Survivor Rulebook?

I've laughed so many times when a killer tells me about this. I play killer and this Rulebook thing, I've actually never learned it.
Before all the salty ones comment, I play survivor and killer. Yes I know both sides. No, no one has explained any rules to me. I just get bombarded with " Rulebook Killer/Survivor" like what is that?
Thank youu
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Survivor rulebook for killers:
The notion that Killers must prioritize survivor's enjoyment before their own. Killers that cannot be easily countered are not allowed. Moris are gay. You must pick a survivor up immediately after downing them regardless of if they have DS or not. Killers must chase a survivor who teabags or clicky clickys. Camping and Tunneling make you a virgin, you must tolerate any racial slurs you receive, and ensure that the survivors always pip.
Killer rulebook for survivors:
The notion that survivors must prioritize killer's enjoyment before their own. Perks or strategies that cannot be easily countered aren't allowed. Keys are gay. You must never run DS under any circumstance. Survivors must never teabag or clicky clicky. Gen rushing and doing bones make you a virgin, you must tolerate any racial slurs you receive, and ensure that the killer always pips.
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So basically no one's wins and everyone still complains? Alright. I have it memorized 🤣
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On the forums it's a term to shut down discussion.
For some players, it's a way to demean and belittle other players.
For sensible people it's "Don't be a colossal douche to me, because I'm not to you. Please" type of deal.
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I only agree with the keys and moris part, they both kinda wuss weapons ngl, also people gonna get mad you used gay as an insult for keys and moris so gl
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I'm with the sensible part of players. So, this really clears things up.
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I mean if you play toxic towards me i can just make sure you die, aka face camping with michael while holding stalk, which makes people think im waiting to grab thn i pop tier 3 and slug
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Rulebook is a meme name for honour codex. Back in the days dbd was very easily exploitable. OG Sabo, real infinites and many more op things. And the "rulebook" was a "do or don't do". Like: Don't use infinite windows/Don't use a infinite window more than 1+ or respect the 4% because it's only 4%. Don't sabo hooks or you bleed out. Don't use noed bc it's bad designed, unfair and only for noobs. Don't tunnel. Don't use Sprint Burst.
SB had a 40 secs cooldown, tunneling has no counter at all ( No BT, DS or anything). A sabo'ed hook stayed destroyed. And because al lthose things were very annoying on one side people created a honour codex aka the survivor/killer rulebook for killer/survivor.
Killer and Survivor back then were way more "different camps". It was way more idk how to describe. Like cold war or sth like that. I remember that survivor did not sabo anything bc they knew killer don't want that. But from time to time new players came in and found out how strong it is so the whole survivor base started sabo'ing again. In that case every killer ran OG iron Grasp and Agitation or they let everyone bleed out. In the end one by another game killer punished any survivor by letting all bleeding out. And so survivor stopped abusing it... for a while.
And that's just one examble. Back in the days DbD wasn't fair or fixed at all. So the honour code helped the whole community to make it through the old days. Nowadays there is way more content, the game is way more fair and not broken in any possible way. And there are way more new players than veterans so the honour codex is now known as a meme "the rulebook" to make jokes about people making rules for other players about literally anything.
So yea. Thats why
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See now that's not nice. And it gives no blood points so why you 😭
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I don't make any rules when I play. I just hope it's fun and I don't get caught first 😭
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Well, like I said. It was about mutual respect.
If one side throws out manners, then I don't see why the other wouldn't.
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Nowadays I also play however I like to. Wasn't easy to give up the honour code. Now the devs have to take care about very unhealthy and unfun things.
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Yeah, I feel more bad for devs than anyone
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I hope the dbd community can take a joke...
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as for a survivor rule book and the majority attitude on the subject I'd like to direct you here.
If you're talking about the survivor rule book for killers, I still haven't found or read it
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I play both sides that rules throw it away or tear it up it bull ######### trash
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See, I only camp if the person I hooked has been problematic. I won't tolerate overly toxic behaviors, like teabagging at every palette or excessive/broken body blocking. So I hook, camp, and anyone that tries to rescue will get slugged until the problem is delt with. Their more than welcome to pick the others up - I won't hook them until normal at resumes. I've lost all but one survivor doing this, but I'm ok with that. As long as the issue dies, I'm happy.