How come if you change your name to MoriMe..suddenly everyone loses interest?

I just want to take screenshots of Felix getting Mori'd in different ways while wearing different clothing and hairstyles....
No one will give this to come???
Try some reverse psychology. Put your name as something like “Please Don’t Mori Me’ or “Mori = DC” and see if it works. ;)
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As @Lucas96 pointed out... Killers sort of take it like a challenge when you put "Please don't" in your name for some reason.
As a fellow Felix main, I'd love to see your screenshots!
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Just get a friend and take all the screenshots you want in KYF matches. You can even choose the map and location on the map to get a nice screenshot that way.
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I can't cause Switch only allows 10 characters...
MoriMeDada? 😁
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That's 200 iq thinking my dude. Gonna change my name to: "Don't play pig"
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This is a true. I used a name "Don't mori me Myers" and got 100 Myers' mori during 9 months. Really good times when a player could change killer in a lobby...
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Killers are really scared of people who are asking to be chased for some reason, even though chasing someone like that should be seen as a fun challenge (at least I see it like that. If I'm playing Blight or a killer I don't use often I'll throw the entire match to have chases with those people because they're usually better runners than the usual survivor bunch and I can get some good practice in)
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To be fair I was trying to get moried one time so I changed my name to "TTV/MoriTheStreamer".
It was a doc with double iris and an ebony. I did it.
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That would work IF killers could switch.
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Killers LOVE survivors with TTV in their names.
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Trust me, I know.
It's been awful.
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Just tbag or put a macro on your flashlight. Easy mori.
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I used "Please no Legion" to see whats gonna happen.
I got nothing but Legion. People are just ######### by nature.
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How about being a survivor that tebags and sandbags TTV survivor's lol
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Part of it is that people get moried a lot less then they'd think due to the natural negativity bias in memories(Most people remember bad memories more then good).
Now that negativity bias is reversed because you'd want to be moried making your remember when you didn't get moried more then when you did.
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Ah right. I forgot...
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Yeah I had MoriandIcloseapp as my name. It was about 50/50 if I would see a mori or not. Although I did see a whole lot of Judith's Tombstone Myers, which I thought was pretty creative.
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Yeah especially the ones that tell other people how to play their game are the worst
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can't switch my killer in lobby in order to please the people who are named "Myers mori me", which I would gladly do.
Thank the devs for that one. Nice move. The individual killer MMR (which isn't implemented *cough*) doesn't make up for that.
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I never understood why Killers could not change their character in the lobby. It's weird considering Survivors do get that chance.
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Yes, this is a sad change that removed the RPG elements for me :D
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Add me fam, I can mori you in KYF. Just so you can get your screenshots!
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Mostly because you seem into it, and because if you aren't pulling your weight for the other Survivors, i.e. just jumping in to get killed, the Killer probably doesn't want to reward that behavior.
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Just put together some custom games with your friends and you can have them be any Killer you want and stage the Mori to your heart's content.
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Yeap. That's the most efficient way i guess.
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I got a friend who every time he wants to derank as killer he plays trapper and changes his name to "WeTrapDaBasement". He deosn't want to go in a match and not play for the sake of depiping. Surprisingly he ranks "up" when he does this. He downs someone, put them in the basement and people don't watch their step.
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Same thing with SOAD and Steal This Album.
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I’d help if I could brutha.
Generally I always bring a Mori me for the numerous “MoriMe” users.
Kudos for having a legit reasoning behind yours, most players I face named “MoriMe” disconnect before the animation. SMH.
Killers just can’t please the needy survivors at all, even generously doing what they ask of ya.
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Yeah, Maybs the bold angle will rub them arrogantly and they’ll charge like a bull with their mori ready to serve you up a sweet photo op.
Try using this red cape to get their attention: