Toxic Survivors Really Upset Me

Sasha233 Member Posts: 40
edited October 2020 in General Discussions

Today my internet was a bit bad and I've missing quite some free hits the entire game and that's frustrating enough. On top of that, whenever I downed someone I can't even find them because my internet was so bad and I'm not even sure where I was when I downed them. And in the end they all flashlight clicking me at exit and calling me slurs in chat and accuse me of lag switching. 1k hrs into the game and not even once have I used any form of hacks. This game somehow upsets me a lot and in order to not get too tilted I wish someone can talk me out of this depressing mood :/ 

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    Grow thicker skin, if you stop responding they will stop, that's the mentality of a bully. I know because I was one. If you react they were continue, so good job on not responding here. Just ignore them and move on. Or just turn end game chat off

  • Sasha233
    Sasha233 Member Posts: 40

    You're right, but I just felt utterly helpless against their accusations because there's no way to prove that I just had really ######### internet. And to think that if it weren't for the lag I can easily 4k them yet they're calling me a trash hacker makes me feel extra bad. And this person left a comment on my steam profile too, if I remove it then it'll feel like I really did hack, if I don't then it's definitely not a good look on my profile. Kinda don't know what to do here

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Excuse me but its on you to fix your internet. That they are upset is complety understandable in my opinion.

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    It's not on them to be called a ######### and accused of hacking.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    True, that ######### was way over the top. Anyway, i would not come here and complain about it when i would be the person who caused the problem in first place, even if they were mean. Dont ruin the game for others this is all what i say, that some take it not that easy should be clear. On top of that he apparently had this problem the whole day but he did not mind going on so my sympathy for him is low in this case.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270
    edited October 2020

    I'm a consoler but I doubt I'd even open the chat at all with the way this community is. Let them screech into the void

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Sasha233
    Sasha233 Member Posts: 40

    If anything I had an awful experience that game and not them, the lag gave them quite a few free slips from me and it would've been a 4k not 1k if I wasn't so laggy. Also that was the first game of the day. I knew it was laggy as soon as I entered the game, but they burnt a bps and some purple oak offerings and I thought it'd be unsportsmanlike to just instantly dc.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,820

    You don't have to prove it to them -- they can just be wrong. It feels bad to be judged unfairly, and they shouldn't verbally abuse you no matter what they think you did, but you can also decide that they got this one wrong without worrying that you have to convince them to agree.

    I also don't think you're obligated to let people trash you on your profile, so don't feel bad about deleting that stuff.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    You can hide endgame chat, or ignore it if you don't want to. Plus if your internet is probably shouldn't be playing. Just saying.

  • lowiq
    lowiq Member Posts: 436

    I can understand clicking in game, but for people who are toxic in post game chat, it makes it easier to walk away knowing they are just children that need attention. Try not to take it personally, there's going to be people like that.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    As yellow ping huntress I know that feel.

    My internet is good and stable. I never lose packages. But I live far away from available servers. So sometimes latency from my side make some shots look unfair. Survivors sometimes blaming me hacking or using vpn. I understand that. But I can't quit playing huntress. I like to learn longshots, curves and tricky holes in certain loops. Devs will add server hit validation soon and hopefully I will receive less trash talk about my internet which is perfectly fine. I played Huntress when server hit validation have been tested and it was pretty good.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I sympathise.

    Killer can already be an uphill battle sometimes. Connection issues on top of that can just exacerbate frustration.

    My advice: turn chat off. When your frustration gets that intense, have a break. Take a short walk outside and just focus on your breathing.

  • DFP
    DFP Member Posts: 156

    I feel for ya. I play on console over mandatory shared apartment complex wifi, and it's cheated me and made me look a fool a few times.

    The worst was a Freddy game against a cocky crew led by a shirtless David flexing through time and space. I was getting audio confirmation I was hitting them and fighting like mad but the latency was awful and nothing seemed to stick. At times their run speed would just jump or they'd straight up teleport. I stuck it out because I needed the points, and while waiting for them to stop teabagging and blinding me at the gate and just LEAVE already I DC'ed. I was crushed and frustrated that I'd gone through all that for nothing. Sad and angry on a deep level, that game felt AWFUL and what came after was worse.

    They accused ME of using a lagswitch, being toxic and dc'ing on purpose called me a few nasty names and were trying to mock me as unskilled and telling me to off mysepf to boot. Over a friggin' game. I had and I think still have the game footage. Didn't matter to them. David was the worst of the lot, I can still remember his messages started with "Imagine playing so toxic and getting no kills." Needless to say, my messages got turned off, and friend requests set to auto deny for a while. That may be what ya have to do here.

    Take a sabbatical and when it's been long enough that it doesn't feel so raw come on back. Try and remember the good matches you've had, the ones that thrilled you and made your blood pump and heart race. The matches where you goofed around and had a laugh with everyone. Even though the jerks may be loud and covering them up, kind and fun folk still live on.

    You've got this Sasha. I know you can pull through this tribulation. You've seen the gold through the dross among us and I believe that you can find it again. Happier days and matches will come with time.

    Wish ya godspeed towards them, and good hunting when you get there.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Because bully stop with that behavoir when you ignore them? Never. They have to get severly punished with a ban. They need a hard lesson and that's the language these people understand.

  • shmoul
    shmoul Member Posts: 97

    You do understand that as killer you're gonna have an easier time the higher your ping is? The reason you cant find the survivors after downing them is because on their screen they're far far away from you and your lag is the only reason you were able to hit them. Lag benefits killers, be it survivors' bad ping or killers' bad ping. That is why some people cheat by VPNing as killer and purposefully getting bad ping.

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    I'm guessing you forgot the part where i said i was a bully. Its a waste of time if theres no reaction and because of that we are more liable to get in trouble, hence we stop messing with that person. Here, if he never opens end game chat and deletes toxic messages on his message wall without talking to them they will think its a waste of time

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    A ban will teach them even more and another ban until a perma ban. Easy to do and nobody cries about those losers.

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    There is already a end game chat mute already, full out banning their account is only neccesary if they continue after they are unmuted.