Thoughts on Playing Against Hag?

I playing survivor about 70% of the time but when queues are inevitably slower I do enjoy playing as hag, Despite my enjoyment, many survivors often complain about playing against her and the way I play her. I understand it sucks to be pulling somebody off of a hook and there I am right behind them teleporting to my trap. I never use mint rag and I ONLY use rusty shackles if I am going against an obvious squad where I need good map pressure and surprise. Personally when I play against hag I always watch her from a close distance and see where she places traps and take advantage of triggering traps near pallets and quickly dead-hearting to the other side and stunning her with the pallet. Am I sweaty for playing as her or am I just too worried about end-game chat?


  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    Survivors will complain about literally any killer. Hag was the closest I had to a 'main' before Blight stole my heart.

    Don't let salty players skew your choices. Though as a really good Hag player, I recommend to everyone that you shouldn't put traps next to hooks (most of the time). That's unfun for skilled survivors and unfair for unskilled survivors. Hag is still one of the best killers in the game even if you use all your traps on routes survivors run. I get a lot more positive feedback with that playstyke and still win 99% of my matches.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    You have to play to a killer's strengths, and Hag is only good at area control. She requires a survivor playstyle that solos struggle to pull off. Slow and steady is how you beat Hag. Every survivor has to stay extremely patient, run her away from gens, and force her to commit to 1v1 chases for downs.

  • beached
    beached Member Posts: 303

    I will do that! I do usually trap areas around pallets and behind generators like rocks or something where people don't expect them. I try not to be cruel especially the more I play her and the better I get at using her.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    There are people who will hate on almost every single killer. Nurse, Billy, Wraith, Trapper, Deathslinger, PH, Spirit, Oni, Hag, Legion, Doctor, Leatherface, Freddy, Ghost Face - I’ve seen people complain about all of these killers very recently, and that’s over half the roster.

    I think the only killer who you won’t get hate from anyone for playing is Demo, and even then people will just complain about your perks/playstyle instead.

    So don’t worry about it. While I am personally in favour of trying to play to let everyone have fun, that has its limit - there’s only so far you can compromise for the sake of strangers before you’re ruining your own enjoyment of the game. As long as you’re not actively trying to ruin anyone’s fun, I think that’s all anyone can reasonably expect of you.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Pro's - Jumpscares are good fun, the game needs them.

    Tatical counter play (crouching, flashlights or just just bolt through them all to lure Hag away from a hook)

    Cons - Hard killer to beat. Annoying being killed my a little old .... uh Hag 😅

    I find that Hags are really scarce atm. Barely face any around ranks 10-13.

  • beached
    beached Member Posts: 303

    Thank you so much. You're so right. As somebody who plays survivor a bunch I never seek to ruin anyone's fun, and I never want to have to target the same person unfairly in order to win a match. Especially as killer, I don't care about rank because bloodpoints and XP is far more valuable to me then 'winning' or 'losing'- which in this game is very subjective.

  • beached
    beached Member Posts: 303

    Also random point, but how could you not root for Hag to win even as survivor, after the stuff she went through Lisa deserves a few W's.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455
    edited October 2020

    I don't play games on PC but you can turn that chat off right? There should not even be a chat in the game, no reason to talk to the other team at all they/him can play how they want.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    I love chatting with people post-match. Toxic players tend to be more vocal, but the majority are friendly. From what I recall you can't turn chat off in PC but you can minimize it so that you can't see it. Same thing, I guess.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Eh,i would rather say that you should play aggressively against her.

    Some of my hardest matches as hag were games in which survivors interrupted me from setting up my web at the beginning of the match

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    How I feel about playing against hag?

    Clicky, Clicky, Clicky, Sneak, Sneak, Clicky, Clicky, Clicky, Sneak, Sneak, Clicky, Clicky, Clicky, Sneak, Sneak, Clicky, Clicky, Clicky, Sneak, Sneak, Clicky, Clicky, Clicky, Sneak, Sneak, Clicky, Clicky, Clicky, Sneak, Sneak, Clicky, Clicky, Clicky, Sneak, Sneak, Clicky, Clicky, Clicky, Sneak, Sneak, Clicky, Clicky, Clicky, Sneak, Sneak, Clicky, Clicky, Clicky, Sneak, Sneak, Clicky, Clicky, Clicky, Sneak, Sneak, Clicky, Clicky, Clicky, Sneak, Sneak, Clicky, Clicky, Clicky, Sneak, Sneak, Clicky, Clicky, Clicky, Sneak, Sneak, Clicky, Clicky, Clicky, Sneak, Sneak, Clicky, Clicky, Clicky, Sneak, Sneak, Clicky, Clicky, Clicky, Sneak, Sneak, Clicky, Clicky, Clicky, Sneak, Sneak, Clicky, Clicky, Clicky, Sneak, Sneak,

    Everyone runs out the door.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    This right here. Hag requires a certain playstyle to beat her, and most of the time your solo queue teammates will struggle to do so. If I had a dollar for every time my team 3-gen'd us vs. Hag, or a teammate triggered a trap at the hook by not crouching...

    So yeah, Hag tends to be a miserable experience unless in SWF. Her kit is just very strong vs. an uncoordinated team.

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    I mean, for me, hag proper is horribly unfun to go against because 1) the player doesn't have any feedback about triggering traps until it's too late (and I get that this is the point of a trap, but does that make it fun? No.), 2) hag doesn't/shouldn't chase; she just traps, teleports, hits, and repeats, and 3) crouch walking to rescue hooked survivors is boring and obnoxious. Especially if someone is hooked in the basement, and especially if the survivor you just unhooked decides to run, triggering the trap.

    I think they need to make hag unable to place traps as close to hooked survivors as she can now. Other than that, I don't know what they could do to make her less miserable.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I'd rather walk a mile, bare foot on lego than face a Hag.

  • FilledPizza
    FilledPizza Member Posts: 392

    They put like, 30000 traps on every single hook and overall just play extremely scummy from my experience. I hate the camera jerk and the jumpscares as well. It's just a overall horrible experience to play against a Hag. God forbid they get a basement hook.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I haven't played against one in a pretty long time. A good Hag is very scary especially the scroll-wheel insta teleport Hags.

    Bad Hags makes the game dull by trapping hooks/gens but a good Hag is truly terrifying as a solo. Unfortunately she gets kneecapped pretty hard by SWF. Yo can wait for a buddy to be in a chase and just run through all the nearby pallet loops to bait her away from the chase or destroy her mobility long term.

    Personally I feel like Maps and Flashlights shouldn't have any effect on her traps.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    I like how scary it is to play against her

    I hate how her power is basically just to proxy camp hooks. So many times I'll have teammates just run around and throw the match in 10 seconds or less. I hate how finnicky the flashlight is with her traps, and how nearly invisible they can be sometimes. Overall.. I'd rather have another killer to play against.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Playing against Hag I'm basically playing a single player game where I am filling out a series of tasks until I might go down out of my control, where I will now be afk on a hook for 2 minutes (or taken off a hook, immediately slugged by the skillful Hag, and thrown back on the hook. Playing as hag is also like playing a single player game. You don't care what survivors are doing at all, your core playstyle is to proxy camp everything in sight. And chases? Lmao what chases? That being said if you like hag keep playing her, who cares what everyone else thinks.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Hag is very scary with her jumpscares, but playing against her can be pretty boring (not OP, there's a difference). I wouldn't mind if she got buffed but was more fun to play against.

    If you like playing Hag then keep playing her. It's YOUR game, not mine.

  • Shallgale
    Shallgale Member Posts: 26

    I personally enjoy a skilled hag player but I think the biggest issue I have when playing survivor is how quite a few of the lower level players camp the hook. That is what I take exception too, I shouldn't have to run in while you are face camping my team mate to pull them off the hook after you just trapped the entire area. I love when I'm walking through a map and run into a randomly placed trap, it makes me curse like a sailor and gives me a great adrenaline spike for the chase I now brought down on myself.

    Hag is a beautiful character in her back story and ability, I love a good challenge and because I play with friends I don't mind working together to try and get gens done. I get killed more often then not but sometimes it's worth taking that hit if it means my friends can complete the last gen or find the hatch depending on the game.

    I like balanced killers and good game play so being able to save my team mates is the most rewarding part of game for me. So if you are trapping and not tunneling and genuinely playing the game to win while allowing others to enjoy the game I say just ignore the hate.

    .... but really her hit box is way to big, smh for getting hit through a palate after killer was stunned yesterday in a hag match... rip

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    When playing against her, my only complaint is why does no one crouch when I unhook them??!

    Survivors have this mentality that they should be able to play the exact same way against all Killers, which is ridiculous. That’s why there are so many calls for nerfing Killers.

    When playing as her, it’s fun if you control your web and don’t get lured into a long chase. It’s a pain in the ass when I’m facing an elite death squad SWF, since they all know how to loop perfectly and usually have flashlights.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    This thread makes me happy.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,822

    I don't mind going against Hag. I usually run Kindred, which means I can watch her trap the hook and know where to crouch. I go in hoping we won't immediately trigger the trap, but accepting that we probably will. The rusty shackles are strong, and I wouldn't want to go against them every game, but, once in a while, it's fine.

  • Shallgale
    Shallgale Member Posts: 26

    you should play with my group Avis, we get into screaming fits about survivors running all over the map. It's like walk or crouch but don't run unless you are being chased, and or saving someone from a hook!!!!

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i absolutely hate how my camera gets forced in her phantoms direction .-.

  • HEX_MalusGrey
    HEX_MalusGrey Member Posts: 231
    edited October 2020

    Ignore the endgame chat. I have pure horrors everytime i face a hag because i know exactly that as soon as anyone is hooked everyone will run to that hook. Then i have to crouchwalk there to get them off and the first thing they do is to start running.

    This is why i stopped using BT as soloQ. I actually want them to die for their stupidity. This is just how nature works. Sorting out the weaklings etc.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    Hag is fun to play as, and usually a hatch game in solo q. The last Hag i vs'd, my team died at 5 gens and the match lasted 3 minutes.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I use setting time/ Aura

    Less time (overall) setting traps

    And see where survivors go after the trigger

    Works for me

    Or I run with Distance/ Duration

    Can be farther away and have a little extra time to teleport

    Plus I don't mind go against Hag but the ones that use 3 traps on hooks -.-

    I do use Kindred, and Spine chill

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    If the Hag places traps anywhere near the hook, I want to kill them.

    Other than that, my only issue really is the camera being forced towards the Phantasm. A good Hag will keep me on my toes, but with all the trap campers around, she's still in my top 3 most hated to go against.

  • Zayn
    Zayn Member Posts: 365

    Boring. Especially in solo que where there's no coordination at all.

  • beached
    beached Member Posts: 303

    This is why I love playing hag and against her. It is more of a testament of skill than anything else and really brings a use for things like Urban Evasion. I had a player the other day who managed to complete gens right under my nose by completing gens I had placed traps behind because of her skill with UE. I also believe that hag brings the true horror aspect to the game as you are always on your toes worried where she will be or even where she won't be and suddenly just appear. I honestly don't feel the need to run ruin or overly trap hooks, and if a survivor trips a trap near a hook I just go after the unhooker, as the the hooked shouldn't be punished for the faults of a over-confident person just running through my traps with no precaution. I will admit that basement hooks on hag are VERY punishing, and I think that the devs should do something similar to hag as they did with pyramid head's trail of torment goo when it comes to hooks. A good hag knows the loops to trap that are particularly nasty to killers that survivors often abuse, a bad hag just traps hooks and punishes the already punished.

  • Shallgale
    Shallgale Member Posts: 26

    And that is what makes you a good player. I hate having my team mate downed right after unhook, I would rather you get me then them. It's like, yep hit me instead you just got them even if they are the ones that trigger the traps.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Play however you want! Honestly, the only time I hate the Hag is when she draws like eight traps on your hook because it's a bit overkill, but as long as you aren't camping or tunneling too much then don't listen to them. I'm starting to get used to the whole pip and de-pip thing, so I don't quit the game after a horrible match lol. I was at a solid rank 4 but I'm barely at 5 now because of sluggers and face campers. My advice? Be nice back to them and brush it off! I'm a survivor main as well and once when I was playing Plague I accidentally got a triple kill when I wanted them all to survive and I'm still grateful to not have a chat function I felt awful!!! Anyways, good luck in future matches and have fun as spooky branch lady :)!

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    The most boring matches are against Hag. All of them tunnel and camp. If someone ends up in the basement, I don't even bother saving them.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    spot bassement, play away from it profit.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    I actually think Hag is weak in my eyes, dunno, could be me.