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Although I got four kills as killer, it's still my worst game experience ever!



  • Member Posts: 63

    Actually, run into DS is my best choice at that time, if I wait for DS timer, I don't know whether they have Unbreakable, and I also don't know where are the others two. At that time, my choice is I need to get their DS at least.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    Isn't in competition some frustration is needed to make for a more intense and unpredictable game. Its inevitable to feel frustrated when your so far in the lead and nearing victory only to have the opposing team get a fighting chance and could carve out the win. But you were able to use that frustration to have a more intense game and get a win. I imagine that those survivors had a more intense match and fun match despite losing. And if you don't feel happy you won ( because of what ever reason) thats on you

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Actually, you have to win more than twice sometimes so unless you are a good nurse or spirit, you're kind screwed against somewhat skilled survivors running the perks.

  • Member Posts: 63

    How about killers? Can killers win back if they play bad in early game, like get the first hook when only 3 gens left?

  • Member Posts: 249

    Op aside, Survivors Post the exact same stuff, whining about matches taking too long because the gens take too long to complete so it's boring, or that certain killer perk combinations allow them to be found too easily they can't sneak around and hide forever, etc.

    I won't defend the obvious sense of entitlement OP is exuding, but I absolutely understand where OP is coming from when they say they had three in the basement and one person with borrowed time came down and because they all had borrowed time, it turned what was previously an obvious killer sided match into a "go hunt'em all down one by one" because a single perk allowed one survivor to turn the entire tide of the match against the killer in seconds.

    Yet when survivors come up against perks like old ruin or pop, they complain CONSTANTLY because the game is no longer in their favor.

    The other aspect about this that you might be missing, is that that screenshot is a rank one with all four iridescents. in order to get all four of those iridescent the amount of work a killer has to put in is enormous compared to what a survivor must do. Just to get an iridescent devoted medal, a killer has to make nine separate hook events inside one match.

    Moral of the story here whether OP is entitled or not, the fact that one perk on one survivor changed a three-hooked in the basement outcome to a full iridescent metal board because of how much work they had to then put in to what should have been a fast game is the whole point behind the post.

  • Member Posts: 317

    Why did you quote me dude... I'm good and didn't uninstall it haha

    My problem with dbd is console performance... That is out of my control which is very frustrating...

    The thing with second chances is annoying but it is something we can control so it's good.

  • Member Posts: 68

    Oh so you're crying because the other side (those are four real people expecting fun just like you) gets a chance to get more points after you hook three? Wow such entitlement. This game isn't just about you and the other side would hate it if killers could always get 4ks with 4 gens remaining. Without those "op" perks every killer would just do what you did and the survivors would have no fun. Think about more than yourself and then maybe you'll be allowed to come back to the game. (Your ego being the thing that caused you to uninstall, this game isn't for those with big egos, gotta learn to accept the other side has every right to play in a manner they can have fun, yet here you are whining about a 4k even AFTER those "op" perks) Can you imagine thinking the killer needs an easy game every game?

  • Member Posts: 317

    OK. I get his point but it's not a problem for me.

    Don't be aggressive like that... He got his terms for having fun, you got yours... Yours isn't better than his. Peace

  • Member Posts: 4,458
    edited October 2020

    My point I don't believe the graphic in the first place. What the OP talks about and how he talks about it isn't the way any Rank-1 Killer I know speaks to this issue. In short, I think it is all baloney. It is either a Troll just trying to stir the pot, or someone who is passionate about HIS problems and thinks we (and the DEV) will give it more weight if he pretends to be a Rank-1 Killer.

  • Member Posts: 5

    I get really tired of people complaining about certain perks just because you have the perks doesn't mean you're any good you have to be good and know how to use the perks for them to be effective. This whole cancel culture is ridiculous. I can't win fast enough because of certain perks so please Nerf them super childish 😂.

  • Member Posts: 563

    Okay so the OP is upset because the survivors had the possibility of making a comeback? Like he said he did manage to get all 4kills but because he didn't get it when he think he should have is what gets him mad? Kind of the same mentality of people who don't like come back mechanics in Fighting games.

  • Member Posts: 101

    But there's the rub, isn't it?

    Most commonly, people whining about being the killer here would whine that they got all 4 in the basement and then only got silver medals for chaser or whatever. You should be happy rather than frustrated when they're able to extend the game enough that you have the chance to score.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    I got 3 x 3 kills last night and the last player i toyed with and then let escape, yet I didn't get a single bloody pip despite 3 landslide wins with Trapper (2) and once as Ghostface.

  • Member Posts: 1,295

    This is why if i'm winning i start slugging when they are on death hook, i don't want the game to end too early

  • Member Posts: 159

    So basically OP is upset that he didn't get outplayed...he got outperked. And fair enough because that's straight BS. Not exactly fun having an experienced player struggle not because the opponents are good but because they brought powerful perks. Dare I say this game needs a perk overhaul? After all they're supposed to be accents to playstyles but in this game one could argue they do a bit too much.

  • Member Posts: 2,055
    edited October 2020

    My favorite is when the match has been an absolute slog of a match because SWF, I finally think it's over, I played really well, the survivors did survivor things, and yet, they still get lucky enough, for 2 of them to jump off the hook. Needless to say, one of them gets away, because... Game.

    I swear, the better I do, the more likely they are to get a jump off the hook as well, 1 person jumping off has happened so many times in my matches, I would say a proper 5/10 matches honestly has someone jumping off. I will say, there are some matches where there are a few lucky offerings, and I have witnessed some with slippery meat action (But they are never the ones to jump off funny enough), but that's still an uncanny amount as far as I am concerned.

  • Member Posts: 615

    Frankly, though you ARE correct, I find this answer flawed.

    As a rank 1 Killer who just got there last night(Just before rank reset), I've found that a poor early game can, and in 95% of games WILL, cost you the match.

    You are correct, don't get me wrong, you CAN come back from this. My Freddy build is the king of comebacks, after all.

    However, it'd be incorrect to say that it isn't highly likely that unless you make a build specifically tailored toward picking yourself back up after a rough early game, you are more than likely boned.

  • Member Posts: 994

    Last night i won a game after 3 gens popped in less than 3 seconds of each other. I got two in basement. I camped a bit as trapped baited a surv into a trap and got the last person. It is doable. I also play rank 1. (Survivor salt was enough after that match to give me hypertension)

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Fair enough, and welcome to the Killer club! Killers have different challenges and frustrations than Survivors. But the key thing to remember is there are no sides. We are all just Players. The Killer versus Survivor dichotomy exists ONLY in the match and I think people should leave it there. It creates to much acrimony to pretend it matters when we talk about game balance.

    As a new Killer you are going to find certain Perks really annoying. You get used to them. You play around them. In a way it is no different than the advice I give Survivors who hate Noed or Undying+Ruin. You adapt or die. I don't care about DS. In fact, I don't consider it an anti-tunneling Perk (at least not when you play against me). I tunnel right away to get rid of it early. The earlier I force someone to use it, the less damage it does to me. Early game, it is just another stun. In the End Game Collapse or when there is contention for just a few generators, it is more potent. Timing matters. So I often tunnel off the first hook to force them to use it. Then I don't tunnel them anymore. :) Mean... I know.

  • Member Posts: 328

    You lost the point as soon as you said you 4k'd them even after ALL their meta perks. Hard to feel any empathy.

    I only solo and duo queue btw so Im not defending SWF running 4 man meta perks as I know that's a bit frustrating, but IMO, killers 4k probably at least 70/30 more than 4 survivers escape (in solo queues at least) so it's really hard to feel bad for you!

  • Member Posts: 246

    Survivors: "I don't see the problem with that."

  • Member Posts: 4

    OK listen I am a survivor main no I'm not even close to rank one but my friends that I play with are all rank one survivors and killers and they no every loop of every map that is useful as a survivor and they know how to counter them when they play killers. No the game is very very balanced I don't play killer cause when I do I camp and it isn't fair so I don't touch my killer unless I'm in custom with my friends and we take turns I try not to camp but I do I'm doo doo at the game but no in my opinion no perk is op or terrible each perk has its purpose and if you know how to use DS and the killer doesn't know how to work around it then they complain about it get better learn from your mistakes this dude is ranting about perks when he won the perks aren't the issue it's the ego to me personally it's just a video game so I don't care about my rank I feel the killer and survivors both need to not be toxic if you lose the match oh well its not a death sentence if you win good people need to stop attacking perks as an issue and focus on toxicity like hook camping because I see a minimum of 13 campers everytime I play with my rank 1 friends that needs to stop and the DC too if you lose don't get mad grow up and take it complaining about dbd perks would be like call of duty zombies and just the zombies complaining about juggernaut and packed weapons that's what this is the game to me is perfectly fine it's the community and every single person in it including me and my friends that is the issue

  • Member Posts: 4

    You need to grow up ok you won get over it your like a zombie from call of duty complaining about juggernaut and pack a punch weapons saying its to op ok its in the game to give survivors a chance all killers are faster than survivors at their sprint speed so I don't know what your issue is

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    From the looks of it, survivors with perks is no match to an Oni with Infectious Freight, Undying, Ruin, BBQ. You still won, with your own powerful perks helping you.

  • Member Posts: 71

    It's possible to win and win big but not enjoy it because it doesn't feel fun. DS in particular is annoying.

  • Member Posts: 195

    If you had three people on hooks and one trying to rescue I would've just waited for the last survivor to try and rescue someone and grab him out of the animation

  • Member Posts: 716

    I hope they nerf zzz

  • Member Posts: 249

    Normally, I would absolutely agree, as a prolonged trial is almost always in favor of the killer, but here, it never should have made it that far. This type of situation is what frustrates both sides because it annoys the killer due to a perk that has the potential to be massively overpowered, and the Survivors because, for all the effort, they still ended up dead.

  • Member Posts: 249

    It reads as English not being their first language, but I definitely see what you're saying. It doesn't mitigate the point brought up, though.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    I agree. The result isn't worth the stress it took to get there.

  • Member Posts: 951

    So killers talk smack to survivors and their threads get shut down but survivors can talk trash like this and noone cares?

    Ok then :/

  • Member Posts: 14

    Exactly. Those are my FAVORITE wins. String perks and you still won. That's The best imo.

  • Member Posts: 24

    You cant blame the survivors for trying to get away. The survivor has no way of defending themself during a trial except for pallet drops and flashlight blinding. When the survivors grind an get good at escaping its the same as you getting good at hooking an killing them. The perks are sometimes helpful an change the game up giving the survivor a fighting chance when the odds are against them. Same as the no one escapes perk for the killer and other advantages given. Like barbecue and Chilli. Or add one like Judith's tombstone getting grabbed an taken out the match early on sucks. There are things that are bs for both sides as I play both survivor and killer. Can't get mad for them trying to get away. The killer has so many advantages its crazy. Although it's itschard sometimes with swf. They go bombard an try to stop you from hooking an all kinds of crap. But then they go crying an send hate mail when they get killed or camped for looping the killer the whole game 🤷‍♂️ its a lose lose for the devs. You think this game is unfair...please go try the friday the 13th game.

  • Member Posts: 1,488

    You shouldn't complain dude. You wrecked and its entitled to think that you shouldnt be able to get stunned or whatnot. Its a game where survivors live and killers kill so there will be counterplay from both sides. I had a similar game as well where it was like BT AFTER BT AFTER BT but so what I won in the end just accept it. The match may have been annoying but not as annoying as it was for the survivors who all made dumb mistakes and wasted DS in the beginning

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    Deal with it. That is the game and survivor meta is the way it is because most of the perks are bad and killers tunnel so DS is very common

  • Member Posts: 230

    You're trying to convince everyone here that you were good enough to hook 3 and get them down and picked all back up in less than a minute but couldn't figure out how to get them again after you got ds? Lmfao Uninstall. You lie and you're bad

  • Member Posts: 2

    Right? Like sorry it was a little challenging. He's lying about the DS or he was camping so idc either way lol getting hit with 2 DSs back to back? Lmao GTFO 🥱🥱🥱

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