Would dbd be more fun if survivor was first person?

Of course the game would have to be balanced for survivor to be first person, but imo horror games aren't as scary if you are third person.
But then I can't see all my handsome clothes... 😢
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It's hard to say because the amount of balance changes that would have to be made up for the fact survivors play in first person would be immense.
It would probably be more scary I guess, but it'd still die off eventually except for the occasional jump scares. But I can't imagine it being fun at all. The game probably would have just died like Hide Or Die did.
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I think so because lots of stuff you see coming from miles away now, so with that there would be lots more jump scares especially from all the stealth killers.
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The only way I would want first person is if the game had VR support, other than that it would be ridiculous to have first person because stealth killers would be way too overwhelming and having the HUD and perks in your FOV would be an aggravation I would probably stop playing at that point
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but the hud and perks are already in your FOV, I dont get this point?
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Imagine going against Myers in first person omg that would be so fun though.
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It would be a huge nerf and be completely game changing. It's very important for the current mechanics that survivors can look in directions they aren't moving.
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It'd definitely be a lot scarier for survivors, but with killers like Ghostface, this would be completely unbalanced.
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If the game was in first person for survivor and you were on a gen a stealth killer could walk up to you for a grab. You wouldn't be able to turn around and look for them and you wouldn't hear a heartbeat because of stealth.
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In VR, yes, that would be a separate experience, altogether.
Though, I prefer the current perspective
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On the other hand, Shape clearly has COPD, Wraith snarls all the time, and Ghostface and Pig have very loud footsteps.
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It would certainly be scarier and have more of a horror feel. The viewpoint and amount of information Survivors get with their third person view is huge. The world shrinks gets far darker when you don't have that. Do I think it would make the game impossible? No. Do I think it would be slightly harder? Oh yes. At one time I thought a good SWF balancing suggestion would be for anyone joining a campfire as a group, they play in 1st Person. :)
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it would be a massive nerf to survivors and would change the game completely. It would also be a major indirect buff to stealth killers and make indoor maps worse for survivors
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Yes but you also have third person perspective, if you left in on the FIRST person it would block view when you're looking back and forth on a generator unlike third person where you can see alot further out so you don't really have them in the way
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That's why I said they would be overwhelming , you wouldn't have anyway to counter it
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But imagine the massive nerf killers would have to get in order to balance that, it would be a bad deal all around unless they added a VR story mode where they could kinda control the situation
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Uh... I don't want to alarm you, but you can move in directions you aren't looking in first-person.
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Would be a completely different game.
Not saying that's a bad thing, personally I think it sounds fun to at least try it out. But it's by no means a change that could be made in isolation, so it's hard to really know if it'd be more fun as I can't imagine all the changes that would be required to make it work.
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If they made it an alternate game mode and balanced the game more around it? Definitely would be cool. Doubt it would happen since the original game was actually First-Person for survivors and the Killer was 3rd Person. Imagine playing Killer 3rd Person? That'd be insane.
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Fair. But the Survivor would literally have to turn around and run backwards to see if the killer is chasing them. That's so much harder to do and much more limiting than just keeping your camera angled backward.
Also being in a 3rd Party gives you a huge FoV and allows you to see things that would be impossible to. Example: hiding 100% out of a killers LoS behind a tree or ducking behind debris, yet still being able to see him.
It would be a huge nerf to Survivors and fundamentally change the core mechanics of the game.
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On the title screen the devs will change it to say "Headphones mandatory"
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Huge portions of the game are balanced around the asymmetry of the cameras. It would almost be like making an entirely new game to rebalance it if Survivors were suddenly first person.
It might be amusing for a few games, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work very well long-term. :)
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In terms of fear factor, the game will become a lot more daunting in first person, and certainly a lot harder for survivor. It would be extremely immersive though!
However, as has been mentioned before, it would be a huge nerf. I would definitely try it as a separate game mode though!
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Well they could just make it a first person optional so you can turn it on or off anytime incase you feel like you will do bad in 1st person so you switch to 3rd person.
Of course this will only be for Survivors since will be OP on killer and I main killer.
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Can you suggest to the Devs that they do a Halloween Event Mode one year where there is an optional game mode where Survivors can play in first person vs Michael Meyers? You guys can standardize the perks yourselves so you can balance things more easily.
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If the game were rebuilt from the ground up? Sure.
As the game is now? Absolutely not.
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Almo's comment is what we needed
But Buttercake's was the one we deserved.
10//10 response. Cosmetics make the man, and that's just big facts.
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Just play killers. Us survivors do a good job at jumpscaring them.
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I don't agree on this. I've played both Left 4 Dead 2 and Dead Nation. Both are zombie games, but L4D2 is first person while Dead Nation is a top-down twin-stick shooter. DN was far more engaging and scary than L4D2 ever was. One time, my wife and I were playing on the highest setting we had unlocked, and got swarmed by zombies. We paniced, and started shooting. After a bit, I realize we both were still shooting despite all the zombies being destroyed. I never felt that panic with L4D.
The game mechanics, visuals and audio presentation make the fear, not the choice of camera.
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killers cant either
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Absolutley not. That'd make me quit.
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I would love to have the option to play 1st person survivor. That sounds amazing. Sure, it'd be a huge self-nerf, but I'd still absolutely do it.
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The game mechanics, visuals and audio presentation are balls in dbd, and welcoming some creativity wouldn't hurt much either huh?
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Yeah that is true it would be scarier. But they would have to give survivors a 3rd hit before going down then imo. It’s too easy to get caught in this game as it is I don’t think it really would fair at that point. It’s already pretty bad how killers stomp survivors game after game unless you really communicate well and have 4 man squads. Survivors in this game are really weak as is. They need that 3rd person. They need everything to try and avoid getting caught because otherwise they don’t win. That’s just how it is. When Survivors keep getting caught they will lose every single game. First person would make it too hard to hide behind debris because they would have to at some point stand up to see where the killer is and then you get caught. Killers are way faster than survivors and down quickly so the option of staying hidden is crucial. Survivors need to win too you know. It’s not all about killers.
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Heck no! I like looking at the survivor I play as ingame, haha. Wish the same for when playing killer but it's not possible, sadly.
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That's so true. I get more scared when playing killer cause a survivor comes outa nowhere then as a survivor. Funny to say but true!
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This is not a horror game. This is a cat-and-mouse game in a horror theme. You won't get scared for very long, simply because it's PvP. The scare factor (or lack thereof) is not what makes this game successful and as such it's not a necessary or guiding element.
You might enjoy 1st person for a little bit and then the scare will wear off to be replaced by frustration. Then the forums will be swarmed by requests to nerf killers because they're OP when survivors are in 1st person.
An alternate mode might work in 1st person, but the base game would be completely broken and require being rebuilt from the ground up to be playable.
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welcome to the killer world
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this would only work if both have the same speed, otherwise survivors would barely get away from the killer due to losing their camera advantage at loops.
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Survivors would be incredibly bored, mindgaming loops effectively would no longer exist, the killer FOV is already horrendous, I don't wanna have to take up another slot on my survivors now to get better FOV, cosmetics would be hidden almost all the time, now leading to buyer's remorse...
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I see your point. However fear is a subjective experience, and what works for one won't for the other. Games like Outlast and Phasmophobia feel more daunting for me than Resident Evil or The Evil Within. The scariest Silent Hill for me was The Room, and that was down to a huge part on the 1st person perspective.
Mechanics et al have their role and the audio and visual do too, but it's the overall experience the player gets that brings the fear in. A first person camera does that for me, whilst 3rd person separates. Coding and numbers just add to the experience overall. The best coding in the world is useless without any soul.
So we'll have to agree to disagree on that one.
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imagine if they would add a "no mither" esc perk for this, be (forced) into first person but also get some benefit.
that would be pretty amazing.....probably a tad too ambitious though for thesedevs.
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It would be a lot more fun for killers!!
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1st person would be too hard to implement, though it would be an amazing experience. Enhance game a bit to Alien:Isolation level and you get best game of decade.
It would be awesome if devs lowered survivor's camera a bit so they are looking from their height and not from a point half a meter above their heads. Many killers that are actually much taller than survivors appear too small because of camera angles.
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It might be scarier but either way that would wear off after not too long due to that happening with a repetitive game like DBD. It's hard to say if it would be better but I doubt it, for them to keep the game as good as it currently is now they would need to completely rework everything like looping, perks etc, literally so much would have to change to make it play fun it wouldn't be anything like dead by daylight and instead become something more like Outlast Trials imo
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You people need to give this concept to god.