Maybe some people need to rethink their definition of 'fun'

Just had a couple of games that very much ended like this:

Due to match making I (rank 17/16) got a few high ranks (upper purple and red) as Deathslinger. I'm in no way good, but in all these matches I got several hooks in and at least one of the high ranks kicked the bucket.

And each time due to one very odd thing:

Their unwillingness to change their tactics.

Now, we all already knew that's the issue, but today I had the most bizarre experience:

Red ranked Kate, I chase after her (one of the wrecker maps, the one with the small house), she tries to loop me. I'm not having it. I know what I can pull off and what not.

So I turn away. Usually survivors go on their merry way then... but the kate came after me. Very much demanding I chase her.

Again, I wasn't having it. I knocked down a jake, hooked him, and the kate stood there not helping (another jake got him off the hook)

Long story short, I hit her when she came close, shot and hooked her. She suicided on hook after I walked away (dunno if she tried to unhook herself or not).

It really seemed as if she was offended cause I didn't let her loop me.

And judging by the forum and twitter, the playstyle like that kate's is what people deem 'fun'. Why?



  • Kbot22
    Kbot22 Member Posts: 96

    Then what game is the right game? There aren't any other games like dbd

  • Kbot22
    Kbot22 Member Posts: 96

    I agree, chases are the only thing that are actually fun. Killers like spirit and pyramid head are killing the game. Slowly but surely.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    spirit has been in the game a long time now, it's doing just fine.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Or play killer where you have interaction with other players all the time.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    That's literally the only reason to play multiplayer games: Interacting with other players. I'm not defending being an idiot about in and literally throwing a trial because you want to get chased, but that is also the sole reason to play DbD: To interact with other players.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    And lbh, there is something oddly satisfying in looking for totems, you just found a/the last dull one, last gen pops, the bloody thing lights up just before you finish cleansing it.

  • Scrublo
    Scrublo Member Posts: 45

    Why not? This is a game that only has 2 merits for survivors, fun with teammates and being chased by a killer. A game of tag when you were younger wasn't fun whilst you weren't chasing or being chased was it? If you play survivor you will learn that in games without chases it is dreadfully boring as it literally just becomes a hold M1 on a generator. Half the time I'm not on gens, I'm either trying to get the killer on me or trying to do a clutch flashlight save, even if it actually wastes more time then it saves me because it's actually fun. You say we need to rethink our definition of fun but if you think sitting on 2 gens all game, opening a gate and leaving without anything else and just having a hollow ass victory is fun then maybe you should try survivor once in a while and see how boring everything else is

  • AbsolutelyAmel
    AbsolutelyAmel Member Posts: 146

    Sad how in a game about survival the only fun thing to do is getting chased by a Killer.. like

    does anyone else see the issue with DBD?

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I hate chases as survivor and killer,as survivor my fun when I hide so good killer walk right past me like I wasn't there.killer never like chases they wont them to end as fast they can survivors don't get that or they do don't care.

    till gens don't go as fast that how it will be for killers survivor need to understand that.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815

    Tell me how to counter Deathslinger's ability to zone and I will happily change tactics in order to have more fun. "Split up and rush gens" or "hope he's bad" are not really my idea of counterplay.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    stealth. i know that's not the answer you want to hear, but the counterplay to caleb is... stealth.

    He's been a bounty hunter, and that's how you counter him. you hide, evade and stuff.

  • Ethofrasty
    Ethofrasty Member Posts: 18

    I cannot even express how relatable this is to me. Like, seriously I love playing killer and if you were to ask me I'd say it's the most "fun" and hated. Of course the definition is different for literally everyone so it's impossible for me to specify buuut...

    I think the definition of "fun" in dead by daylight is, "the opportunity of one to enjoy themselves when having a balanced chase or the understanding and respecting of someone who attempts things that are reasonable."

  • TatsuyaSuo
    TatsuyaSuo Member Posts: 24

    In what world is that considered fun? Lol they're a liability to their teammates, they suck at chases and get downed quickly, probably a twitchie, seeing one of those in a match is a blessing as a killer, you know you're pretty much going to be playing a 1v3

  • _Entity_
    _Entity_ Member Posts: 9

    When I played survivor my fun was escaping. Getting out no matter what was my fun. Crawling away to hatch was my fun, I had mastered the art of getting away unnoticed when I went down somehow. Stumbling upon hatch with killer on my tail was fun. Plundering chests was fun. Getting 5 gens done was fun.

    Helping my team wasn't fun. Getting chased was not fun. Getting farmed wasn't fun. Having teammates team with killer wasn't fun. Soloing gens wasn't fun. Having to get an item and get out wasn't fun. Playing against certain killer's wasn't fun. Playing with teams or swfs wasn't fun. Playing with potatoes wasn't fun. Having toxic teammates wasn't fun. Having toxic killer's wasn't fun. Getting left to die on hook was never fun.

    But my fun was about me. To me the killer and I could have been completely alone and I would have had fun playing hide and seek with them that's how little my team mattered to me. Sometimes I'd get a great team and I'd take one for the team but most games I focused on my own survival. I would pound out gens. I would pop exit gates. If my team lived that was up to them to achieve not me. I might wait if I see a teammate running to the gate or I might take a hit to save one but usually I got out the moment the gate was open. My job was done, I achieved my goal why would I linger?

    After having so many bad teammates I stopped being about the team. And started to focus on me. I had a lot more fun that way.

    I play killer exclusively now. Mainly because I got sick and tired of toxic teammates and because I was running into a lot of Myers and Ghostface killer's that were really good at giving me heart attacks - learnt pretty quick that crouch spamming was my defence mechanism when I got scared - or going and Blair witching in the corner for a few minutes while the killer just stared at me (probably confused as to why I wasn't moving from that wall) was also a tactic I used.

    I've got no qualms with anyone using their perks etc but some people on this game are sadistic. Some people enjoy ruining the game for others.

  • gummystar2
    gummystar2 Member Posts: 7

    Sometimes if you have a SWF team, and one is particularly good at running the killer, they will try to get you to chase them, hoping you focus all your energy on them while the rest of the team rushes gens. My guess is this is what was happening and when her strat didn't work, she got frustrated and bailed.

  • crunchyotaku83
    crunchyotaku83 Member Posts: 19

    o.o depends tbh

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    When you have killers like DS who don't care about a survivors input nah there's no way to counter their abilities. All you can do is counter the killer by slamming gens. Is it fun? No. Is it rewarding and skillful? No. But that's just the way DbD is sometimes. I'd much rather be doing something different than going out of my to NOT interact with Deathslingers, Hags and spirits but hey it is what it is :/ at least killers like blight, Huntress, Demo and wraith still exist. Never bored against those guys unless it's iri head or compound 21

  • Nywlr
    Nywlr Member Posts: 9

    Legion as well? I main legion but I find him fun tbh, I'm starting to play more bubba now tho

  • Kbot22
    Kbot22 Member Posts: 96

    I honestly think legion is fine because he can keep you injured but at the end of the day he still has to down you normally which is pretty hard to do against good survivors

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    A rank 16/17 killer having to face purple and red rank survivors is one of the reasons I hate playing killer. DBD will throw killers into matches regardless of their rank, which guarantees to ruin the fun for those that are less experienced.

    The other day my rank 14 killer was matched against four red rank (4) survivors. This happened the day after rank reset which means that they were all originally rank 1. This is why I prefer to watch people play DBD instead of actually playing DBD. The unbalanced matchmaking will ensure that someone always has a lousy time.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    These survivors dont speak for me. My fun as survivor is how close i can get (with out being blendette and not swamp) with out the killer seeing me.

    Sure chase is fun. But i feel like hiding in a game where you can hardly hide is more fun. Like "how much bs can i pull before im noticed"

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    I think Friday the 13th outclassed DBD in every way. Not only did the devs add single player objectives, but much more would have been added if it weren't for the ongoing lawsuits that has Jason tied up in litigation.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    So right there is a pretty good reason to just dc/suicide and go next whenever it’s slinger. You’ve basically answered your own question. Why would you want to play this game when your strategy is to hide (unless you’re new/bad)

  • Rex3
    Rex3 Member Posts: 87

    I don't understand why anyone thinks a killer should care about a survivors input.

    They need to just add a chase simulator to the game so that survivors can run around against a killer and the killer isnt allowed to hit them. Just chase them the whole time so they can have the game they actually want.

  • Rex3
    Rex3 Member Posts: 87

    The person not to have with you during a real life horror situation.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815

    How do you use stealth against a killer with a TR that tiny? Most Deathslingers run M&A and his TR spins up much more quietly than the default TR. He plays like a T2 Dead Rabbit Myers with M&A.

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122

    Well as a killer player with a LOT of hours in this game and taking a break - it truly is fun to loop as certain killers and for the other side as well.

    But when people go to "god loops" or anything of the sort yeah, I'll go away too.

    That person's definition of fun was to troll with a loop - and that's one of the reasons I'm on break.

    That and just as survivors want a fair killer, I want fair survivors that don't only hide and do generators - I want SOME interaction; that's the point of the game for EVERYONE involved.

    But ever since crossplay as a console player - I've gotten too many troll games; I used to be red rank and now I'm back to brown simply because I'm not a total try hard. I just play, normally.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited October 2020

    A lot of survivors want to get into chases because of their build and playstyle.

    I also play killers who don't benefit much from chases. (Hag, Trapper & Deathslinger). I frequently deny chases.

    It does leave some survivors very confused, almost not sure what to do with themselves. It seems like they would rather do anything but generators though.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Loops are fun its not that they WANT to bully you. That is an assumption that will skew your mindset. Also you did good leaving him or her. But if you want I can teach you a few tricks if you want. I know a good amount of looping amd how to counteract it. In not THE BEST but I am good enough that I can help. If you want.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    thank you also cat person anyway I don't use blendette or bloody skins like to point that out.

  • iZombie
    iZombie Member Posts: 231

    I suppose what people deem fun is subjective but I personally don’t find being chased all game to be fun. I don’t mind being chased, but my satisfaction comes from losing the killer mid chase, especially a killer who’s experienced as you really have to think outside the box.

    I like being a Jack of all trades. I want to fix generators, cleanse totems, search chests, be chased, evade, get unhooks, heals, be that survivor who has to pick the team up after they’ve all been slugged etc.

    The ironic thing is, most killers (myself included) won’t chase after the people that want to be chased. As we know they’re trying to waste our time when we should be patrolling generators. If you’re wanting to be chased, get caught doing the objective. ;)

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277
    edited October 2020

    you know this game normal gameplay was meant to be hide and seek right? not loop the killer till all gens are done where we are now.

    I'm with you on this his TR needs looking at because your right everyone uses M&A like people use strider for spirit.

  • Talanar
    Talanar Member Posts: 30

    I guess I will never understand it, but I will ask anyway , considering the topic of this thread - what is the point for a killer to down all 4 survs in 0,5 sec and have match done ? Sure they will unhook, he will re-hook them again, blah blah. It all goes in the most literal chain, even if he doesn't even tunel the unhooked ones (rarely).

    Had 4 of such games today, almost back to back. With killers rank 5 matched with survs rank 15-16. Happened with lower rank disparity before too. Maybe we sucked bad (with 4 random teams, the same result repeated ? Questionable).

    I wanna hear the perspective of the killer. You wait your queque in lobby to be matched, go into game, finish it in 5 min, get maybe half of the points available for gaining, go wait in lobby again (usually longer than that match toook to play). It might be fun the first time, but what's the point of such grinding through games ? There is no Rift now, there are no challanges to do. So many killers have such small D's that they have to pump their ego with such express massacres ?

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    Generally I assume it's because they want to win. Same reasons "good" survivors will finish all 5 gens and be gone in 5-6 minutes. They might not be getting many points, but they get to say "ez" in the post-game chat!

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    Why the hell isn't Identity V on PC? I never understood this

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Not really, I enjoy stealthing my way around the Killer more than being chased and im not talking about crouched in a corner stealth but the crouching around with the TR 5 meters away while he searches who tapped the gen he has been kicking for the 5º time.

  • AlsendDrake
    AlsendDrake Member Posts: 103

    It is. I play it through DMM, a Japanese game launcher because I migrated over from Bluestacks when it went live, but it's available. Iirc, you can find more info on their official site, and if all else fails, try the reddit.

    It even has PC and Emulator players have their own quene (that I think mobile can opt into but I don't remember for sure)

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited October 2020

    It's still ridiculously strong. You still get 0 effort wallhacks. Not as horrendous anymore but it's still strong. You can nerf the duration and range all you want but the aura reading and condition to activate it is still gonna make it his best add-on.

    Aura reading killer add-ons in general have always felt quite cheap to me. Keys too. Idc about the key itself, the effect is kind of meaningless, but when someone uses the add-on to let them see the killer's aura and knows how to use it it's dumb.