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What's the reason BHVR not changing OoO?

Yeah its a rant.

Literally the most problematic perk in the game that create toxic gameplay and hatred,

and its way too strong in the hands of SWF with mic.

Usually games with OoO only result in two outcome:

  • SWF dominating the killer because OoO is OP with mic, and t-bag the killer
  • After all the miserable gameplay, killer finally kill all of them, but they trash talk anyway because SWF don't really lose much with OoO and mic, and they're just entitled to wins

Either way, its not healthy gameplay in any way.

How did this perk even last for 4 YEARS and BHVR think its fine?

Is it because its not used as much as the old ruin so you don't concern about it?

With all the respect BHVR, before you slightly change "small games" or "We're gonna live forever",

there are many perks that's need to change, please get your priority right.

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  • Member Posts: 4,699

    I can agree Object of obsession can be problematic. I have a suggestion for a rework

    What if they changed it so that it only shows you the killers aura for a few seconds when survivor are in their terror radius. And the killer sees the survivors aura for a few seconds when they leave their terror radius?

    It should also be activated if your the obsession , that way multiple people can't use the perk in a swf.

  • Member Posts: 587
    edited October 2020

    Possibly due to the fact it's a perk for a Licensed Character so they can't just immediately go messing with it (excluding the chance it has a bug/glitch associated with it) without some sort of approval.

  • Member Posts: 156

    Money, gotta pump out that paid dlc. Everything else take a back seat. Prolly see it reworked in some unknown mid chapter patch in late 2021.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    Maybe they don't know how to change that perks yet?

    Or maybe they think there are other balance changes that are more important than OoO right now for whatever reason.

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    This is the single most busted thing in the game, definately up there with Ebony Moris. It´s mindblowing that it hasn´t been changed for so long, it´s strong vs every Killer and completely destroys some of them. I made posts about Object, yet neither mine nor the posts of others that address the issue are ever deemed worthy of any attention by the officials. Makes me wonder if they are really so unbelievably stupid that they can´t see how insanely broken this perk is, I´d find that hard to believe. ######### Object man.

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    IIRC MCote stated in the latest Q&A that changes in terms of balance etc are completely in BHRS hands.

  • Member Posts: 545

    For the same reason keys and moris have not been changed yet.

    And the reason is - no one god darn knows. BHVR is a relatively big company and has been developing the game for 4 years now, they should be able to change these sorts of balancing problems quickly

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Bhvr is just slow at changing things. They only make big changes on mid-chapters as chapters focus on the new content. So it takes a few months before they make big changes to existing killers, perks, add-ons, etc. And when they do, they also focus on a couple things at a time.

    I imagine Object is on a list of things Bhvr plans to change, it's just a matter of what priority that is.

  • Member Posts: 17
    edited October 2020

    I am willing to bet that most of the matches are Killers vs. solo ques, and with that being said I am fairly sure that is who the perk was designed for. Could it be abused by an SWF team? Of course. Though for the most part, it is likely being used by solo players, and in that scenario I feel like the perk is perfectly fine. The developers cannot reasonably design the game around SWF teams, because from my experience that isn't the most common encounter in a match for a killer.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Might be changed when get around to changing Myers

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    On most killers I know OoO is gonna give me a hard time, especially since in red ranks almost no solo queue players would dare run it.

    But when I see it with Blight, and see some survivor across the map beckoning me from behind like 16 tiles, it just makes me chuckle. You in for a REAL bad time little man!

  • Member Posts: 2,509

    I like this suggestion, it has this nice "flow" to it, where sometimes it helps the survivor and sometimes the killer. I feel like that was the original intention with the perk, survivor gets a big effect but it has a huge downside. The downside with the current version of the perk is not really relevant though, and that's the problem.

  • Member Posts: 827

    It'll come in this order:

    rework (destruction) to mori.

    Sometime much later:

    Rework (slight time constraint with major buff of some kind, perhaps hatch spawn condition with a key) to keys.


    7 more killer perks nerf-er um reworked without any real reason or request.

    Then FINALLY!:

    OoO will still be ignored.

    Too busy with newest OP killer/Survivor DLC and their respective perks that will get nerfed after the sales drop off for them.

    Note* this is a light hearted opinion piece and is meant to laugh (or cry) at.

  • Member Posts: 985

    Its a popular SWF perk and therefore changing it would cause a massive outrage by survivors and survivors are the majority of the playerbase. What do you think happen when the majority is angry about something? They'll review bomb and scream and shout and be angry!

    Angry customers won't buy anything.

  • Member Posts: 2,159

    Because the balancing team thinks clown got a "huge hidden potential".

    Don't get me wrong, the graphic and game designers plus the programmers are really good at BHVR, but the balancing team is just...well...not good at all.

  • Member Posts: 77

    Just remove red moris, keys and ooo.

    Easy as that.

  • Member Posts: 495

    Thats not the case at all. Bbq, play with your food, save the best for last, probably way more but im on mobile and am too lazy to try to find more examples. Point is they all got nerfed. Not to mention liscenced killers, remember freddy? Because I do

  • Member Posts: 3,104

    literally played freddy today and this perk ALONE screwed me over against a swf. you can't let them know your location at all times its exploitable as hell so you have to go for them.

    this destroys 3 killers which are freddy, hag, and trapper. WHY HAS IT NOT BEEN REWORKED YET? information in this game is powerful especially if it disables the killers power and gives the whole survivor team constant info on your location so they can act on it. 1 perk shouldn't be so powerful and the downside isn't that much of a downside at all.

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    The reason why it has not been change dis because its a licensed perk. In order to change it they would need to talk to the owner of said license and decide if the change is needed and works for them.

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    No, in terms of balance BHVR has free reign on changes to perks, powers etc.

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    Well that too, but if it was liscensed they would have to take it up with the owner and have them come to an agreement, and you are your right they do have free riegn to change perks, however that its onl if they aren't licensed, since OoO is lisenced they not only to balance it but also take it up with the owner, now if its a small change then they don't really have to discuss it, but if its a complete change then yes they will need to talk with the owner

  • Member Posts: 5,295
    edited October 2020

    It didn't take them long to fix MoM after they learned it broke the game. It did take them a long time to rework Freddy but he wasn't game breaking once people learned how to fight him.

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    It doesn´t matter whether the perk is from a licensed character or not. They do not have to consult anyone if they need to change it for balance reasons, they just inform the license holder about it as a form of courtesy.

  • Member Posts: 55

    Maybe they're not sure how to rework it so it's still useful but not too powerful. Maybe they don't exactly know how to rework it without taking away the reason why this perk was created? Personally I don't like this perk on either side. Everytime I use it I either get tunneled when I just want to play normal or I get ignored when I actually want to be chased 'cause i want to improve my juking. Both sucks so I stay away from OoO all together

  • Member Posts: 189

    Yet they easily were able to change remember me, hangman’s trick, decisive strike, borrowed time, knockout, franklin’s demise, trail of torment(is getting changed), and many others. They can easily nerf the perk if they wanted to

  • Member Posts: 97

    That's what I was thinking. What if they're going into solo with OoO🤔

  • Member Posts: 921

    The "what" has been answered.

    The "how" is the complicated part. Perk changes aren't easy. Simple number changes never fully solve the problem, so they'll have to come up with a similar idea without making it abuseable while also letting it synergize with existing perks. Because, in all honesty, I would never use Object because it only really creates synergy with Open-Handed and Sole Survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    a bit tougher but a more fair solution.

    • make moris a death hook only action
    • Take keys out of bloodwebs and make them an ultra rare chest spawn
    • OoO is a bit harder to deal with outside of locking it to only Strode

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    How many people use OoO in SWF? Most of the OoO I see are Lauries trying to get adept. That probably puts this perk way down in the priority list.

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