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The frequency of Moris is bananas

Perhaps labeling Ebony Moris ultra rare was a miclick because this is a bit laughable. I am a survivor main, who got Legion to do the 45 scream challenge and take a look at this.

How does it make sense for any killer to end up with 3 Ebony Moris and 1 Green Mori before level 30, especially without any prestige


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  • Member Posts: 338

    too many keys

  • Member Posts: 3,104
    edited October 2020

    dude keys are way more common to go against than mori's

    sure they might be rarer than mori's when it comes to the blood web but killers don't use mori's every game while keys can both be brought in by 1 or more of the 4 survivors or found in a chest during the trial.

    they both need to be reworked at the same time but when it comes to strength and frequency keys win.

  • Member Posts: 338

    You can't ask for less Moris without getting less keys. This topic said Moris are too common. the topics are linked in many ways. They both end an already quick game even faster and always is unfun to play against either. I do like all the kill animations though, and I like the green/yellow ones a bit more. I have yet to feel the need to use a purple one personally.

  • Member Posts: 13,037

    I think my pyramid head has around 43 ebony mori’s so if I ever need to relax.....

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    Trust me when I say pre addon changes billy was even worse.

    Due to having no pink addons in the past ALL pink slots were ebony moris which is why billies were known for using them so much because he got them 3 times as often as the others.

    PS. If you think that's bad my un-prestiged level 44 blight had 14 ebony moris.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Moris need to be common enough so you can use one every time you suspect you go against an swf. Since the game is not balanced around that, killers need a way to keep up. Moris are one of them.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    It's even more excessive on Huntress, as she can only pick from 2 Ultra Rares to spawn on the Bloodweb.

  • Member Posts: 3,219


    Since i used an exclamation mark, did i win? I mean, since you don´t do arguments?

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    Personally I dont care, if a killer wants an ez game then ill give them an ez game and move on quickly to the next which hopefully will be an actual match and not time wasting nonsense.

  • Member Posts: 256

    I do agree that both keys and moris spawn way too much, a while ago I counted my red moris and had 742 across all killers, that would be enough to run a mori every game for more than a week of pure DbD without breaks.

    Although making them rarer would help with new players using keys/moris every game, there are many like me that stockpiled them and can still spam them every game, but thankfully devs mentioned changing them both so that shouldn't be a problem for much longer.

  • Member Posts: 231

    Bloodweb kinda depends on what YOU choose.

    I have tons of moris on many killer, until i noticed that i don't play Mori because i don't like it at all. I hate it to play against mori and doingm ori myself just feels cheap and unfun. Especially when u don't get the 4k.

    SO. On the last 2 killers i have leveled there is not a single red mori. Because id rather choose some brown stuff i will never use as to pick a mori.

  • Member Posts: 493

    So i’ve kept count of the past 3 days. At Rank 3-1 cross platform enabled.

    i played a recorded 45 Games.

    There were 11 Moris.

    10 of them were iridescent.

    I escaped 2 games with the moris. ( 1 with the hatch prematurely due to everyone dying)

    And 6 of the games only 1 or 0 gens were completed.

    This makes a 24.444% chance of a mori being used.

    On to keys.

    Same amount of games.

    7 Keys

    There was one 3 Man escape with the key.

    And there were no 2 man escapes.

    And then two single person escapes.

    This leads to a %15.55 chance of a key being used.

    Keep in mind all of the games i played were as survivor, with no SWF or comms so there could be sweat squads that increase the rate of key usage and a Mori could be a retaliation against a key in the lobby.

    In conclusion they’re too easy to come by and should probably be revamped so they don’t have this much power.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Just be glad they finally gave Billy some pink add-ons. I did the math and found out that a Billy with BBQ could literally bring a Mori every single game.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I have over 150 on my Micheal. Not a fan on using moris tbh

  • Member Posts: 57

    everytime i see a mori i just d/c on the loading screen. i pretty much go all day without facing it :)

  • Member Posts: 1,855

    He's talking about the frequency of the mori's in the bloodweb. Especially for a low level killer. Some people.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    I've gone three days playing Survivor now without encountering a single Mori. That is a little unusual, but over all I usually only see them now and then. I can't speak to how often they show up in the Blood Web (because it seems to vary) but clearly people aren't using them as often as they get them.

  • Member Posts: 607

    Same with keys

  • Member Posts: 542

    I'm not sure what dev stream it was but it wasn't that long ago but they explained why killers come across mori in blood web so much, simple answer with out watching it when a blood web gets made there has to be so much of each thing and due to killer's having less ultra rares then survivors you will see mori in the blood webs more often, compared to survivors which have more ultra rares to come across that's why you ended up with that many mori its just he way the blood web system was set up.

  • Member Posts: 33

    I don't buy the moris or the keys from my bloodwebs unless the entity forces me to. I find both to boring to want to use, and thus to expensive to spend bps on

  • Member Posts: 287

    Really? Because for me I see way too many moris and like a key once every 20 games

  • Member Posts: 190
    1. My post was in no way meant to imply anything about Moris in terms of their power, only their frequency.
    2. The post was made because of a real shocked response at their frequency because several months ago I performed the following experiment with regards to Bloody Party Streamers

    My main point being: we need to change the rarity designations because they clearly mean nothing regardless of whether we are talking about items, addons, and or offerings.

    One last note about Moris: offering Moris to new players is not actually that useful, as those offerings not only deprive them of any BP bonus (through another offering) but also decrease their final BP earned totals. In the end it slows down their level progression, deprives them of better perks , and most importantly doesn't actually help them get better at the game.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I agree they are too common AND I think they should be changed.

  • Member Posts: 2,159

    I stopped wasting my BP on moris.

  • Member Posts: 353

    They are definitely too common. I wouldn’t mind AS much if the requirement was being on death hook though. Boy oh boy am I tired of being pulled off hook, immediately chased down and mori’d. -1 pip

    Killers don’t even gain good BP for that anyway so idk what the point is, but oh well.

  • Member Posts: 11

    Though Mori's are fairly common (and Keys) I feel they the mori's don't get used nearly as often as they are presented. I play both sides and I will admit I used mori's religiously for a while when I felt I was against a swf but I ended up stopping because using them plateaued my rank for two days at most now I take a green Mori if I see a key but that's more for the fear factor of me having it. If I even use the Mori that game at all it's usually the third or fourth kill.

    On survivor side when I see a mori It makes me play gen aggressively to try and at least get two of us out of the map for a statistical "draw". I personally don't use keys because I have builds that do the same or better than what a key can do. I can't find the hatch if my life depended on it if I am looking for it either.

    In all retrospect I see way more keys than mori's but I dont think with the way the game is set up as is makes either particularly overpowered. Especially given that you have to get gens for keys and you lose more points than sacrificing when it comes to mori's. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

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