Idea to stop hook babysitting

Since killers have all sorts of advantages an still choose to tunnel an losing BPs isnt enough. What if they camp too long around the hooked survivor they become froze like stuck still for 15 seconds or long enough to give team mates a chance to save them. I wonder how many people will quit baby sitting hooks if they realize they gonna get stuck a few seconds and the survivor can make an escape anyways. Just a thought lmao. If babysitting isn't any good anymore might save a lot of people from quitting and doing the game all together. Most DC come from people being tunneled on the hook. FACTS. And most people say they don't qanna play anymore because of the unbalanced game an because TUNNELERS make the game not fun. Killers need some type of punishment for abuse too. Survivors get the entity blocking for excess vaulting and punishment for staying in one place too long(cawwing crows) so why doesn't the killer have a punishment for staying too close to a hooked survivorfor too long? Curious of thoughts on this or if anyone has had ideas on the subject. Lol its the top thing people complain about.
Tried and abused by survivors.
Imo a better way would be to give more bp to an unhooker the closer the hooked one is to the next state.
That will lessen the insta flocking to a hook that makes camping work and survivors need more bp anyway
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I have more people DC when i get my first hit on them or when i down them for a few simple reasons they don't like the killer, i found them to quick, i outplayed them at a loop, they don't like my build the list goes on.
If you want to punish killers for standing to close to a hook before that happens survivors need to learn how to do a safe rescue, not unhook the survivor as soon as the killer has turned there back and taken a few steps, sorry but if your teammates do that and i down you thats on your TEAM not me i didn't make the dumb choice to unhook you with the killer right there and even worse without BT. You even get bonus points for doing a safe rescue.
It's a 2 way street if you want to punish killers for being close to the hook then you also need to look at survivors unhooking when the killer is right there, Why should a killer give you a free pass because one off your teammates made a bad choice and unhooked you right after you just got hooked?
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This Has nothing to do with unhooking in front of a killer....sometimes you die first hook because you're being tunneled ....a killer stands around you longer than 60 seconds I say they get stuck an still for a few seconds. Nobody said give a pass because you were unhooked in front of the killer...try reading what I said...its the tunneling an standing there watching them die. There should be a punishment for that. No sht if someone unhook in front the killer thats their fault. But that isnt what this post is about. Its about the ones who just stand at the hook. If they go and are around the hook an killer sees I don't expect the killer to just walk away. But if nobody around an the killer just stands there then thats wonder people DC....if you a tunneler then I hope you get better skills. I played good killers who didn't tunnel at all.
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But The killer dont care it won't stop the killer from babysitting awarding more bps to survivors. The killer needs a punishment of some kind I think.
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Better to reward the survivors for playing right then to punish the killer who obviously doesn't care about winning anymore
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Being honest I feel like safe unhooking needs its own tutorial in game just so survivors will stop unhooking me before a spirit/blight/billy can even phase walk/dash away.
Also vice versa: When I have to defend the hook when survivors swarm it I generally apologize to the survivor who I wasn't allowed to leave when they are on the hook that their teammates wouldn't let me leave because I do generally feel bad about it but what am I expose to do?
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You usually have 3 people not on the hook, and most of the time at the very least 2. Either focus the gens and let the killer waste his time, or do a multi man save where one dude goes for the hook, gets hit, leads the killer away (ideally to a tile) and the second sneaky boy makes the actual save.
You have the numbers advantage, USE IT.
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The fast unhooking is because of it's one of the most rewarding bloodpoint bonus survivors get with the least amount of effort.
Not only do you get the bloodpoints but when the killer comes there is a injured survivor near you that's a better target then you
And then you can justify your actions cause the killer is a filthy tunneler and camper
9/10 if i get camped it's because the killer caught on people are getting unhooked 10 seconds after hook and they decide just to stay. After all why look for survivors if they come right to you.
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How can you die on first hook if your being tunneled let me think about that for a second you can't, you get into a chase with a killer and they down you and hook you and you die on first hook please explain how you got tunneled. You did when you said when you being tunneled if a killer finds you and chases you for the first time they are not tunneling you, if you run them around for 4 gens and they don't want to drop the chase that's just a bad move for the killer before they down you and hook you then camp you then thats a win for you making them chase you that long.
If you want to count what most people consider tunneling which is after you get unhooked and the killer goes after you and not the person that unhooked you then my OP is still right. But if you want to count the first chase you get into with the killer as you being tunneled then your prob one off the survivors which DC when you get downed.
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Any punishment to the killer will be abused by the survivors, they tried to implement it and all it did was allow even more bullying
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An it isnt bullying to babysit someone on the hook? Face camping is being a bully as well. Guarantee you won't have camping killers if they get stuck for 15 seconds for camping. When camping isn't an advantage to them anymore they won't do it. Not sure how survivors can abuse this method.
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Are you Dumb? When you on the hook...and the killer walking in a circle around you....thats tunneling an camping .....are you mentally ill? And don't comprehend? Lol
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If They rush to the hook before the killer leaves i understand but to hook someone an walk in a circle around them tunneling is cow sht
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See This isnt my issue tho. If survivors are bombarding the hook I get it an a punishment should only occur to the killer if they're camping a person on a hook with no survivor near. So if you get nobody is near but the killer caming..they should be punished for it. It'll stop the hook campers
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What happened was 2 survivors would sir just outside the area, forcing the killer to either walk away and give a free unhook or let them sit there while you were forced to keep your one kill, letting the 4th person go do gens freely. We would see survivors bodyblocking the killer and force them to stay near the hook till they get "stunned" then spam tbagging and run away
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LMFAO that is camping the hook once your off the hook then it becomes tunneling if he goes after you, you even said it yourself " a punishment should only occur to the killer if they're camping a person on a hook with no survivor near". If your hooked and the killer stands there or walks around the hook they are camping the hook/proxy camping. If you get unhooked and the killer chases you and not the person that unhooked you then you are being tunneled. what you said just then is proxy camping/camping not tunneling and nearly every post you responded to is about camping not tunneling.
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Simple solution. If the killer is in a certain range of a hooked survivor and not in a chase, the hook progress is paused. If they are in a chase within that range, the hook progress resumes. I'm not seeing how that can possibly be exploited by either side.