0.16 Gens done on average per match. New stats are likely wrong.

The new stats posted by BHVR show that on average 0.16 gens are done per match. The stats are likely wrong, which means, that the kill stats are likely wrong too.
Why do i post this? Because people will now keep sharing the likely wrong stats and should know that the stats dont make sense.
How do i come to 0.16 gens on average?:
50627522 survivors died, 6765882 escaped. Total number of survivors is 57393404.
57393404 divided by 4 (because there are 4 survivors per game) now you have the number of games: 14348351
2272978 generators were repaired, source: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/comment/1687378#Comment_1687378
Now take the number of generators that were repaired 2272978 and divide it by the number of games 14348351
Now you get 0.158413.... so roughly 0.16 generators beeing repaired per game.
This dosent look like their stats are correct.
p.s. Thanks to @Madjura for first showing me the numbers.
I agree, that stats without context are useless, but i think they are sooooo low that its highly unlikely that the stats are even true. I think its more likely BHVR just screwed up and the stats we got shown arent right at all.
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If we knew that the stats were only from rank 20 games then I think the numbers would still be exceptionally low, but seem much more plausible.
One reason that the data seems to not make sense is that it could be that the individual stats are from different players, the number of generators repaired from games played on Switch and the number of escaped and killed survivors from PS4 for example. In that case the calculations would be obviously wrong as they would be based on completely different games.
With how the data is presented to us however it seems like that both the platform and timeframe of games analyzed are the same, and therefore the number of repaired generators is really that low, in those rounds that the stats are based on.
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It is always easy to ignore stats and claim they are bad if they don't match your beliefs or your role. But the truth of the matter is, stats are most likely accurate and it shows a very bad unbalanced game where one side completely overshadows the other.
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Bruh. That's all I have to say. Bruh.
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I think these stats are using data taken during the duration of the Rift (from the day it opened to the day it closed). If only 0.16 gens are really being done per match, then it sounds like a LOT of Survivors are throwing games to finish their challenges.
Post edited by SnakeSound222 on5 -
I can deal with these stats. I believe there are tons more low rank than high rank players and survivours low rank give up easier. I've been pushed back so far while DC punishments were taken down. Survivours DC right away and everyone following suit. And no one working gens cause dude killed himself right away and we all feel hopeless. This was every match for me, it felt like.
I want a stat of survivour that died on 2nd hook toprove me different, than most kills werent DCs and hook suicides...
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We don't know the context and how these stats are linked together. For example, the sacrifices/escapes might have been collected over a diferrent period/platforms from the completed gens.
That's why conclusions shouldn't be drawn, including statements about whether the stats are correct or not.
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though these stats provided vastly differ from any of my gameplay experience, as survivor and killer, aswell as from any content creators experience ive been witnessing.
0.16 gens repaired on average (given OPs numbers are correct) is exceptionally low and, at least in my (high rank) games, extremely unlikely to ever happen. that would mean that the killers kill all 4 survivors before a single gen is repaired in majority of their games, which cant be right, at least not in high ranks (i know down in the low ranks killers can dominate survivors relatively easily, but even for that 0.16 gens on average seems very low)
even when i, as the killer, absolutely dominate the survivors, they get an average of 2 to 3 gens done. heck, by the time you get your first hook they usually already got a gen done / have multiple progressed to the point where you can only defend one and need to let the others go.
so 0.16 seems very very unrealistic to me and needs to be heavily influenced by lowrank numbers or simply false.
that would imply that eigther the numbers dont say anything about high level play (and should therefore not influence balancing decisions all that much), or that the number 0.16 is wrong and eigther OP or the Devs made a mistake.
your conclusion that killers were way too oppressive is something that is only taken out of these stats, yet does not at all resemble the actual gameplay experience, which is why stats like those can be very dangerous, as they usually get people to draw conclusions from them that might differ greatly from how the game actually is - in low ranks you might be right, that killers are a powerrole that has quite an easy time, but in high ranks that conclusion is the opposite of whats actually going on.
your comment implies that said oppressive role (killers) needs to be nerfed heavily to create a balanced game. it makes sense that you'd think that, but such a decision would probaply end up breaking high rank gameplay.
and high rank gameplay should imo be taken as the balancing standart, as everyone is going to end up there at some point - and i wouldnt like one side being basically invincible / unbeatable after reaching a certain skill level.
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I dont think the gen thing is right either, its way too little gens, the Survival rate being 11% seems a bit too low too, in my experience (both as Red Killer and Survivor) Survival rate is around 20-30% or around.
There is something wrong with the data or the number of sacrifices-escapes is not related to the gen fixing and they dont use the same metric, for example survival using data from the whole year, gens using data from Tome V only or something like that.
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How can you say that when we're given data to us where there's 10+ variables we know nothing about? This info is literally useless.
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In my experience playing solo at red ranks, the killer has a stomping victory 9 out of 10 games. I can switch to killer and it is the opposite. It is not fair to balance for a coordinated SWF team that plays well together because it leaves everyone else out and that's what we have now. I can watch 'content creators' and I see them create a bloodbath every match and when they lose that one game of the entire day they scream "THEY MUST BE SWF!" You shouldn't have to be in a well coordinated team to have a slight chance at beating the killer.
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No way....0.16 gens done on average, sure. I don´t know about you guys, but in my experience it´s not 1 gen for every 8 trials played. LMFAO xD
This would mean that 5gen 4ks are the average . Dam, seems I´m way worse a Killer than I thought I was, I´m so bad I don´t 5gen 4k 7/8 matches as Trapper, Myers and Clown, back to Slasher school for me I guess.
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You do realize most content creators have thousands of hours, meaning its their skill that wins the game, right?
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The new stats are absolutely wonky in my opinion. Even in games I dominate, at least 1-2 Generators (at a minimum) go up. I'm not even sure Potatoe Games, i.e. games where the Survivors and Killers are Ranks 16-20 should even be taken into consideration of any stats. They are, after all, really just in an live tutorial.
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I don't care how biased any "killer main" is; with an 11% survival rate and average of .16 gens done per match, there is no way BHVR would balance/allow such poor survivor performance. Assuming they haven't intentionally manipulated the data to show the game is grossly 1 sided, my best conclusion is that their data collection is flat out broken.
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I´m curious, do you share the experience the data suggests? When you play Survivor, does it take 8 matches to see 1 gen repaired? What rank are you usually, may I ask?
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A survivor doesn't have that luxury of winning with their skill.
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Maybe is due to many Killer side DCs resulting in no generator repaired data.
Anyways is not reflecting anything good... at all.
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Content creators also tend to not post their losses... Otzdarva has had a lot of hella bad games let me tell you. Hell they all get roflstomped throughout the day, they just manage to black pip and stay in reds, thats where the skill lies, its not about killin once you reach rank 1, its about getting that black pip.
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Neither does killer. See how logical my argument is when I just make a claim without any context? Like arguing these stats are a legitimate way of looking at balance in this game?
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yeah, because you can hold m1 and occasionally press space and win the game, but im guessing thats not an issue for you.
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Their Problem is that they include all ranks and so they might be right but just skewed because of bad players. I want to see their actual playerbase and not the survivors who hide in the corner of the map for 90% of the match
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If we assume that exactly one generator was repaired per game we can find the minimum number of games where no generators were repaired. The real number is going to be bigger, because there are games where more than one generator was repaired.
We have 2272978 repaired generators across 14348351 games played, that means there were 12075373 games minimum where no generator was finished.
That is still insane, even if it was only with challenges active. That strongly suggests that the challenges have a massively negative effect on the match quality if you consider a match where no generator was finished to have a low quality.
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Even if it's solely based on active challenges, the generators completed numbers suggest that something isn't being tallied correctly, or that there's some inaccuracy on the number of people given as sacrificed/escaped (and the number of games represented by those numbers) vs. the number of generators given as being completed.
Since the math above seems sound, can you give us more clarification as to why those numbers either do not add up or make any sense to anyone who plays the game regularly? People -- being people, obviously -- WILL jump to conclusions, incorrectly or not, on any data people release. These numbers feel "made up", to be quite honest -- the equivalent of when McDonald's would put on their marquee "Over a billion served" (and yes, I'm old enough to remember those signs, lol). It's seems like it's just hyperbolic marketing and can't be taken at face value at all.
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More fun stats!
2272978 generators were repaired with challenges active, source: https://www.instagram.com/p/CGdNiGpFUvv/ and this post confirming that the stats are only tracked with challenges active:
25042 years were spent doing challenges, source: https://twitter.com/DeadByBHVR/status/1317548449764691968
Riddle time!
If you collect footage from players doing the challenges, and cut the footage so that it has the length of exactly 1 year, how many generators would you expect to see repaired in this footage?
We can get this by calculating the number of generators repaired per year.
Taking the values from above we get:
2272978 generators / 25042 years.
This gives us a value of 90.77 generators per year.
So the answer is, if you cut footage of players doing challenges and made the video one year long and watched all of it, you would expect to see 91 generators repaired.
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If it was that ez, the killrates wouldn't be so high.
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Still the stats are way too low unless having a challenge active makes survivors throw the game on purpose in nearly all instances. Seems a bit fishy. But even if that was the case you could then argue, that the archive challenges have a very very negative impact on the match and we would be better off without them if people want to have good matches.
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That’s what I’m thinking. These stats are way too low to be from normal gameplay.
Or a LOT of Survivors are throwing games just to finish their challenges.
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It could be that the repaired generators are only tracked for survivors who have a challenge active, while the escaped and survived survivor stats come from games where any player has a challenge active.
In that case every survivor would contribute to the dead or escaped statistic, but not necessarily to the number of generators repaired.
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I remember when the devs mentioned they stop sharing stats because pple call the BHVR company cheaters. Then everyone is whining for stats, they post some deep inside informations and? :
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You know why these stats look like this?
I'll bet dollars to donuts it's because games where survivors and killers DC are being included. During the rift, while the DC penality was disabled, this was sort of commonplace. Hell, I would DC to dodge Haddonfield and Ormond on occasion.
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Honestly even taking that into account 0.16 is still too low to be plausible.
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They frequently say that games with DCs arent counted towards stats. I find it hard to believe that they would just 180 that here.
If the stats for games with "gens completed" and "kills" is anyway accurate I can only hope these stats are VERY different to games where no rift is open.
And IF the stats given ARE very different to those for when the Rift is closed then its obvious that the Archives have been very detrimental to the health of the game.
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Read what the devs said on what the stats represent.
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The issue is in DBD there are WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too many variables for stats like this to mean anything at all. What rank were these survivors, what rank were the killers, were there moris, keys, what addons were used, were people memeing were killers memeing were people afk, were people screwed by DC's the list of stuff that makes theses statistics meaningless goes on and on and on.
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So imo one of the few stats that could possibly be at least somewhat accurate is chase time... but even then..and maybe time in between hits.
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I think you’re right. The devs released numbers for totems cleansed (2,121,979) on Twitter and said that it only counted totems cleansed while a totem challenge was active.
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This content has been removed.
No the escape rate makes sense given that ONLY escape archive challenges are counted AND ONLY if the conditions are met.
So the escape as the obsession challenge would go like this to the stats: if you got 11 escapes while doing that challenge but 10 of them you weren't the obsession then only the 11th escape that you did would count and only for 1 escape.
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Why would you assume that the stats are all wrong, rather than assuming that people are just misinterpreting them?
There was absolutely nothing in the previously mentioned stats to suggest that the number of gens repaired and the number of escapes/kills are at all related, or are taken from the same data set. People just assumed.
This is the problem with stats: not the actual numbers but people’s ability to completely misunderstand what they tell you (and what they don’t). The numbers are factual, objectively accurate data. The stats themselves are not the problem.
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From their recent twitter post regarding totems cleansed (if we assume its the same for all challenges) we know it only tracks a metric when the fitting challenge is active. What we dont know is if it only tracks for the challenge user or for all people in the game were at least 1 challenge of that metric is active.
This indeed would mean that we cant compare different numbers with each other.
However it isnt so far fetched that their stats COULD be wrong with the track record of what they say they do and what actually comes out in the end. Also assuming stats are wrong isn't different from assuming they are correct. You cant know if they made a mistake or not so making it sound like its so much more likely that they are correct is pretty disingenuous.
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The recent stats only tracks stuff towards the tome challenges.
That's why the kill numbers are so high. Because of all the killing challenges. Meanwhile, there are very few escape challenges. Very few generator challenges.
This causes any math for these "stats" to come out all wrong.
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I mean when you think about it they're probably not far off at all. Ranks 20-12 or so are incredibly killer-sided, it's a miracle if those survivors get even one gen done sometimes. Then after that it evens out slightly and then at red ranks it's back to more of the same where killers are definitely winning much more than they're losing. I definitely see more killer 3k's and 4k's in my games and on twitch than 1 or 2k's, and I almost never have all survivors escape, that almost never happens anymore.
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Maybe it's not 4k at 5 gens, but for a lot of people I've talked to and seen on twitch, 4k or 3k + hatch is their average kill count. You don't see Scott losing many games. In fact I don't even remember watching a match where he's lost as Blight yet.
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It confuses me how so many people still think these stats are accurate even though it has been confirmed otherwise in the same threads. Guess people don't like reading. No, the survival rate isn't 11%. That would be ridiculous.
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Dude, these stats claim that every 8 games 1 gen gets completed, with the previous 7 having not a single one completed. Is that your experience, too? 5 gens completed would have to be so unbelievably rare that it´s basically impossible to achieve and would be shown as outstandingly sick performance montages on YT only the top 0,001% of players could ever achieve.
With these stats, 4k/3k+ hatch at 5 gens IS the average. I find that very hard to believe.
Regarding Scott, yes he definately has Blight down to a T. Maybe the Killer is due to some nerfs, just like Undying, idk I only played a handful of games for the achievements.
There are also SWF teams that 4e 9/10 matches. What you´re bringing up is just one input of the bigger picture.
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The impression I get is that whoever pulled the stats together for promotion was trying to promote the idea that there was a lot of activity in the game, and not provide a basis for analyzing what that activity was. (Which is a good example of why you shouldn't post meaningless "count" statistics without a stronger context).
But Steam achievements have also taught me that the vast majority of people who buy a video game don't bother to finish even half of it, so it could be that there are a bunch of randoms popping in to play two matches and never be seen again, and that could give us statistics where nothing gets done and everyone dies.
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Eh, who knows where they're pulling these stats from, but if we're being completely honest, the average gen completion is probably not much higher than 2. That's the highest I'd go. And 5 gens completed probably is quite rare if you consider how many people are in the lower ranks where it's very killer sided because survivors have no idea how to play the game yet.
And the swf teams are also just one part of the bigger picture no? There aren't many 4 man SWF groups in the game, it's mainly 2 or 3-man, and they don't escape that often from what I've seen, nor do they even get a lot of gens done in the first place because they're just screwing around because they're bored.
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I mean honestly that value really feels like a good chunk of my solo que matches.
There I am, just trying to do ONE goddamned generator, and my three teammates fling themselves at the Killer like lemmings jumping off a cliff...
Then I proceed to get screamed at for being a bad teammate because I refused to go to the basement they were hooked in because my Spine Chill kicked on with no TR nearby...
This circumstance (or some variation of it) is what usually happens with like 80ish percent of my matches lmfao.