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How do people consider Blight A tier?

Member Posts: 1,046
edited October 2020 in General Discussions

Blight's rush is so easy to counter and dodge that people calling him A tier is ridiculous, in my opinion. Mobility alone doesn't make a killer good; take Demogorgon, for example. Blight's power takes lots of skill and prediction to use, I'm sure, but the fact of the matter is his rush can be dodged by simply moving two inches to the left or right, or going behind a wall. I don't play Blight too often ever since his collision got bugged about a week or two ago, but I've gone against him multiple times as survivor, and I think I've died to him, like, two or three times. Out of about 15-20 games. I can understand that some of them aren't good Blights, but it's been the better part of a month since his release and I've went against a few prestiged Blights, and they didn't really perform any better either. This is just my experience but any potential for skillful play seems hampered, like PH if going for creative shots, by the fact the effort on the survivors' side to avoid the attack is a fraction of the effort on the killer's side to land the attack.

To be honest, I think this is another Wraith scenario where the killer is said to be amazing and god tier as long as you run a very specific perk build, obviously ruin-undying-tinkerer. Just giving him a little bit more turning on his actual attack would be great; not enough for flicks or real corner turns like Oni, because that would obviously be making him too strong and maybe uncounterable, but just like a 15-20 degree increase or something similar, because right now even if I get out-positioned I can just turn slightly and he can't hit me in almost all cases. It's ridiculous and makes going against him often a breath of relief, like when you get Demogorgon or Wraith or something and you know it's going to be an easy game. I genuinely feel bad for him. I understand it needs to be capped to stop him from being overwhelming, but man, this feels like Oni's turning nerf all over again.

*Edit: Just to clarify, I'm not looking for tips on how to play Blight, I can do that fine enough although he's not my favourite. I'm just asking for why people consider his lethal rush to be so powerful despite the fact it can be easily dodged/predicted with little effort.

Post edited by Altarf on

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  • Member Posts: 1,046

    We must be going against very different Blights, then, because his swing is definitely not difficult to dodge even if predicting. Sometimes you're guaranteed to be hit, yeah, but every killer has that. And what do you mean the 90 degree swing? His swing is literally, like, a third of that. At maximum. Please explain.

  • Member Posts: 1,719

    If you're predicting as a Blight, then you're also predicting counterplay, meaning you're predicting that the survivor is going to juke to the left last second as they were running right. It's very similar to how you play ranged killers or even the Nurse to some extent. Combine that with the fact that he can catch up to you before you reach a loop and the best mobility in the game, and you've got a deadly killer with an unbelievabl high skill ceiling.

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    Agreed to MadLord. This is a killer that needs practice. Compared to Billy, you also cannot simply aim at a survivor and then adjust depending on where the survivor runs. You need to plan your path, especially when curving around corners.

    Tofu explained that a bit for Blight on his stream, he has a way to swing around corners for example, which you normally cannot do because of the reduced turning speed. But roughly, you can already turn the direction into the wall, but not hard enough so that you glitch around it instead of bumping into the wall. Then you have an angle before you reach the corner, and when you swing short before you pass the corner, you can get another turning speed increase and finally make a 90° swing around the corner.

    This is one of the "techs" you need to learn to have better maneuverability in his rush. I also struggle with him because I can't handle that yet, but also run into both cases as survivor, like "ez dodge" or "how the hell did he get that hit?" But besides that, again compared to Billy, he has simply 115% movement speed and a quickly recovering power for map travelling. So even if you don't have the ability to efficiently use his power in chases, you have a regular M1 killer with good map pressure to get quickly back to gens. That alone makes him B tier. Master the power, and he becomes A tier

  • Member Posts: 3,104

    this thread is pretty good for blight tips

    Even if you not the best blight as long as you don't over shot your lunge out of lethal rush you barely lose that much distance in fact you still gained distance if you chased after the survivor with the ability. combine his good mobility and the fact that he is 115% and you can't just run him around the map you have basically get to the next loop or the one after or risk getting hit.

    im not amazing at blight but i am really good at playing killer in general so after catching up its common for me to follow up with a hit even if i miss as long as they are not in a good position. just having that kind of mobility puts him above most killers imo.

  • Member Posts: 3,452

    OP is correct imho. His rush is easy to dodge regardless of increased turn which might be intended or not. Also whenever I do that trick the hit looks really wonky on my end with the survivor at the edge of my screen, sometimes out of view. His ability is decent at jungle gyms and shack, but neutered at most other loops.

    He's S tier against survivors who run in a straight line. But again, that's true for almost anyone else.

    For being really mediocre at survivor (I'm a killer main) I've gone against a handful of pro blights who were hitting lethal rushes left and right. I had no issues in turning them into default m1 killers, because I was simply using sharp turns into objects or running toward them for the first rush.

    Ironically, the one thing that makes it easier to land rushes is the bug that renders slams silent, which confuses the heck out of survivors.

  • Member Posts: 531
    edited October 2020

    Blight is like Nurse - a killer who is barely functional at low to average skill... but with an *insanely* high skill cap. Maybe Blights even moreso than Nurse, I think you can make the argument.

    All the people making these tier lists are Streamers who have thousands of hours on Killer. Even most of them struggled with Blight for awhile.

    Yes, it's easy to dodge most Blights. But the good ones, who can corner-clip to what seems like a pixel and seemingly find pebbles out of nowhere to bounce off and redirect themselves... you are going to have a really hard time. Not to mention, his ability to put pressure on gens makes Nurse look like a coma patient.

    If you're looking for an example of what a decent Blight can do, check out Tru's latest Blight Videos. He's not even the best DBD player, but the pressure he brings with this killer is astounding.

    Post edited by UMCorian on
  • Member Posts: 3,772

    The only people who think he's bad are people that don't know where and where not to use his rush. Like UMC above said. He requires a killer to already have good map/survivor knowledge. A first week player will get utterly destroyed wether they know how to use his power or not if they don't know how to predict survivor behaviour, much like Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    This is how I play when a survivor makes it clear that they're trying to juke. Turn right a little then left and wiggle while about to swing and they panic and turn early.

  • Member Posts: 8,600
    edited October 2020

    He's a pub stomper. He can pressure gens to an extent with the right perks, but Ruin+Undying can be taken care of pretty easily with a bit of coordination. And Tinkerer can be called out (my gen is almost at 70%, look out).

    In a chase, it's ultimately a telegraphed linear attack. You juke Blight in between tiles the same way you juke Nuese. But it's not like Nurse where she can Axel flick to mindgame the blink direction or fatigue cancel in the chain blink window. Blight has all the same disadvantages regarding LOS as Nurse with none of the upside of being able to blink through the environment. I can negate Blight with a rock.

    I'm not trying to say he's a bad killer. He's very good. I just think the comparisons to S tier killers are insane.

  • Member Posts: 985

    His massive mobility alone makes him better than average. There's a lot of advantages to being able traverse the map fast.

  • Member Posts: 170

    When I play blight I never use turn add-ons. I've been told I was hacking multiple times now because "there's no way I could make those turns." Blights turning is far better than people realize and when you master his power it doesn't matter if you know how to counter him. You get pallets quickly and can intercept the survivors before they can make it to the next safe area. You can shut down survivors altogether. You don't need to lethal rush when the survivors can't get away from you.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    I am prestiging him now. I am leaning towards S tier, although there are times I just don’t want to deal with playing him. He is certainly A tier.

    The last four killers have been really strong.

  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited October 2020

    Here's a tip: Don't attack in a manner that means you'll be doing your full lunge. That's easy as hell to dodge, get as close as possible, and use your mouse to track the survivor, as soon as you're as close as you think you possibly can get, THEN attack, adjusting for whichever direction the survivor turns in. You have a HUGE cone in front of you while lethal rush attacking, like probably a full 180 degrees, so getting close ensures the hit and makes it much harder to dodge. If they're especially nimble dodgers, you can start rushing past them, which can bait out a dead hard or an attempted dodge, and very quickly get them on the rebound, assuming there's a wall or something nearby, which there almost always is.

    Don't be so predictable. Even if they manage a dodge or two, you lose so little time for whiffs, even if they're masters of dodging your ability, which is very rare and generally requires a setup more than "move an inch to the left or right," you can swing and then just chase them for an M1, they'll never be very far away. That's Blight's specialty: You can't easily gain distance against him.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    he move fast but I can't use his power well.

  • Member Posts: 794

    I've been a Blight main since the day he dropped and I'm winning almost all of my matches. Even against SWFs. Even on indoor maps. Blight just has an extremely high skill cap and needs a lot of map knowledge. People can dodge his rushes by being unpredictable, but his cooldown is so small that as long as you get a near miss they won't be able to make distance. Plus you can use his power to zone people really effectively.

    For the record, I'm not sure he even is A tier because he has so little anti-loop. He might be at the top of B tier.

    I'm actually jealous of the OP for having gone against 15 or so Blights. I've gone against maybe 3. I'm tired of constantly playing against Huntress and Myers (I still love you, Huntress and Myers, I just want more variety.)

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    I have had 1 game with 2 exit gate escapes while playing blight and I have some of the most lethal rush hits in the game at 1,789 other than that every other game has been a 4k counting hatch escapes

  • Member Posts: 317

    You run around a car. His power is useless.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    Can you show a video/clip of someone explaining that tech?

  • Member Posts: 3,627
    edited October 2020

    need to search, havent seen a youtube video yet, just heard Tofu talk about it during his stream.

    But basically I already explained it. Just like Billy, you need to get used to the angle, at which you start to bump into the wall during a rush

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Blight is garbo. So easy to juke. On loops, his power is absolutely useless.

    Hope i'm getting blights every game but i don't. Barely anyone plays as him.

    Nea is more intimidating than blight.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Only of the car has nothing around it. And even if it doesn't... Then you didn't need your power in the first place. If it's a car loop, you get the survivor at the pallet and Rush to one side. Either they drop the pallet and you break it then catch up with them before the next time, or they get greedy and you hit them. Or you could just play the tile normally, they aren't that strong and it only takes about ten-fifteen seconds to get a hit.

  • Member Posts: 1,073

    As many have said it's because he's got a LOT higher skill cap than most people have the ability to play him.

    Everyone's basically running the exact same basic build so, just like Overcharge and Old Ruin, people have gotten used to it and it doesn't bug them as bad thus meaning the poor ability of a LOT of the Blights I verse to shine through that much more

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Can confirm, a Nea actually got me killed against Blight cause she crouched and blocked my path, causing me to get lethal rushed

  • Member Posts: 464

    I think a lot of someone's opinion of Blight depends on their platform. I find that most everyone I talk to who thinks Blight is garbage is a console player, which makes sense. I think the turn rate and low FPS really hurt him on Console, whereas PC you can get pretty insane flicks and can react to inputs better and faster.

  • Member Posts: 1,119

    This is probably the biggest mistake people make when underestimating Blight. You don't use your power at every loop. The car loops you are talking about last 10 seconds, then you hit them after breaking the pallet and they are running to the next loop.

    Its such a weird argument. You don't use Billy's saw at every loop. You don't throw a hatchet at every loop. Both Billy and Huntress are still good killers.

  • Member Posts: 330

    TDLR of entire comments and OPs post:

    If Blight knows what they are doing = A tier

    If Blight dum dum stoopid = Poo tier

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    He’s a weird one. He kind of reminds me of Clown - has the ability to end chases faster than other killers, yet lacks that certain something when it comes to pressure.

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    Because you clearly haven't gone up against a Blight that knows how to use his power properly, clearly.

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