Quickest way to Fix Toxic Behavior

Tired of Tea-bagging and flashlight clicking?

Easy fix. Make it award BP to the killer. Since this is now a beneficial action for another human I guarantee every toxic troll in this game will still doing it immediately.


  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    The quickest fix to the so-called "Toxic" behavior is for people to quit trying to quantify it. Ignore anyone who uses the word toxic, try to avoid using it yourself, and just play the game. Should people be good sports? Absolutely. Should we have to mechanically apply this? I think T-bagging is unsportsmanlike and rude, but it should not be a punishment or reward for anyone.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    "Being toxic" benefits the killer more than the survivor such as tbagging.

  • SurvJoe
    SurvJoe Member Posts: 111

    Mentioning only toxic survivor behavior , why not say about hook hitting and facecamping then? Make killer lose points and reward survivors for that too then . Or better remove it completely