
I'm so sick of camping Leatherface killers and camping killers in general. It sucks the fun out of the game and it's the reason why players quit playing the game. There needs to be a ZERO bloodpoint camping penalty for killers who camp. I understand getting trolled by survivors as a killer player as well but it's gotten out of hand.



  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    Ok here is a really good anti camp build, Deliverance, DS, UB,DH, use deliv to unhook yourself and use smol pp to get away, then use dead hard if you are still being chased. Or just, you know, run kindred so everyone can cuck the killer out of literally any bloodpoints and pips

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Camaraderie technically is supposed to punish this but requires a rando to run up then run away to do gens. So it ends up being useless.

  • LeleLP
    LeleLP Member Posts: 153

    Yes perks that help with camping. There is killer grabbing and if it is a bubba or instadown killer then those anti camping perks become useless. That’s not a good solution to camping. People who camp especially if they are playing bubba know they can be toxic with it so they do it for that reason. They don’t care about you or if you’re having fun. To them that’s their fun which is sad but whatever. I sincerely don’t believe that campers do it as a “effective strategy” rather do it cuz they know it will irk the person they are doing it too.

  • BadDocter
    BadDocter Member Posts: 48

    But to be serious if bubba wants you dead on first hook you're dead. Not even the smol pp will save you unless he gets greedy for the other survivors.

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    BT and DS are anti tunneling not anti camping, play solo as survivor and if the killer is just stood on you, 90% of the time another survivor won't attempt to rescue you because they know if they do they will just get camped themselves straight after

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Camping from the start sucks, but the Devs really can’t do much since it can be the best strategy that a Killer can employ later in the match.

    Blame survivors for abusing anti-camping mechanics that the Devs introduced and had to remove due to its abuse.

    Best thing to do is run Kindred, and master looping to make yourself as and unappealing target.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    0In Feng min I would say yes, but in Spirit or Nurse no!

    I don't play LF because I can't do it, that chainsaw has sucked (for me).🤗

    The camp is the result of many killer nerves, I have said it 10,000 times that your game will soon become CAMPO-TUNNEL every game...

    The more the killers will eat their nerves, the more you will be eaten through the camp and the tunnel!

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    If they camp:

    • You gen rush and escape
    • You save them with BT and make them lose time with DS

    Not even a camper can kill that person who's hooked if the team plays decently.

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    Gen rushing and escaping means that game is boring for everyone and completely ruined for the guy being camped.

    You can't use BT and DS to stop this because it will just end in a trade of who's being camped unless its a well coordinated save with a SWF who all have those perks

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785
    edited October 2020

    "Gen rushing and escaping means that game is boring for everyone and completely ruined for the guy being camped."

    And that's how you make the camper depip.

    "You can't use BT and DS to stop this because it will just end in a trade of who's being camped unless its a well coordinated save with a SWF who all have those perks"

    You can. Because usually survivors just run the same copy pasted build again and again. Try intentionally camping 1 guy during the whole game, and check your results.

  • tacohoonter
    tacohoonter Member Posts: 1

    Just letting your teammate die on hook isn't fun for the person being camped or the other survivors. I think slowing hook progress while the killers within a certain radius would help encourage killers to not camp. I play this game pretty casually with friends and I think it's pretty lame when you just have to watch your friends die to a face-camping tunneller

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    The killer clearly doesn't care about depip or he wouldn't do it. And even if he did that game is still ruined.

    I've never tried it, but I'm pretty certain it would be very easy unless against a well coordinated SWF team like I said.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470
    edited October 2020

    As long as devs think that DS must be a perk, I will continue to camp survivors one by one. It is necessary evil. :^)

    EDIT: Unless you bring BPS. Then we can have a break...

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    @28_stabs So Obsession in match=facecamp? Sounds like pretty lame logic to me...

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    I dont care about perks, I dont care about skins and about who is the obsession. Its about who I find first or who happen to go down. Standing still is boring and unproductive, I dont have to do that, but I do come back and bash unhooked survivors again, and again, and again

    until they are dead.

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    But in your post I responded to, you were salty about DS...which is a perk.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Salty that its a perk. Not because I hate perks. :^) IMO, BT or DS should be base mechanic that shouldnt waste a perk slot.

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    @28_stabs Basekit DS/BT? They would need to be seriously nerfed to not be abused; I hear DS is on the table for changes but we'll see. People that proxy camp are really shooting themselves in the foot when it comes to points and pips (for those that care about these things) though, and that's my main point. When I play Killer, I like to spread the damage as much as possible while patrolling the center gens for an easier endgame while also keeping in mind that it's just a game meant for fun. Sadly, alot of people either take it way too seriously and are toxic if they don't get their way or enter the match with the mindset that they need to go above and beyond to crap on someone else's day. Life's too short to be like that, but that's my two cents.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Coming back to hook is ok. I already explained that I dont stand still. I just keep coming back. Well, killing one of survivors or pressuring two is optimal game.

    If you like to only hurt survs and you dont care about killing them at all, you shouldnt care about BT and DS. :^)

    As I said - it is necessary evil as long as devs allow it. Sacrifices have to be made. 👀

  • Areibeth
    Areibeth Member Posts: 1

    Honestly feel that Camping needs to have a higher Point penalty than what it currently does. Past several games I and my team have had killers, different folks, literally sit in front of us, not moving (or sometimes constantly hitting the hooked player) until each of us died on the hook.

    I get that there are perks to help in these situations, but there's no guarantee that you are going to get a camping killer, so we don't always run those perks. I'm glad the game has a penalty built in, but even then... those camping killers are also usually quite rude when we get into the chat. I usually try to play nice, ask them if they know that they lose points when camping, and then get called all sorts of horrible things just for asking, politely, if they were aware of the point loss.

    Those mentioned perks usually prove ineffective when we get the camping killers that constantly hit the hooked player too. Feel that there should be a penalty for each smack like that when other players aren't in range to take a hit. It's just insult to injury at that point, ya know?

  • xXCAM3R0NXx
    xXCAM3R0NXx Member Posts: 387

    Unfortunately that's what people are like, they don't play it for fun or to have a chill time, they play to be the best and to constantly win 24/7.

    Just ignore these type of people because frankly, they aren't worth your time and energy. Just reply with a :) whenever they get rude, can't comeback to that can they lol.

  • thepyramidhead
    thepyramidhead Member Posts: 59

    The devs said it, its valid. Its also gives survivors a chance to do gens.

  • ChantyBoi
    ChantyBoi Member Posts: 179

    If the killer is facecamping just go do gens. They are throwing the game for a single kill. They aren't winning. They can only win if you decide you want to throw yourself at them and allow a snowball to take place.

  • rickyray101
    rickyray101 Member Posts: 141

    Actually if they buff Camaraderie to where it paused the hook as long as the killer is there that's all the payback I need.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396
  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    I don't think I haven't seen a single person that has said this.

    Most argue that it's a strategy, nothing more.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    Ummmm yes...that's why people play PVP games with competitive elements.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    And yet killers are always on here wanting those nerfed and dogging survivors for having these perks but if a survivor complains about camping they're told to run those, so which is it ? Are these people bad for running them? Or do so many killers play such a ######### way that the game needs these perks? I think I'm gonna go with the second one , camping isn't fun for either side though it is a legit strategy in some scenarios but people who are camping from the get go with no real reason to do so are a problem in this game

  • csebal
    csebal Member Posts: 31

    I thought long and hard about this. By all accounts, I am a noob still, barely have 50 hours in the game so far, so take my observations with a grain of salt.

    First and foremost, I am quite mad at anyone who tells me that an otherwise perfectly legal tactic in the game is despicable. Besides the fact that I don't like being called lame, or a jerk just for following one tactic instead of another, it also suggests a somewhat baseless sense of superiority, where the person in question claims to have ultimate authority over deciding what is the right way to play.

    How about we do not do that?

    Now for the actual question at hand, camping. Sometimes I think people forget that the objective of the game for the killer is to kill everyone. How they go about it is their business. We can argue if camping is an efficient tactic or not. But whether it is fair?

    Just because someone is caught at the 2minute mark, hooked and dies does not make it less fair than anything else. Dying as a survivor is part of the game, if it happens to you early, then you just hop into the next game. The killer still has 3 others to kill, who - while he was camping you - have at worst repaired 3 generators, so overall, the team is waaaay ahead to where they would have been, if the killer was actually chasing them around.

    Now why complain then? Because often survivors do not play alone. They play in groups of 2, 3 or 4 friends. If they die early, they must sit out the match their friends are still playing in and that sucks. I agree.. it is not fun to watch the game instead of playing it, but here is the thing:

    Those groups usually have a large advantage over the killer anyway, simply by the virtue of being able to communicate. In an ideal world, everyone would be limited to what they can see and what information their perks give them, and this is true in a completely random 1+1+1+1 vs 1 game. In most cases however, I bet survivors are rarely totally random and those non random teams are unlikely to not use some form of communication tool. This not only gives them extra information over what their skills would give, but also easily negate some killer abilities.

    So no.. I do not shed a tear for people who have to sit out matches because they die early in a group queue. That is the price to pay for the advantage the group queue gives. Those who do not like it can always queue solo or learn and adopt tactics to work around camping.

    I am saying this even though I only play survivor when all my friends are around, so I am "as guilty" in this as they come. I do not find it a problem, but apart from it not being great fun, I do not blame the killer either, if they decide to camp me. I will just urge my team to go for objectives instead of pointlessly standing around, waiting for the killer to stop camping. I die, 3 of them win.. that is a win for me.

    Likewise, when I play killer, I never truly camp.. mind you, I will not go far from those I hooked, as I am using them as bait for their friends to come, but I always go far enough for them to be able to unhook them and start to run. Why? Because even if I do not sacrifice anyone, maxing out the other three killer categories still has me scoring high enough to make me happy and part of playing the killer is the thrill of the chase :)

  • FranksMixtape_0P
    FranksMixtape_0P Member Posts: 10

    I do understand where you are coming from. Its sucks so hard when you have to go up against a LF that camps off first hook but their is really only a few ways you can counter this. Like many people say, running ds, kindred, deliverence, dh and unbreakable is a good way to counter camping but it's still god awful to deal with. I myself am a killer main and even I understand the bullshit that survivors have to deal with nowadays. Your best play would be to gen rush and then save them (watch out for noed) or try and find a key. But yeah camping really ruins the fun of the game.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I genuinely didn't think I needed to add /s to that particular tirade but I guess there's exceptions for everything.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595
    edited October 2020

    Pretty sure I approached you in good faith and wasn't an #########. But seeing as though that's your schtick, your reaction does not surprise me.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I'm not the one that tried to take overt hyperbolic sarcasm seriously.

  • Shallgale
    Shallgale Member Posts: 26

    Not true, the best way to make this stop would be to simply make it so a survivor's health doesn't decrease on first hook when the killer is within a certain proximity to a survivor. For example if they do it within the parameters that they already have for level 1 kindred (8 meters) or even if they did it for half (4 meters) that would prevent camping. Because it would force a killer to leave a hooked survivor to actually... you know.... play the game.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Camping is playing the game, just not how you want them to play. They still have to defend it from your teammates, and be honest, it isn't the campers fault that it works, it's the Survivors since they keep feeding him.

    Stopping the health bar wouldn't work for all situations. What will happen if a Killer manages to hook a Survivor near a gate when all gens are powered and their teammates keep running the Killer around the hook?

    I would rather that the Devs upgrade the entity and have it teleport Survivors to a random hook after their first hook and only if there are 3 or more gens left.

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416

    Any killer player: camps

    Survivors: Why would Leatherface do this?

  • Rex3
    Rex3 Member Posts: 87

    And who decides the conditions of camping? Survivors that don't want you checking around the general area of the hook when no bodies pop up on bbq?

  • Shallgale
    Shallgale Member Posts: 26

    That is why I specified the first hook, It's not about preventing all health drain it's about changing behaviors. You would still have health drain if you leave a margin of distance between you and the survivor on the hook, that way their health would deteriorate (most killers can move the 4 to 8 meters distance easily). You could even proxy camp by going in and out of the range which I don't mind killers doing. Second hook places you at half health automatically which means if they were to use the mechanics they already have in game a killer could camp the second hook with no problem. That is also why I mentioned the distance factor as it should be reasonable for both parties. Also Avis your idea wouldn't work if you couldn't get your team mate off the first hook as the killer is staring longingly into your team mates eyes until they exsanguinate.

    You could also do it where if a certain number of gens is completed the feature wouldn't trigger much like you mentioned. I wouldn't mind if it makes you teleport to a random hook but that is also a disadvantage for the killer so I wouldn't want to do that to them or myself to be honest. Though I kinda like the cages randomness for Pyramidhead.

    I don't run DS because I don't have it and I don't have BT. I will take a hit for my team mates to get them off the hook even with a camper. But it doesn't make sense that as soon as I get them off the hook the killer can slug them down as soon as their feet touch the ground.

    Yes I can not feed the killer and just leave my team mate to die on hook and complete gens in the mean time but it ruins the experience and still rewards the killer. They still get points for the kill and I don't get points for the cooperative action that is built into the game. It's not universal but when you have a killer standing there kebabbing you for all three hook cycles it gets down right disrespectful.

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    A killer camping? THAT'S OUTRAGEOUS!

    Don't they have knowledge of the survivor rulebook? It clearly states what they can and can't do and camping is a big NO NO

    in case you haven't realized that I'm being sarcastic. Survivors tend to rush the hook if the killer leaves it. They lose all pressure they had and there is an easy counter to it

    Rush the gens or run perks that counter such as Deliverance/DS/UB/SG

    I've seen plenty of survivors running that build

  • Shallgale
    Shallgale Member Posts: 26

    But that gets boring, wouldn't you rather play against players that don't have what killers deem "toxic" perks all the time? Cause lets be honest about this, survivors run perks to prevent tunneling and camping and killers complain about that because everyone uses those same builds weather they tunnel or camp. Survivors complain because killers camp forcing them to them use the same builds to prevent that behavior.

    Also there are more ways then camping to keep pressure on a match. Such as gen domination (pop, dragon, ruin), revealing perks (Bitter, BarbQ, Spies, ect), and a host of others to give you the advantage (NOED, Warden, and ect). I play Legion for my main killer and I don't camp, it's not my style and I prefer to have a fun match. Which is hunting down survivors, chasing them and hooking them. I still 4k without camping but it does take some work. I also want them to pull their team mates off the hook, I get more blood points for it if I have to find them again. I have only had DS used against me once for that reason, which I knew I was going to have happen because it was end game and Laurie and I had just downed them right after a hook because they ran right into me at the exit gate.

  • MasterofSFL
    MasterofSFL Member Posts: 125
    edited October 2020

    Well, the devs are wrong.

    You can't simultaneously allow for camping, asking the hooked survivor to "stay there, as long as you can," and then penalize survivors who stay on hook/DC because they have better things to do. You can't also bill your game as an asymmetrical survival-horror with hide&seek elements, only to promote the contrary: Scenic Walking Simulator w/ a side of Myst added in.

    If you're going to validate the most toxic playstyle, you need to reward the target of that playstyle.

    Don’t Worry About Me: 20 Seconds after being hooked, Don’t Worry About Me activates. Upon activation, you gain 250 bloodpoints towards Altruism and earn an increasing amount of bloodpoints towards Altruism afterwards, capping out at 150 every 3 seconds after. While Don’t Worry About Me is active, you gain 250 bloodpoints toward Boldness for every generator completed. Don’t Worry About Me deactivates after being unhooked.

    Entity's Displeasure: Hooked Survivors while within your terror radius and 10m of you have reduced death progression shortly after being hooked, while you're not in chase. Entity's Displeasure Is deactivated upon entering a chase, Entity's Displeasure will reactivate after spending a total of 10 seconds near a hooked survivor after exiting a chase. Entity's Displeasure is not in effect when two or more survivors are on hook or during End-Game Collapse.

    It's not hard to target the scenario everyone hates

    Post edited by MasterofSFL on