I just want from xmas

A new non trap based or proyectile and please no power underwhelming like the blight with worse turning rate than Oni being oni one hit knock down.
You do realize blight is like nurse in terms of skill and is like spirit in terms of power right?
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I guess it doesn't matter what the killer is, since based on how you described Blight, you're obviously not going to put any effort into learning them.
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Idk which surv do you play mine just turn around and evade it.
I want a power useful in chase. Rush isnt
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Ive tried and all I need to say its turn is ######### hilarious.
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Ah yes, you just "turn around and evade it." All my 4ks say otherwise. Almost like it's not that easy. But I guess if you're trying to curve him like Oni it's small wonder you don't land hits.
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a new map... many new maps
so I don’t keep getting sent to variations AutoHaven and MacMillan 70 out of 100 matches😔
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his power only works when survivor cant turn on an obstacle Im glad you all are pro blight but some people aren't such much.
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That would be a nice addition.
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Its for map pressure and between tiles for most blights, for god tier blights they can bounce during chase, just seems like you aren't good enough.🤷♂️
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I can bounce during a chase but what you do on a tile?
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Either run it m1 killer style or gain enough skill to bounce through it although its very hard
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Depends on the tile, the angle you and the survivor are approaching it from, the debris outside the tile, and in some cases how predictable the survivor is. I ran around the entirety of the Badham main building and got a hit on a survivor who ran away from me because I knew she was just gonna vault out the main window, for example. I ran around the long way. It's much harder to use on really tight tiles or things like jungle gyms, but it's not impossible at all. With some turning add-ons it actually becomes trivial because umbra salts is almost like a top knot for Blight, but even without any turning add-ons you can get some real good angles just from using a bounce or two to position yourself and then using your lunge to immediately change direction on a dime.
Basically unless you're in a hallway or are baiting a dead hard, coming at a survivor from directly behind them is going to be your weakest method of attack, because it's a lot easier to dodge that. Still hard if the Blight has fast reaction times and isn't a potato who does a long lunge, but most of the time you want to come from an awkward angle (which is easy because you have several rush tokens) that makes dodging much harder. But even then, as long as you're not using your power and failing over and over again inside a strong tile, recovering from a whiff is super easy as Blight, he's so relentless. You can just keep going. It actually makes the shredded notes add-on really strong, because with 1 less token to recover on top of token regeneration rate being increased, you have almost no downtime. So even if you're really bad you can still always make up the distance rapidly.
He's also incredible at just walking away from a tile, which a survivor will obviously want to leave ASAP to get back to doing whatever, and then catching them off guard as they're no longer deep within the bowls of the jungle gym, even though frankly you should be able to put people down as a basic M1 killer in a jungle gym fairly quickly most of the time, it's still faster to get them out altogether.
Keep in mind, all of this "it's easy" talk is assuming you understand every tile fairly well, understand how to properly use Blight's power and have the sufficient reaction time required to really be able to outmaneuver survivors, etc. A lot of assumptions, but Blight rewards you for both game knowledge and just plain reflex/skill. It's very satisfying because it puts everything about playing DBD to the test in one package.
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Not as busted as spirit, but yeah he's up there with Oni and Billy.