Is Infinite looping as bad as camping?



  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    I gotta agree with both sides on this one. Looping is the main goto strategy for survivors right now, that being said..... Look at the responce when you play killers with abilities that limit the looping. PH, Nurse, Deathslinger. HATED by the community and screeched at whenever they show up because they counter loops. The of the game on release.was a stealth tracking game, some survivors got so good at running away that they built on that mechanic more than the stealth gameplay.

    Sorry, tangent, anyway TL;DR In a way Yeah i think it can be toxic, in a way its not.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Depends on the looping. Killer shack and jungle gym? Yes. Looping one truck because survs can make tighter turns than killer? No.

    The later looping is boring. Extremely boring. First looping is alright cause you can mind game and fk up the loop. And is more about skill. My two cents

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,313

    They're both just things players can do in a match that aren't inherently bad. Sure, both can be used to "troll" but that's more intent-based, like a killer hard camping someone at 5 gens with "lol lets make them angry!" as the primary reason, or a survivor recognizing a killer is less experienced than them running back into the map to loop at the end of the match while being as annoying as possible while doing so.

    Just because something wasn't intended doesn't mean it's bad either. Lots of mechanics in games started out as developer oversights or straight up glitches/bugs, and while some get fixed others are embraced by the community and the developers. If the devs really hated looping they could (re)design maps and change how the game works to disincentivize it, but considering how maps and tile design take things like "tile safety" into account it's more of an embraced emergent game mechanic more similar to stuff like bunnyhopping, explosive jumping and other now-famous mechanics in some games.

    And personally I totally understand why. It's very clear player interaction and assuming it's not a braindead hold-W-until-the-pallet-drops/window-blocks tile it's fun to try to outplay eachother during looping. And that's a map/tile design issue more than some sort of core game mechanic issue.

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416
    edited October 2020

    I was simply stating my first reaction to the question, sorry.

    Looping is necessary for survivors to...

    y'know, survive.

    Whereas camping is not necessary for killers to win.

    Something can't really be scummy or toxic if it's something you need to do to win.

    So no, looping is not nearly as bad as camping.

  • SlavJenko
    SlavJenko Member Posts: 21

    Not all loops are meant to last for 5+ mins, you should be doing 2-3 loops at unsafe pallets then dropping, then if necessary run to the next loop so no pallets should not regen, you need to learn to use your resources

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    What in gods name did I just walk in on?

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    The only thing I find frustrating is pallet camping. Survivors literally have nothing else to use so it doesn’t frustrate me on loops since I enjoy outplaying them there more than catching them in the open where they had nothing.

  • vKishiBatv
    vKishiBatv Member Posts: 20

    To answer the question;

    No, looping is not as bad as camping. As killer, you have a constant variable known commonly as "Bloodlust" o help counter act it, as well as your power, depending on who you choose.

    As a survivor, camping is usually dealt with in one of 3 ways: 1 - Left alone to do gens. 2 - Someone with borrowed time and mettle of man or decisive strike helps out. 3 - Survivor pulls themselves off the hook.

    From the survivors perspective, have a 1 use perk to counter an assuming match long plan isnt as bad as the killer perspective dealing with a nuisance for 60-90 seconds.

  • The_Sniper
    The_Sniper Member Posts: 79

    It seems you're new and thus made this... questionable post. Maybe you worded it badly and meant looping around the hook person but I doubt it. Of course, this could be bait.

  • TheeclumsyNinja
    TheeclumsyNinja Member Posts: 283

    Both partys have options and choices while looping lol

  • DARKBOI777
    DARKBOI777 Member Posts: 21

    I'm just here for luls and to read the comments but my opinion why care this game is cheeks it has so many bugs or problems I've seen other games been shot to hell due to a skin but yet this game is fun as hell with all the bs bugs at this point might as well play Minecraft atleast I can play that smoothly to be clear for the people that jump in with all stfu you don't know what your talking about and all that one I'm joking two its a opinion don't like seeing someone else's opinion maybe shouldn't be in the forums but for real I hope dbd steps up all it's bug fixes it won't but really took this game outta commission for me time ago

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    One survivor great at looping, not that big of a deal and nowhere near as bad as camping. Four survivors that are great at looping, using comms, and every broken perk in the game, absolutely as bad as camping, because you're screwing with someone else's fun.

    It's gotten better since the god loop nerfs, but yeah, the little turds that made a beeline for the window in ironworks, or cowshed, or rancid abattoir were just as bad as proxy campers.

  • bootrocks
    bootrocks Member Posts: 10

    As a killer main i say.... let them have loops, the ######### else they got besides perks that only activate after you catch them

  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187

    The *occasional* game where the killer (face) camps doesn't kill vibes. It's when you play and you get 6/7/8 or more games back to back that have a camper that make it frustrating for survivors. Especially when you get downed in the first minute or less of the game.

    The looping though is how you know you're gaining skill as a survivor. If you get good at loops, you can be a decent enough distraction and buy time for other. In my opinion it's how you know that you're actually getting good with the survivor you're playing- you can loop a killer from more than 10 seconds without being downed.

    I think looping can be rewarding for both sides, especially after a survivor has ran for an extended period and the killer outsmarts and downs. Personally the adrenaline rush is 100% why I loop and totally worth it.

  • TheButcher6641
    TheButcher6641 Member Posts: 252

    If my discussion is bait then why have you replied. If it is, then you have unwittingly given me another reply. I think you have a low quality brain. Oh and for your information, it was a genuine question and although it may seem like an obvious answer to your small-minded head, some people thought differently and you should respect that. If you don't then you are just another harmful and destructive person in the community and are contributing absolutely nothing positive to this discussion.

  • TheButcher6641
    TheButcher6641 Member Posts: 252

    I can assure you that this is indeed not bait but simply a question to fellow dbd fans as to whether or not they thought that looping is or is not as bad as camping. Also, I mean general looping such as pallet/killer shack looping. I feel that I worded it quite clearly but perhaps I did not. Are you basing the assumption that I'm new around the number of posts I have because I've been playing dbd for over a 1 year now and I don't think that is classified as being new.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    i guess is a bait.

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    camping is not bad unless you're leatherface with 5 gens. But the problem is, surviors call everything camping. Imagine if killers had such overused terms that survivors had to hear after every match.... lol

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    Looping is the only way to have a chance against those sweaty tunneling killers and even that is mostly not enough.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984
    edited October 2020

    Depends on what you mean by looping. A lot of people today use getting chased and looping as interchangeable terms. That said, if you're one of those people, then this must be a troll post. Chasing and getting chased is the only skilful interaction in this game.

    On the other hand, if you mean looping pallets literally, as in running circles around a pallet (e.g. ormond pallets with full LoS) until the killer catches up, then dropping it and running to the next one, rinse and repeat, then yeah - I find this extremely boring both as killer and survivor - the chase just becomes a contest of who can hug tiles better and round the tighter corners - I wouldn't even call this an actual chase.

    If you go by the second definition, then yeah, I'd say it's pretty much as interactive as a survivor getting camped

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    Actually Looping is not what the game was meant to be. The devs have said before they never intended for it to happen, it's just what ended up happening, so now it is actually accounted for in terms of balancing.

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