People Still Disconnecting



  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Which is why I stated 1v1 killers specifically. A trapper isnt gonna get much use out of Ruin, but a Doc or PH definitely will

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    It doesn't matter who the killer is, as long as survivors don't DC and actually try to counter them. Also, Trapper definitely gets more use out of hex perks than most killers, since he can literally trap them in a way that always alerts him when survivors try to go for his totems. It's almost like having built-in Undying.

  • Shallgale
    Shallgale Member Posts: 26
    edited October 2020

    I unfortunately have to disagree that this is always the reason for a DC. My poor friend yesterday had the entire game error and just drop her mid match. She had been running to get me off the hook when her character zoomed by and started to run against the wall. The killer downed her and I being in a voice chat with her got to hear her cussing up a storm as she had to restart the game.

    I have also had it crash my computer (which has happened twice) and that caused a DC on my side while my friend and I were in a game. So keep in mind that the person DCing might not be doing so on purpose. I have also had as of 2 days ago the error 500 when someone gets dropped and DCs as we are loading in.

    Yes I have as killer had someone Dc when I had downed someone and was hooking another but that made me attempt to make the game more enjoyable for myself and the remaining players. AKA we just had fun running around and me spooking them. Good after chat and general fun can be had even if you have a couple of jerks.

    Of the eight people I play with we have only had 2 official DCs where they intentionally DCed on the killer. Both times where after blatant abusive behavior from the killer. Both were when they were face camped with the killer hitting them while on hook. They also played over half the match before DCing as the killer had done this consistently with the other randoms we were playing with. At that point the game was pretty much horrible because even when you can complete the objectives it makes for a distasteful game experience. Even when I was able to get them off the hook the face camper would just down them again and it was all rinse and repeat.

    So yes, my friends decided in both those instances that they would rather take the penalty then give the killer the satisfaction of their death on hook. This also speaks badly about those killers because it is a lack of skill if they do that. It's not how the game in intended to be played and it takes away the enjoyment of the game for all individuals playing.

    Post edited by Shallgale on
  • Taya9822
    Taya9822 Member Posts: 54

    Whoa! Thanks for all the comments I will go through them and try to comment :)

  • Taya9822
    Taya9822 Member Posts: 54

    Yeah that's usually how it is. People don't care if they get in trouble for DCing. It's usually kids anyway who don't know how to play so they want to DC to get to another game or they don't like the Killer so they leave.

  • Taya9822
    Taya9822 Member Posts: 54

    Exactly! Thank you! Like that's the whole point of being Killer is to kill the person the player can't get mad all cause they got found first. It's gonna happen either way so they better get use to it OR bess not play it at all.

  • Talanar
    Talanar Member Posts: 30

    I'm telling that part about not loading the game if U dont want to play to every killer who downs whole team in 1 min, and they go all - Karen mode : "I'm a killer I have to kill you". Then go wait 10 min for new matchmaking if you are so Pr0 and go rampage.

  • jerakal
    jerakal Member Posts: 246

    Yeah, but they do penalize, which is good enough in the short term.

    Especially when lots of those "reasons" are just salt and poor character.

  • Taya9822
    Taya9822 Member Posts: 54

    I stream DBD to have fun not for a fancy build or to be popular just to play the game and have fun with my friends. That's why it's called a game.

  • Taya9822
    Taya9822 Member Posts: 54

    If I'm not mistaken didn't Friday the 13th have a DCing level were all the player who DC like a Disconnecting Graveyard LOL DBD should do that and if the player tries to turn off the game to get out of it, they get a message that you can't leave for the next 10 minutes for the first DC, 2nd 30 mins, 3rd an hour and so on and so far. Until their banned from the game FOREVER <--- that would be nice.

  • Taya9822
    Taya9822 Member Posts: 54

    Exactly! It is hard when you are a survivor and you and your friend are playing the game with 2 random and one or both DC it makes it harder for us to play because now we have to do twice the work because of those idiots who don't know how to play.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    The peak was 77k, if you look at the graph, the line tends to stay around 50k. Sometimes above, sometimes below, but its been a solid 50k average. The 15k drop has literally been last month when Undying+Ruin became killer meta.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,159

    I had a match where I was playing add-on-less Wraith, walking around without even being cloaked because I didn't feel like using his power, and I found the first survivor (he basically walked right into me, even though I was uncloaked), chased him, he misplayed a pallet and then DC'd when I downed him.

    Disconnected. Against a total M1 no-power killer. What is even the point of that? Does he really think he can find an easier killer to go against?

    Killer queues being instant and survivor queues taking forever only made that incident seem all the more idiotic.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    To be fair that's mostly the claudettes. If you put all the claudette players in their own queue then disconnecting would go down by about 70%

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    I see you copypaste these rules everywhere but it feels pompous as hell in a few parts.

    Don't cheat with lag spikes? What do people think lag spikes are? It's not a physical object you jam into the ethernet port.

    What if it's the game ######### up? Am I to be victim blamed for being killer and the servers being #########? Random dc's could be attributed to the spaghetti code too. I'm walking along and suddenly my character drops dead, killer nowhere near me. But I guess its my fault right?

    Two is fine.

    Three is unreasonable. You won't get people to follow decor and proper mannerisms just by telling them to. If I pull victory from the jaws of defeat all while being mocked the entire match, I'm letting them have it if they engage me.

    Respect is more important. It may be nitpicking but respect is more understandable virtue as it relates to how you view and treat others and would like wise see in return. I see a gg, I gg. Someone has a problem with what I do, I explain my actions and my reasoning for doing so. Being humble and gracious is an effect of being respectful.

    Additionally on topic, why is there a forfeit button if you just get punished anyways? They say if it's in the game, you can use it, but the quit button is apparently taboo.

  • Shallgale
    Shallgale Member Posts: 26

    No problem Ahluvia, I get it. I personally don't DC because I find it to be disrespectful to the other players. And when I mean they were acting abusive I mean, really, really toxic. The last was a doctor that kept spamming his shock and hitting my friend on hook. I was able to get her off but he downed her right off hook as neither of us have BT or DS (she just started playing 3 weeks ago). The killer was high ranked and there really was no reason for it. he had good perks and could have played a great game but decided to act trashy instead.

    I love playing killer and I like making a game enjoyable for everyone but it really does come down to skill level. I find that the killers that camp most are ones that don't feel they can get downs and kills or are looking for an easy game. Yes it is their right to play how they like but it is abusing a game mechanic when you get down to it. They know that as long as they can get a survivor down to a certain point by camping they don't have to put in the work.

    I think it needs to be balanced for both killers and survivors, example of some maps being to large for a killer to work effectively. There are plenty of perks that could be reworked to make it a better experience for killer. While for survivors there should be some preventative measures for camping. I can honestly say I have only had DS used on me once as killer and my reaction was. "Sorry, that was my bad.". I don't like NOED but I get why killers use it and I don't begrudge them the perks. Perks themselves are not inherently toxic and they are used in response to consistent game play on both sides. It's a reactionary situation really so when someone uses BT, DS, DH or the likes I'm happy to play against it. I would rather play with diverse perks then the same ones.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277
    edited October 2020

    why DC penalty is pointless people want it normal because they want it to use other survivors as meat shield or for killer they want to bully him more only reason people hate other people dcing or killing them self on hook.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I barely had any disconnects while the penalties were off. I don’t et whats going on with the games people on these forums are having where supposedly people dc every other game.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    you're right it can't fix the player's attitudes that others HAVE to play their way and their way only. killers can't play but specific characters if that, killers can't do their job in the game (KILL SURVIVORS) and certainly can't make emotes, or expressions what so ever. also Killers can't do anything that furthers their own challenges or anything that gives them blood points. Killers are not supposed to use perks that some decide are bad, but survivors can play any perk they want no matter what. The issue is the fact that players are freaking selfish! It's not just one person playing but 5 people playing. no one has to adhere to any rules except the rules that are posted by the creators of this game. and those players that are DCing are saying they don't care about the rules because that action is AGAINST the rules posted by the CREATORS of this game. ADDRESS THE ACTUAL ISSUE BY CHANGING THE ATTITUDES OF THOSE THAT DISREGARD THE DAMN RULES.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I have run into that issue a few times. I have had days where I linger over the button after getting ruthlessly tunneled, but I always remind myself that it's just one game. Also, has anyone else been having trouble with DC's??? I have been forced out after loading in so many times and I get a penalty even though the game crashed. Any advice?

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Creating a lag spike by screwing with the bandwidth of your system is a known cheat method. I find it hard to believe you don't know that already. And if you think advocating for good sportsmanship is pompous, then I'm pompous. I will continue to promote and post those rules whenever appropriate to the subject being discussed. Three is not unreasonable. It is the easiest of the three. It is basic good manners. It is the good sportsmanship we were taught in pre-school, Kindergarten, and all the way up. I'm not telling anyone to do anything. In fact, nobody should have to voice those three rules at all. They are basic commonsense and courtesy. The fact that you seem offended by them or somehow want to dissect them makes your motives suspect. :)

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    I know about lagswitching which shouldn't work on server based games since everyone is the client, and ddos which spams a line with junk data but that would crash the game. Everything else would be wonky netcode. Which can't be pinned on a single player. And if they are hacking, you have a lot more issues than just weird internet.

    Yes pompous. Even capping it with a smiley face at the end which is never sincere. :)

    And what motives would that be? I already have everything. For what purpose would I need to freeze people in place or make them miserable? I don't stream. So no audience to impress. I rarely bring mori's to killer games. I almost never bring items in as survivor. And if I wanted validation I'd always be agreeable and never belligerent. Oh Billy got nerfed? Ugh stupid devs don't know how to program their own game! :)

    But if you want to continue playing hall monitor that's fine. The kids are going to keep smoking in the bathroom regardless.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    "Additionally on topic, why is there a forfeit button if you just get punished anyways? they say if it's in the game, you can use it, but the quit button is apparently taboo."

    There is the game, that starts when you launch the executable and runs till you shut it down. Then there is the MATCH which starts once you click START/READY in the killer lobby and the game moves from the over all game to the match where you have only the 4 perks, 1 item(power for killer), 2 add ons and one offering or less. and one full outfit choice. once you are in the match your cursor does not exist and it becomes part of your movement controls. During the MATCH portion of the game there is no "FORFEIT BUTTON" as to get to it you must leave the match functionality by hitting the escape key and you then have control over your cursor once again and this is where the "Leave Match" button is located. while you are in this menu, you can not control your character and it is just stationary, nor are you doing any match tasks during this time (generator repairs or totem cleansing etc). This is the distinction that you are missing, and the fact that the developers have this functionality to ensure that the match can end even if conditions end up causing the match to not end organically and YES this does happen, rarely now days but it does still happen. if your character is stuck in the geometry then use the button, if the player is bugged in a way that will prevent the match from ending use the button, but those are the only two reasons to use this OUT OF MATCH functionality.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The average, which is displayed in the table below the graph, has never reached 50k. Go ahead and check. You'll also notice there was a spike when the Silent Hill chapter was released and that we're now dropping to pre-SH levels. That's normal.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    This is straight up truth. D/C penalty is low hanging fruit for a company that fails to understand this premise.

  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607

    Its so annoying.. just make it so if you ever dc more than 3 times its a permanent ban

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Most of them didn't get the memo penalties are [on] off again. After a while there are def less DCs. And yes, ofc some egos just kill themself on the hook. Nothing you can do about, but in general penalties are very healthy for the game.

  • YungDaggerDick
    YungDaggerDick Member Posts: 7

    Lmfao I never even considered this. I like you. You're fun (っ≖‿≖)っ  

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I know this is a joke but I'm confused as to why you're saying that when I stated that I never DC anymore because I'd rather move on after a bad game lol. But really, if civ doesn't crash every day I'll gladly take it

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Exactly and no one cares. Rank is meaningless, so there's no incentive to retain your rank. The penalties are good but I'm guessing ultimately people are so fed up with whatever they perceive as bad that they're willing to eat the penalty or just reach the point where the penalties too high so they'll go play another game.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951
    edited October 2020

    You mean the other three survivors? Because let's face it, even when one or two people disconnect The Killer has it easy. The survivors are the ones screwed!

  • Rex3
    Rex3 Member Posts: 87

    It isn't stupid because dcing simply for being downed early screws over 4 other people. It hurts the other survivors more than it hurts the killer. Just sit on hook and see if you can make a difference later. Hell you get bp out of it.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    because you asked for the advice, my advice was to play civ lol

    5 is one of the best games ever made. shame 6 was a letdown.

  • Taya9822
    Taya9822 Member Posts: 54

    Like I always say it was probably kid who doesn't know how to play so he went crying home to his Mama because you downed him.