Disconnecting Penalties still aren't doing anything



  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    Less likely to suicide? Yeah because every player is going to not kill themselves if the match isn't going right for them. Just because there's penalties won't stop the DCs whether it be by suicide or by leaving the game via the menu. You're lucky not getting much of the suicides that I get. 50% of my matches a survivor gets found and downed within 10 seconds. Then starts killing himself on the hook and that makes the other players rush in to do a quick save before he gets to struggle and 90% the killer is still by the hook so that ends up with a second person down and they DC because of the person that made them get caught trying to rescue them

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I'm always play fair as killer. Does it stop people like you from suicide? No. Because you are never happy. Immersive teammates - suicide. Bad map - suicide. No gen pop in first 60 seconds - suicide. Why are you playing if you don't want to play? You think you saving your time, but actualy you wasting more time looking for easier games.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    Care to offer a suggestion? In my experience a lot of DCs happen because a survivor is the first one found and downed. How should bhvr go about making it that no survivor is the first one found?

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I've just read so many self-serving BS posts. In my experience, the timing of a disconnect is always very telling. I see them when a person gets first downed, when they first enter the game and learn the Killer, when they get the first hook, etc. Isn't it strange how they always seem to coincide perfectly with an in-game event? What a coincidence that now, all the sudden, we have so many people claiming their systems are crashing. What catastrophic timing; what would the odds be on something like that. It is downright miraculous right?

    People disconnect because they are poor sports and/or they simply do not know it is against the rules. It is part of the reporting system. The only reasonable excuse for a disconnect is your internet crashes or their is a genuine RL emergency. Neither of those things should be happening so regularly that it shows a PATTERN which causes you to get a ban. If you start a match, you finish a match. If you can't do that, find another game. If real life internet issues or emergencies are so common for you right now that you can't not disconnect, hold off playing until you have your problems sorted. Trying to play if you can't keep a stable connection for some reason is inconsiderate to other players.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Not only this, but if you crash during a game, you will get punished for it. It is extremely annoying since console optimization is garbage...

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    Yeah but unbreakable is single use... No Mither is for memes. i would post game examples but i dont edit my footage so it would just get taken down by mods bc i dont censor names.

    Its not the frequent slugging. Its the toxic slugging, where the entire purpose is to troll and let all 4 players bleed out. Even happening once a month is too often. Because then survivors have to deal with so many other gamebreaking bugs that actually are in favor of the killer. The only thing the killer can really cry about is SWF, which is actually a fair complaint when its a competent 4man.

    Its the dev not punishing the actual abusers. huehue i got camped. Don't care. Don't even care if i get tunneled. Its the unavoidable glitches in the game, sandbagging teammates etc. People have a habit of DCing outside of wildly toxic/broken game situations because they're extremely pessimistic and if they aren't earning something for their time, they're going to leave the game by their own terms.

    Don't take any of this the wrong way, because i can tell youre a fan of DBD. I am too. I have over 2k hours as a casual player. So, lets get started.

    If they could tell when you clicked leave match, versus the game crashing then you wouldn't get an escalating penalty. Stop believing everything BHVR says about transparency. Look at their MMR. DCing isn't always what happens when someone disconnects. Hell, even if i have no security software running, the EAC will randomly crash, crashing the game(more so if i have my firewall running. It tends to conflict so i disable it). None of it is trackable atm by the dev. If it was, I wouldn't get a ban for an EAC Security Violation, Steam having a hiccup and having to reboot their servers, or general game crashes(esp since i -always- send a report when i'm given the option).

    What are you going on about people breaking the rules? I'm pissed people are so toxic and can't just play the game. I cannot tell if youre being a sarcastic ass or youre confused. I DC when people start 4man slugging, teleporting/warping, have a 10m hitbox, I lag so hard i get stuck in place and the killer can still move, or they start hacking(again, like above, i dont post video proof on the forums bc i dont doctor my footage to edit names. screw that, abusers should be shamed but its not my forum).

    Me? A programmer? Not currently. What does that have to do with anything? You don't even understand code in the first place. "where'd you get their code" lel.... Dude i'm probably 2-3x your age. In 2002 i tried to clone and remake Seventh Cross on my old ass Packard Bell PC with an experimental dreamcast emulator my brother made(who has since worked for places like Shutterfly, etc). I actually did a fairly decent job but i never could finish the game because it was difficult to test. And I was just one teenager doing that. They have a whole team. Everyone and their mother technically already has the code.. Seriously? lol..... I don't need BHVR's code to know its spaghetti code. I don't need to read reddit posts. I don't need to come here to have a look see. I've been playing this game since late 2016. There is ######### wrong and BHVR is in denial when they say "pretty good job so far". Thats a meme for a reason.

    While the game is actually in a fairly decent spot, they honestly need to have an entire chapter dedicated to game fixes and QOL improvements that isn't nerfing something the killer or survivors find fun. Some examples:

    Better EAC: I find games with people using cheats. Why am i staying in these games besides catching some footage, DCing then reporting? I don't really want to run the risk of staying in the game and getting banned because we were on the same team. I've had more stupid crap happen playing an online MP game that wasn't technically an Indie dev. Hell, ive seen games with less bugs when I played Mechwarrior on Mplayer in the mid 90s.

    Map Revamp: Go through every map and iron the code layout to fix broken parts of the map that cause people to get infinitely stuck in place(this has been an issue for me since 2018), remove double pallet spawns(its happening, again), and force the spawn of the hatch and gates to not be 3 freaking feet away from each other in 90% of games.

    Better Reporting: Currently we have to have video(not screen capture) proof of all reports that are... how the dev says "bad enough to warrant reporting"... but its an extremely annoying process. Because you have to upload it to youtube, and send the link. If you don't have good internet, and the video is more than 30 seconds long.. you're gonna be there a while. So this interrupts playing the game in general.

    Actual Beta Testing: This slays the ######### out of me that they release the PTB, but most games are just people memeing, harder than on live servers. So i don't feel like the dev gets much actual feedback. They have more than enough testing players and Fog Whisperers that they could have a pre-PTB. Give an extra week for the first team, then give the PTB to the public and let them break it. Having multiple testing phases on a game that you have to ADD CODE TO(you see what i did there? Because you dont understand how DLC works, sir) would help them identify what theyre adding to the game thats breaking other stuff.

    In closing: Games with mass amounts of DLC tends to be ..... spaghetti code... Just some spaghetti tastes and looks so much better than others.

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392

    Well it's not my fault if the killer chooses to play a killer I absolutely despise. I'll much rather wait 24 hours than play a game against them and come back tomorrow to see if the game is more fun then.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    First of all great assumption. I've programmed in machine code, assembly code, basic, cobol, fortran, C, C+, C++, Python, Java I've used CLI, I've used DOS 3.0, 3.3, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 6.1 batch file command structures. I've programmed BBS's before the internet was more than ARPANET. You assume much my young padiwan. My first computer was connected to a TV set on a Channel 3 or 4 switch like the old Atari 2600 and 5200 along with the original Nintendo were with a TAPE DRIVE data storage. So the rest of your argument just flew out the window. I know what "Spaghetti Code" is I also know that the DBD code is encrypted and you'd have to have obtained it via a pirate site if you were to get this code. You obviously don't know what Spaghetti Code really is otherwise you'd know that it would not work well at all yet how can my computer that I, my self, built, loaded, programmed and installed everything have DBD crash maybe once every 3 or 6 months and then looking at the crash log I find out it's tied to an error that is in the windows logs for an event that caused the video drivers to stop working? I have built enterprise networks, I have programed professional CISCO routers VIA CLI and remote CLI to create a network properly. Now that my resume is PARTIALLY out there do you wish to retract your statements?

    NO? fine here you are: First: if you have no proof that the game is written in a "SPAGHETTI CODE" style you are talking out your ass. stop making claims that your brain can't even cash properly.

    Second: The game can tell when someone presses the functionality button "leave match" and differentiate that with a network or other crash. used to be there were "silent" dc's and "audible" DC's. my theory is that audible was a click leave match backed up by empirical testing with a SWF. I never talked about EAC crashing, I never talked about anything but the fact if you CLICK a functionality button in a program, it KNOWS what that button does and transmits that information to the server, THUS they can know if you clicked the button

    Third: you tried to make things look all up and up but since i've destroyed your argument about dc's and my age oh yes i've got almost 3K hours since starting play in 2018. I will stop right there as I have to go do something, if you wish me to continue please do reply I will be back.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Judging by my personal experience, they are doing something. I've played a LOT of matches in the last couple of days and the disconnects I see are down to just 1-2 a day. I was seeing one every other match prior to the penalty coming back online.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,503

    I've had maybe 2 people DC in games since they came back. and those were game errors. it is helping a little bit. where as before Id have 1 to 2 DC's per game.

  • posterum
    posterum Member Posts: 49

    It is not helping at all, as it isn't addressing the issues that make people disconnect in the first place. People disconnect because survivors got nerfed and it is a pain to go against OP Killers who also happen to be toxic camper/tunneler players.

    I completely understand people who choose to disconnect instead of wasting 20 minutes of their life to amuse a ######### killer player.

  • thisisntmax
    thisisntmax Member Posts: 231

    I don't know why people DC and take the penalty when you can just play hide and seek Blendette against really fun and interactive killers and give them a long 30 minute game so they have plenty of time to play! :)

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Let me put this in context for you. The Disconnect Penalties exist to discourage people from disconnecting. They are accomplishing that admirably. The issues you are bringing up, and they are YOUR issues, are irrelevant to this conversation. We all deal camping, tunneling, slugging, and the dreaded Mori. Most of us play through and still manage to advance. You have three choices.

    1. You can keep disconnecting when you want to throw an immature fit, and eat those penalties.
    2. You can walk away from the game and vote with your wallet.
    3. You can do what the rest of us do, i.e. play through like a mature adult and get good enough that these things don't bother you.
  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    I have had so many booody streames wasted this bloodhunt because of either side just leaving before anything really happens 😭

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    It’s not possible to force someone to stay in a match they no longer want to participate in.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,783

    of course it won't stop, its a deterrent for if they do stop not a preventative measure to say no you can't disconnect

    numbers will plummet to probably 5%-4% but they won't reach 0 they will just be better than 50%-33% when the penalty being gone was at its peak

  • DoctorDarling
    DoctorDarling Member Posts: 44
    edited November 2020

    Hah, this in reverse has got me DCing yesterday. I don't wanna justify it all that much, but I'm tired of the game being held hostage at a stand-still when the game really just needs to end. This killer dragged the game out literally 30 minutes after it should've ended because they refused to just play the hatch game. I get you don't want the last person to get out through hatch, but also you can find the hatch SO easily. Like, the killer gets to wander as casually as they want to find it. It had already spawned and there was two of us. Please just find it, hook someone, and camp it and finish the match, y'know?

    The hatch wound up being practically touching a hook, so there was no way it would even open in time...

    I was dead on hook for at least 25 minutes but she just wouldn't hook me and let the game progress. I just got tired of it. I wish you could choose to bleed out on the ground and not wait the entire 5 minutes or whatever. My teammate would get me up before I bled out multiple times but it was one of those spirit games where you're just NOT going to stealth repair 3 generators... Like please I just want the match to finish so I can go play the game again? Is it really that bad if one person gets out the hatch? Worth spending a half an hour making sure it doesn't happen? Sheesh.

    Again I'm not proud but I've really been pushing the d/c penalty partly to see how far it goes, so far I've gotten up to a 6hour ban. I'm afraid it might result in a permanent ban or something though. I wonder if it resets if you behave for x amount of time?


    On the other hand, I experienced my first true Blendette(TM) where they were so absent I though they started the game AFK. Didn't do anything but hide with the key, they even had the Bill perk for hatch aura (come on lol). Finally everyone died and I got to watch a baby low rank killer catch her in range of the hatch and yellow mori her as she crawled to it. I yelled in joy.


    I don't know if this makes sense, but I didn't really start DCing until the penalty came into play. I almost feel more justified where I'm like "fine I'll sacrifice my ability to play, to punish you for no points for this kill/dragging the game out endlessly." It's petty for sure. I think the DC penalty is good, I've seen a little less DCing in my purple/green ranks that I hover in. I think the important part is it stops a salty player from joining another match immediately, easily getting irritated again and DCing again. There's no perfect solution, but it seems fine.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,246

    Impressive coding knowledge. I have a few questions though, from a console pov. I believe the devs have stated they cannot differentiate between a button dc and one causes by network failure, etc. Could that be true, at least for Xbox1?

    Ever since the patch after Blight came out (Blight's actual patch caused the dreaded inst-overheat for a week for all Xbox1x's like mine) all Xbox players have had increased ping and dc's from connection issues.

    Two broad types occur: one is dc'ing as the game loads; offering screen is seen, all are seen on the map but one cannot move while the other survs can move and begin to interact, all for about 20sec, then all are shown the tally screen and told the match was stopped because a player left while loading in. Very common for all this to happen every 3-5 matches.

    The other type is as killer or survivor, and less common: player is last seen running straight into a wall or such, then gone. Obviously a killer getting this ends the game, but a surv getting this is shown as a dc and the rest continue. They are now shown a game error message stating "this game requires an Internet connection" message. I have gotten this while streaming or not, and in a chat party or not, and neither are interrupted at all, so my connection isn't cut.

    In either case the dc'ing player gets the penalty every time. How could both of these occur? How could the devs tell them appart from a button dc?

    As far as "spagetti coding" I have heard the term but do not understand it. Some of the Fog Whisperers use it maybe it came from there. Also PS4 players here claim connection issues such as these are caused by "memory leak" but again I'm ignorant of what that is too.

    Restarting my Xbox every few matches baindaids these both for a while. Thoughts?

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    and now everyone is saying it doesnt do anything,

    like i tried to say, before they were put back in

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    I've said from the beginning, match imprisonment for a casual asymmetrical game is no good. Instead of a dc punishment, they need to add incentives to remain in a horrible unwinnable match.

  • GrisouOats
    GrisouOats Member Posts: 71


  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    First of all, in any game there is a function to press a button, the game coding MUST be able to know what it is doing, for instance the button to cause you to search for a match when pressed causes the program to connect to a certain place and that then adds you into the queue to be matched to others playing. the leave match button must have a function even on a console in order for it to remove you from the game. think of it as an elevator button. there is the one switch that stops the elevator dead in it's tracks. Currently there is no coding added to alert them, but this CAN be done and without "Spaghetti Code" issues. I am speaking specifically from a programming point of view and not a console point of view. I do not know the specifics, but you can make it do anything you want to if you write the code properly. I am by no means an "expert" programmer, but I know enough to know how things work generally in every program including windows 10, xbox consoles PS4, and other computing devices but ask me to code a program it would take me ages I'll be honest about that as I am an engineer not computer science programmer.

    Spaghetti Code is a term that is used to talk about coding that is done very badly. Think of the program as a flow chart, you have it start and then it goes to one function but then it jumps to the 4th page of programming, then back to the 2nd page of programming as everything is written as it is thought of. The flow chart litterally looks like spaghetti with the code criss-crossing itself many times and then you add something new and suddenly the game / program isn't working and it's a pain in the arse to locate where in the code the issue is even when you've discovered what actually causes it. I hope that does help your understanding better :).

    you ask about two different types of disconnects which both of them seem to be network disconnects as you describe them, and I have SEEN both of these happen and I acknowledge that they do occur on pc, xbox, ps4, and any client. for this game to work you are at your home and you connect to your modem and or router (sometimes the same things sometimes different). this is then relayed through several network connections from your house to the trunkline (where the whole neighborhood conencts) to the ISP network center. then your signal is relayed out and another router gets your signal and sends it on its way to the destination server (DBD) and anywhere in this web (one reason it's called the World Wide Web) a router could have an issue communicating or the signal got degraded and the router just drops the signal. in the first case, it's seen and the game stops and lets everyone look for more to try and limit 3 v 1 matches which we all do not like much anyways. the second one you mention, this happens in the middle of the player trying to do something (running somewhere) so the server keeps the movement going for a bit till it finally determines the signal got dropped and removes the character and applies the disconnect emblem for that player.

    There can be many reasons and most are out of the player's control here and I agree it's bad to give them a penalty but in order to find this out there would have to be a really robust detection scheme that looks at the network packets to determine what happened and this is VERY hard to do without a human actually looking at the packets just before and right after. BTW if you want to know about how many routers are between your signal and another location, any website or server, you can open a windows command prompt (dos prompt) type tracert (website with out the () ) and each line is a router in the network path. :)

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    The problem is that people are taking the 5 minute penalties and walking, but it has reduced to a point but people are just not caring any more. did you know that people that are blocked from playing dbd are able to play on the PTB? gotta love that!

    so you want to be able to dc at any time for what ever reason you have? sure these types of matches happen what do you do? YOU REPORT THE PERSON. and let the devs deal with it. if you're done with the match just stop doing things and get yourself out of the match in a way that is not a disconnect. How can the game determine that the match is horribly unwinnable match? I have had a few where the killer was screwing around and kept downing us but what he didn't know is that we kept pushing gens. got them done with distractions and 4 people escaped because the killer wasn't paying attention. because they didn't hook anyone they got crap for points too. to top it off he cried that we cheated some how but nope just worked with each other and did what we needed to do.

    if you're getting 5 hour penalties apparently there is an issue and you might want to think about going to another game if you want to dc that much. i have had a total of 5 dc penalties since the inception, two were for intentionally disconnecting, 2 were for a computer fault that had nothing to do with dbd and the third was a corrupted file that was later re-downloaded via steam. that's since the whole disconnect penalty idea was actually implemented. I have had no more than 10 minutes by my own hand or my computer/network issues.

  • thisisntmax
    thisisntmax Member Posts: 231

    my man the reason why i swap to p3 blendette after some nasty freddy spirit games or hostage docs who want 1hr games is so they get a feel for how boring it is going against that sort of playstyle. like nothing is more mind numbing as killer then w'ing around trying to find people who aren't doing anything, and nothing is more satisfying than escaping or dcing last second when caught to deny bbq stacks. besides, i cant dc instantly vs slingers and spirits anymore, so we have to find fun in the bad games lol