Can we stop having Sweat squads like these?



  • dbdisbroke
    dbdisbroke Member Posts: 5

    He camps and slugs and complains the swf tried to hard😂😂😂

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I have already explained my views on this being a competitive game so below. I was responding to someone elsem

    (I Would disagree. There are multiple perks that do different things, different killers with different abilities that leads to a wide range of different play styles.

    I'm also using the literal definition of a competitive game, which is a game in which players are pitted against one another, and the outcome is a state of which there are winners and losers. Just because there are some RNG mechanics doesn't mean it's not competitive right? don't some competitive games have RNG that could determine the outcome?

    And not to be mean but to say the outcome is determined largely by RNG seems a bit hyperbolic to me. Could you provide some examples?)

  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 715

    Tried to slug ace or shoo him away because I was sure he saw my ruin there.

    Also did that to feng to signal her to go there near the hook (baiting the hatch there) because when I picked her up initially there were no hooks nearby.

    They were all good loopers imo, I got 4k because Feng was caught off guard because I was undetectable, Ace got stuck, Dwight was just very unlucky and Quentin was god tier but was alone in the end.

  • Babyyy_Boyy
    Babyyy_Boyy Member Posts: 444

    I hate killers like this. They run just as meta perks as the survivors yet still want SWF nerfed.

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122

    But that's the reason he has the build in the first place is because almost every game for someone that's played a lot of hours on killer especially will get almost nothing but sweats that are complete trolls or boring people that literally only hide and do gens; they don't want to interact with me they just want an easy win.

    Just to hope for a normal or fun game as killer - and I wouldn't doubt survivor at times too - we have to bring sweaty builds; but killers get bullied.

    Survivors literally just get killed/griefed - only really trolled by Ghostface if any.

    I'm not anti-SWF but I would like a competitive lobby and a quick play/causal lobby so every one can go do what they want.

    But the devs just drink our sweat to sustain themselves - so I'm done for a while. Have fun - I'm gonna go grind Destiny 2.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Does that really happen that often?

    Whenever i use that combo or play against it it's gone already at around mid game or so.

    Very rarely do i see ruin lasting till the very end

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    A sweat squad doesn't bring 3 OoO. I'd say they were deliberately bringing a toxic build for that game. Full sweat squads would only need 1 OoO.

    I might be wrong but I don't think they play every game like this. Just for this one game they did.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    3 OoO and 4 small pp builds, not really and mosy likely on coms, and even there the killer is still weaker, if you played killer more you would know.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    I've literally got over 3k hours and majority of it on killer.

    A build like that is arguable stronger than what the survivors had, and that's not even with addons. Running sweat builds like that as killer is like flicking on an easy mode switch. Yes the survivors had very strong builds themselves but they still have to play well to win. No matter how organised a team is, they won't beat a good killer with a good build if they are bad at the game.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    "Builds like that is arguable stronger than what the killer had, and that's not even with items and addons. Running sweat builds like that as survivor is like flicking on an easy mode switch. Yes the killer had very strong builds themselves but he still have to play well to win. No matter how good a killer is they won't beat a good survivor team with a good build if they are bad at the game."

    See?You can easily turn that around.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Well sure you can but then you've just proved the point that both sides have good perks and complaining about sweaty players on one side and than sweating on the other is hypocritical.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001
    edited October 2020

    Not even stronger than what the survivors had, 1 OoO is stronger than that, I can't deny that it's a strong build but nowhere near strong as all those perks together and you know it, now 4 small pp builds, you can't slug, you can't tunnel, even when you don't tunnel you get DS'ed.

    "But it's rng dependant" yes but survivors most of the time spawn in totems (except in certain maps most of the new ones and the reworked ones)

    So many times my undying totem has broken even before they did 1 gen then ruin.

    Meanwhile DS and UB still play out, "waste their unbreakable" still they get the 30% faster recovery or 35% can't remember the number.

    OoO always work "but stealthy killers" no their icon still lights up.

    DS even if 3 don't have it, just one you have to play around it because there is an obsession.

    The OP was using blight a normal TR killer, survivors can always see him except when tinkerer is on but they can still use the icon to track him.

    Most likely they were also on coms (not that many can play without a swf) and we don't know what map the OP got, just one OoO is annoying now 3 they were always able to tell where the killer was.

    A smart group of survivors will play around undying and ruin, a killer will have a harder time against a build like that.

    Edit: I know he played a corn map, which is really hard for blight, the OP did an excellent job at playing it right.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    I've literally played in a tourny using ruin undying tinkerer on blight and its unstoppable. You know its insane when you're able to 4k in a tournament using a non spirit or nurse killer.

    From when i've used the build myself, i've hardly ever had people take out both totems within 5 minutes. Survivors will sometimes opt to just try and push out gens but that never works because i just force them off of them no biggie.

    And if you're needing tunneling or campign with blight using that build often then i've got some questions about your skill.

  • Strange_
    Strange_ Member Posts: 17
    edited October 2020


  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Whatever dude, you think undying + ruin is stronger than OoO, DS and UB

    And I've also participated in tourneys as survivor and damn DS and UB is nasty as heck.

  • Strange_
    Strange_ Member Posts: 17
    1. "1 OoO is stronger than that" No. Just no. The Killer in this scenario can see when you're doing a totem, when you've completed 3/4 of a gen, and can see every other player when they hook a survivor. OoO is likely designed for the solo que. The only way this argument becomes valid is when it is an SWF with coms, which is highly unlikely in a match for most ranks.
    2. ""But it's rng dependant" yes but survivors most of the time spawn in totems" Where are you getting this statistic from? There are games where I feel like I have searched an entire map and still cannot find more than one totem. You do realize that even if the survivor finds a totem, that it is only a 20% chance that the totem is actually HU, right? I would say the odds are stacked directly in the Killer's favor in that scenario. Your argument is contingent on the idea that every survivor finds a totem near the start of the game, which in my experience is highly unlikely.
    3. "Meanwhile DS and UB still play out..." This would be like me complaining about Corrupt Intervention. Why should I have to wait 2 minutes for half the gens to be unlocked while a killer gets their bearings? At least with DS+UB the killer has options on how they want to play it. With CI I don't have any options except to wait, lengthening the time of gen completion to 3 minutes and 20 seconds. Killers only have to wait out a minute for DS+UB combo.
    4. Killers from my experience on this forum are by far the whiniest. Just thought I'd throw that out there lol.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Thats not even good enough to be considered sweaty. You rank up and you deal with this and you'll wish you had kindred and dark sense users

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    1. 3 survivors can always see you, and again if they are on coms which is most likely then they will always know where the killer is.

    2. So many times I have spawn next to lit totems so that is my personal statistic and in fact play the nurse map, totems are always visible there.

    3. Why do you think people use corrupt? Have you ever thought of that? Some maps are just that big that corrupt is needed to start unless you want more people to slug.

    4. You should see survivors as well, it's funny how every killer they play against is unfun and toxic.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    True but I also agree with Jacky boi. Its extremely annoying to be forced into doing bones and then going again and again. I had a.match with a devour and undying and that match wasnt fun especially with the exposed effect still on my screen after it was broken. Its a good setup but hexes kinda suck with the reliabilty issue. Idk I never really run hers because the hit or miss crap

  • Strange_
    Strange_ Member Posts: 17
    1. "3 survivors can always see you..." In what parallel Universe? OoO only activates when YOU are the obsession. This means that at any given time only one person can see the Killer's location, which again means that the only time that this argument is valid is in an SWF match.
    2. "So many times I have spawn next to lit totems so that is my personal statistic" I find this incredibly hard to believe. I have put hundreds if not thousands of hours into this game, and it is far and away rare that I actually spawn next to a lit totem. I guess some people just have all the luck, huh?
    3. People use Corrupt the same reason people use DS or UB. To extend the game. Your argument then, if you choose to counter my own, is that only the Killer should be allowed to delay the game. Sounds legit.
  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    1. Doesn't it work like that anymore? I remember a few months ago I was able to play against two and they were able to see me, maybe like a year ago.

    2. So according to you, you have never spawn next to a totem, I wish I had your luck then because I have spawn literally next to lit totems, in JG, long walls, short walls, in tractors (I had to walk a little bit for the tractor), open up in the asylum,LT walls, again open up with no cover in haddonfield, shack, next to the stairs in badham etc.

    3. So going by YOUR logic, it is fine for a normal killer, no Billy, no nurse, no blight, a normal speed killer to walk to a gen just for survivors to finish it next to the killer's face, I'm not talking about being optimal, I'm saying is it fair that a gen can pop before the killer gets there? Play a normal killer on ormond without corrupt and hope you see crows or something to try to delay a gen before it pops.

    If the maps were designed good, example coal tower, then most people wouldn't use corrupt, btw which is a perk that once it's gone it's gone forever, UB still has the 30-35% recovery speed, DS still has a passive "effect" which is the obsession icon.

  • Strange_
    Strange_ Member Posts: 17
    1. OoO only works when you are the Obsession. There really isn't anything else to give context on in regards to this argument.
    2. I didn't say I never spawn next to a Hex Totem, I said I rarely if ever spawn next to a Hex Totem that is lit, and if the Killer is running HU + Ruin, then I only have a 20% chance of the totem I spawned next to being HU. You're relying on RNG for your argument, but RNG applies greatly to DS and UB given the atmosphere in a current game.
    3. You're running away from the argument. We are talking OP Killer Perks vs OP Survivor Perks. Considering that survivors have to pop 5 gens, possibly 5 totems, and the door, that yes, that is definitely fair that a gen can pop before the Killer has sufficient time to react. You're disregarding the possibility of 3 gens, that a survivor hasn't been sacrificed, and applying that they are doing gens together. If you let a survivor sit on a gen by themselves for at bare minimum 1 minute and 20 seconds, then that's your failure on pressure. The game wasn't meant to provide the Killer with a 4k every match. How insufferably boring would that be?
    4. The maps are fine. As a survivor, there are times where I am halfway down the chute in Hawkins and the Killer's hit STILL registers. Do you see me crying all over the forums about it? No. Because I realize the dev team is doing the best that they can with the relatively minimal funding that they receive compared to AAA titles.

  • Strange_
    Strange_ Member Posts: 17


  • Strange_
    Strange_ Member Posts: 17
    edited October 2020


    Post edited by Strange_ on
  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270
  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Play EU Killer at prime time, especially at weekends. SWFs with Meta Perks aren't rare at all.

  • imthebaby
    imthebaby Member Posts: 5

    I'm a new player and main killer and this squad doesn't seem that bad compared to what I usually see at EU primetime. They would have demolished me, but I've gone against so many teams who just want to bully me for 30+ minutes and then insult me at the end that I'd be fine with this.

  • Boaris030
    Boaris030 Member Posts: 145

    Just an FYI in response to number 1, all survivors can run object and it’ll still work, however three of them with shortened range.

  • Boaris030
    Boaris030 Member Posts: 145

    just an FYI on number 1, object of obsession works even if you aren’t the obsession, albeit with shortened range.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Survivors: Play 4SWF with comms, bring perks specifically to promote the killer to play as sweaty as possible.

    Survivors when killer plays ruin + undying:


  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    Again, so there's no way to counter first hook mori? Yeah no. Timer should pause if you enter a locker while in a chase :)

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    Moris are already getting changed, and your idea is ridiculously op

    Losing a chase and you see a locker? Hop right in with ds/head on

    about to run out of ds during a chase? hop into a locker with ds/head on

    Locker ds is as stupid as first hook mori is

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    killers can sweat but its obvious that the hex combo with tinkerer isn't as strong as sweaty swf. I've had those players rush through gens with the combo by having 2 or more on 1 gen so you can't stop them in time. they can also decide to just destroy the totems in under 2 minutes at the start of the game.

    when i hear someone say sweat builds for killer i cringe because against a sweat swf they are way more powerful than any perk combo you can run besides maybe noed if the swf ignore totems.

  • Maníaco_da_garrafa
    Maníaco_da_garrafa Member Posts: 144

    Don't you agree that, at some point, you would have to try? Especially with this build?

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,503

    I'm using that as example. Those are only 2 perks. on one person. it's not counting all the unbreakable, dead hard. borrowed time, DS and Sprint burst teams I run into

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    The killer: makes this thread to complain

    SquirrelKnight: survivors blah blah swf blah blah REEEEEEEEEEEE

  • YumiiXO
    YumiiXO Member Posts: 97

    A visual cue? Just don't run the perk I guess? What's the point of running the perk if the killer knows not to pick you up. DS is supposed to be unexpected. The locker I don't agree with either. I think DS should only be disabled while doing objectives.

  • YumiiXO
    YumiiXO Member Posts: 97

    Consoles are locked in a ultra graphic settings which makes the game run horrible and it too dark to even see this is why I can't be bothered to play on both because I'm straining my eyes on one while on the other I'm not and have decent fps because I play on low. I also haven't changed my nvidia settings after like 3 graphic card updates xD.

  • IamDwight
    IamDwight Member Posts: 236

    But against a mori? I think it's extremely fair at the moment. Also if you're already in a losing scenario where the killer has everyone slugged but you, and you have DS .... You gotta do what you gotta do to survive, after all, you're a SURVIVOR.

    The same way killers argue "I'm the killer, I'm supposed to kill" - Survivors are supposed to survive, any way they can.

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    only against a mori is it fair, and when i played with my red rank buddies i saw one mori an entire week, even then i could be wrong but ds is more common than mori, making their idea be abused like ds

  • Strange_
    Strange_ Member Posts: 17

    You're totally right, that's my bad. I RARELY run OoO since I usually solo que. Doesn't your aura appear to the killer though as well? I'd say that's a fairly balanced mechanic. Or does it only show the Killer the current Obsession?