What's your view on DS?
I agree with you.
I also think DS is fine right now. Camping and Tunneling don’t have any downsides unless countered by perks, so I don’t understand all these people that want to nitpick everything about DS and ‘deactivate’ it by touching a gen or healing when they know damn well a good killer will just play around it.
Maybe we should just have them play as survivor without DS or BT against a camping and tunneling killer and see how well it goes for them.
The game is too flawed because of built-in mechanics to further nerf current DS.
Post edited by Johnny_XMan on2 -
It really needs a change, a full minute of immunity is ridiculous given how short matches can be, stacking unbreakable and other second chances on top of that on top of that is flat out ridiculous
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I don’t believe you. Standing in one place like that for 60 seconds and the Survivors haven’t torn through the gens? Either you’re at a low rank or your Survivors SUCK.
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A dev on these forums, I don't remember who, said it was never meant to be an anti-tunnel perk, that is just what the community came up with.
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Decisive Strike is fine if it were guaranteed to only be one per match. It's those matches where you've eaten two and you think the players might be fenagling you into eating one ore even two more that makes it unbearable, especially when stacked with Borrowed Time, Unbreakable paired, or there is an Object of Obsession running around. It acts as a demoralization tool.
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The one thing I want on my survivor but haven't got right now
I know why it's used a lot (another reason I want to get it)
But extremely hard to change at this point ( In My Opinion)
By itself it's way better then before but combining it with other perks makes it a nightmare (not Freddie like yet but close)
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Since you said you quoted the wrong post, I assumed you were replying to my earlier post (the one at 10 AM EST). In that post, I was replying to someone telling me to stay in one place for 60 seconds. So when you said that those strategies work for you, I immediately assumed that you were talking about the standing in place strategy.
Unless you weren’t even replying to me and I’ve got this all wrong?
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DS is a perk that does its job well against bad killers who specifically go out of their way to tunnel people.
DS is also a perk that punishes good killers for being good, because you end chases quickly.
It also rewards good survivors for playing greedy and taking full advantage of the fact they have 60 seconds of immunity. Don't have to heal. Don't have to be afraid. Can just sit on a gen without a care instead of doing the things they should be doing after being unhooked. If you are injured and just got unhooked, you should not be so unafraid of the killer that you just sit on a generator.
The biggest issue is that it seems like it's 2 minutes long by virtue of how long a survivor is both on the hook and the fact that if you unhook the survivor really late in their state, the killer could have ended another chase in that time, then found the injured survivor after being unhooked, or sitting on a gen and being surprised they still have it.
I think Exhaustion perks are more busted than DS, though, because like DS they, too, reward greed and bad play.
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Locker ds is the most scummy thing you can do in dbd
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Alright, as a Killer Main, my opinion is fairly biased, however, hear me out:
In my experience DS has upsides and downsides. In 99% of cases, you see that little Obsession jingle play and you know you're in for a match of pain and torture, especially when you don't even realize that the Survivor you plucked off the ground just now has a knife tucked in her shoe primed to stab you in the gut.
However, I've found a bizarre stroke of luck lately, where my matches have been going rather well, even moreso when DS goes off.
My perk combo of Dying Light and STBFL(Not that this is the topic for perk builds) has the effect of giving the random schmuck who gets the Obsession card relative immunity from my wrath, while everyone else suffers until... WHAM! I get stabbed in the butt and now the former Obsession begins to panic as the new Obsession is let off scot-free, giving me ample pressure on a former player who could afford to get up close and personal, and continuing to build my stacks all around, and even in a renewed sense, as a new Obsession gives me upwards of two hook tokens to slow generators even more.
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I said I don't remember who said it so therefore no source. It wasn't my post and I have no idea if I commented on it. Idc that much to check either. Regardless it was said and thats why I said what I said. I rarely ever even use DS. No reason to lie and if you don't believe me, oh well, it is what it is. 🤷🏼♂️
Idk why devs would say two different things
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Ew decisive strike op please nerf WAAAAAAAAAH
Me no like it when survivors use decisive strike
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I understand the perk and why it exists but there should be actions that deactivate it. If you get off hook and have time to heal up or you think you are safe enough to work a generator it should deactivate.
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in my opinion ds olny gets stupidly strong when you pair it with unbrekable and i dont think they will change that by any mean so i would change some stuff like not being able to do gens with it ( i mean you can, but you lose ds, since you can do gens you are not getting tunneled), locker ds should go aswell. but the 60 secodns timer is pretty much fine...
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If it is an anti tunneling perk why is the duration 60seconds seems a bit excessive I mainly play survivor and don't have the Halloween dlc so I'm not too familiar with it's workings. When I do play killers the one time DS pisses me off is when they use it when the exit gates are open.
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I see DS as a 2 minute immunity its a minute after each hook and the perk need a heavy nerf when you start missing the first time they introduce DS its a problem
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quoting from another post I made about this same thing:
Yes it was. Don't know who lied to you.
"serves the purpose to protect you from being tunneled/ farmed"
source: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/48381/design-decisive-strike#latest
Also if you're talking about what that one dev said, he said its not "purely" for tunneling. So it still is mostly for tunneling, just not only. But for all we know the other use case looks like being farmed if the first source is anything to go by. That quote being twisted is probably the biggest piece of misinformation floating around DBD right now.
"The idea of it being purely to stop tunneling came from the community."
@Zeus saw you asking for a source of the quote so I linked you in to this post. The quote is being twisted by a lot of people to fit their views as stated above.
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Lately I've been playing without it and I'm kind of shocked that there's been so many lobbies full of survivors that don't have it on either/or the killer bringing no obsession perks. Guess how those matches go? The killers always tunnel the person who was unhooked, even if they're saved with BT. I want to continue playing without, but every time there is no obsession, the killer tunnels the unhooked survivor and they're eliminated within minutes. It's a pretty miserable experience. That's why as a solo, I always equip it to at LEAST great an obsession and make the killer try to play around it.
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Yes let's "nerf" MYC because tier 1 MYC with 40 seconds timer is actually STRONGER than 60 second one rofl 😂😂 So that's a good trade for DS nerf actually :)
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Tbh think its fine. If you're tunneling someone you deserve the DS stun. If you're performing so well you can down, hook, then down another survivor all in 60 seconds then you shouldn't need to worry about DS since you're already outperforming the survivors.
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That's the problem, I sometimes play Bubba and down everyone including the unhooked in a short while (happened to me cause they were all on a gen) and get stunned
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Okay you down 4 people and hook 3 whats the problem? You did great so DS isn't really a worry
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I'm not twisting sh*t, the op asked if it was an anti-tunnel perk and the dev said NO. When the perk was first created, it was not meant to be an anti-tunnel perk. You could tell just by how it functioned. It clearly got reworked and it does help with tunneling. I am glad you cared enough to dig up that info. Now me, I don't care that much... I rarely even use DS. I don't even play DBD as much as I used to... I was just passing on info that was NOT twisted to fit my narrative.
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Considering Popgoes is getting nerfed because the killer can "have it for too long", I think DS should be reduced as well, because it's the same duration as Popgoes.
In all seriousness, DS is obviously too strong. It's the kind of perk that can even do something if it's not here, because the killer can assume you are running it. 1 DS in a game is not a big deal in my opinion, but more than 1 DS is problematic. Most of the time, you can have DS for so long that it allows cocky plays. If you ignore the survivor with DS while he is trying to get your attention, he is losing his time, but in general he will also just see that you ignore him and will mind his own business, making DS an immunity. It rewards bad plays most of the time.
I personally don't play DS as I feel comfortable without it, I'd rather have this perk slot for something else, but I also can see if people are running it to punish tunnelers. DS should be balanced as an anti-tunneling perk, and in its current state, it's more like an immunity perk. One good solution I've seen is to reduce its timer to 30s, but pause the timer if you are getting chased. This way you can't play cocky if the killer simply don't want to chase you, and still punish him if he decides to tunnel you once you are unhooked. I've also seen people say that the timer should disable once the survivor touches a gen, I think it's a bit brutal and I would rather make the timer go down faster, instead of instantly.
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Pop was 1 minute and the devs idea "we saw that killer can do other things and still have it" same goes for DS, you can fully heal, do 2 gens (if already worked on) and cleanse totem, that's doing objectives while still having it, it's a dumb way of thinking but it makes senses, 1 minutes is too much? No, it's more than enough and at least you know you can still have some pressure over the map!
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its fine on its own, but annoying when paired with unbreakable and/or soul guard
im usually never hit by ds, but on the off chance i am it was just bad luck (i dont tunnel)
still tho i wouldnt mind if it got nerfed to only be anti-tunnel, but them buffed to excel at it (like not having the timer decrease while being chase, slugged, etc)
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- It wasnt reverted to 3 seconds or nerfd to 5 when its interaction with Enduring was removed
- Thematically, becoming the obsession is a drawback or negqwtive consequence of using DS, in reality Survivors dont care about being the obsession unless they get rancor'd. This might be more of a "Obsession" problem than DS' tho.
As alreqady stated, the 60 seconds gve too much freedom to survivors to do stuff unrelated to tunneling and still benefit from this perk. ( Remember Potw gets nerfed because of this reason)
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Just ask Siri to set a 60 second timer. It ain't that deep, sis.
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Mori is best counterplay, It rewards poor play on the survivor end, I've seen far too many ds users act like cocky gremlins, only to then get their team killed later on (I only mori if they use it)
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I eat 10 DS with a glass of milk during breakfast, 15 DS at lunch with a mix of deadhard and yummy pallet stuns, then I eat 5 object of obsessions with 14 DS and 2 sprint bursts. Before I go to bed I like to take a small snack, usually 3 deliverance and 5 DS works pretty well for me.
My stomach is full after a long day of work in the realm
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frankly, it needs to just be deleted from the game. I really can't see a way to make it balanced. it's a free escape and killer stun as a reward for getting caught. just change the perk so it makes existing stuns last longer or something, then move on. as is, the whole game and meta is designed around it, and that's no good.
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Calm down, I never accused you of twisting it. There are those in the community that are and that's leading to the misinformation. I specifically said "people" not "this guy". General use my dude, context.
Also the devs didn't say "NO" as far as I know. DS was always intended to be anti-tunnel, anti-camp, and anti-farm. They talked about the original version not lining up with their intentions, which was one of the reasons they changed it to begin with.
Devs never said no, they said the opposite as far as I have seen. They said yes. Now if one of them does say "no" now, they'll be contradicting themselves.
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Old DS should never be back 4 old DS in swf was game breaking.
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Meta is meta for a reason. No other perks live up to the meta perks. Killers are gonna punish you for not running them (tunneling, camping).