned, there was a message prior to it, which was "Disgraceful Defeat". That one probaply got removed and replaced with "Entity Displeased" because the Devs felt like that one actually was rubbing salt in the wound of the players...
you are right, getting an "Entity Displeased" is never a pleasant thing, but i dont think changing the message would have much of an effect on that feeling. in the end, its a "you lost" message, it always sucks to get that.
as for why Survivors dont get such messages, i honestly dont know.
might be because its more complicated for them due to the many different playstyles / objectives they got to handle, as (just like you said) someone can run the killer for the whole game and still die, while others can do basically nothing and still escape - thats just my guess though.
i wouldnt mind them updating the system to give more compliments to people who did well, honestly.
but that would be such a minor change that it wouldnt be very prioritized by the Devs and therefore would probaply take ages to ever get implemented, so we're gonna be stuck with the current system for a while...
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Honestly it's dumb that it says entity displeased if even just one survivor escapes. In a game where the dev's want us to consider 2 sacrifices as a win. Not only does the emblems tell us we did terribly for only getting 2 sacrifices, but the end game message does too.
Dev's if you want players to feel rewarded for getting 2 sacrifices in a match, then make the reward system compensate that, and stop punishing your killers for giving people fun games.