What is with the anti camp protesting?

Yords Member Posts: 5,781

I have seen quite a few discussions against camping, they usually end up saying how to nerf it. I don't understand it, if the killer camps, just do gens and escape if you can. Camping sucks yes, but it is strategy. Killers who go out of their way to camp people for no reason suck to go against but they only get more kills because people go for saves. I am confused as to why people are making nerfs to something that is easily countered.


  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Yes it is, but to lessen the impact it has all you have to do is the objective. It sucks, but camping doesn't happen every game. At least, full on camping with a leatherface.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    Yeah but the person on the hook will have a boring experience being able to do nothing and depip. Imagine if it happens 3 times in a row.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    You asked a question, I gave an answer. That's why people hate camping and want it nerfed, because it's already unviable and people still do it. Campers don't camp to win, they camp to secure a kill with as little effort as possible.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Very few face campers in the first place, and actually don't always use NOED, from what I have seen. Even if they do, I can still outplay them and escape, however this may just be me.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I know, I have been on the receiving end and it sucks to let yourself die slowly, but it prevents others from dying the same way for the most part. Besides it doesn't happen often.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    Camping is very prevalent in green ranks but not so much in red ranks. Happens, but nowhere as close as in green or even yellow.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Well, camping to secure a kill with as little effort as possible sounds like trying to win. I also don't think it should be nerfed.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Out of ten games in those ranks, how many times do you think that people get face camped?

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Little effort is the key. Everyone else EARNS their escape/kills.

    It's also be the guy in hook punished because THE KILLER couldn't be bothered to put in the effort. If everyone else rushes generator, the one camped still loses out entirely.

  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487

    No, because if the killer camps for a fraction of a microsecond, the survivors should instantly be guaranteed 4 escapes because they don't like that strategy. Any version of the game that allows the killer to gain a single kill from camping should therefore be changed.


  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Well yes, but would you rather more than one person suffer or just one so that everyone can move on to the next game though? It sucks, but if people started to do this every time a killer camped then the number of campers would decrease. I hope at least.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I'd rather people just stop playing for the night if they don't want to actually play.

    EVERYONE suffers against campers!

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I understand that. But honestly I think it is just part of the game sometimes.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    The killers job isn't to kill 1 person, it's to kill 4. That like saying a survivor trying their absolute hardest to finish 1 gen and then do nothing else is trying to win.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I will further this by saying that it's not just 1 match

    the suffering continues on to the next matches as well

    Take the person who got camped- they switch over to killer and do it to another (domino effect)

    Also the other survivors will go into their next match fearing it's their turn to be camped

    Then the killer who did being called whatever (not going into that) cause of "it's a strategy/ tactic"

    But if the same player (not survivor played) gets camped for multiple matches.... what then, stop playing due to frustration or play killer in a bad state of mind... It adds to the toxicity that plagues this game (and she's a killer too)

    Also it's not sometimes... Take my example above

    1 camping killer might turn into 4-5

    then that 4-5 turn into 16-25... etc

    It is an issue that doesn't have a simple solution... But saying to "grin and bear it" is avoiding the problem (and making it worse)

    I'd say that it's more of MM and the ranking systems problems

    But the players do decide to play how they want so... Fair enough

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    A large portion of this community play to have fun, camping is (for the majority) not fun.

    1) It's not fun when your teammate is being camped and you can't do anything about it (and even worse if you're playing solo q because you might just get a team of lemmings who decide that they don't want to do gens, so better hope you can live long enough to get hatch, that is if you're not the next one getting camped)

    2) if you're the one being camped it's very very unfun (yes you can try to make it better possibly by trying to ensure you team escapes, that is if they aren't the aformentioned lemmings, but even then you get to get chased, get hooked, press spacebar/key of choice for struggle, then die, probably netting you very little points unless you're a god looper and managed to max out Boldness before they caught up to you)

    3) being the one DOING is camping is very unfun. Generally you're either doing it because the game is already going poorly for you and you're trying to secure at least ONE kill, you came into this game upset from another game and are trying to take out your frustration on the first available target (so you're already not having fun and have dragged 1-4 other people into it), or you came in with the intention to camp and make the game as unfun as possible for 1-4 other people.

    4) And then there's also the off cases where a killer camps until NOED kicks in and then goes on a fiesta, or a killer beings in an ebony and hooks, possibly camps, tunnels and moris them out of the game one by one, so again, very unfun, especially with queue times being as unreliable as they are

    So yes, SOMETIMES you can genrush and 2-3 people will escape (that is if the killer doesn't have NOED, and it'll probably activate because who wants to take time to cleanse totems against a camping killer and increase the chances of him getting someone else?), but good luck on finding a team who'll do that in Solo q.

    Camping can be a tactic a killer can use yes, as can slugging, but people have abused it to the point where it's become as hated as it has.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Wow, are most people really like that? lol wow that is just stupid. I get pretty upset sometimes in this game but I don't end up being toxic to the other side after a bad game. I always think of the possible baby survivors who are still inexperienced to calm me down or just take a break from the game.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    It is possible. Or what happens is what happened with me.

    I was literally camped out of the game for literally my first match. Bastard literally stared me in the eye as I hung on the hook until I died. My first thought was "Well, great. So this is the game?" and I almost quit there and then.

    I now go out of my way to avoid playing in a manner at all toxic. Zero camping, zero tunnelling. The only time I have done so was recently after an extensive match on Mother's Dwelling, to which I apologised for afterwards. It was the final two, and that survivor ran at me. I'd had enough and needed to end it.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    I would agree that facecamping is scummy in this game. 1 survivor has to sit there and is guaranteed the spacebar mashing activity for 2 minutes while their team gets to play the match and they don't. Even IF a person holds onto the hook the entire time About 1 to 1 1/2 generators will be remaining so the killer can CAMP yet again.

    Maybe this game could finally use a "face lift" for both sides by Elimanating the NEED to SLUG and CAMP. The design should stem from using VIABLE perks for the killer. As it stands right now. I have crossed off nearly every killer perk on the list. The current metas make ZERO sense and most of what we do in the red and purple rank playing killer is GUARD generators and try to force a GEN LOCK on the last group of generators. We are spent, by breaking chases just to go back and guard those generators again and in the time we loop the killer shack a couple of times. A good team will have COMPLETED all of those generators.


    What makes the game such an issue is. The perks killers are given are very Over-powered again any player below rank 15-20. As these are players that are new to the game. When we move into ranks 1-12. Most of those perks are easily countered and make ZERO sense.

    HEX PERK: easy, find it. Now the killer has 3 remaining abilities.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Dang, well that sucks to hear. Nice to hear you aren't toxic because you don't want to be though.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I've had a significant amount of bad things happen to me that I don't wish on others. That's all it is.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452
    edited October 2020

    Those discussions have always been here, just like discussions about DS, Noed, etc.

    Camping is in the game because it's the reasonable thing to do in some situations and there's not been a proposed fix so far that wouldn't be unfair in some aspects.

    However, your solution to camping (just do objectives) only works for coordinated depip squads and they have to play perfectly as well. I reiterate, not simple SWFs, but genuine genrush seal teams. SoloQs have to waste at least a little bit of time to ascertain the killer is camping and assume they're going to camp all the way, then go back on the gens that they have to find and travel to as well and rush the objectives. When you factor that in, the killer has essentially a mathematically guaranteed 2k unless they make a massive mistake and the survivors waste literally, not figuratively, no time at all. Everything past that is a bonus kill. And in every situation where you can get a guaranteed tie by simply avoiding a major mistake while the opposing side can't afford even small ones, then there's a flaw in design.

    If you add to the mix the unholy trinity of corrupt intervention, bitter murmur and noed, plus (but not necessarily) an undetectable and/or insta down ability, you can 4k consistently by simply having a staring contest with your first down.

    The reason you don't see that every game is that it's boring as heck for the killer as well. But it works and it's been proven, simply because it's game design.

    What you see instead, and that's how you play killer in the red ranks, is that you hook someone, then you pressure someone else getting ready to leave them to cut off whoever goes for the unhook, who you're going to slug if possible. Then you snowball from there, generally with one person on hook and another one slugged.

  • Hazz1123
    Hazz1123 Member Posts: 42

    But most solo players will give up on hook as soon as they realise they aren't getting off. Why would they spend two minutes to help out people they don't know when they can just give up and go to the next game.

  • Eschatologue
    Eschatologue Member Posts: 47

    Just make Entity relocate a hooked survivor to a farthest hook if Killer spends 30 seconds within 32 meters. Reset and pause the timer each time Killer gets in to a chase. Problem solved.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    There is a huge difference between trying to win because of outplaying the opponent and trying to win because you hope the first guy kills himself on hook quickly and/or hoping that NOED will "reward" the Killer with more than 1 additional Kill.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I disagree. Running around in circles in loops until you hit that pallett is also unfun, yet a lot of this community does it.

    Unlike camping, its just something that favors survivors, and thats why they like it, and dislike camping. Its not about fun, its about advantage.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    Camping is only a successful strategy if survivor let it be.

    You want to reduce the number of campers punish them for it with one kill games, yes it sucks for that one person but they just need to tough it out you aren't guaranteed a victory in any game.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    Most players don't know how to deal with a camper. So when you stick 4 solo queue players in a trial, chances are the camper will come out ahead. You can't "nerf" camping though. It's too abusable by good players.