These Console Gamers Were Really Freaking Good

Most of the time, I'm just "left 4 dead" while everyone else just escapes but these gamers actually made the effort to flashlight save and pick me up in endgame.

These 2 were also Claudettes and they did the gens while I was being chased for most of the game. Therefore I need to give these guys a shout out. Props!!


  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    I used to be flashlight gamer but ever since they changed them I literally cannot get the right angle ever. I also don't play this game enough anymore to learn quickly so now I'm just a liability if I have a flashlight :(

  • RaiexKain
    RaiexKain Member Posts: 4

    See this post is what we need to see more of. I go on here almost every day and it's normally filled with complaints about buffs and nerfs for killers/survivors,or complaints about crossplay with console vs pc. Good job man for being one of the very few people for sharing positive moments like this.

  • Radiosity
    Radiosity Member Posts: 16

    This is a good thread to see as console player, no doubt, but why would you censor the killer's name?

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Never said they weren't! I use them myself all the time!

    Just that playing without one can easily be considered a huge disadvantage by some people.

    I've even made it to rank 10 recently on a secondary account without an exhaustion perk

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    As a killer, I've noticed that console survivors tend to seem to be in SWF slightly more often (not sweaty SWF, clearly just friends playing together) probably due to the design of consoles, and are on average considerably more altruistic than PC survivors. Unfortunately this altruism is often their biggest weakness and is very easy to take advantage of, coupled with the fact that they're typically not nearly as good at looping or making "big brain" plays, likely due to the limits of a controller combined with poor performance.

    All in all, I'd say that they're about equal with PC survivors when you factor these things in, not as good in some areas, but a little better in other areas. On average, of course; there's always outliers.

    As an aside, I've been in red ranks for a couple months now as killer, and seeing someone left to die on hook or even transition phase, PC or console alike, is extremely rare. I'd say it's one of the rarest thing I've seen. Unless the game is desperately close and they absolutely need a gen done, most survivors will absolutely make sure they get to the hook on time even if it means going down. I think most survivors, at least in red ranks, understand how bad it feels to be left like that, so they seem to almost always make the effort to get someone down.

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229

    I played with a streamer who at the end of the game checked her stream saying that she was sorry for me because I was a console player, I used a billy and I am devotion 6 and she was devotion 2 playing in premade, she was the only one that I could kill in that game but not by tunneling, later I see a game in which she plays with billy and she doesn't know how to use it but she is more good than me no?.

    I think that some people do not know what the difference between platforms are, they only criticize the console platforms without really understand the reason for why it is, even if a console has been playing for longer than you and not as premade rather alone and with killers difficult to use for newbies, some real PC gamers do not understand which is the really difference between bad players.

    Only for play on PC dont´t make them good!!!

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited October 2020

    once in a while you see good console players, is just rare. , that killer wanst using a good piramid build, and no range addons, but it is what it is. lol but gg i guess