Something really needs to be done about campers

I might be the only one here but, it really bugs me when a killer is already powerful but they feel the need to camp a hooked survivor. (Just to clarify I’m not talking about patrolling or sitting back and waiting, I am talking about a killer who is able to insta down whenever they want, to be 1 foot in front of the hooked survivor until they die).

experiencing this, and other things I know the devs can’t do anything about (aka killers working with a single survivor to screw all the other survivors), unfortunately makes me want to avoid the game for a bit. I enjoy playing it with friends but this unsportsmanlike behavior really does sour the game.

if I may make a possible solution/suggestion to the devs (since I don’t want this just to be a complaining discussion), possibly adding something that would deter killers from staying right next to a hooked survivor. Say if a killer is within a certain radius for a certain period of time, the entity will be displeased and blind the killer that slowly fades once away from the hooked survivor or once the hooked survivor has been taken off the hook.

in any event thank you for making the game.


  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    If the other three survivors do the gens, escape and sacrifice the one survivor the entity will be displeased with the killer. Face camping isn't really all that good to begin with, quite boring and unenjoyable.

    I understand that this can be frustrating, but it isn't something that is easily solved without punishing those that are not face camping. Create a mechanic that prevents a killer being near a hook and survivors are going to abuse it.

  • logbomb
    logbomb Member Posts: 19
    edited October 2020

    A survivor going from stage 1 to sacrificed takes a full 120 seconds.

    If a killer catches a survivor at 5 gens and facecamps him, the remaining 3 can do a maximum of 3 gens in this time and maybe start a 4th - assuming there are absolutely no slow down perks like Thanatophobia. Of course this doesn't count any survivor approaching the hook and assumes they just sit on their gens. If there is a Solo player and no Kindred in play most likely at least one survivor will try to go for the unhook unknowingly, wasting precious gen time. Also, if you are playing Solo q and someone is being camped it's a 50/50 of whether that survivor will let himself die on stage 2. Again, 60 seconds gone on the timer.

    This leaves - at best - 3 survivors to do the remaining 2 gens. Even if they manage that - let's assume the killer can't find any of them for a chase and they can just sit pretty at their gens - the killer only needs to equip noed to get an easy 3-4k. If you say "just do bones" you need to add AT LEAST 70 seconds to the gen timing (one additional full generator, pretty much). That's not counting searching and finding said totems or slowdown perks like Thrill of the Hunt.

    Whether we like it or not right now the game mechanics favor facecamping if you find a survivor early enough and I have been seeing it more and more in the ranks were I fluctuate (5-3). There really needs to be a mechanic similar to the Pyramid Head cage mechanic on hooks. If the killer is within X meters without another survivor being there either the hook gets moved or the timer gets extended or the hook breaks, I have no idea. But as it stands it pays off to bring noed and facecamp assuming you can find and down a survivor in the early stages of the match. If you bring Corrupt Intervention this is pretty much guaranteed.

  • logbomb
    logbomb Member Posts: 19

    You already have that on Pyramid Head. I think the way to do this is to only have said mechanic work if no other unhooked survivors are within X meters of that hook. Otherwise no doubt it will be abused. But as it stands what I have been seeing is an abuse of facecamp due to the short amount of time it takes a survivor to die when compared to a full gen being repaired

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    I don't know what you are on about, the short amount of time to kill a survivor on hook. In those two mins you can do 3 gens, do some bones and leave the last 2 gens to the last 2 survivors that aren't running the killer. If the runner gets caught, you gain another 2 mins to finish the gens and open the gate.

    In essence the killer should even with NOED get max a 2k if the survivors play well and the game does not award this behavior as it stands as it deducts bloodpoints for standing there, the entity isn't pleased with even a 4x 1 hook situation and you gain nearly no other points in the other categories that you simply don't engage in.

    Killers that facecamp at 5 gens are not awarded, but it doesn't take away their agency of engaging in that behavior. It is why it is mainly an issue at low ranks. Making rules won't stop people for finding ways to play in annoying frustrating ways.

  • ChantyBoi
    ChantyBoi Member Posts: 179

    There's a very rare thing you can do if the killer facecamps. Work on gens. Facecamping is effectively throwing the game for one kill.

  • logbomb
    logbomb Member Posts: 19
    edited October 2020

    You can do 3 gens IF no one goes to try the rescue. Not everyone is running kindred or in a SWF to know the killer is facecamping.

    Otherwise you'll do 2 gens and be left with 3 for 3 survivors. Yeah he will get max 2k if the survivors play too well but if you play Solo Q (assuming you don't judging by your answer) you know the odds of everyone playing a good game are close to 0. There will always be 1-2 weak links in the team who will make facecamping the first hook pay off.

    Yeah you are right the entity is not pleased with 4x1 but it's enough to "win" the game which is what most players are after anyway.

    In the end here is my main problem - why does the freaking Pyramid Head have an anti-facecamp proc on a mechanic for which he needs to travel the whole map in order to facecamp and all other killers who can literally just sit there don't? It's weird af.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    Camping is mostly a mentality and survivors reinforce it reguarly by suicide bombing the hooks in order to save their fellow survivor. Even if you put on all manners of negative effects, be it deranking, no points, 24 hours ban etc for camping.. campers would still camp.

    How about you reward positive behavior, aka the killer leaving the hook, instead of punishing them?

  • MasterofSFL
    MasterofSFL Member Posts: 125
    edited October 2020

    As I had stated here, camping isn't hard to solve for:

    Entity's Displeasure: Hooked Survivors while within your terror radius and 10m of you have reduced death progression shortly after being hooked, while you're not in chase. Entity's Displeasure Is deactivated upon entering a chase, Entity's Displeasure will reactivate after spending a total of 10 seconds near a hooked survivor after exiting a chase. Entity's Displeasure is not in effect when two or more survivors are on hook or during End-Game Collapse.

    The most common retort you'll receive is that (Blatant) camping is a legitimate strategy and all you need to do is spend 2-3 weeks and $20 to get the get-out-of-jail perks or "just do gens." It doesn't matter what the hooked survivor's experience is like during the entire event, no one seems to really care or get that fact. At bare minimum, hooked survivors being (blatantly) camped ought to receive Altruism (time on hook) and Objective points (gens completed), just so the experience isn't so hellishly boring/frustrating to the point of DCing.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    The developers have stated themselves that camping is a valid strategy.

    The behavior of the survivors is not upon the killer to be responsible for, that is their own.

    They didn't win the game, they are de-pip and lose rank, earn less bloodpoints and everything in the game is telling them they did not do well. If people decide for themselves to play for other goals than the ones provided by the game they can also "win" with one kill.

    Most people are out to have fun and earn bloodpoints so they can purchase what they want and/or want to become rank 1. Sure they want a 4k, but there also many that aren't to bothered if they don't get it either. It is easy to say, people just want a 4k even if it costs them everything else. It is the same as the survivors that rush gens and escape with minimal points. It isn't awarded because it isn't the goal of the game and not much fun for the other side.

    PH can avoid many perks that are used for saves, anti tunnel, etc. Also does not require them to pick them up, get them to a hook and put it on them, all aspects of the game where counter play is possible. You know some of the tools good survivors can use to counter the actions of a killer. As a down side PH cannot be near it for to long to prevent the hardcore tunneling without counterplay and is unable to pick where it goes.

  • lazerlight
    lazerlight Member Posts: 353
    edited October 2020

    It doesn't matter what people say, it doesn't matter if it's a "valid strategy". Campers/Tunnelers/Sluggers are preventing people from PLAYING THE GAME and making points. This is GRIEFING. It's fine if you camp or slug in the end to get some pressure. But to just target a player just to get them out of the game asap or prevent them from playing is scummy and GRIEFING. "The other 3 survivors just have to do gens" but what about the survivor on the HOOK. They didn't boot up A GAME to sit there and do nothing for two whole minutes and then get kicked out with no points rewarded.

    Hooks should have a similar effect like Pyramid Head's cages. Once you're hooked, the hook switches places with the farthest empty hook. (A cool animation they could do is use the same animation of the entity when it's grabbing the souls of sacrificed survivors, but upside down. It sinks the hook into the floor and then brings the new hook in the same spot.)

    Hooked Survivors should get a lot of objective or altruistic points if they enter the second stage on their first hook (if they didn't attempt to escape). Maybe 3k? The scoring event can be called "live-captive" or something. This way, even if they have been prevented from playing, they can atleast buy a brown item in the bloodweb lol.

    And struggling should give up to 2k points in survival. I still cannot believe struggling for the whole 60 seconds only rewards survivors with 891 points.... Really? Not even 900?? That's just flat out disrespectful lol, especially since making points in the survival category is as hard enough already.

    Everyone entered the game to have FUN and PLAY. How is camping early game different than a killer body blocking you in a corner the whole game? That at least on the hook you die, but you were still prevented from playing for 2 minutes...

    Funny how the survivors' fun isn't the Killers' responsibility but the moment a survivor dc's, they ruined the game for the killer. So wait, survivors' fun isnt your responsibility but YOUR fun is theirs?? I don't think so.