Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

I guess I'm done?

luvcraft Member Posts: 1,235

I have bloodpoints at 1m, I have every character I own at rank 50, I've prestiged everyone I want to, I have a good stock of all the add-ons I want, there are no rifts open, I've done every compendium challenge I can with the characters I have (at least all the killer ones) and I don't care about rank any more.

There are a bunch of characters I don't own, but with no way to trial them I have no idea if I'd like them (the one I'm most interested in is Plague, but from what I hear she's all kinds of broken right now), so I currently have no interest in spending shards or real monies to unlock other killers who might suck, or other survivors when playing survivor is not so fun right now.

Am I done? I guess I'm done? At least until the next big change?

I mean, I've gotten 700 hours out of the game, which is amazing, and like 6 times what I've gotten out of any other game. So I guess I'm done? It feels weird.


  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,235

    Hanging people on hooks was my one endorphin hit amidst the crushing existential dread of coronageddon, and now it's become passé...

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    There used to be offerings to play certain doc killers but they removed them a good while ago.

    Really should have 1 free game as a new killer or something. I know for my friends I get them to test out perks in custom game before they buy a character.

  • MrSmashem
    MrSmashem Member Posts: 161

    Yup. I remember when games didn't have any unlockables and you just played to get better/enjoy the game. Blows my mind how many people need a reward of some sort to continue playing a game; the reward is playing, winning and improving.

    Unfortunately, that's the way everything is now. Everyone's hooked on Dopamine; from unlocks to upvotes, gotta get that fix somehow or else it's too boring.

  • MrSmashem
    MrSmashem Member Posts: 161
    edited October 2020

    And you can't learn communication or teamwork in the same way from SWF? If you want to go that route, how about we dive in to multi-tasking, planning, logic building, hand-eye coordination, stress-management, quick thinking, tactical decision-making, reading non-verbal cues, spatial awareness, reading and interpreting data, etc.

    And scholarships are something you can potentially gain from improving your skills in certain sports, that still doesnt make said skills transferable. Using that logic though, you could make the same argument against playing games in general; theyre played for recreation and/or competition, and most wont get you money, so why play at all?

    Youre kind of moving the goalposts here; but regardless, my point still stands. If you enjoy the game, that should be enough.

    We can agree to disagree on Controllers. As someone who plays with a Controller, I've had very little issues with more precision-based Killers and had no issue optimizing my movement with Survivor. Dodges, hugging loops, etc. I can do fine. If there is any difference, it's minimal enough that it shouldn't dissuade anyone from playing the game, cross-play or not.

    To be fair, this is a pretty niche game and its been around for what, 4-5 years now? Im sure its stale for people who've been playing it this whole time, or even half of that time. Not to mention, the balance is pretty poor(imo) and a lot of stuff needs work. That doesnt detract from my point though, which is that games dont need a proverbial carrot on the end of a stick to keep people playing, despite the fact that a lot of modern gamers feel like games need that to keep them interested.

    If a grind/reward is what keeps you playing a game, rather than the gameplay itself, either you or the game is doing it wrong. Those rewards were originally added to games to keep you coming back, but over time, they've grown to become the reason people play the game. Each reward gives you a little kick, and the more kicks you get, the more you begin to rely on them. Eventually, you get trained to seek those out and the game itself fades into the background; it just becomes a way to get rewarded. And that is a problem with our culture in general, everyone is hooked on social media because of the likes, upvotes, shares, followers and comments; everything gives you little dopamine hits which keeps you coming back. Games have adopted the same strategy, with trophies, medals, unlocks, levels, xp, currency, loot boxes, etc.

    Games have stopped being about the game, and more about what the game can give you; what you can grind for and show-off. Games weren't like that back in the day; you played for the game and the experience; you didn't get many rewards, if any. At most, you could grind for Rank, and that was more of an external reflection of your skill than it was some kind of reward.

    On that note, if you think this game is stale, you're free to play something else. After-all, fun/challenge should be the whole reason to play a game in the first place. If you aren't having it, why play? Personally, Ive been playing for 5-6 months now, so its far from stale to me, and there's still a lot I can learn/improve on, so Im still playing.

  • GoodLookinCookin
    GoodLookinCookin Member Posts: 341

    Just gotta wait till the game isn't repetitive garbage

  • HEX_MalusGrey
    HEX_MalusGrey Member Posts: 231

    Rank 50? That's like 1/4 of the way. Do you have all perks for the killers so you can experiment with different builds and setups?

    Do you have enough addons and items? If the answer is yes, they do not exit to farm them but to play with them.

    I alway's say that grinding is destroying the game but from what you are saying it's you whole game. Have you mastered nurse yet? Hag? Oni? Billy? Deathslinger? Blight? PH? Spirit? Survivor?

    Because i would say this is almost impossible in less then 2k hours.

  • Flaming_Sponge
    Flaming_Sponge Member Posts: 13

    Your not done, there’s still lots to do if you want you start a career in speedrunning. Or see how high you could get your devotion level in a certain amount of time. Try out perks that all link or do something to make the game more challenging for example DH,Lithe,Balanced Landing and Sprint Burst would give you exhaustion which would give a challenge because you would have less freedom over when you can use your perks. You can never be finished with this game, there’s too many ideas to do rather than just say I’m done.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,596

    I also have about 700 hours in game and I'm at a crossroads so to speak

    Do I continue to play the game "to git gud"- I'm not a good survivor and I chose not to play certain killers

    Or do I cut my losses and play to have what little fun I can get from the game- cause I do have a few killers I feel confident in playing

    The grind for me was R1 but I got that a couple months ago (didn't get the achievement for it btw). Not getting all killers/survivors to P3 level 50 with all perks and a addon stash that resembles hording not collecting

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    I'm legit sad they removed Splinters from the bloowebs (the Iri Offerings that let you test run other killers with no perks), like why? It was a neat addition to the game, allowed you to see if you liked something before you bought it, and added more Ultra Rares to the game (which we honestly need more of).

    Bring back splinters or add in a practice mode against bots that lets you try out any killer/survivor/perk in the game damnit.

    Honestly though, I think dbd needs something big to shake it up, make the game feel fun and funky and new again.

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    Yep literally starting my break phase to play some chill NHL. :)

  • MrSmashem
    MrSmashem Member Posts: 161

    Lol, must've struck a nerve.

    This isn't Boomer rhetoric bruh, it's science. Go read into the reward systems of the brain. Companies use neuroscience to manipulate customers into using(or continuing to use) their products, because that's how they make money. The more you're hooked through these little feel-good rewards, the more likely you'll spend money, watch ads, etc. This is fact. The reason I take issue with it, is because gaming companies are getting away with selling sub-par products, because the shiny things keep people engaged(why do you think unlocks and loot boxes have flashy animations and distinctive sound effects?)...and if they just artificially adjust a few numbers and make it grindy enough(but not too grindy), people stick around and spend more money. That then leads to further diminished quality in games, which in turn affects me. When gameplay alone is what you have to keep you engaged, its quality has to go up. When you have shiny rewards to keep you engaged, the gameplay just has to be tolerable enough to get you to stick around.

    And speaking of superior(btw, where did society come into play here? That's way off-topic); look, you can do what you want. I'm not telling you how to play. You spent your money on the game, you can do what you want with it. But why play a game you aren't enjoying, just so you can unlock some stuff that you're going to drop once you get everything, anyways? Seems kind of pointless; and I know, because Ive done it myself. The whole point of playing a GAME, is to have fun. If you're dropping the game after you unlock everything, you're obviously not enjoying the game, you just like the feeling of unlocking stuff.

    And I agree, this game is on the cusp of being better and imo, you seem to actually give a crap about it because you're on here(especially if you don't play anymore) and actually bothering to have a discussion. And yeah, it sucks that the game hasnt gotten to a better point. In my 5-6 months, I see the flaws in it, but its still a solid game and has loads of potential. And I think despite how this discussion went, it seems like we both want the same thing(based on your last paragraph): better gameplay, which I think we both agree is more fun and rewarding than some crap you get after playing 'x,' hours. And that is exactly the point I've been making this whole time.

    And just to clarify, my original comment wasnt directed at DBD, it was directed at the mindset OP has, which I see a lot nowadays, "I ran out of stuff to unlock,"..."cool, now you can just play the game." The rest was just me explaining where said mindset comes from, which expands beyond the video game industry.

  • LethalPugy
    LethalPugy Member Posts: 493

    Locker builds. They’re so glorious, fun and memeing. I beg everyone to try them.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    You are done when you feel like you have seen every scenario that can happen in the game. And you are done when you don't feel like "the marmot greets you every day" anymore.

    I have every survivor p3 lev 50 and the killer I want to p3. Beside that most killers at lev 50 got any perks there are in the game. I have 75% of all skins, every tome, every challenge. Played the game 6500 hours over 4 years and I have seen everything. And even new content like a new killer won't get me back.

    As a viewer I like the new healing meta (the devs want to have). I don't like the hex perks / gen slow down meta. Many kilelr are way too oppressive for solo gamers and the devs never changed anything about survivor except multiple adjustments/nerfs. Playing killer becomes very frustrating at the point where non-oppressive killer are able to trick survivor into mistakes wich make you win the game but then any silly steps in (4%, perk XYZ) and a 4k can switch into maybe 1k. And how bad solo q is I don't have to tell.

    So I am done. When I start a game after a few seconds I know how it ends and nothing that can happen could surprise me anymore.

  • NaturalHurdle70
    NaturalHurdle70 Member Posts: 41

    700 hundred hours that’s it, rank don’t matter but , have you fulfilled your greatest accomplishments- until you have endured the real pain of playing, then I must say get back out there . What devotion are you. Have you really have not got all your characters at P3. My man /woman your quest has yet to begin. Quiting is not a option in this game. Until ruining a killers good time or making a survivor upset for missing a save. You need to get out here!

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    I would say that it is a good idea to invest those bloodpoints in a killer that you really enjoy playing and collect a good amount of his strongest ad ons.

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674

    I take breaks like this all the time. I have all the killers in the game with every single killer perk in the game all maxed at T3. Some prestiged.

    I also have 4 main survivors Claudette, Kate, Steve, and Ace. With every survivor perk in the game all maxed at T3. Only Steve P3. The rest of the survivors have about 4 pages of perks on them.

    I don’t have any motivation to put any points on unused survivors so I just keep refreshing my mains blood webs so I won’t cap at 1million. I only play this game now when I have someone to play with or when a new killer comes out to max out the perks on that.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,503

    I'll be done when I P3 every killer and survivor and level 50 them for the last time.

  • not_Queef
    not_Queef Member Posts: 850

    You could always just play the game for the fun of... playing the game.

    The progression system isn't the game, you know.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,503

    This right here. is a message that needs to get out to a LOT of players.

  • UwUdestroyer
    UwUdestroyer Member Posts: 18

    imagine playing the game only for grinding and not because you enjoy it


  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530

    How do you have everyone on p3? I have 1600 hrs and maybe like 6 /7 survivors and 2 killers on p3

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    I have near 2k hours, but Im nowhere near unlocking everything. I guess I never cared to farm every game.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    The problem is DBD doesn't do unique LMTs like how they did with the hollowed Blight and the Lunar event, adding something new to the gameplay but all of their recent events have been the same boring gameplay with some added BP modifier.

  • Twisticles
    Twisticles Member Posts: 17

    Have you reached rank 1 with both killer and survivor? If you haven't thats a possible goal. Also you could use some of the shards you saved up to get new killers and play them for fun regardless of viablity. Gives you another few blood webs of prestige to do.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    I would suggest maybe aim for 100% achievements. That should still keep you busy for awhile.

    I've never had the motivation to prestige a character, and I too lately have been wondering what I should focus on. There are 3 achievements tied to prestige i believe? Maybe I'll make a p3 quentin. I like his p3 look, and i don't see him too often.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    I Mean epic games or whoever made "fortnut" hosts tournaments and gives scholarships to attend college for a certain program.. sooo.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    No... and why no?... because humans want to see progress being made. A good progression system is needed in the majority of successful games to hold a playerbase. Otherwise you end up like the Avengers game.. or fooking last year.. a weak progression system and literally no progression system... both pretty much dead games.. casuals can say "play for fun" all they want but what's fun for me may not be fun for you.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    Dbd just need gacha system for characters hahahaha 🤣

  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,235

    I don't have everyone at P3, just a few at P3, and a few more at P1 and P2. But "covered in blood" skin is not a compelling trade-off for "start the character over from scratch" for me. I know there's also some tweak to bloodweb item rarities, but as far as I can tell the difference is infinitesimal.