People Still Disconnecting


Hi guys I know I haven't been on for a while been busy with my Mom recovering from her surgery she had a few months ago and cleaning and life in general. But I just recently got back into DBD and I noticed that since the crossplay their have been ALOT of DCing all over the place. I have said this many times but I am sick of people disconnecting for no reason at all. Wait their IS a reason because their big jerks and babies who don't knw how to play and want to be annoying to the other players and the Killer. It's supposed to be a game, if you can't handle it, then maybe you shouldn't be playing it in the first place. Even with the new rules about disconnecting and being penalties about it they still do it.

Yesterday me and my friend were playing and 2 players DCed in a game and then the Killer DCed because he couldn't catch anyone. My lord people if you can't handle this game then maybe you shouldn't have bought it in the first place. Save the killing/survivoring to the rea players. When you DC it makes it harder for the other players who are trying to play and enjoy themselves.

A little side topic what is with the players rubbernecking me when I am trying to play? This Meg yesterday was following me the whole time while I was trying to play and she would follow me to a gen and blow it up just to be a jerk and then I'd try to leave her and she'd follow me again. Stop rubbernecking people it's not cool.



  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529
    edited October 2020

    I have been playing like 15 games of Clown today (because rank reset is so chill), and I have had so many disconnects for some reason. I wasnt using NOED, or exhaustion-addons, or moris or any other stuff that could trigger people.

    For some odd reason the disconnection penalties actually worsened the problem.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,197

    funny people think DC Penalties would stop the dcing tho odd they not just killing them self on hook.

  • EternalEngine
    EternalEngine Member Posts: 5

    People DC because killers play like #########, pure and simple. Occasionally, they DC due to other survivors acting like trash cans and running around like derps while letting them go to 2nd phase on the first hook for no reason. While I completely understand BHVR says camping, tunneling, and other obnoxious behavior is not reportable and entirely allowed, it doesn't mean survivors are willing to deal with, for example, a hook-camping Ghostface/Bubba/Trapper/etc. I don't play like a jerk when I play killer, and I very rarely have DC's. I primarily play Trapper, and the only DC's I do have are typically other survivors being idiots or when someone runs into one of my traps after they taunt the ever-loving hell out of me. It's kind of satisfying!

    Gonna be honest - if I get camped on the hook super hard and only one person (or nobody, in many cases) even makes the attempt to come get me, I'll just die and go to the next game. /yawn

  • EternalEngine
    EternalEngine Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2020

    Your words aren't hard, and much of what you say is true. However, much of it is also BS and has nothing to do with my original points.


    Ok, then prepear yourself for a killer dc then:

    -He sees the wrong survivor perks in the game. - What? I never said anything about perks. You're offering a counterpoint on something I never mentioned.

    -The wrong survivor. (I know they are just hulls, but that David? No sir!) - Again, what? Survivors don't have unique abilities like killers, and I never referred to them once.

    -A loop takes to long, to catch up to a survivor. - You can argue the same counterpoint for survivors: the loop is too short to loop the killer, there's not enough pallets, etc.

    -He guess to have run into a swf, or at least a good coordinated team. - The game could just be balanced around SWF and this wouldn't be an issue. There have been many excellent suggestions on doing this over the years, and it's only quite recently the devs are implementing said suggestions.

    -If gens firing up too fast. - Genrushing isn't a thing. The survivors are doing their primary objective. We don't have insta-completion with brand new parts like we used to. People need to get this out of their head.

    -If he gets not enough survivors on a hook in a time he thinks that they need to be. - I'm not even sure what you're trying to prove here.

    -The wrong map. - What?

    -Keys. - More often than not, this just gives the killer the incentive to bring a mori. Happens to me roughly 75% of the time there's a key (or keys) in my game.

    -And many totally acceptable reasons (for him at least...). - This is such a vague comment I don't have the ability to address it.


    All in all, I see multiple references of "I was an admin/moderator" and that's fantastic/good for you. But honestly? To me it's more of a humblebrag. And, frankly, it's irrelevant - nobody really cares about supposed online credentials/experience we can't verify.

    I stand by my original point: if you play like a jerk, don't be surprised if people DC. If you're unsportsmanlike, people aren't going to want to play with you. If you get facecamped on the hook because you pallet stunned a killer who didn't bother chasing anyone else and is mad at you, you don't have to play with them. If you get a full SWF who teabags and flashlight spams and runs after you after you immediately down someone, you don't have to play with them. People need to start realizing the more toxic they are, the less fun it becomes for the other players. This is why people DC on the regular.

    TL;DR - you reap what you sow.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,447
    edited October 2020

    I'm all for the DC penalties, the more you do it the longer they get. I've told other players that I know about them being turned back on and their reaction was "What? we love DCing". Yes the game has some issues that cause people to DC but those issues only started because of the attitudes of players on both sides. The builds I've seen on both killers and survivors are so crazy.

    Now this might be an unpopular opinion but I think that the one of the biggest problems with this game are the streamers and youtubers. They're successful because of the game and that's great for them, but with all the videos out there with "These are the best perks to use for survivors" and perk tier lists that basically saying "to be good Use these perks at all times"

    Lastly the streamers, yes there are some out there that play the game for fun and really like it, just look at the fog whisperers. However there are some that play the game(usually only one side) and go out of their way to annoy and or destroy other players. People watch them and think "This is how you play the game to be good" and it hurts the community.

    As the above poster said The devs listened to the wrong people when making changes. this isn't new mind you Example the devs of Friday the 13th the game did the same thing and in the end lawsuit aside it hurt the game. This fits for DBD too, one person finds a glitch and or an exploit and it becomes their mission to do it and call it skill.

    The reworked maps do not help. Having 5 versions of badham pre school doesn't make it a good map, it's the only one that actually has numbers next to it. Other maps don't work for all killers, If you're playing the trapper and you get the game, good luck your traps just became useless. Some maps are far too dark and I'd rather see new maps then just different versions of old ones. I'm not counting the graphical upgrades in this, thats really cool.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited October 2020

    Some of the survivor mains above have miss a point there: As killer I also do not care if a survivor dcs. Makes my game easier - thanks to that.

    But as a player that has some manners and sportmanship, I feel bad for the survivors, even if it is not my fault, since I have not left the game.

    What my former admin life matters, so I just have talk about experience. Own and other experiences is a fair thing.

    You either learn from it and lead a better life, or you ignore it and run into problems over and over again and that is just fair. I waste not a second on thoughts about a guy who runs into selfmade problems. So it is for me in general ok, if someone ignores the experience of me, or other people.

    Just do your thing - but don't run later to someone and ask for help, because "you couldn't know that before".


    You should play a few weeks killer and you will understand my points better. I have nothing against survivor mains, but if you just play one side, you don't really understand the problems of the other side. Even I as a hardcore killer main, have spent some weeks to play survivor, to understand survivors better.


    You are right. Some streamers are part of the problem. Would they have started to permaban every streamer and every forummember who openly admitted to dc, we wouldn't have today such a mess.

    Of course, some people would have complained and there would have been a small hit what active forum members and players matters, but that would have nothing been, what a few weeks of just running the game could not heal of.

    I bet then we would have been rid of this behavior. Not entirely... Dcing is a too common problem for this, but it would be on a much smaller scale as it is today.

    Post edited by Talmeer on
  • lowiq
    lowiq Member Posts: 436

    Content creators are not the reason people DC. And without content creators, there would be a dead game.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited October 2020

    Without new content there would be a dead game, not streamers*.

    Sure content creators are important, but not that important and also they are many. If 2 going lost from the 200+ herd - nobody cares besides some fans of them and that only for a time, before they have switch to a other streamer.

    A problem where many content creators are aware of :).

    Edit: *With content I was meaning gaming content... Things bhvr does... Like new chapters and stuff.

  • EternalEngine
    EternalEngine Member Posts: 5

    @Talmeer not that it really matters (in my opinion, anyway), but I'm currently sitting at R1 killer and survivor, at least until the reset. I play both sides relatively equal.

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    There are way less DC's for me. Only 1 Killer and 1 Survivor for me, so far. I love it!

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    boring players are boring players with dc penalties they will just suicide on hook

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited October 2020

    It matters imo. Then you have made experience, unlike others that haven't yet.

    But to come btt: I know that not every point of my list was in your posting to find, but I have just take the common survivor complainments in the list and turn it around.

    Besides that, I have found some of your answers a bit hard to understand and also sometimes survivor biased.

    I mean, what should I taken from a "what"? It's a bit confusing...

    That moris matters so they will be nerfed. Bhvr said already that they working on it. Personally I don't care. Have use them only on one day in the whole time, I have played dbd. Still I hope they let the animations somehow in the game, since I like the animations and if gen rushing is not a thing... Then facecamping and tunnelling is also not a thing imo.

    In both cases, the killer only trys to achieve his primary objective. Sounding the words familiar, hm?

    That said, I see value in tunnelling sometimes, but have never understand why so many killers relay on facecamping and if you think gen rushing is not a problem, then... You had luck so far. A ton of killers have made this expierence including also some streamers where you can see it online.

    Btw. I had say, that survivor are the same, but they doesn't look the same (luckily - no matter what someone thinks, but no killer deserves to see only David's or Ace's!).

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,447

    not once did I say that Content creators were the problem. I'm glad they can make content around the game and be successful. I mean that people start playing like them. and expect games to go the way they've seen it on a stream or a video and if it doesn't all bets are off.

    I'm not targeting DCers per say I'm looking at the reasons people DC not the act itself.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Try not to dc when I set 10 traps in the basement with my Hag. :^)

  • Impermanent
    Impermanent Member Posts: 48

    This whole DC discussion is just so stupid... what are the ACTUAL EFFECTS of aggravated survivors choosing to avoid the DC penalty?

    The survivor gets downed and angry. But instead of DC'ing he waits. The following things possibly happen:

    • The killer hooks him and he suicides on hook. How did this improve the gameplay?
    • The killer hooks him and a teammate saves him before he can suicide. Small chance he plays a bit more. More likely he just runs to the killer or otherwise doesn't play normally because he just wants out of this match.
    • The killer leaves him on the ground to bleed out. This is one of the reasons people DC. Now he has to lay there doing nothing while the killer revels in his own toxicity. So now you're exacerbating a bad situation and rewarding the toxic killer while pushing away a survivor.
    • The killer leaves him slugged but a teammate saves him. Again some chance that he plays normally. More likely the teammate gets hit/downed healing him and/or he doesn't play normally but just lets himself get downed again.

    The only situation where the DC penalty does any good is when the angry survivor ends up getting saved and plays the rest of the match normally. I am telling you this is maybe 10% of the time. 20% max.

    Stop trying to force people to play through bad situations that are caused by your own bad game design. Let them enjoy the good and skip the bad. All you're doing is pissing people off that want to enjoy the good aspects of your game.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,447

    That should never be a thing, but that a balance issue, and if you need that many traps set everywhere you're doing it just to be an #########

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited October 2020

    The point is, even if the devs would design the "Survivor Miracleland", they still would dc.

    Some people have just a bad day. What do I know? Have a terrible job, their gfs have laughed the last time, or what ever. They coming with their rl problems in the game - how everyone is doing it - and behave then toxic in the game. That is something you can't win as dev.

    I bet with you, even if there would be no slugging in the game, no tunnelling, no facecamping, no whatever and instead a 100% guranteed escape rate for survivors in a match - some would still dc.

    You can't make everyone happy. The only thing you can do, is trying to hold the toxic ones away from the ordinary playerbase. Otherwise the playerbase gets harmed more and more and that can't be in the interesst of a developer.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    The fact that were will always be bad sports and losers is why I would prefer that instead of a Ban they just route people with a pattern of disconnecting into a Que made up entirely of other Players who have a bad habit of disconnecting. Chances are this Que will be smaller, have longer wait times, and be infuriating to play in since they will get disconnected on by others of their ilk.

    This method would also give them a chance at redemption. They don't get back to the rest of us until they manage to complete a certain number of games without disconnecting. This would allow them back to the grown-up Que until they revert to bad habits.

  • lowiq
    lowiq Member Posts: 436

    I didn't say anything about the actual reasons as to why people DC. All I'm saying is that people shouldn't pikachu face when people DC even though DC penalties are active.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Fair enough. I made an assumption, and there is an old saying about those. I assumed you were making a statement inferring something about the game itself and what people are unhappy with. :) If we are on the same page, awesome.

  • Impermanent
    Impermanent Member Posts: 48

    No Talmeer. Your assumptions are completely wrong. Who gave you such godlike insight into survivors that you get the right to presume that even if the devs 'designed the Survivor Miracleland' (whatever tf that is) they would still DC? You're just copping an attitude that you hate all DCers and promulgating the idea that all DCers are entitled idiots and would just keep DCing because things aren't perfect. You put on this air of speaking logically but you are frankly spouting baseless, illogical, toxic lies.

    It has been spoken about at length by many, myself included, WHY survivors DC. I would estimate that 90% of DC'ing is for logical reasons. Spirit is still OPAF. People DC against her as soon as game starts. Moris are OPAF. People DC when they see moris. Midwich is a godawful map that people DC for. When people realize they're running against a Doc with anti-gen build on Lery's they DC. When they see they're against a see thru walls Meyers or IH Huntress or Rusty Shackles Hag or Coxcomb Wraith, etc... they DC. Why? Because they know that 99% of the time its an unfair game that's no fun and they die and lose a pip usually anyway. Same goes for seeing your teammates afk or playing like toxic fools. The game isn't worth playing so you leave.

    All you Anti DCers need to look in the mirror. You want the DC penalty for your own petty and selfish reasons. You just want your bloodpoints or you want to watch your mori or you want to slaughter a whole team with your awesome build, or you want to keep your red rank or whatever. Stop projecting this onto people trying to avoid unfair situations. Remove the DC penalty. Let people keep all their stuff when a DC happens. Problem solved.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited October 2020

    That is the question I would really like to see 1 time a good, long and explanatory answer to.

    There are so many great games. If someone is really annoyed by every match, why this self-torture?

    The only explanatory I have for it, is to release steam... But even that is a waste of time, because as said before... There are mony great games out there.

  • Impermanent
    Impermanent Member Posts: 48

    It's not complicated. Here's your long and explanatory (?) answer: I enjoy playing a game I'm very good at. I enjoy fair games of DBD. But I often (not always) leave games that are unfair - technical glitches (no skill checks, med kit gives 99% heal, etc) or toxic teammate or killer situations or horrible matchmaking. I don't fault others that leave either. There you go. Clear?

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    But on many things, bhvr can nothing do because it is the community that is toxic. There you have a reason to dc found that will suit you forever.

    Btw. I don't care for bps and had never. Just for fun and imo, if someone joins a multiplayer he must accept that other people see fun in things, he does not. That is unavoidable.

    That means, if you really like the game, you have to accept the different killers, like killers have to accept different perks and so. Everything else is lying to yourself and a waste of time for yourself.

    That is at least my opinion to multiplayer games in general. Thoughts like yours above (in parts) would imo better fit into a singleplayer game.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited October 2020

    Deleted as I think I misread.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,694

    Exactly. Last night my rank 14 Killer was matched against an all red, rank 4 SWF (who are most likely really rank 1 due to reset).

    Needless to say it didn't work out well for me. I didn't DC, but damn if it wasn't tempting.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    The core issue why people ragequit is sore losing. The penalty isn't intended to "fix" that, it's intended to make it so players who consistently do it aren't playing as often.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,447

    It's bad to that one person that feels they need to DC. not the entire team of 4. solo cue or not. by doing that you screw the rest of the team. not just the killer out of points which is why most people do it

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Almost as if DC penalties do ######### all but penalise players who have a ######### experience more. Go figure.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    If someone is cheating we should be exempt from any rule that involves not DCing tbh.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Two wrongs don't make a right. If someone is cheating, you record it so you can report it and we can get the hacker banned. Play it out. Get whatever points out of the experience you can. A disconnect when facing a cheater only cost YOU points and prevents any kind of efforts to punish them.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620
    edited October 2020

    Well, I wrote a long comment that got erased but the main point is the following:

    No one wants to play a match being camped/tunneled. I played over the past rift and just got DC's in two matches, one when two people saw that I was Myers and then a third one DC'd because I found him first. And the other match was the last survivor that I was going to hook for the 4K

    I am not saying survivors won't DC but there are clearly ways to make a match more enjoyable and sure, being looped by 5 gens and t-bagged is not fun either but it's not cool to blame other survivors and camp/tunnel just because you're angry. Being that said, I understand that those are strategies but there is a difference, if you camp the first survivor who you have found and want to snowball the rest and creating an unfun experience to everyone than knowing that a survivor is near from the recently hooked survivor while you attempt to leave the area.

    As I said, those are strategies but being entitled saying "those are strategies so I can use it whenever I please and survivors shouldn't DC or hook in the first hook if I use them" is wrong either. DC is wrong but purposely ruining the match to someone because you're pissed it is as well (being that said many killers who camp in first hook tends to DC when they see survivors doing gens instead of trying to go for the save because they're unable to snowball them).

    Basically is this one, survivors DC when they get many matches where they unfairly lose, meaning they get situations where they can't win no matter what they do and before you tell me BT, DS and such stuff, you shouldn't need to add two perks just because there are salty killers who barely know what a mindgame is and don't deserve to be in red ranks (I was in red ranks as a survivor and killer but dropped it because survivors/killers are tryharders), then said survivors decide to ruin the experience to everyone else, meaning spreading the toxicity or saltiness.

    I am not saying letting people win matches/escape because that's unfair but I had many 4K matches, none of them DC'ed because even if I outplayed them, said survivors lost fair and square.

    By the way, I was using Tinkerer's on Myers lately and is a great perk for him.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Yeah no I've witnessed enough inaction to know this isn't true.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Actually, you haven't witnessed anything because they don't report back to those of us who put in reports. If you provide video evidence of the hacks, they investigate and act. They just don't tell us. I don't blame them.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,895

    Thing is tho, killers are pretty much guaranteed to gain BP and at least a black pip every single match even if it was a bad match. Survivors dont have that luxury. All survivors really have is the fun a match can be, and if a match looks like its going to be a super boring one(aka undying/ruin) or a super quick one(mori's/tunnelers), what else is there to play for?

    Aka, killers will end up progressing quite a lot even if its a bad game. Survivors only end up progressing if its a good game, the only other reason is fun.

    I mean, there is a HUGE reason as to why the average players online is 35k now when prior to Blight it was 50k averagely. Either Ruin or Undying will need a quick fix, and personally, im up for reworking Ruin as pretty much all other hex totems need Undying. DS and Unbreakable is a relatively boring combo sometimes, but its needed for previously mentioned reason: survivors dont progress. Killers dont need undying and ruin together to have a decent match most games. If there isnt a ds in the match, odds are that killers will tunnel are increased by 1000%.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I just checked and not only was the average player count not 50k before Blight, the average player count has never been 50k in all of DbD's history. Also, for these past few months DbD was still riding the "high" of the Silent Hill chapter.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,895

    as long as killers who run undying and ruin together, dc's are justified. Survivors cant progress in those games. Strong 1v1 killers had one weakness: map pressure. Ruin alone helped spread the pressure into a fair match as 1v1 killers can easily scare people off generators and force survivors to spend time in finding the totem.

    Undying and ruin literally removed that weakness completely. That is a gamebreaking issue no matter how you look at it. We play games for fun too. Its not fun if 80% of the matches play out the exact same unless you happen to get lucky and find undying first. Its removing all the skill required from killers to a point where green rank killers can play against red rank survivors and get 4k's because the undying was impossible to find.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Funny how my friend and I manage to cleanse both Ruin and Undying and escape quite regularly. Hell, sometimes we don't even bother, we just rush gens and GTFO, because Ruin literally does nothing until you let go of a gen.