Just one more reason why playing against SWF is annoying. Award points for playing against them.

Mr.FlexOG Member Posts: 45
edited October 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

As a killer why are there so many ways that playing against a SWF forces you to de-pip. Healing loses you points and SWF always bring perk combos like botany and we're gonna make it for instaheals. You are punished for losing someone in a chase but you SWF always bunch up together on a generator so you always enter a chase with multiple survivors meaning each time you "stop them" from working on a gen you lose a bunch of points. Not to mention they often have designated loopers so once you figure out that they're going to waste your time, leaving them and finding someone else punishes you again. Hook states BARELY reward you, only sacrifices so the game WANTS you to tunnel but it's hard to tunnel when everyone is running second chance perks and they have altruistic team mates to instaheal them and body block and take protection hits for them.

I really don't mind going up against them all that much. If I bring a meme build in the rank I'm at and get a SWF I don't get mad I lost. What does piss me off is that you don't just outright get points at the end for facing them to provent you from de-piping because you had a team on comms. Come on, 1 point for a two man swf, 2 points for a three man swf and 3 points for a 4 man swf. It's not unreasonable by any stretch of the imagination and it's only fare seeing as they have an advantage that the game flat out wasn't designed around accounting for. It doesn't nerf them and piss off people who play Dbd to have fun with their friends (even if I am entirely unsympathetic to those people) , it just takes away the sting of being punished for not being able to get two hooks against a perfectly organized and optimized swf.

I'll post the story that made me think of this.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Mr.FlexOG
    Mr.FlexOG Member Posts: 45

    So today I was playing on Disturbed ward against a SWF as pig with Devour hope, Ruin, Thrill of the hunt and Surveillance. I was also using the Amanda's secret add on.

    This is besides the point of this thread but I played pretty well that game but was extremely unlucky due to losing thrill in under a minute and then loosing devour and ruin soon after, I got about 6 hooks before the gates were powered and when they were powered I was I was about half a second away from putting a bear trap on some ones head.

    When the gates were powered I had two people downed, one slugged some where with an active helmet and one I was about to hook. I hadn't seen this guy all game and this was his first hook. Everyone else was on the last hook and injured due to them playing really altruistic and attempting body blocks.

    Now I'm in a pretty strong position, by chance I'm on top of a hill with a slug not far from me and line of sight on the only two pathways leading to one of the exit gates. Almost immediately they open the gates and I think this will likely lead to more kills as the slug has RBT on their head and everyone is injured and on their last hook. Instead they heal each other in about a second then immediately leave. After that I had to spend the next four minutes looking for a slugged survivor who has crawled to the edge of the map and is hiding from me.

    What pisses me off here is that I de-pipped. I had 7 hooks, a ton of hits and one sacrifice but apparently not enough for even brutal killer just because as a team they decided that it wasn't worth helping their team mate because they had a trap on their head and would just die anyway. I get entity displeased because the survivor decided to punish me by playing hide and seek instead of just letting me hook them for the points.

  • Mr.FlexOG
    Mr.FlexOG Member Posts: 45

    >You played on one of the worst Killer Maps.

    Yes I know

    >Second, your Pig-Build is not really good.

    It's a fun build, I usually use Hex: Ruin, Surveillance, BBQ and Save the best till last. My alternate build is Hex: Ruin, Whispers, Nurses Calling and Monitor and Abuse. I usually use the second one for policing jigsaw boxes.

    >you decide to use one of the worst Pig Add-Ons.

    Wrong. Amanda's secret is okay. It's good for tunneling survivors when they become a threat again. Not to mention survivors often heal after taking an active helmet off. I usually use combat straps and crate of gears with my main build or combat straps and tape with my whispers build.

    >7 Hooks is not much, 1 Sacrifice is also not much. The guy on the ground does not give you any Points.

    7 hooks isn't that much but it's not worth de-piping when combined with two kills. A survivor bleeding out should honestly give you just as much as a kill or disconnect and if not, then it should give you that much when that person has a ######### active bear trap on their head.

    >How do you know that it was an SWF btw?

    The way they cleared my totems.

    Within the first few seconds of the game starting, I prevented one person from touching a totem and I chased them. Around the time I hooked them (pretty fast as ambushed them on the totem) I hear another notification on the same totem. I walk over there and see another survivor working on it. I begin chasing them away and not two seconds passed before I heard a third survivor working on it. I turned back and chased them off and then I hear another noise notification coming from the asylum, it turned out to be a gen pop. Then suddenly I hear a notification telling me my thrill of the hunt was gone. I assumed that it they synced up them allowing the gen to pop with her touching my totem. But even if that wasn't the case, the totem was not out in the open it was well out of the way yet over half the team found it within the first minute of the game.

  • Mr.FlexOG
    Mr.FlexOG Member Posts: 45

    Oh #########, something I forgot about that story but just remembered. One person had a Yellow toolbox with BNP and another had a Purple toolbox.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    I'm sorry, but if a SWF bringing We'll Make It and Botany Knowledge is what's getting you down, you won't enjoy DS, UB, DH OoO SWFs one bit...SWFs that run non-meta perks are fun to go against.

    Sabo squads are also pretty fun to go against because they're predictable and memey. But they're few and far between.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I know this is gonna come as a shock.

    But everything I have seen listed that SWF can do, can also be done by good players even if they are in a Solo Q.

    I feel like at point this SWF conversation has reached its limit where we are now just listening to excuses.

    Literally everything I do in a SWF team, I do in a solo match. Why? Because if you are a good player you can still coordinate accordingly.

  • Mr.FlexOG
    Mr.FlexOG Member Posts: 45

    How is it that no one understands the point of this thread? Playing against swf is harder and frequent swf tactics lead to point loss in the malicious emblem being inevitable. You should get three points when against a four man. That way four silver emblems don't lead to a depip.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Not a bad topic, conceptually

    considering the 5th perk

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Lately I have been running OoO as a solo player. Last night I had a rando that was slugged DC and O escaped via hatch. I'd bet you a million dollars that the killer assumed that we were SWF. I'd probably think the same thing if I were in his shoes.

    It would be nice if you could at least see and get a blood point bonus for going against SWF. But sometimes you just get beat by good solo players.

  • HelloAgainMr
    HelloAgainMr Member Posts: 31

    I think if they added a point bonus for playing against SWF it would probably help a lot.

    My guess is that a lot of people would start realizing that the groups they're playing against aren't SWF.

    SWF is definitely a huge advantage for the survivors, I don't see why getting some points as compensation could possibly be bad.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    I've seen that idea a few times. I think a point bonus post-match (+25% for each survivor in SWF) would cut down on dodging.

  • HelloAgainMr
    HelloAgainMr Member Posts: 31
    edited October 2020

    Listen, I was just trying to say that there often aren't as many as people think. In fact, if you did it this way you'd probably have people who say they never play against SWF complaining about how often it happens.

    The point I was trying to make is that SWF is a problem. Straight up its a problem and it needs to be solved or compensated. I agree with you. I just also think that it would help a pot of people realize that not every group is a SWF.

  • Radiosity
    Radiosity Member Posts: 16

    As a console player, I don't really have a reliable way of finding out who's SWF as I don't get endgame chat, and I would definitely love one to find out if I'm being outplayed by a 3-way of good solos who know when to save someone else from a chase or simply had no close friends in mind when bringing BT or OoO.

    A point bonus (scaling depending on two-man/two pair/three-man/four-man teams) would be great, but at minimum there should be a visual indication in the post-game scoreboard which people were matching together, so that I no longer have to guess whether Dwight was teamed with Meg, Claudette or neither.

  • CJCA915
    CJCA915 Member Posts: 56

    I find myself doing rather well as a killer, but I main Freddy, easily one of the best map control killers, imo.

    I run with Brutal, BBQ, Pop, and Corrupt. Usually using Swing Chains and Paint Thinner as add-ons. Very few matches end with all gens being done, and at most a single hatch escape.

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    Also give survivors points for playing against killers that slug , tunnel , camp and bring ebony mori lol

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    This is true, though I've also been on survivor side of this where the killer has asked and I tell them I'm solo since I am and that's all I can say for sure, but times where I've also suspected the same that the other three players were SWF at least. As a solo survivor we don't always know that stuff either. Actually... I don't think I've ever seen this question answered with a yes. (That and sometimes when the given answers is "no" the chat itself is so toxic and vitriolic that I don't really think it's the sort of thing they'd admit too anyhow)

    Even though this very much happens with people mistaking their own errors for inherent disadvantage, it should still be noted that this itself isn't indicative that SWF games aren't a real problem. As a matter of fact, that confusion is just another consequences from SWF that bleeds into the game elsewhere. Player legitimately cannot tell most of the time where they're defeated by pure skill or also because the other side had access to information and coordination that's straight up impossible in any normal game. Next side effect there being that players have a hell of a time ever actually gauging their own skill level and recognizing where they really screwed up.

    It's particularly silly though because it's such a needless side-effect to suffer. If there's one thing I think everyone can agree on it's that they could at the very least disclose SWF at the end of the match with all the other information details they reveal. There just no reasonable excuses for why they wouldn't disclose the information and so many benefits to gain.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited October 2020


    I am not saying that SWF comms don't make a difference...but SWF comms does not define nor dictate your skill level. I am saying that people on these forums want to pigeonhole every match 'strat' used on them as "It's SWF so therefore my skill didn't matter" When there was no skill to begin with.

    Why do I say this? Because there are people who will use every little move a survivor does (Taking hits, Flashlight Saves, Sabo'ing hooks, Trading hooks, etc etc) as THEY MUST BE SURVIVE WITH FRIENDS! When it simply isn't and they are just players who know the game and how it works.

    You can keep saying it's not fun, it doesn't mean it is as broken as you claim it is. Like I said you are really underestimating good players (not the ones who crouch all the time, not the ones who are scared little chickens when going for a save, not the ones who don't know how to look behind them).

    Just because your friend knows the killer is on them doesn't mean they aren't able to sandbag. Doesn't mean they aren't capable of losing the killer and not knowing where they went. You are assuming that that one survivor being chased knows EVERYTHING that killer is going to do. Which is not true.

    The reason many people play in SWF is not because there is this gigantic advantage. It is #1 To play with their friends #2 Because they are reliable people. I play with my friends without comms sometimes and we do just as fine. We understand how the game works. I also play killer in red ranks and against swf teams... and it is just as fun for me.

    You don't have to take my word for it though. Many killers out there are doing just as fine, and don't have a problem with swf teams.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Can second that. I honestly would rather vs a stacked swf at this point than baby survivors, find it an absolute snooze fest when the survivors don't know how to play.

    Yes you might not win every game against a swf but does it matter? Not only is it an achievable, hard and fun challenge, but it helps you get so much better at the game. I have beaten plenty of good teams with no addons pig, legion, clown and killers like that. Obviously i don't have a 100% win rate but i win more than enough games to realse that often when i loose its because ive messed up or been outplayed.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    That’s why I specified multiple Kindreds - I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone in a SWF run that perk, so if I see someone other than me running it I can say with reasonable confidence that there’s no 3 man in the lobby, and I know for a fact that there’s no 4 man since I’m not in it.

    I’m not saying that there are no problems with SWF either, I do think it unbalances the game somewhat. My gripe is that some killer players are so obsessed with the idea of SWF that they blame it for every loss, and can’t admit to themselves that they got beat by a group of solos. It’s a really frustrating problem with the community of DBD, everyone wants a reason why they lost (other than admitting that they made mistakes) so they blame SWF/the map/the other side’s perks/“tunnelling”/teammates/etc.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    But isn't that the problem? Like others already stated, when people can't discern between swf and solos why should they look at themselves for the problem when they can set up for themselves the illusion that it has to be always swf.

    An indicator in the after game lobby would show them that wasn't an swf 4 man team but solos and maybe duos that are simply more skilled.

    Plus an additional point multiplicative or something would make stomps by actual swf more bearable since most of us agree that the fifth perk is unbalanced even in a casual friend group.

  • Lord_Horatio
    Lord_Horatio Member Posts: 3

    You don't just get a participation trophy at red ranks. You have to be smart, observant, and cunning. You can win chases by outplayed the survivors. You HAVE to get them busy. If you just get ran by one survivor and the other 3 are on the same gen, that's on you. You need to apply the pressure and play smart. Complaining about swf is the dumbest thing ever. This game wasn't made to be an e-sport game. The game was made to be a fun horror experience with friends. So constantly complaining about swf is only going to give you grey hair faster. Just keep playing and learn how to keep the pressure on.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Playing Trapper against SWF on an open map is not fun, especially when I'm not trapping loops.

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    I meant to reply to this awhile back but ended up distracted and rolled on, though I was dumb enough to play on the weekend at peak hours and got joyful reminder to come back to this issue. The length/scope is a bit overboard, even for me, though I'm not just addressing you and mean this to be a collective rebuttal for all.

    [Quick preface: The devs explicitly declared Voice-Coms aren't cheating, though I'm just gonna call it that here with the context understood that's specifically not cheating as defined by current rules, but the nature of the game (where the inarguable distortion constitutes de facto cheating by unreasonably unbalancing the game) to avoid repetitive qualifiers making my long-ass posts even long-asser.]

    Most means of cheating don't guarantee victory or make unskilled players skillful. Same as VC, they boost players of any given level beyond their actual limits and abilities. In fact, the degree of any boost typically depends on skill in part too (the better you are, the more areas you can apply the same means of cheating effectively), so, sure, SWF God squads and SWF scrubs alike. There's a grand failure to acknowledge that edge itself is an issue without "eh we could've cheated harder" ever coming into focus. Studies even show that, likewise, most people cheat for "a little edge," regulating what they could "probably" do anyhow... with the standards of "probably" relaxing over time, per challenge. All those excuses of inconsequential impact and required skill are just the default delusions for cheating in most any form.

    I'd say you're generally right that people frequently mistake being out played by solo players for being out-cheated by VC at times. However, you pose another argument via context here too. Maybe not something you realized or intended, but by jumping into a topic that's basically "hey this is how we should deal with the SWF problem" and veering to "ugh people say everything is SWF," you're directly responding to their prompt with the indirect rebuttal that the issue is overblown and irrelevant at all. (Or I suppose making a total non-sequitur, but one that ends up creating that same argument when interpreted by readers). That's what I'm demolishing here.

    You presented it yourself as "literally everything I do in X I do in Y" too, where its honestly no big deal and any advantages are negligible. Like you'd know to do gens still, so same diff; but, when you're taking steroids for baseball, you still hit the ball with a bat like any other game. Hell, you even score home-runs in fair games anyway too… there's still a material distortion of your performance. Here we're dealing with the accumulation of so many little factors tipped in your favor--and a flood of (even indirect) information that rivals any number of perks--in a game that can tip back & forth based on small mistakes normally. The alterations of VC are impossibly different to account for unless the game so heavily imbalanced its irrelevant anyhow. When a killer can beat your team while you're actively exploiting VC, that's just a killer who would always stomp your team in a real game.

    In normal matches, even that inability to point out "hey trap right there" could be the pivot for snowballing. Of course not every potential distortion of VC impacts every match, but it doesn't require knowing every killer move to ruin the match integrity. There are far too many adjustment factors (any number of which could be significant alone) that, whatever inevitable differences do occur, they're amassed and intertwined inseparably from the match circumstances beyond recognition. To imagine that any of your accomplishments are still distinguishable skill at that point is just naive. It's like stringing together a speed run made of save states and pretending you did the whole thing at once. You simply cannot eliminate so many little imperfections, and shift all the pressure dynamics, while still feeling righteously decent because you can sometimes do those things in normal games anyhow. It's fruit from a poisoned tree.

    This is still without really accounting for people fully intent on exploiting the imbalances either. When that intent exists, the distortion is so overwhelmingly negative that a bad taste lingers even for killers capable of overcoming the fixed odds. What's so insidious is that your team doesn't need to go into any match with that intent to cheat heavily. Most probably don't, making it that much easier to believe "we just have fun" since its discounting every time it doesn't end up that way. Only once things start going sour, the cheating efforts kick into gear with that irresistible urge to "rebalance" inevitably creeping forward. Players increasingly exploit those unaccounted/unbalanced interactions of VC to pull off maneuvers and coordination straight up impossible in any real game. And that's some real bullshit. Of course it erodes the fun of playing killer when some games irrationally flip on a dime to the other side's whims.

    Naturally groups love it: they largely dictate the match. So it's all fun and games, unless they decide it isn't. Dismissing every distortion (and every attempt at even mitigating any of those distortions) under the premise "most groups just chill anyway" is ridiculous when all have that gateway at anytime. VC isn't any more reasonable an accommodation for players to work around without grievance than, say... letting killers use a game trainer to make walls transparent at will. Everyone just accept that most use it with good discretion, like when lost or they can't find anyone, and that makes the game more fun for everyone. Plus, its a nice challenge. And make some entertaining twitches and this game desperately depends on the twitches. And it's not every occasion, I mean, unless they want to. Sure, some will, but probably rarely... probably. Or, they only bust it out when when survivors that get too cocky, or maybe too loopy, or just a little bit too existy. You can't punish them for wanting to have fun too. Besides, it's not like that actually guarantees the killer will win. Still gotta catch 'em first, and that's pure skill there. Pure skill. So all good, right?

    It could be that you're fine with the status quo--and if so, that's okay, and you're right to like what you like--however I don't know how you could possibly believe that most everyone else is just dandy when there's a clear killer deficit in this game. I'd think that's a sign of something seriously wrong when that side already only needs one player for the other four, and gets to be the badass pop-culture horror icon. Seems more likely to have the opposite queue times.

    If most killers are really alright with it, then I'd have to think that's because the ones who aren't happy about it have already quit playing killer, if not DBD entirely. Even without being red-ranks (or maybe explicitly because of it on either side) I know for sure there's still a killer shortage the higher the ranks, or they wouldn't be mixing up even red rank solo survivor against killers literally ten levels beneath them so damn frequently.  That alone is probably a major recipe for burn out when a lot of people perceive a skill difference between Rank 2 and Rank 1 survivor skill levels. When you start tossing in the voice-comms of even just two players onto that whole mess, well, it shouldn't really take much convincing to predict a fire hazard burning through new and old players alike to devastate retention levels that should be way higher.

  • Mr.FlexOG
    Mr.FlexOG Member Posts: 45

    "Maybe not something you realized or intended, but by jumping into a topic that's basically "hey this is how we should deal with the SWF problem" and veering to "ugh people say everything is SWF," you're directly responding to their prompt with the indirect rebuttal that the issue is overblown and irrelevant at all. (Or I suppose making a total non-sequitur, but one that ends up creating that same argument when interpreted by readers)."

    Read of the century. Cracking post. I agree with everything you wrote.