Although I got four kills as killer, it's still my worst game experience ever!

Sorry for my poor writing. The story is, in one match I played oni, and I played so good that I got three hooked in the basement.
In general, it should be the end, isn't it? However, they are an AT team, and the last one has borrow time, He just ran to me, took a hit and saved one on the hook, then I found that every of them have borrow time, finally all of the three escape from the basement easily, and I only got one left in the basement.
This is not the end, I chased them and hit two down, but both of the two have Decisive Strike, I took double stupid stun and got nothing. In the beginning, I got three in the basement, but finally I lost everything, and got two stun. This is so much fun, isn't it?
Fortunately, it's me, an experienced killer, not a noob. Finally, I still got 4 kill, but I feel so bad. The game should have ended with four generators left, but they were able to drag two with their op perks. I got so tired with this game since then. Is that mean, as a killer, I must take turns hooking them, one by one, I can't hook two or more at the same time, and I also have to play against gen rush? If that, you are force player to play nurse and spirit.
I already uninstalled the game. I won't play dbd until ZZZ nurf borrow time and Decisive Strike!
I didn't feel happy at all when I saw 4 red MEDALS.
5 -
If you're efficient at hooking, my friend, allow me to introduce you to my favorite perk combo thus far:
Dying Light + Save the Best for Last.
Ignore the Obsession, and for each Survivor you smack, you get to attack faster and faster. For each Survivor you hook, generators slow to a crawl as the game goes on.
Take them down one-by-one, don't panic, and the final two gens or so will be completed at a snail's pace. Once you reach about 5 hooks, the generators will be mostly a non-issue.
4 -
It is this exact type of thread why devs don't listen to killer complaint's ................ and i wouldn't listen to this either. Can't realy blame them, sorry. Sure the game has it's issues and can be very frustration but what's worse as a sore loser is a sore winner. You should be proud to still have won the match, yet here you are, crying because the match wasn't fast enough over.
58 -
I use this combo when I paly Freddy or Doctor, but as oni, SBL doesn't help a lot.
2 -
Aside from Demon Striking Survivors, I feel like it would help a lot. I know Dying Light can pull clutch games on its own, but it's dependant on how good you are at hooking.
3 -
I won the match because I'm skillful, but I feel terrible because I got so much stuned even I have the advantage. Imagine if a baby killer face the same situation, how would he feels?
13 -
Now do that with a killer who doesn't have mobility and an instant down, THEN let's see how you feel.
15 -
Of cause I'm meanning! I'm angry because I feel like I was being taken for a fool! How they can save three from the basement? What's the use of the basement? Survivor perks are so much OP that they can get two free gens!
Even now I'm still troubled by the three-basement-escape, I always think about, did I play perfect? If I did that, can I end it faster?
8 -
The screenshot is proof that he did perfect by the game's standards, even though he felt like uninstalling at the end. You can't reject the point because it looks like a flex.
11 -
I see a lot of people talking about his record saying he won so who cares. The problem isnt balance in this case the problem is feel. This guy is amazing, far better than I am at least, he just hates the feel of some of these perks. Thats really what the issue is, the perks are designed, intentionally or not, to rob the killer of the situation. They are DESIGNED to take away the advantage of playing well and give the advantage to the survivors
26 -
Perhabs to have something to deal with situations where 4 of you get hooked in basement on 4 gens. I am a rank 1 killer too but these situations can happen. No, noobs should not face such situations. I agree with OP on that one. Maybe there could be a barrier of some kind on what rank you can use which perk, for survivors and killers alike. No NOED, Devour or Ruin for killers below 10 and the same way no DS, no BT and no Head On. I got bullied so hard and so many times as killer, it was incredible frustating. But the issue is not BT or Head On but the Matchmaking, toxic SWF groups and getting paired with people i shouldn't have played against until much much later when im ready for it.
5 -
I've had some absolutely miserable trials as killer where o kill everyone and get told that I have no leg to stand on because of that.
One in particular that sticks out was against a hacker. This dude had everything: speed hacks, no collision hacks, instawiggle, instaheal, instagen, intasabo, you name it and it was probably in the game. Long story short, i refused to DC and managed to trick him into getting hooked, after which he ragequit about 10 minutes into bis nightmare trial. I killed everyone, because they basically just didn't go gens. And his teammates got into the chat and practically screamed about how fun it was, how hilarious it was, and just had absolutely no empathy whatsoever, didn't care about how miserable it was, they just told me that I should have DC'd and eaten the penalty and that they basically didn't care because they didn't escape.
14 -
I think ignoring these kinds of posts exacerbate the issues with the game. When people feel ######### even when they win, your game might have some problems. He did so well he should've ended the game right then and there, but what should've been a victory got dragged out for several more minutes because of perks and perks alone. Not amazing skills or smart plays, just knowing there's nothing the killer can do to actually stop you.
You can see this happen with streamers (both big and small) as well, just so much BS resulting in a hollow, annoying victory, because a victory is rarely decisive, it's often muddled by a bunch of annoying BS.
I know to some people, just seeing that you "won" is the important part, but the really important part is having fun, and when your fun is sapped away by annoying nonsense, it can easily ruin even a win. I'd much rather take a match where I win less but have more fun. Every #########' time, dude.
It happens on the survivor side too, you hear about it here constantly. People whining that even though they escaped or even forced a 0k on some killer, camping/tunneling/ruin+undying+tinkerer/etc just made the match annoying.
The game should be full of thrills and clutch plays, not clutch perks. That goes for both sides. Every game is just inherently more satisfying when regardless of whether you win or lose, you know it was down not to some ridiculously strong nonsense, but quality play.
15 -
This is a troll right?
9 -
I literally spent the last week playing with Blight using no add-ons and only BBQ as a perk, all other perk slots empty. I averaged about 2.4-2.5k per game. I'm a rank 1 killer.
Perks absolutely give you an edge, as I certainly didn't 4k as often as I do with full meta perks, but goddamn was it satisfying actually having to rely only on my own skill to find people, to use my power properly, etc.
But that's not even the point. There aren't many killer perks that massively shift the game in your favor after you play poorly or are losing terribly. I guess if you plan for failure and setup NOED/Blood Warden or some nonsense like that, you can maybe turn a 0k into a 4k if the survivors are really bad, but generally killer perks just help you be more effective.
Despite NOED really not being that good, we still see plenty of hate on it. Why? Because it's annoying to be winning and then just having this surprise F-U right when you're about to win. Like what happened with the OP here. Having the scales shift so dramatically because of a perk shouldn't even be possible. Perks should be useful and helpful, but should still require skillful use and for you to play well. There should be no perks designed around you failing and then having a big momentum swing the other way, only you as a player should be able to do that.
11 -
Sorry but how many times did perks win the match for killers?
Would he slug so many survivors if he hadn't infectious fright running? So that's fair but BT gives him tears? Sorry but i would ignore that.
I play both sides btw. Rank 1 killer, rank 4-5 survivor pending.
6 -
This a False equivalence fallacy:
Just because they won doesn't mean they can't complain it both frustrating and wasn't fun winning said game.
Winning =/= fun/relaxing/enjoyable.
6 -
I mean, im a rank 8-10 killer usually but only because I don't have time to play often. if I got that situation is be so proud of the survivors for getting so close to making a comeback, they had the perks, they had the guts, and they almost got away with it.
Your being a bit cringe man, how can BT and DS be so OP if you still killed them all with 2 gens left?
11 -
btw, this is my perk in that match,
2 -
And, your points seems reasonable, but, the thing is, when we talking about the strenth of a killer, we need to mention this killer's core perks.
Bubba with Bamboozle and Bubba without Bamboozle is totally two different killer. If we delete Bamboozle now, Bubba would become a trash killer instantly. So does undying+ruin to all the killer are good at mutiple injury but have low mobility, like huntress, deathslinger and hag, cause they need perks to help delay gens. So does BBQ to nurse and spirit, they need to find the next target quickly instead of patrol.
1 -
Uninstalling = The new 'Holding my breath till i get what i want'
12 -
I won because I'm more experienced than most killer players. If others killers get the situation, 4 kills maybe turn to 4 escape. After all, my full advantage turn to nothing, I have to win everything back from the beginning. This is how streamer teams escape easliy everyday.
5 -
And i have had games were all survivors escaped and had a absolute blast playing it. Stop focussing on kills if you want fun.
The fact you were able to turn a bad situation back around shows there was nothing wrong with the game. The fact that you didn't enjoy might just simply mean that you don't enjoy the game.
And that's okay, I get it. It's a really cool concept and has a ton of nostalgia filled licence.
But i feel that so many people force themself to play this game even if they don't like it. This game really doesn't have more frustrating moments then any other multiplayer game.
But that's assuming ofcourse that you actually enjoy the gameplay
9 -
I mean, there were counters to what they did. Sounds like you were playing as though you didn't expect them all to have the smol pp build. Always expect the smol pp.
1 -
No one's crying the perks are OP. They are just unfun to play against.
I love having to wait 15 seconds to smack the person with BT who is piggy-back riding their savior, preventing me from not tunneling them.
I love having to then wait 45 more seconds in order to pick them up. Though lets be honest, they'll stand up on their own by then because this meta sucks and if you're running DS, you're absolutely running UB because every Survivor runs those 2 perks + BT + either DH/SB/BL or Adrenaline/SC/Soul Guard.
I love watching someone who was just hooked run into a locker... then start singing the Mario Invincible Star music for a minute or until I leave them alone.
You can still win a match and give a 1 out of 5 for "did you have fun". In fact, it should even be so noteworthy that even actually winning the match didn't make up for how much ass it is to play against.
10 -
Basically you had to win the game twice to end it.
You're defining DBD... Survivors get second chance for screwing up instead of being punished by their mistakes..
That feeling when you don't even remember that you hooked someone because you got into a lot of action after it and then you get DSed out of nowhere hehe good feeling.
10 -
You just sound like a whiny little baby tbh. Get over it. Didn't have fun? Oh well that sucks, that's your problem. Should've lobby dodged in the first place or something. People are gonna run whatever perks they wanna run. And you as a killer main- is gonna have to manage. But yes you made a smart move by uninstalling the game. Come back when you feel motivated or if you're only about enjoying the game. See ya.
Post edited by GrisouOats on7 -
Man to read your story makes me almost happy to take a break from dbd at the moment.
That must have been terrible to experience.
But it is only one thing of a long list of unfun things for me in dbd. The others would be that there is no dc penalty anymore, still soundbugs in this game and they still haven't buff on the right way, a specific killer.
So I can basically just sitting here and being happy to not have come in this situation :D... Sorry.
0 -
How the hell is that killer entitlement? It is survivor entitlement at their finest, first of ask yourself how many mistakes a team of survivors have to do in order to get 3 of them hooked in the basement? It means mistake after mistake after mistake without end, the game should be over everybody knows that. Tell me against which killer it isn't at that point?
It is wrong that survivor can make so many mistakes and still make it out of the basement like that utterly stupid and wrong but who cares he won. 🤮
11 -
So basically, you're ranting about survivors playing the game, and trying to survive. Killers do what they have to do to kill. Survivors do what they have to do to survive.
7 -
Facts. I guess the guy takes the game way too seriously. Which is sad.
9 -
Would love to see that recorded. Screw those guys. You went above and beyond the call of duty.
3 -
This is troilling at it's finest. Using a disposable account on top of that.
You have 3 in the basement and somehow they save under your nose and then somehow the 'experienced killer' targets BT and picks up DS.
Then you complain that you won with 2 gens left instead of 4 and the 'oppressed' players jump out of the bushes to comfort the poor soul after the traumatic experience.
This is 11/10 quality bait. You, Sir, are a master at this.
18 -
Sounds to me like you went back to basement hook to force a possible snowball. Which is very common with Oni players who camp.
In the end there is very little to go by, without any info, but if you were as skilled as you claim you are then you would know that there is a possibility of a DS stun waiting to happen, and would have slugged.
7 -
Uninstalling the game and leaving it uninstalled is the best thing you can do for your mental health. Seriously. I often go on breaks playing it; I haven't played for a couple weeks right now, and I always feel better when I'm not playing than when I am playing. At some point there's always a match or a few matches that are just... well, I'm not turning the game on again until there's an event or something.
With 4v1, the game needs a very specific balance to be fun for both sides, and it doesn't have that. It has perks for both survivors and killers that can punish the other side for playing well, which is a terrible feeling. Games should be fun, and that crap ain't fun. The game isn't rewarding enough that a 4k (as killer) or an escape (as survivor) makes up for a miserable match.
0 -
Oooohhh... poor little entitled killer main, could not get the 4K fast enough :(
Complaining about Meta Perks, but runs nothing but Meta perks.
17 -
The demon strike doesn't count as a basic hit. So you can down them using that.
2 -
I get how you feel, i was just explaining things a bit more for OP and explaining my thoughts on the situation. A 4k is awesome and its good to work for it. But as I have mentioned in previous threads the perks make you feel like you are fighting the game rather than the player. Regardless of the outcome that is just bad freaking design when a player doesnt feel like they are competing against a player but the game itself.
5 -
Color me dubious. :) And if you are able to get a 4-K at Rank-1 against (one would assume) Red Rank Survivors carrying a potent load out of Perks, then you have NOTHING to complain about. Are you seriously saying it wasn't fun enough for you because it wasn't easier?
11 -
It really angers me while reading the commend. How can you all not see the problem when someone is angry even winning the game?
In PVP game, people should NOT ever have chance to reset the game when you play so badly! If you somehow comeback with skill, it's absolutely fine. However, if they make a comeback because of one single thing in the game, then it's broken.
In this situation, how much mistakes survivors need to make in order to be in 3 hook basement situation? Should these survivors even deserve to have second chance?
Sure he won the game, but this is only one game. There are many more games that survivors truly make a comeback because of 1 single perk design. Got 4 slugged because of massive bad play? One unbreakable and the game is reset. Why should these survivors that make bad plays to be even rewarded with a chance to reset your massive mistakes you did and everything the killer takes advantage of?
What if there is a killer perk that unpowers 3 gens after all gens are done, and he only got one hook in total? Does he deserve this chance at all? Yeah you guys still 4 escape, and are you happy with it?
13 -
Fine, not my problem anyway really, I just dont think that single perks should be able to undo massive plays like having 3 people hooked.
2 -
2/10 bait.
Just flexing a 4k with screenshots. That's all.
6 -
Nam, you have my sympathies, that is a frustrating situation.
That said... From a game development stand point this doesn't necessarily justify nerfing those perks. In this game each trial consists of 5 players and to keep the game alive both roles need to be fun and capable of winning, ESPECIALLY in a desperate situation. There was a comment on this thread about NOED, which does exactly that for the killer role. All gens are done and any second now the gates are going to be powered on. Here is a perk that pulls your a$$ out of the fire and gives you a chance at an amazing comeback.
you had this team STOMPED at 4 gens. 3 hooked in the basement and here comes the last survivor taking chance with BT and pulled everyone out of the fire. What a rush for the survivor team right? then despite the BT, despite the double DS stuns you still pull out the 4k? I bet you sweated and swore and possibly damaged your keyboard/controller for that. You held in and didn't surrender. I'd watch that match and love every moment of it, and I'm thinking that some part of you got a huge serotonin rush out of getting that 4k.
And that is what a good game is. It gives both sides a chance to pull off some amazing comeback when all seems lost, and it sounds like your match embodied that. I am sorry that it had you so frustrated you want to give up the game, and if that is how it made you feel then perhaps you should (it is just a game after all), but based on the fact that you didn't DC and stuck it out and pulled out the 4k I think it would a loss to the community for you to walk away
6 -
Sounds like you don’t enjoy the game and uninstalling was the right choice.
5 -
I did't camp, I just walk out from the basement and look around, tell me where should I go? Then I heard footsteps and go back to defense, you know the footsteps on the whitehouse's floor is obvious.
1 -
I run into DS all the time. It does not reset the game. It is a "stun," no more and no less. You get stunned by pallets, flashlights, and even the odd firecracker. Those are far less predictable (and unavoidable) than DS. I am not as good as the OP claims to be, and I'm able to deal with DS just fine. Anecdotal as that evidence may be, it is a fact. Some helpful reminders are:
- DS has a Timer. You can just slug them and wait.
- DS can be forced to be used early in the game (I do this all the time).
- Just avoid letting them save it for the EGC.
2 -
If you were really an experienced killer you would know how to avoid BT and DS. Its very easy. Almost every survivor runs these perks. You are either a troll or really..................
3 -
- I don't have time to wait the DS timer. When I wait 15s for BT and then wait for 45s for DS, all the others survivors are doing the gens. One gen need 80s for one survivor, so if I indulge others doing gens for 60s, I would lose at least 2 gens!
- Even I force survivors to use DS in early game, I still can't affort the loss, because I need another chase when others three are doing free gens, just as the above one.So if I took DS, I have to tunnel that one to playback.
0 -
I'm sorry but you seem to be talking about a particular situation. What about the case where Unbreakable is nessacary for a fare game for survivors that didn't make a mistake?
0 -
How about this one?