Spies from the Shadows should prevent the killer from alerting crows

It is really awkward for killers to be able to alert crows despite the crows sort of meant to be a tool for killers. It can be very distracting to hear a crow caw right next to you. Also it is weird that some killers like Ghostface can trigger crows despite using his stealth ability.

Though it would be nice if the killer could no longer alert crows either at any time or when you have no terror radius, that would be a kind of random buff that might be too strong.

As such I propose spies from the shadows should prevent the killer from alerting crows.

Should Sfts get buffed?: Spies is a less reliable Whisper that is only more useful on maps with many crows or if you can't triangulate survivors with whisper (which I can't btw). Preventing crows alert for the killer would not only make moving by crows less obnoxious, but also keep the crows in play in case a survivor want to move in the same area within 15 seconds (respawn time of crows.) This buff wouldn't fix the fundamental problem of a low number of crows in some levels, but it would at least make the perk better when in the right maps.


  • FranksMixtape_0P
    FranksMixtape_0P Member Posts: 10

    This isn't a bad idea. I actually kinda like it. Since the crows are servants of the entity it would make sense that they shouldn't give away the killers position. But overall it sounds cool. Also Ghost Face only triggers birds while he is standing up in stealth or when he isn't in his power anymore. When you crouch in stealth then you dont alert the birds just like pig.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Crows behave like they probably should. If a killer steps on a crow (or just comes too close into its personal space), then it's going to be disturbed no matter what.

    I like using crows as survivor especially when Prayer Beads Spirit was a thing. I used it to tell when she was coming.

    But yeah, I liked using Spies before the silly cooldown was introduced and the shortened range made the effect basically worthless except on maps like Hawkins.

  • lazerlight
    lazerlight Member Posts: 353

    This sounds nice!

    Also, Killers who are undetectable should not trigger crows imo